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TPF and Frostbite- End of Party

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I want to make it clear that earlier Llanowar and I had a discussion and we came to agreement on something and yet that too does NOT reflect the views of Frostbite. Take us at face value, we are acting out of our own accord!

Actually the discussion we had involved me believing there could be a larger plot in the works, but heh i am a cynical person. VERY cynical. Anyways, Heinous you need to stop now. You are continuing this when there is no need. Be rational. Stop the crap.

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Actually the discussion we had involved me believing there could be a larger plot in the works, but heh i am a cynical person. VERY cynical. Anyways, Heinous you need to stop now. You are continuing this when there is no need. Be rational. Stop the crap.

I actually didn't say what we talked about. Why did you offer that to the public? How can I trust you now Llano????

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Actually the discussion we had involved me believing there could be a larger plot in the works, but heh i am a cynical person. VERY cynical. Anyways, Heinous you need to stop now. You are continuing this when there is no need. Be rational. Stop the crap.

I understand, sometimes being suspicious is a good thing :P I'm not quite sure what you were seeing but I assure you that TPF is not involved in any grand scale plots or schemes.

I actually didn't say what we talked about. Why did you offer that to the public? How can I trust you now Llano????

I really am not sure what your motives are but you should really decide what it is you want. Do you want to go to war by your self with TPF? Do you want FB to war with TPF? Do you want peace? Hug? What? :lol1:

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I understand, sometimes being suspicious is a good thing :P I'm not quite sure what you were seeing but I assure you that TPF is not involved in any grand scale plots or schemes.

I really am not sure what your motives are but you should really decide what it is you want. Do you want to go to war by your self with TPF? Do you want FB to war with TPF? Do you want peace? Hug? What? :lol1:

All I wanted was a certain TPF nation to get over it. Kind of like how the rest of us had to. Then it turned into a forum slug match and I never walk away from one of those. Far too entertaining. It has pretty much run its course now though.

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I have talked with HeinousOne, in our conversation revealed that like many in FB, he needed some back history about political situations in TE and how it came to the situation that we were in, why we ended the war, and TPF's history.

A good part of this entire thread centers around TPF's ignorance of FB, and FB's ignorance of TPF.

All that being said, I think everything that needs to be said, has been said. I actually enjoyed my conversation with him in IRC. I think at the end of the day we can all take a lesson away from this thread. Namely that understanding each other before we go after each other is something we should all sit back and think about before posting, especially to the OWF.

Edit: So let's end this damn thread.

Edited by Gabryal
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All I wanted was a certain TPF nation to get over it. Kind of like how the rest of us had to. Then it turned into a forum slug match and I never walk away from one of those. Far too entertaining. It has pretty much run its course now though.

Excellent, glad to here it. I see Kat has went Rogue and changed AA's so that is resolved. As far as people getting over any thing, Lochs point of us getting nuked, not just GA's or even cm's but Nuked, which you can't do till 24 hours after declaration, sure appears to be a sucker punch. I for one didn't see it as a threat to the peace for FB and TPF, I just considered those nations Rogue and would expect our guys to destroy them given the destructive nature of the nuke. I'm sure the nation's launching expect to be retaliated against.

I personally believe you have a great leader in Caustic. He has great vision and truthfully high hopes for FB.

I certainly would not mind putting all this behind us, excluding the rogues as defined. I hope FB and TPF can

be friendly towards each other. If we need to war first to make that happen, hey this is TE, I'm good with that

as well.

If you guys want to decide, just let us know. Either way is fine, lets just have fun doing it, whatever you decide.

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Doesn't matter because he went beyond pointing out that individual and went so far as to try and paint Frostbite as dishonorable because of it.

He is using that as an attempt to propagandize against frostbite for possible further action.

I actually couldn't care LESS about Frostbite .....

..... the propaganda against Frostbite was of their own doing - by your own members.

  • Firstly Skippy & Caustic try to insult our (Steve's) intelligence by claiming his strike was an error
    • He then admits to a footstomping reaction because he lost his infra :wacko:

    • Then this p2665088.png

Looks to me that Frostbite are more than capable of showing us all how dishonourable they are on their own.

I think you should probably expect a few rogue actions to happen afterwards.

  • Correct, but 6 Nukes and an attempted cover up
  • No promised apology from these Nations
  • In-Game threats such as the one above - of further Nuclear Action
    • Doesn't wash I'm afraid

My posts stated facts only,

I understand that when someone seems to imply that your alliance is dishonourable that it hurts - and, quite rightly you jump to it's defence.

However, look again at the facts, - Frostbite members dissed Frostbite - I merely pointed that out - disappointing, since I expected more professionalism.

As for BigKat - well, he seems to think that threatening people on the OWF, then attacking them in-game is Cool - p2095745.gif .....

