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xR1 Fatal Instinct

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You caught me :unsure:

To remain on topic, Where do you see yourselves in 2 months?

In 2 months I plan to setup aid pacts on red between alliances. I also hope to become a more political power on Red and to work closely with other dominate red alliances.

Why did you, as minister of retards, leave with so much retard work undone in Invicta?

I left that work to my noob, m6redneck. And look where he is now.

Edited by xR1 Fatal Instinct
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I must say xR1 Fatal Instinct, good answer.

Q: What, if any, are your goals in terms of alliance growth?

We hope to be over 100k NS in our first month of existence.

How did you find a shadow large enough to fit a legion?

Queue's up for some insults...

So far no insults.

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To be or not to be what?

Be as in the state of being. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them, that is the question at hand.

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You caught me :unsure:

To remain on topic, Where do you see yourselves in 2 months?

Disbanded...or in a new micro alliance.

Who are you and why should we care?

You Shouldn't.

Why do you think this alliance will survive out of the hundreds of other micro-alliances that came into existence last few weeks?

Also, how much experience do you have with leading an alliance?

It won't. And He has plenty of experience leading micro Alliances...He's been through about 7 now.

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Disbanded...or in a new micro alliance.

You Shouldn't.

It won't. And He has plenty of experience leading micro Alliances...He's been through about 7 now.

Seriously scythe. Grow up and act your age.. Your what 20? Instead of trying to get me to flame you back and to get me in trouble go find something else to do. Also you say you don't care about me. I'm starting to think its obvious you do if you take a few minutes out of your day to make sure to flame me.

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