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Return of the Reich

Otto Verteidiger

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OOC: That's bogus. Previous history has shown time and again to matter. Look at JED's RP with RV's old land, or Sargun's with LVN's old land. Previous history means a lot. Simply because you wish to be lazy and ignore it doesn't mean it should be ignored.

OOC: No it isn't Bogus. If we are going with previous History then all those nations now occupying the former territory of Nordland are ignroing it. It was clearly revealed by Martens and others that those citizens followed Nordic culture and law to the letter so any of these current nations there are ignoring history.

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ooc: Are the players going to stop bickering and bantering at each other or actually fight any time soon? Someone memo me when this thread gets back on its rails, it was interesting.. til about 5-7 posts ago. If you got a disagreement, go start an ooc thread on it in the national forum or pm.. this turned from pleasant to an eyesore to read in a real hurry.

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OOC: Pravus Ingruo, where were you when Martens was claiming people in Sweden supported him? I owned all of Scandinavia for ages, but I have no right to control the civilians there. Logically, by your argument, I could invade all of Scandinavia right now and have no revolts whatsoever.

OOC: Considering I've never really had relations to your nation while I have had extensive ones with RoW/AR, there is a huge difference. And I never said no revolts, but KC cannot logically say the people would not support the Imperial Family at all.

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Incrypted Message to Pravus Ingruo and Tahoe Republic

We have eight full strength infantry battalions with helicoptor and armor support ready to invade Texas when the time comes. We also have two battalions in reserve. When the time comes we propose that our Confederate forces push through Starr county and create a second front, pushing as far north as we can and drawing troops away from a Tahoe or Pravus front. With no naval forces we expect that you'll carry out the war on that level, but we will provide whatever logistical support in the Gulf of Mexicio that you need.


The Confederate military doubled timed it across the mountainous landscape of Nuevo Leon, racing toward the Mexico-Texan border. By the time the dust settled, 20,000 Soldiers and roughly 1000 tanks were stationed at the Rio Grande river, while Mexican engineers drew up their plans for a full scale river crossing.

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OOC: I will leave my opinion shot as to not further clutter this thread.

Chris can RP his people however he damn well pleases. There has been a lot of people saying that he's completely disregarding the history of his land by saying that Otto doesn't have total support in the nation, and that's a load of crap. There is a big difference between RPing to the history of the land and saying that everyone in the land wants their old rulers back. I keep a public opinion poll thing in my factbook, which I primarily use as a way to recognise former RP in my nation, and further cement a reason why IC very few people in my nation want to recreate Ubersteinia or Nordland. The fact Chris has said that anyone in his nation supports Otto's regime is incredibly generous. In reality, when a leader walks away from his people in the middle of a crisis, they get pissed. It happened in Thailand back in 2006, their Prime Minister decided to leave the nation and "Take a break from politics" as the nation was going into chaos. Anyone who casually reads any news knows how that turned out. Amerikanisches Reich has (IC) repeatedly fallen into anarchy with the same rulers in charge (At least twice Otto's been on the purging block since I joined), and by all logic, the people would be getting pissed, and want a government that at least seems to give a rats (bottom). No offense to Otto, but I would highly doubt any substantial percentage would support the Imperial family returning.

In short, you can't RP someone Else's people, regardless of your history in the land, and there are always legitimate IC reasons why the owner of the land could say that the people don't support the old government without disregarding their old RP. If historic RP can't be ignored, current RP shouldn't be ignored either. If CNRP had any realism (And for this same reason, it proves that CNRP does not have much semblance for realism), the Amerikanisches Reich Imperial Family would be kicked out of the nation pretty fast, but there is nothing to stop people from invading KingChris IC.

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OOC: This is CNRP, the place where logic comes to die.

OOC: Indeed.



Preparations for an invasion were already under way in the Federation. Three landing craft, four battleships, four corvettes, four cruisers, a frigate, four destroyers, and two submarines prepared themselves for the journey to Texas and the invasion. The twenty two ship fleet was the best that the Federation had to offer, and was ready to assert their will on the less superior forces of Texas.

As the landing craft were loaded up, heavy lifter and transport squadrons were also gathered, ready to be put into action for aerial drops over the land. It would be a full scale invasion by sea and air, aimed to crush the Texas government from one of three sides.

