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Italian Regime decides on ending exile of Royal Family

Agostinho Neto

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Umberto Emanuele III di Savoia, heir of the House of Savoy

The Republican Military Government decided today to lift a ban on the members of the royal family returning from exile, paving the way for a possible homecoming by heir to the throne of the House of Savoy. Analysts welcomed the government's move to amend two half-century-old constitutional clauses, which barred the House of Savoy entering Italy as punishment for abandoning the country in wartime.

"It is important that the Republican Military Government turn over a page of history," said General Junio Borghese. He said the exile had lasted too long and that the Savoys' return was "absolutely right".

Italy will remain a republic and the Savoys will be expected to renounce politics and any claim to former royal properties - although not a passion for guns, women and football. Mr Emanuele was nine years old when he sailed from Naples in 1946 to follow his father, Umberto II, Italy's last king, into exile after Italians chose a republic over a monarchy in a referendum. A constitutional amendment two years later barred their return.

The Savoys ruled parts of Italy and France from the 11th century and the unified Italian state from 1871, but the family name turned to mud during the reign of Umberto's father, Vittorio Emanuel III, who brought Italy to the defeat in the Second World War. Fleeing Rome in 1943 generated a contempt which still endures. The Savoys moved to a lakeside villa in Switzerland and have lobbied successive governments to lift the constitutional ban.

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"The Democratic State of Cascade applauds this move, we hope that the Italian people accept this move, for Italy's loss in the Second World War was mostly due to Il Duce, Mussolini who brought the nation to its defeat due to his megalomanic ambition to rebuild the Roman Empire and to rival his 'ally' Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. We hope the Savoys and Junio Borghese rule Italy wisely together."-Wallace Jones, Foreign Minister.

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Transvaal publicly says nothing but in private discussion with the Italian ambassador, our viewpoint is that this is a 'soft' move which democratic fundimentalists however might seize on as indicating a weakening of Borghese's rule. Unless Signore Borghese plans to co-opt the monarchist to boost his own power, in which case we are all for it.

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While Euzkadi is not partial to monarchists we applaud the Borghese regimes decision to allow the return of the Savoy family to their ancestral homeland. We hope this move will signify a growing tolerance on the part of the Borghese to not only traditional political factions on the right but eventually on the left was well.

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Transvaal publicly says nothing but in private discussion with the Italian ambassador, our viewpoint is that this is a 'soft' move which democratic fundimentalists however might seize on as indicating a weakening of Borghese's rule. Unless Signore Borghese plans to co-opt the monarchist to boost his own power, in which case we are all for it.

In the private discussion, the Italian ambassador assured the royal family will never be involved in the political life of the country or any political initiative, not even pro-Borghese initiatives. In exchange of the lift to the constitutional ban, the Prince took an oath of loyality to the Republic and the Republican Military Government. The move should be considered cultural and revisionist rather than political, and while it might be seen as indicating a weakening of Borghese's regime, on the contrary, Junio Borghese extended its influence to the House of Savoy who ruled in Italy since the 11th century.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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