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Annexation of World Protectorate


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As of this moment Ross Island, The Asgard range, and the Admiralty mountains are hereby annexed into sovereign territory of Dranagg.


(ooc: the world protectorate that sticks out into the Ross Sea is what i'm claiming)

Edited by Tahsir Re
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Niether does the Malvinian government, we dont recognise the stupidly large claims of land,(the entire continant) and beleive claiming that much land was the act of a beligerant foolish leader whos spoiling for a fight and will stop at nothing until he gets one.

good job the Malvinians are Pacifists by Nature and will be the bigger men and wont make a big issue of the illegal claim.

However we do akknowledge the annexation of the world protectorate as it is much more reasonible.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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"Why is this opposed? It is no different from the Cochin Annexation."

"Zargathia was opposed to the Cochin Annexation, and Aiginor's as well, believing that the World Protectorate should remain a World Protectorate. We are simply being consistent in our policy."

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Just because we didn’t make it crystal clear that we oppose the claims doesn’t mean we don't. The World Protectorate is exactly that a WORLD PROTECTORATE, but we nor the rest of the world have never been consulted by those with a desire to claim parts of the protectorate. For that reason, and perhaps that reason alone we oppose any claims, and refuse to recognize those claims.

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"Why is this opposed? It is no different from the Cochin Annexation."
"These are the thoughts of the PRC. We support Dranagg in this annexation. If some country does it, why cant another one be allowed?"

"We didn't like that annexation either, but we are indirectly treatied to Cochin, and thus our hands were tied. We have no such issue here."

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If you're suggesting military action, I'm afraid that's not a path we're willing to take at this moment, because all diplomatic avenues haven't been fully explored.

Not at all...at least not yet. We too are open to talks to resolve this dispute.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Considering that the Infrastructure of the protectorate in question was created by the Hanseatic Commonwealth, once tied with the Dranaggan economy, and that the world has done nothing to secure, check on, maintain, or even investigate any part of the World Protectorate left to them. We felt it was well within our right to claim what is our compensation for the sudden dissolution of our Economic partner.

We believe the only issue people are having with this annexation is the fact that there are valuable minerals in the area, and only just now do they realize they won't be able to claim it themselves.

*Classified note at the BZ-RK command HQ*

The entire Military Survey corps is en-route to begin mapping the entirety of the new annexation. Planes for transit are to be marked as 'Machine Parts'. Their goal is to survey the mountain ranges and valleys for new bases of operation for the military. A list of suitable sites will be sent to command when this operation is completed.

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"You are incorrect in your assumptions about the world. The region, as we understood it, was self-sufficient. And how do we know that those minerals are not the reason you claimed it for yourself?"

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Considering that the Infrastructure of the protectorate in question was created by the Hanseatic Commonwealth, once tied with the Dranaggan economy, and that the world has done nothing to secure, check on, maintain, or even investigate any part of the World Protectorate left to them. We felt it was well within our right to claim what is our compensation for the sudden dissolution of our Economic partner.

We believe the only issue people are having with this annexation is the fact that there are valuable minerals in the area, and only just now do they realize they won't be able to claim it themselves.

*Classified note at the BZ-RK command HQ*

The entire Military Survey corps is en-route to begin mapping the entirety of the new annexation. Planes for transit are to be marked as 'Machine Parts'. Their goal is to survey the mountain ranges and valleys for new bases of operation for the military. A list of suitable sites will be sent to command when this operation is completed.

You have no right to do anything with the world protectorate without consulting the world first. We could care less about what is in the area, and assure you that if we wanted it we would have made that clear a long time ago. It's a matter of principle, not desire.

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"You are incorrect in your assumptions about the world. The region, as we understood it, was self-sufficient. And how do we know that those minerals are not the reason you claimed it for yourself?"

I believe we made that quite clear we will be searching for the mines and excavations once used by the Commonwealth. They should make adequate stimulus for the nearly catastrophic decline the Dranaggan currency after the Hanseatic Economy disappeared over night.

You have no right to do anything with the world protectorate without consulting the world first. We could care less about what is in the area, and assure you that if we wanted it we would have made that clear a long time ago. It's a matter of principle, not desire.

As of today, not one representative, from any nation, in the world has conducted any mission, in any area, marked as World Protectorate. Perhaps if the world took more interest in their protectorates people would care to consult them about them.

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I believe we made that quite clear we will be searching for the mines and excavations once used by the Commonwealth. They should make adequate stimulus for the nearly catastrophic decline the Dranaggan currency after the Hanseatic Economy disappeared over night.

As of today, not one representative, from any nation, in the world has conducted any mission, in any area, marked as World Protectorate. Perhaps if the world took more interest in their protectorates people would care to consult them about them.

Well perhaps if you announced your intentions before claiming the land, the world might have put forward its argument agaist your move.

your claim may be recognised but is in no way legal, you stole a big chunk of land from every nation on the globe, hence its name world protectorate.

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Well perhaps if you announced your intentions before claiming the land, the world might have put forward its argument agaist your move.

your claim may be recognised but is in no way legal, you stole a big chunk of land from every nation on the globe, hence its name world protectorate.

Had we announced our intentions earlier we would still be in bureaucratic red tape while nations discuss their own rights to the land. Meaning that the economic stimulus the resources of the area could provide would continue to sit idle and unused to rebuild our national currency.

A waste of resources like that would be a crime against social economic health.

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