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"The Texans have chosen a new government - one that genuinely cared about them. The Imperial Family chose to fade into obscurity and allow their nation to descend into anarchy, only acting when they realized they had lost their power. We have no reasons to trust them over the current, elected government of Texas."

Edited by V The King
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Declaration of War

A state of war exists between the countries of the Commonwealth of Texas and the Confederacy of Mexico. We demand that your government surrenders to Confederate forces immediately, we will give no quarter once we enter your country.

Rio Grande, Confederate Camp

When word finally reached the Confederate troops the camp came alive with celebratory cheers and motivated cries. The men were quickly briefed by the Confederate commanders, briefed on what to expect in Texan terrain and how to properly treat the locals. Afterwards they were given a good meal and were allowed to go to confession one last time before the push into Texas. Spirits were high as the men donned their kevlars and flak jackets and as they grabbed their G-3 Assault Rifles. The men loaded up on their high wheeled, 5-ton trucks and sped toward the river crossing where the engineers were waiting with specialized tanks. The Texan side of the river had already been bombarded with 155mm howtizers hours before, attacks carried out just before the formal declaration of war. As the men of the 22nd Mountain Division's 1st Battalion dismounted and prepared for the push the engineers extended the steardy metallic bridges over the Rio Grande, successfully bridging the divide.

Alpha Company, Second Platoon was chosen to lead the intial incursion across the Rio Grande. The platoon commander split the platoon into It's three squads and took the three central bridges across. They cautiously approached the other side of the river, weapons at the ready and their roseries close to their bodies. While that river crossing was occuring, amphibious tracks began crossing over the river and into Texan terrtiory, supported by the Confederacy's small fleet of helicoptors. The invasion of Starr county had begun.

Invasion Force


20,000 Soldiers (Mortars, Machineguns, Anti-Tank Weapons, Demolition capabilites) w/ Artillery Attachments (155mm Howitzers)

1000 Tanks (Lynx 90 AFV, V-150 IFV)

4 Squadrons of Attack Helicoptors

Edited by Oates
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We find it foolish that you declare war on us for the sole purpose of getting a different government in, even when ours is relatively, if not obviously, uncorrupt. Nevertheless, you live by the sword, and you shall die by the sword.

Classified to Guards on Texas-Mexico Border:

Mexico has declared war on us.  Get ready.

That night, the generals spent the night with the soldiers, having coffee, sitting in tents and laughing about themselves and their wives and homes. Their morale was very high, and they went to bed with high hopes, confident that most, if not all, would live to see the happy ending of the war: with Texas keeping it's independence from the Reich and all the citizens back in their safe and comfortable lives.

The next morning, they woke up just before dawn to suit up for battle. Land mines had been planted just in front of the Rio Grande for 200 yards.

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“New England reiterates its support for the elected government of Texas. We do not want the situation in North America to devolve into war, but we shall provide assistance and support to the democratically-elected government of Texas. The Texan people elected the current government into power, under Tahoe’s watch. Would it be fair that the current government give it up its power to an Imperial family that left their lands and population into anarchy that the Texan government has only begun to clean up? Using that logic, you might as well support J Andres if it decided to claim New England’s lands just because it controlled the land a bit longer.

Moreover, we urge the Confederacy to cease its attack on Texas IMMEDIATELY.”

Edited by JEDCJT
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"Considering the Imperial Family was a target of an extremely capable death threat and that they chose to keep their lives and keep Texas as stable as possible by saving themselves and possibly their government - oh, wait, you didn't consider it at all. The Imperial Family did not just abandon their people, they were the target of an extremely possible assassination plot and they chose to keep their country stable by removing themselves until it was safe. You have also ignored the fact that the people of Texas were not allowed to choose the Imperial Family as a choice for government, so who is to say that they really don't want it?"

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"Considering the Imperial Family was a target of an extremely capable death threat and that they chose to keep their lives and keep Texas as stable as possible by saving themselves and possibly their government - oh, wait, you didn't consider it at all. The Imperial Family did not just abandon their people, they were the target of an extremely possible assassination plot and they chose to keep their country stable by removing themselves until it was safe. You have also ignored the fact that the people of Texas were not allowed to choose the Imperial Family as a choice for government, so who is to say that they really don't want it?"

"The Imperial Family could very easily have placed themselves on thwe ballot...but they did not. The point is, they left the state to its own devices, so the people themselves took charge."