..... maybees Frosbite is better off without yet ANOTHER member embarrassing you

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Why is TPF "defending" a nation that changed AAs? And Lochiel, I don't know who supposedly sent you that PM, but why do you put any faith whatsoever in it? You are showing a SUPPOSED PM dated *today*, saying that something is going to happen in the future...But then using it for proof of something that you say already happened. You were saying some really ugly things about Frostbite and I had enough. People like you think they can pop off and hide behind others who will fight for them. I can tell by your whining that you dont like to fight unless you can walk over someone. You kept on by saying something naughty about me. I don't think it's cool "threatening" people on the OWF, but I did back up what I said. I also don't think that it is very cool to pull the shenanigans that you did, and use a bunch of symbols that represent curse words. You took this discussion to a low level. And now you will suffer the consequences. Can you explain why you switched AAs?

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So basically you'd like me to just let my loss of infra and nukes go un punished? Sure, that sounds perfectly reasonable.

Believe what you want, but next time you attack someone with nukes, don't complain when they are used when attempts are made against them to take them down.

Well yeah...thats the point of peace, you don't think there was members of TPF that took a hit but still followed orders as requested.

Your honor is lacking, your judgment is faulted, and your crimes will not go unpunished ;)

Point out what you see as "lies" then? I don't see any. I'm saying it as it is

Also, I seem to recall that in most wars, if someone spies away a nuke, it is equal to actually using a nuke, and is usually retaliated with nuclear force if the war wasn't nuclear already.

How do you figure that? 150 infra, planes, land and tech equall far more than the cost of a nuke that was done durning the time of WAR,

When your nukes were fired after TPF gave White Peace...What i considered the honorable thing to do and you could have lost a lot more than that.

As the leader of Coinneach Odhar, if you post one more time questioning the integrity of my alliance you will see nothing but (more) anarchy for the remainder of Round 7. That is not a Frostbite threat, but a personal promise. If you have any doubts that I will back it up, then ignore my warning. If there is a problem with an individual member, we will handle it. And any communication that needs to take place will be done thru diplomatic channels. Stop your whining.

No worries I backed him, you can deal with me as well...I'm calling you unhonorable, and every other member of FB that hit my members after the peace was given because they wanted

to throw a temper tantrum fit!!!

Did you ever try to stop a car doing 120mph in less than 30 feet? That is what you should expect to happen when you have a 3 hour war in a 24 hour cycle. Some nations are not going to get the message and there will be warring actions after the "peace " was achieved. You are all being unrealistic in your expectations in a complete succession of hostilities in that short time frame.

Problem is, the WAR never got up to 120 mph...maybe 40 or 50 mph but no where close to being able to stop nukes that take 24 hrs to fire off in the first place.

Notice how not one single TPF nation fired a nuke at FB...could not have been to hard to stop it if we could do it :P

Nope, i understand your frustration all too well. There are just better ways of going about dealing with it. Like perhaps talking to your government/leaders in a MATURE rational manner. That would go a LONG way to start.

This man speaks the truth...Very wise, you sir are in the top league.


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Why is TPF "defending" a nation that changed AAs? And Lochiel, I don't know who supposedly sent you that PM, but why do you put any faith whatsoever in it? You are showing a SUPPOSED PM dated *today*, saying that something is going to happen in the future...But then using it for proof of something that you say already happened. You were saying some really ugly things about Frostbite and I had enough. People like you think they can pop off and hide behind others who will fight for them. I can tell by your whining that you dont like to fight unless you can walk over someone. You kept on by saying something naughty about me. I don't think it's cool "threatening" people on the OWF, but I did back up what I said. I also don't think that it is very cool to pull the shenanigans that you did, and use a bunch of symbols that represent curse words. You took this discussion to a low level. And now you will suffer the consequences. Can you explain why you switched AAs?

Well i'm also saying some bad things about you, and i'm sure i won't be the last...you think you can just fight everyone that thinks your wrong or disagrees with you or

members in your AA, you would be fighting all of TE at some point in time or another.

Also its easy to pick on a guy that is way less in NS than you and getting over 2 nukes fired on him, try picking on someone your own size.


Edited by Burning Glory
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Also its easy to pick on a guy that is way less in NS than you and getting over 2 nukes fired on him, try picking on someone your own size.


Actually BG, you are twice my nation strength, so you are a hypocrit, aren't ya tough guy? ;) And your boy was quite a bit bigger than me. Until I whittled him down to size. After I declared on him. You wanna play the bully go ahead. I don't fight everybody, just jerks like whatshisname. And now you. Kisses. -BK-

PS- There are still some slots open, and I'm not in anarchy yet. Kinda disappointed in ya.

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[15:01] <Skippy[sTA]> Lochiel jumps the TPF AA and Skippy goes in for the kill!

[15:01] <Skippy[sTA]> He shoots he scores!!!!

[15:01] <Skippy[sTA]> The crowd goes wild!!!

