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Declaration of Defeat

Emperor Stranger

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I have this thing on MSN where I put or make up quotes to have in my MSN profile. While thinking about my current situation, I came up with a new quote:

Your "friends" may one day turn their heads in your time of need. Keep in mind that the stranger might be the one who helps

It's seriously amazing to see the amount of support FC is getting from people that either didn't know us, or disliked us before.

*sigh* If I and my buddies weren't bill locked, we would be giving those who don't accept peace hell right now.

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After reading through all this, I have to think that FC needs to be given unconditional peace. They have been beaten, they admitted defeat, let them have peace.

Continuing to beat on them after they surrender doesn't help the game, it just demoralizes people to the point they may not return next round.

Let it go. It's the right thing to do.

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look personally i have sent peace offers to FC... cause to be honest they have been beaten.. and i want to move on... but seriously if anyone is playing TE and getting demoralised through war...etc being driven from the game then they probebly arn't right for TE... i mean come on... everyone gets owned in TE at some stage... come on people its nothing personal TE is for destroying the world not lifting peoples spirits through peacefull hippie sing alongs.... stick to your peace mode SE nation if thats the case.

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I honestly figured you didn't really have any back -up and you were just talking trash

Lol obviously you where mistaken, the day FC was hit I offered the SDF's military services BUT he refused saying that it would not be an even fight for you. So as a matter of fact he was looking out for you and should be acknowledged for that.

Edited by AndrewC202
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if you look across the war screans you will see peace being declared right across this one... the ones still going are mostly involving the FC nations that have gone inactive and arn't accepting peace.

in reality this baby has had its time and we are moving on... Jeb gave the ok already for individual members to peace out and its winding down as we speak.

... anyway just wanted to send a quick thanks to FC for the fight... it was fun... good luck down the track

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look personally i have sent peace offers to FC... cause to be honest they have been beaten.. and i want to move on... but seriously if anyone is playing TE and getting demoralised through war...etc being driven from the game then they probebly arn't right for TE... i mean come on... everyone gets owned in TE at some stage... come on people its nothing personal TE is for destroying the world not lifting peoples spirits through peacefull hippie sing alongs.... stick to your peace mode SE nation if thats the case.
First, We pretty much DID give white peace.

Second, TE is more aggressive version of SE, if you can't take the heat, then you should stop playing and go back to SE.

I wasn't demoralized because of the war. How many times, including this damn announcement, do I need to say that I was demoralized after several arguments with my "friends"?

At any rate, it seems that AoD is on the losing side if they continue..

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