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Announcement from The German Empire

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As acting Chancellor for a short period with the other on vacation, I have been asked to publicly announce that The German Empire will be closing and deleting empty embassies on our forums three days from now (the 4th). A list of empty embassies is stated below. This does NOT mean we harbor any anti – you feelings, but we’re just busy attempting to clean out our forums.

If you want to retain your embassy, simply send us a diplomat and the embassy will be saved.

Mostly Harmless Alliance

Mushroom Kingdom


The Grämlins


World Freedom Federation

The Hunns

Finnish Cooperation Organization

Global Democratic Alliance

North Atlantic Defense Coalition

United States of CN

United Sovereign Nations

Kingdom of Amorica


Orange Defense Network


The International

The Order of the Paradox


Terra Prime

The Order of Light

The Phoenix Federation

The Sasori Initiative

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Terra Prime disbanded months ago...

EDIT: By the way, don't you have an MDoAP with The International?

Yeah, we’ve really been needing to clean up for a bit now, there’s plenty of examples of older alliances that have died some time ago and have yet to be deleted. And ah yes, we’ll retain the embassies that we have treaties with, we’ll have to individually message them ‘n so forth though. What fun!

I don't see us in the list. Our embassy got deleted and our diplomats got demasked a little while ago. Was that also part of the forum cleaning?

Considering how ours was deleted too, we really didn't care. And anyways, it's no news that NoR/TGE aren't exactly friends.

I read that as "cleansing" and was about to make a funny about it.

Plenty of alliances clean up every now and then, it’s *finally* our time.

MOON merged with FnKa to form The Resistance about a month ago.

See how desperate we need to clean? :P

Did you carry our embassy over from the old boards? If so, awesome.

I’m not sure.

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Considering how ours was deleted too, we really didn't care.

We don't use permanent embassies, we use private offices which can be requested at any time. One of them is still in use for TGE. When Valdemar and Elfriede resigned from TGE, we haven't seen anyone from TGE to replace them. We will send over the stuff they left behind in a box. Your flag is ruining our interior anyway.

And anyways, it's no news that NoR/TGE aren't exactly friends.

Well, that's not true. Many of TGE's members and ours were on friendly terms. Ofcourse, when some of those people split off of TGE to form RoA, we were the almighty brainwashers who lured them away. We are just that influential, according to K-Fred.

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Okay, enough is enough!! Every alliance has the right to clean out their embassies, no need to troll and derail the thread. Seriously!! :rolleyes:


o/ TGE and the fun of fall cleaning. :lol1:

I hate to be rude ma'am, but this is actually ON topic. We are talking about what kind of embassies alliances use.

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