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"Considering the Imperial Family was a target of an extremely capable death threat and that they chose to keep their lives and keep Texas as stable as possible by saving themselves and possibly their government - oh, wait, you didn't consider it at all. The Imperial Family did not just abandon their people, they were the target of an extremely possible assassination plot and they chose to keep their country stable by removing themselves until it was safe. You have also ignored the fact that the people of Texas were not allowed to choose the Imperial Family as a choice for government, so who is to say that they really don't want it?"

"No, no, no, no. If someone's after you, sure you can run, but make things so that there is still control. During the assassination attempts, basically all of the loyal Reich officials basically fled for their lives and said to the people "We'll be back later." That. Is. Not. Good. At. All. What happened is that the government ran away with an "Every man for himself" style. Surely an irresponsible government like that can't be trusted with such power.

Oh, and yes, they are not allowed to choose the Imperial Family. But then again, who wouldn't want to have more control over their own lives? Be rational."

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Rio Grande, Confederate Camp

When word finally reached the Confederate troops the camp came alive with celebratory cheers and motivated cries. The men were quickly briefed by the Confederate commanders, briefed on what to expect in Texan terrain and how to properly treat the locals. Afterwards they were given a good meal and were allowed to go to confession one last time before the push into Texas. Spirits were high as the men donned their kevlars and flak jackets and as they grabbed their G-3 Assault Rifles. The men loaded up on their high wheeled, 5-ton trucks and sped toward the river crossing where the engineers were waiting with specialized tanks. The Texan side of the river had already been bombarded with 155mm howtizers hours before, attacks carried out just before the formal declaration of war. As the men of the 22nd Mountain Division's 1st Battalion dismounted and prepared for the push the engineers extended the steardy metallic bridges over the Rio Grande, successfully bridging the divide.

Alpha Company, Second Platoon was chosen to lead the intial incursion across the Rio Grande. The platoon commander split the platoon into It's three squads and took the three central bridges across. They cautiously approached the other side of the river, weapons at the ready and their roseries close to their bodies. While that river crossing was occuring, amphibious tracks began crossing over the river and into Texan terrtiory, supported by the Confederacy's small fleet of helicoptors. The invasion of Starr county had begun.

Invasion Force


20,000 Soldiers (Mortars, Machineguns, Anti-Tank Weapons, Demolition capabilites) w/ Artillery Attachments (155mm Howitzers)

1000 Tanks (Lynx 90 AFV, V-150 IFV)

4 Squadrons of Attack Helicoptors

Reporters flew as quickly as possible to the Texican border. Meanwhile, Channel 8's ratings rose another 50%.

"Mexican soldiers now march for the Rio Grande. An estimated 20,000 men, with 1,000 tanks, will engage the Texan border guard shortly. No Texan reinforcements have arrived, and I'm currently sitting with a number of Texan border guards having a cup of coffee." The reporter held the microphone to one of the guards. "Why are you so certain that you will win? You're not even in battle array."

(OOC: Oates, can I get an artillery shell right about now? :awesome: )


Alexandr Christian danced in his office and sent each member of the Mexican government a box of chocolates and a thank you note.

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OOC: I'll give you missiles >:o

Intially the unmounted crossing was met with little resistance. The point man stepped foot on Texan land, being the first Mexican to invade a country in the name of the Confederacy. He would also be the first to die for the Confederacy. The point man advanced, with his fire team behind him. Several paces into the country his body was launch several feet through the air, the victim of an enemy land mine. Second Platoon's commander called an immediate halt, but not before another man fell victim to the mines. Screams and shouts filled the air, accompanied by a large explosion coming from 100m down the river where one of the tracks hit an anti-vehicle mine.

Gunfire joined in the orchestra of death. The men hit the floor and responded with their own small arms fire, while the Confederate attack helicoptors closed with the Texan defenders. Trapped between the mines and their own advancing forces, second platoon was held mercy to the gunfire. On the Mexican side of the river, the engineers called up another specialized tank designed specifically for clearing minefields, it would be useless if they couldn't supress the defenders however. The helicoptors launched their hellfire missiles at the dug in Texans and began clearing away their defences, allowing Second Platoon's third squad to relocate and escort the mine sweeping tank across the bridge. Upon intial inspection it appeared to be nothing more than a Lynx 90 with hundreds of individual chains attached to a bar attached to the front of the tank. As it went into the mine field, the crew turned on the machine and the chains began spinning and tearing through the dirt in front of them, setting off many of the mines.