^^ Just says it all right there

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All right, I'll give my final analysis and let it stand

*Loch has every right to be angry and persue justice as he sees it

*HeinousOne had every right to express his grievances and stopped directly after I had a 1 on 1 conversation with him, because he's bright enough to realize he didn't understand everything that was going on.

*Caustic has told me personally that anyone who attacks/nukes/etc TPF nations after the peace was declared is to be "dogpiled" by TPF without FB interference, this is more or less how TPF would handle the situation of an unruly/dishonorable member of our own alliance, except possibly BG would say that WE would do the dismantling

*All nations that have nuked or attacked TPF since the white peace was declared are to be "dog piled" by agreement from TPF gov and FB gov. I interpret that as these nations have gone rogue. If I'm mistaken in that analysis, please have Caustic contact me.

*Every nation on both sides fought well and honorably, any slight against anyone that didn't break the white peace, and stood down when ordered is top notch in my book ( special shout out to ironman who could have given me one helluva a fight, but instead peaced out immediately ). Obviously I'm not including the above mentioned rogues in this topic.

*While it is against FB policy to have treaties, I recommend as someone who has seen TE politics ( which are very different than SE politics simply because the amount of war involved ) that you at least have friends. TPF is always willing to welcome friends even if they do not wish to be allies. I offer FB government to set up an embassy with us at http://tpfte.info/index.php just go to the Diplomatic Registration section

*Can we end this now? Is there any topic I didn't cover?

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I was recently told that because I peaced out my wars, basically apologized and admitted my faults, I'd be left alone. I attacked Lochiel when he wasn't in TPF's AA, yet they still see me as a rogue. Explain that one buddy

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I was recently told that because I peaced out my wars, basically apologized and admitted my faults, I'd be left alone. I attacked Lochiel when he wasn't in TPF's AA, yet they still see me as a rogue. Explain that one buddy

basically apologized? Elaborate please

Give me the date you nuked one of our nations

Give me a reasonable excuse as to why you nuked one of our nations

Ignore the AA issue, it's a joke, everyone knows it, and you knew for sure that the person you were hitting was TPF, stop using that line.

If we really have to get into this here, then we can, but I'd prefer anywhere but in OWF.

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and use a bunch of symbols that represent curse words.

Aw - I offended you with a mistake

As I was writing the post I addressed you as BigPussy, instead of BigKat - and it was filtered as a swear word.

So, why didn't it filter this time ?

There are ways round filters ....

BigP[font="Times New Roman"]u[/font]ssy

.... sorry for any offence BK

.... and since I did that - I won't tell anyone that you're '
' about me having been bigger than you

Edited by Lochiel
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Well i'm also saying some bad things about you, and i'm sure i won't be the last...you think you can just fight everyone that thinks your wrong or disagrees with you or

members in your AA, you would be fighting all of TE at some point in time or another.

So, why didn't it filter this time ?

There are ways round filters ....

BigP[font="Times New Roman"]u[/font]ssy

.... sorry for any offence BK

.... and since I did that - I won't tell anyone that you're lying about me having been bigger than you

Why is it some members of TPF insist on writing...

like this? When clearly

it's much easier to just write in paragraphs like normal people do.

...It's incredibly annoying, please stop.

Also, I'm with you Hisk, if someone drops their AA then they pretty much forfeit all protection from that alliance in my eyes. Anyway, congrats to TPF & FB on peace? :unsure:

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That is basically the argument I put across, and even after 4 hours, some (not all of them) still wouldn't see it that way. Even when the facts were put right infront of them, it was still denied. Aparantly I "knew he was still TPF,"

How am I supposed to know that? He wasn't in the AA (don't know if he still is), I'm perfectly in the right to attack him.

Oh, and for the record, I don't take being called a liar lightly, you had your chance to take it back, and you stuffed it up. So just wait 24 hours (about 12 now) for a nice little present Lochiel.

After this though, my quarrel is not with TPF, but only with Lochiel, the rest of you attacking me won't get the present.

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Aw - I offended you with a mistake

As I was writing the post I addressed you as BigPussy, instead of BigKat - and it was filtered as a swear word.

So, why didn't it filter this time ?

There are ways round filters ....

BigP[font="Times New Roman"]u[/font]ssy

.... sorry for any offence BK

.... and since I did that - I won't tell anyone that you're '
' about me having been bigger than you

Obviously you showed that there is no mistake on your part since you demonstrated how you avoided the filter, and I wasn't mistaken about your NS prior to my attacks. Your insistence in trying to argue a minor point to save face proves that my instincts were right about you ;)

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Obviously you showed that there is no mistake on your part since you demonstrated how you avoided the filter

I hadn't noticed it had been filtered OR that I'd got the wrong name - I only noticed when you complained

.... tbh, I give up

This is definitely my last post on the thread

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