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Resignation from TPF

King Death II

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Session Start: Fri Sep 11 21:42:03 2009

Session Ident: dogbite[TPF]

[22:33] <dogbite[TPF]> i dont have much choice.

[22:34] <dogbite[TPF]> cant lose forum.

08[22:34] <Gabryal[TPF]> I know

Part of the IRC log from the night of Sept. 11th I'll provide the full thing from the 11th till the 13th if anyone wants it. It's short because alot of it opinions that don't need to be aired here, if dogbite gives permission I'll let the log be given to anyone who wants it. I just want it on the record that 1) It wasn't my idea, I was asked and 2) I didn't do this as some sort of power play as KD insists I did.

You know KD, I'll concede it's possible that your power was out, that doesn't change much, the way that dogbite's account was set to expire from his servers, the way that the forums were scheduled to be wiped on the calender, I don't really care at this point. I'll wait and see what BG and Wiz think, I know I often go for black or white on issues, this time though I pretty much need it. I'm either 100% right or I'm 100% wrong and that's just how it is. Either way I'll be fine, it's TPF that I worry for, always have and always will as long as they want to keep me.

I'll just find out I suppose.

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Dark days are indeed upon us. I fear there shall be no mercy for any of us in the coming reckoning.

For those who have no idea what we're talking about:


Typical, attacking people who disagree with you. Just because my facts complete obliterate your story, you attack me ingame? Stay classy TE

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Dark days are indeed upon us. I fear there shall be no mercy for any of us in the coming reckoning.

For those who have no idea what we're talking about:


Guys, Steve is truly coming to a wonderful place if even the two of you can find common ground. I know that here on Steve I still have friends, and if it's decided that TPF doesn't have a place for me, then I know I'll have a place somewhere.

Thanks guys for that, it's truly a wonderful statement from two people who I respect one as a friend, one as a former adversary, and both for their devotion to their alliances. Odd that you two have so much in common isn't it ;)

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the way that dogbite's account was set to expire from his servers, the way that the forums were scheduled to be wiped on the calender, I don't really care at this point.

ugh you are really "smart". A few ways that can happen is if the server account is inactive (meaning nobody has logged on for a long time) or something hosted with them broke their TOS.

btw, there is only 1 account on the server.

Edited by King Death II
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ugh you are really "smart". A few ways that can happen is if the server account is inactive (meaning nobody has logged on for a long time) or something hosted with them broke their TOS.

Again, it's irrelevant, I could just say I did it to get dogbite his servers back and that would be enough reason. It's not the only reason, but it's enough. I can't prove any of the other reasons, I didn't exactly stop to take screenshots when I was going through log in times, and looking at who set up server cancels etc. It doesn't matter. I'll just go with "I did it to make sure dogbite kept his forums and his server" if that isn't enough for you then I don't know what to tell you man, you copypasta a post from inside TPF's Gov forums, aired TPF's dirty laundry on the OWF, and are trying to set yourself up as the "victim" when you had already resigned.

Yea I'll just go with "I helped Dogbite keep the forum that's hosted on the server he pays for" and that's the only reason. Forget about all the stuff I can't prove, I'll renounce it all because without proof it's irrelevant anyway.

I'll just stick with "I did it to make sure Dogbite kept control of the forums that were on his server" and let that be the only reason. OK now that we've reduced it to it's most basic reason, anyone have a problem with that?

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Again, it's irrelevant, I could just say I did it to get dogbite his servers back and that would be enough reason. It's not the only reason, but it's enough. I can't prove any of the other reasons, I didn't exactly stop to take screenshots when I was going through log in times, and looking at who set up server cancels etc. It doesn't matter. I'll just go with "I did it to make sure dogbite kept his forums and his server" if that isn't enough for you then I don't know what to tell you man, you copypasta a post from inside TPF's Gov forums, aired TPF's dirty laundry on the OWF, and are trying to set yourself up as the "victim" when you had already resigned.

Yea I'll just go with "I helped Dogbite keep the forum that's hosted on the server he pays for" and that's the only reason. Forget about all the stuff I can't prove, I'll renounce it all because without proof it's irrelevant anyway.

I'll just stick with "I did it to make sure Dogbite kept control of the forums that were on his server" and let that be the only reason. OK now that we've reduced it to it's most basic reason, anyone have a problem with that?

Then why did you have to go and try to soil my name with the TPFers when I CLEARLY had NOTHING to do with this.

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Then why did you have to go and try to soil my name with the TPFers when I CLEARLY had NOTHING to do with this.

I think if you look at the OP, you've kinda soiled your own name more than I ever did, instead of 5-7 people seeing something I posted while I was exhausted and was intended for the eyes of 5-8 people. You've put it out here in front of 20k.

So, my my calculations you've soiled your own name 2500 times more than I did. If it makes you feel better I'll apologize for the 5 people who you think I slandered you to, and you can apologize to yourself for the other 2495

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I think if you look at the OP, you've kinda soiled your own name more than I ever did, instead of 5-7 people seeing something I posted while I was exhausted and was intended for the eyes of 5-8 people. You've put it out here in front of 20k.

So, my my calculations you've soiled your own name 2500 times more than I did. If it makes you feel better I'll apologize for the 5 people who you think I slandered you to, and you can apologize to yourself for the other 2495

How did I do myself harm? The OP says you lied to TPF members about me and made stuff up. Then we got here and it is proven that I had nothing to do with it and that you tried to frame me as the villain.

