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Italy to begin enriching Uranium

Agostinho Neto

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The Tahoe Republic is appalled that Molakia would continue its aggressive and paranoid behavior by accusing Tahoe of interefering in European affairs.

OOC: Classified message is classified. How do you know what the courier said face to face with an Italian? You don't.

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Agreed. Tahoe is one of the oldest nations in CNRP - if not the oldest - therefore they should be entitled to meddle wherever they please.

"Just because a nation is one of the longest-established does not give it the right to meddle wherever it pleases if it can't tolerate meddling on its own continent."

OOC: Since it was declared secret, I'm only responding to Botha... :P

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"Just because a nation is one of the longest-established does not give it the right to meddle wherever it pleases if it can't tolerate meddling on its own continent."

Tahoe has a history of political and economical stability, our economies are tied by a very long partnership since the establishment of the Italian Republic and they have all the rights to express concern, approval or support in our future projects.

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Tahoe has a history of political and economical stability, our economies are tied by a very long partnership since the establishment of the Italian Republic and they have all the rights to express concern, approval or support in our future projects.

OOC: You realize you just admitted publicly that Tahoe helped you, when they wanted it to be secret... :P

IC: Not if they won't tolerate such interference on their own continent, they don't.

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Not if they won't tolerate such interference on their own continent, they don't.

"Such interference" almost escalated in a thermonuclear conflict, and since our allies are not coward backstabbers, they do support us even if we are ten thousand miles far away. Italian affairs are Italian, not Australian or Molakian, and we decide who can meddle in our affairs, and Promised Land is not in the list.

I think this debate is fading into useless chit-chat because of the incapability to justify a military or diplomatic action against us, and this is just another step into the affirmation of our sovereignty and independence. Once again we inform Molakia our Nuclear Program will not be canceled or altered, there is nothing to discuss about. You are talking about our Nuclear Program.

OOC: The technology trade between Italy and Tahoe is a completely public matter

Edited by Junio Borghese
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Agreed. Tahoe is one of the oldest nations in CNRP - if not the oldest - therefore they should be entitled to meddle wherever they please.
"Just because a nation is one of the longest-established does not give it the right to meddle wherever it pleases if it can't tolerate meddling on its own continent."

OOC: Since it was declared secret, I'm only responding to Botha... :P

Like the people from Promised Land said, age does not equal right. Just because Tahoe is old doesn't give it the right to interfere in the affairs of another continent, especially when they so adamantly protect their own continent from foreign influence of any kind. Frankly we don’t give a damn what weapons the Italians have or who supplies them. Ours will always be better.

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Due to the Internal Conflict in Molakia, The Molakian Senate has overwhelmingly voted to block Deployments of troops outside the borders of Molakia. While Non Binding, Failure by the Tsarina to follow this vote could result in a motion of No Confidence and Forced Abdication.

Molakian Senate Minority Leader

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Agreed. Tahoe is one of the oldest nations in CNRP - if not the oldest - therefore they should be entitled to meddle wherever they please.

"Wrong. Its longevity as a nation does not give Tahoe the right to meddle wherever it pleases. It can do that freely because it is powerful and has powerful allies. There was a time when there were no communist or socialist nations in this world, because Tahoe destroyed every one whose people decided upon such a system, and there was no one to challenge them because no one was powerful enough, except Imperial Wellington which didn't care. A tyrant will keep tyrannizing until it is stopped.

Age has nothing to do with it."

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