Second Platoon advanced close behind the tank and covered it from Texan infantry. More troops stormed across the bridge, which had become their own crossing point with the amphibious assault stalled indefinately further down the river. They began to slowly overwhelm the defenders.

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Reporters flew as quickly as possible to the Texican border. Meanwhile, Channel 8's ratings rose another 50%.

"Mexican soldiers now march for the Rio Grande. An estimated 20,000 men, with 1,000 tanks, will engage the Texan border guard shortly. No Texan reinforcements have arrived, and I'm currently sitting with a number of Texan border guards having a cup of coffee." The reporter held the microphone to one of the guards. "Why are you so certain that you will win? You're not even in battle array."

(OOC: Oates, can I get an artillery shell right about now? :awesome: )


Alexandr Christian danced in his office and sent each member of the Mexican government a box of chocolates and a thank you note.

OOC: Just so you know, that was the night before lol. I think Mexican troops are gonna march in the morning? I don't know, but I woke my men up and got them prepared just before dawn. And I already reinforced my troops awhile back.

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OOC: Just so you know, that was the night before lol. I think Mexican troops are gonna march in the morning? I don't know, but I woke my men up and got them prepared just before dawn. And I already reinforced my troops awhile back.

OOC: They've already began marching. It's afternoon here in Japan, and I'm always operating at a different time than you all. It gets so confusing. And just in case you missed it, my last post was the last one on the previous page.

Edited by Oates
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OOC: I'll give you missiles >:o

Intially the unmounted crossing was met with little resistance. The point man stepped foot on Texan land, being the first Mexican to invade a country in the name of the Confederacy. He would also be the first to die for the Confederacy. The point man advanced, with his fire team behind him. Several paces into the country his body was launch several feet through the air, the victim of an enemy land mine. Second Platoon's commander called an immediate halt, but not before another man fell victim to the mines. Screams and shouts filled the air, accompanied by a large explosion coming from 100m down the river where one of the tracks hit an anti-vehicle mine.

Gunfire joined in the orchestra of death. The men hit the floor and responded with their own small arms fire, while the Confederate attack helicoptors closed with the Texan defenders. Trapped between the mines and their own advancing forces, second platoon was held mercy to the gunfire. On the Mexican side of the river, the engineers called up another specialized tank designed specifically for clearing minefields, it would be useless if they couldn't supress the defenders however. The helicoptors launched their hellfire missiles at the dug in Texans and began clearing away their defences, allowing Second Platoon's third squad to relocate and escort the mine sweeping tank across the bridge. Upon intial inspection it appeared to be nothing more than a Lynx 90 with hundreds of individual chains attached to a bar attached to the front of the tank. As it went into the mine field, the crew turned on the machine and the chains began spinning and tearing through the dirt in front of them, setting off many of the mines.

Second Platoon advanced close behind the tank and covered it from Texan infantry. More troops stormed across the bridge, which had become their own crossing point with the amphibious assault stalled indefinately further down the river. They began to slowly overwhelm the defenders.

OOC: I'm sorry, but that appears to be a godmod there. Borderline, but that's what it looks like to me. I will try to make this my only OOC post in the thread.

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"No, no, no, no. If someone's after you, sure you can run, but make things so that there is still control. During the assassination attempts, basically all of the loyal Reich officials basically fled for their lives and said to the people "We'll be back later." That. Is. Not. Good. At. All. What happened is that the government ran away with an "Every man for himself" style. Surely an irresponsible government like that can't be trusted with such power.

Oh, and yes, they are not allowed to choose the Imperial Family. But then again, who wouldn't want to have more control over their own lives? Be rational."

"Do you even know what the hell the loss of a government does? The Reich officials gave their nation to their long-time ally Tahoe to watch over while the threat persisted. There was not anarchy, there was no strife or conflict. Had your government never been elected and the Imperial Family given the fair choice to come back, there would have been little change at all."

"The Imperial Family could very easily have placed themselves on thwe ballot...but they did not. The point is, they left the state to its own devices, so the people themselves took charge."

"The threat to the Imperial Family was not over until now. More importantly, Texas has already declared to suppressing the people - no citizen is allowed to support the Imperial Family."

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