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AUP - General Congress

Elrich von Richt

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We hate to interrupt the party, but we have a serious issue at hand in Golgotha. the PRC has unilaterally decided to topple the government in order to set up a puppet state. This is causing great consternation with the people of my nation. We need help in ridding Golgotha of this menace and restoring her sovereignty.

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We hate to interrupt the party, but we have a serious issue at hand in Golgotha. the PRC has unilaterally decided to topple the government in order to set up a puppet state. This is causing great consternation with the people of my nation. We need help in ridding Golgotha of this menace and restoring her sovereignty.

We personally believe diplomacy should be used in this matter, before militaristic action.

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OOC: General message to all commenting about the PRC. This is a closed thread; get out if you are not coordinating with us applying or otherwise a member.

Edited by iamthey
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We hate to interrupt the party, but we have a serious issue at hand in Golgotha. the PRC has unilaterally decided to topple the government in order to set up a puppet state. This is causing great consternation with the people of my nation. We need help in ridding Golgotha of this menace and restoring her sovereignty.

"I say we stay out of there. I'll be damned if I let good soldiers of Caucasia be sent do die on some god damn island in the middle of Oceania that will not even affect our nation.

And as another note, after reviewing our national position, we feel that we are overextending our responsibilities by being a member of the AUP. We can do little to work with the AUP due to our location, and we will now be focusing, once again, on European politics. This is our official withdrawal from the AUP."

-HRH King James I


In his office, Vladimir danced. "I get to go home!"

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And as another note, after reviewing our national position, we feel that we are overextending our responsibilities by being a member of the AUP. We can do little to work with the AUP due to our location, and we will now be focusing, once again, on European politics. This is our official withdrawal from the AUP."

OOC: Overextended I can understand, however it's primary an economic treaty with an ODP clause which takes a pretty low precedent, surely that's not too taxing?

EDIT: I just realized this refers to the wrong treaty... Having an AU and an AUP is too confusing :P.

Edited by iKrolm
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OOC: Overextended I can understand, however it's primary an economic treaty with an ODP clause which takes a pretty low precedent, surely that's not too taxing?

OOC: I know none of the nations in the bloc well, and I'd prefer to keep any responsibilities with nations I actually have relations with.

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