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Message to the world

Eggman Empire

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Across the globe, in perfect synchronization, hundreds, perhaps thousands of TV and radio stations found their signals hijacked and a new message being played. Displayed on TVs, a cartoonish figure with his internal organs and brain scooped out appeared. Then an audio began to play.

"Hello. You may ask what is going on right now. Well, let me explain. I represent a group of disgruntled people who've the misfortune of being the guinea pigs in the production of various anti-pathogenic drugs that have been created by the Genshabi Research Corps, owned by the Eggman Empire government. Aside from making life giving pharmaceuticals, Genshabi was the Eggman Empire's personal production lab when it came to creating a multitude of chemical and biological weapons. The Eggman Empire have added these weapons to their national stockpile of deterrents, and even tried to sell them abroad. Perhaps if Genshabi had been scrutinized a bit more closely and held accountable for their crimes, this might not have happened and hundreds would not be dead from illegal experimentation. So, as a way of getting the attention of the world community, I have just now armed and launched 15 ICBMs all loaded with various biological and chemical weapons. I know not where they'll hit, but where ever they do land will defiantly be hurting. That's about all I gotta say to that. That you and have a nice day. Well most of you. A good bit of you will be dead in the next 15 minutes."

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Buryatia's Anti missile systems are put on alert, and the nation moves to DEFCON 4

===Private message to the government of the Eggman Empire===

"The government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia shall hold your government fully accountable for its actions, or inaction should the aforementioned threat be confirmed to be real. That is all."

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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Grøenlandia has long let the antics of the Eggman Empire go by without incident. However this is a grave threat that undermines the safety and security of our nation and the entire world. We call on the government of the Eggman Empire to prevent this possible atrocity and we are more than willing to take action to ensure the continued well being of this planet should the government be found incompetent or unwilling.


200,000 FRG troops have been mobilized to the border along with 2,000 MBTs and 500 artillery. the DefCon has been lowered to 2 and the border defenses, especially missile defenses, have been put on maximum readiness. In addition, 200,000 FRG troops are being moved from Atyrau to Greenland proper.

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Nearly ten minutes after the first message came out, a second one followed.

"Well today is your lucky day folks." The same voice explained. "Turns out that unkillable monster known as Emperor Sammyace Kintober of Eggman Empire has successfully stopped the missiles that were going to decimate whatever part of the world they were going to hit. In a rather cruel, yet funny twist of irony, by disabling the missiles that were headed towards you fellows, Kintober has activated another set of missiles, aimed at his own country. So rejoice, for the guilty will be punished. Also, boycott Genshabi. They're EEEEVVVVIIILLLL!!"

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From Iblis Kray; acting government ruler, on behalf of Eggman Empire.

To the Grøenlandia govenment.

You might want to tell your men not to get to close to our country. Any infringements on our borders will be considered an act of war. We wonder why you would consider attacking us, when the real threat is already doing so and has threatened to do the same to you. So either screw off or help out. That is all.

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**Response to Eggman Empire**

We are allowed to have as many troops on our border as we please. Stop attempting to intimidate us with hollow threats. Secondly, what do you expect us to do when a nation launches chemical ICBMs with no government to be found? We would like to help you, however you have just stated we are not allowed into your nation. Thirdly, where is your true leader Sammy Kintobor?

Ty Eyvindsson

Forseti of Grøenlandia

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From Iblis Kray; acting government ruler, on behalf of Eggman Empire.

To the Grøenlandia govenment.

We find it suspicious that even though you've been following the events that have occurred in Eggman Empire over the past several days, you only respond now. You did not respond when Vlask was attacked, and you certainly didn't ask if we needed help when the terrorist organization began attacking our cities and slaughtering civilians. It makes us wonder whether you're hoping that the infighting weakens us to the point where you can invade us with ease. Not that we're accusing you of anything.

As to your other "points:" in case you haven't noticed, we still have a government in place, and it is functioning quite well given the circumstances. As to our leader, you must have missed that as well. He was shot over live television and is now being treated for his injuries. His current status and location are being withheld for his protection. And lastly, just because we are weakened, does not mean we don't have teeth. If you want to help, just say so and we'll gladly accept. Otherwise, don't screw with us. We are not in the mood.

Edited by DrKintobor
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Citadel Counter-ballistic missile systems have been placed on alert, the Osiris network has been further been placed on alert.

*Classified to the Eggman Empire*

!@#$ with us at your own peril. :v:

Edited by iamthey
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The Imperium of Poliz stands by our Grøenlandic allies. We will activate our ODP if we feel they are threatened any further.

=Secret to Eggman Empire=

In order to prevent a repeat of this event, perhaps you would consider reducing the size of your chemical weapon stockpile... Perhaps we could help take a few off your hands in exchange for you relieving the burden of our recent budget surplus...

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Dragon Empire has put its Strategic Defense Network on Defcon Three level. Any ICBM attack using WMD warheads would merit full and total war as retaliation.

Kingdom of Cochin and Sir Jesus have been granted authorization for a full counter attack by the Office of the Executor in the event of an attack. Weapons tight, use only in retaliation. Launch codes have been distributed.. in case of a worst-case scenario.

Civilian RADCON level raised to level 3 also, citizens warned to be aware of shelters, bunkers, underground inhabitations, and protection methods at/near their homes and travel destinations.

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From Iblis Kray; acting government ruler, on behalf of Eggman Empire

The response to the crisis in Eggman Empire by the international community have been...heartwarming...*cough*mutter, grumble*cough* Now, when you finish pointing your guns at us, would you mind sending some troops to help bring this madman to justice? He's proven to be quite brilliant. I doubt you want someone like this running around anywhere, as he appears to be dedicated to only spreading death and chaos.

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From Iblis Kray; acting government ruler, on behalf of Eggman Empire

We're not saying we can't bring order to the situation! Of course we can! What we're asking for is aid when everything settles down. In case you weren't paying attention, after our troops disabled the missiles headed for you ungrateful lot, the terrorist launched missiles aimed at our own country. We know were the madman who caused all this is located, and our forces are currently engaging in a battle to eliminate him. His organization will soon be destroyed. But we are paying a cost. As I speak, major Eggman Empire cities are being bombarded and hundreds, perhaps thousands are dying. We will need help picking up the pieces. Eggman Empire will survive the initial attack, but if we cannot treat our wounds fast enough, we face a slow death.

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Missile defense systems in the Arctican mainland and the northern possessions have been placed on alert. The three atomic-equipped ICBMs in the northern holdings (transported there recently by SCV) have been placed on standby and coordinates for known major military bases in the Eggman Empire have been put into the targeting systems, in the event that a retaliation is required.

Media networks and government agencies are looking into the cause of the temporary hijack to ensure it doesn't happen again.

In a brief televised statement, a government official stated that Arctica hopes for a speedy resolution of the conflict in the Eggman Empire.

Arctican White Cross announced its willingness to take in refugees from Eggman Empire or send in humanitarian workers to reduce suffering.

Edited by Vedran
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Aether Empire White Cross denotes it's willingness to take refugees as well and as we have in the past we continue to donate to the primary efforts of the White Cross and so funding from that organization to deal with the aftermath should be implemented. Or so is our vote on the matter.

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