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TPF and Frostbite- End of Party

The Wizard of Oz

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It was short and it was fun but this party is over. TPF and Frostbite have agreed to white peace.

All battles are to stop. You can't do a group hug with a rifle in your hand. That is all.




Edited by The Wizard of Oz
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While it was a short lived fun WAR, WE are giving White peace to FB.

With the current state of affairs, I do not feel it appropriate to continue attacking FB.

WE at TPF wish them the best!


Edited by Burning Glory
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I enjoyed our fight with Frostbite as well, congratulations to the people I was at war with, stalwart defense and good offense. You definitely are top notch.

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it was brief but fun. o/ Frostbite

I know the word has gone out to everyone in TPF to send peace to Frostbite. I hope someone in authority in Frostbite tells their members to accept. It would be a shame to make this unfortunate situation worse by people refusing to accept peace.

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it was brief but fun. o/ Frostbite

I know the word has gone out to everyone in TPF to send peace to Frostbite. I hope someone in authority in Frostbite tells their members to accept. It would be a shame to make this unfortunate situation worse by people refusing to accept peace.

Agreed, and any nation not excepting peace is subject to further attacks with our Defense team and current war squads.


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it was brief but fun. o/ Frostbite

I know the word has gone out to everyone in TPF to send peace to Frostbite. I hope someone in authority in Frostbite tells their members to accept. It would be a shame to make this unfortunate situation worse by people refusing to accept peace.

This was discussed last night, with a pending decision. The decision has been made and the leader of Frostbite has been PM'd to this. I am sure there will always be a few that don't listen, but I do believe that Frostbite's leadership will have no problems getting the word out. The Phoenix hunger has been satisfied, "for now". :P

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it was brief but fun. o/ Frostbite

I know the word has gone out to everyone in TPF to send peace to Frostbite. I hope someone in authority in Frostbite tells their members to accept. It would be a shame to make this unfortunate situation worse by people refusing to accept peace.

Send this link - http://tinyurl.com/White-Peace - as a reason for peace ....

.... it fits and can be used by both sides

Round 7 = Total Farce <_<

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Rodentia Dominatus joins our friends at TPF in offering white peace..

quick fight but good:):)

o7 all!!!

Ok, good to know. Was wondering about that and just assumed that you guys were peacing out too.

Sent my RD guys a peace offer already.

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I'm working on it, our PM lists are old so Im having to manually go through and fix them up

I just got home and on irc so Ill see what I can accomplish


-Emperor of FB

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i was more talking to frostbite.war slots are not free.
ok.just have not seen much peace yet but i understand.


Dude. :D Deep breath ;) Jest takes time.

I don't expect any of the three I am engaged with to respond until 0400 (my time) tomorrow... LOL :D

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