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Typical, attacking people who disagree with you. Just because my facts complete obliterate your story, you attack me ingame? Stay classy TE

I could care less for the facts of this story right now. As far as I'm concerned, a friend is being slandered, and I decided to (violently) express my distaste for such slander. If you want peace, I'm sure we can discuss surrender terms that include the withdrawal of all your slanderous statements, and a public apology.

What are you talking about? I wanted the tech. :lol1:

Tech is indeed quite yummy. Sadly, he doesn't have much of it, meaning that with three of us now none of us will get much at all.

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This is kind of a cheap shot. Attack someone because you don't agree with them? :rolleyes:

Wasn't the war at the beginning of this round waged because one side didn't agree with the other side's actions and words? It is the most basic reason for attacking someone.

I would say it is a better reason to attack someone due to disagreeing with their words then to attack them simply because their tech and land look yummy, yet how many of us do that?

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Wasn't the war at the beginning of this round waged because one side didn't agree with the other side's actions and words? It is the most basic reason for attacking someone.

I would say it is a better reason to attack someone due to disagreeing with their words then to attack them simply because their tech and land look yummy, yet how many of us do that?

Well said. That's pretty much my reasoning right there.

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How did I do myself harm? The OP says you lied to TPF members about me and made stuff up. Then we got here and it is proven that I had nothing to do with it and that you tried to frame me as the villain.

I already admitted I was tired and exhausted when I posted that, if I had posted something else would you have seen it differently? I don't think you would have, if I had posted even "KD has been stripped of all Admin power" this would have been the result. It's irrelevant, you put my post in front of the world, and didn't do yourself any favors. I have yet to deny that you had malicious intent, I simply say I cannot prove it. So I go on my word as far as that goes. People can believe me as they will.

What I can prove and is fact is "I did it to help Dogbite get the forums on his server back under his control"

That's the end of it, you'd have thrown this into OWF no matter what if you had come back to even find yourself banned. I personally didn't want to ban you but I put a place where you could communicate with the Gov, your only response was to put a link to this OWF post. So you took a personal matter between TPF gov members, and show it to the whole world. You didn't like my post, I'm sure I'm the only one on earth that worded a post poorly, or that made claims in it that they could not prove because it's not like I took screen shots of the entire process, I suppose I should keep fraps running 24/7, even then I'd have to explain half of it. *sighs*

I don't think you are a villain I think you are power hungry, attention starved with some anger issues.

The last I can't talk about, I have them too. The other two I could care less about. As I said before, I've dropped all offices and privilages until this is sorted out, just because I am not power hungry, if TPF thinks I made a mistake, then that's that. Now is there anything else you wanted to add?

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Wasn't the war at the beginning of this round waged because one side didn't agree with the other side's actions and words? It is the most basic reason for attacking someone.

I would say it is a better reason to attack someone due to disagreeing with their words then to attack them simply because their tech and land look yummy, yet how many of us do that?

All I can say is that is very well put, I'm beginning to get a feel for what Frostbite is all about when you say things with that kind of logic.

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I support KD. If you really do have mental problems (not trying to be offensive), then maybe this place just isn't right for you?

I don't know. All I do know is that Gabryal, your attitude towards me many times has shown me that I can't take your word over his. I seem to agree with KD more in this case. Spreading around messages just made your situation ten times worse. Your best bet would have been to just drop it. Plain. And. Simple.

But what do I know? I am, after all, the guy who was kicked out of the WOLF IRC channel for "instigating an argument" and just an [ex]owner of a micro alliance..

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I support KD. If you really do have mental problems (not trying to be offensive), then maybe this place just isn't right for you?

I don't know. All I do know is that Gabryal, your attitude towards me many times has shown me that I can't take your word over his. I seem to agree with KD more in this case. Spreading around messages just made your situation ten times worse. Your best bet would have been to just drop it. Plain. And. Simple.

But what do I know? I am, after all, the guy who was kicked out of the WOLF IRC channel for "instigating an argument" and just an [ex]owner of a micro alliance..

This is kinda amusing, I have anger issues, I admit it, and you say you don't? You kinda brought into this thread about 4 or 5 different topics that had nothing to do with the OP.

Really was wondering when you'd make an appearance.

And wow this is the most I've been posting on the OWF in weeks.

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I support KD. If you really do have mental problems (not trying to be offensive), then maybe this place just isn't right for you?

I don't know. All I do know is that Gabryal, your attitude towards me many times has shown me that I can't take your word over his. I seem to agree with KD more in this case. Spreading around messages just made your situation ten times worse. Your best bet would have been to just drop it. Plain. And. Simple.

But what do I know? I am, after all, the guy who was kicked out of the WOLF IRC channel for "instigating an argument" and just an [ex]owner of a micro alliance..

Your opinion matters less than King Death in this instance. I think supporting him may actual bring his cause down.

While that may be harsh to accept, I'm getting sick of you coming into threads throwing around imaginary weight at people and hoping they play air guitar in your air band.

I've investigated enough into to this, trust Gabryal enough that his opinion clearly outranks that of King Death's. If BG or Oz comes into here spouting Gabryal being incompetent, mentally handicapped or other stuff, then we may have to take things seriously.

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QUOTE (King Death II @ Sep 13 2009, 07:31 PM)

Typical, attacking people who disagree with you. Just because my facts complete obliterate your story, you attack me ingame? Stay classy TE

What are you talking about? I wanted the tech.

me too. justice will come too those who arent nice :lol1:

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