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Sargun II

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The Kingdom of Serca is disappointed to see peace in Africa further dissolve. Africa was once the most peacefull continent in the world and now we can no longer claim that title.

We ask both sides to compromise to a peace. We condemn Carthage in thier imperialistic war.

We will not hesitate to participate in this war if another party outside of Africa enters the conflict.

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IC: Annihilation has nothing to say on this 'war' except on how utterly pointless it is. We will pledge support to Tyran, as we know it is a Sovereign nation-state. However we are too far away to send soldiers, and it would not be in our best interests to do so.

Thank you for your support. We wish that more nations see the difference between a peaceful nation trying to exist and a massive band of butchers attempting to raze that nation to the ground.

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The Kingdom of Serca is disappointed to see peace in Africa further dissolve. Africa was once the most peacefull continent in the world and now we can no longer claim that title.

We ask both sides to compromise to a peace. We condemn Carthage in thier imperialistic war.

We will not hesitate to participate in this war if another party outside of Africa enters the conflict.

IC: We will not enter unless we are attacked. However we have sited Naval forces nearing our shores. I am sure you understand our stance. If we are attacked, we will not sit idly by.

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OOC: seriously?

IC: Radar stations pick up on enemy forces. They are advised to turn back immeditaly or we will hold no bares in retaliation.

OOC: you're the one mobilizing tens of thousands of troops

IC: The carrier battle groups are in place to ensure that the Empire of Krieg does not attempt to intervene. Intelligence shows that you have mobilized tens of thousands of troops and have shown a willingness to involve yourself in wars that are not yours.

The Maritime Republic of J Andres has decided that this is the perfect opportunity to test its military effectiveness. President Richard Mercton has dispatched the ENTIRE J Andres military to the location.

Minister of War & Defense Joel Brunel then informed President Mercton that the first session of military training hasn't even started yet, so therefore J Andres has no standing military.

President Mercton was extremely impressed with the response time of the military, "How often can you say that you activated your entire military to the other side of the globe, and they managed to return in time for dinner? J Andres has the fastest military of any nation of the world! I am pleased with the progress our military has made in rearming itself."

The J Andres military has been recalled after a successful roll call.

OOC: I lol'd

OOC: He did post a map claim, and did RP out an IC DoE. Just because the stig didn't have time to update the map/missed the claim when he was editing it (human error), it doesn't mean you should ignore someone completely. This is pointless.

IC: Annihilation has nothing to say on this 'war' except on how utterly pointless it is. We will pledge support to Tyran, as we know it is a Sovereign nation-state. However we are too far away to send soldiers, and it would not be in our best interests to do so.

OOC: I'm not ignoring him, hurfdurf

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The Kingdom of Serca is disappointed to see peace in Africa further dissolve. Africa was once the most peacefull continent in the world and now we can no longer claim that title.

We ask both sides to compromise to a peace. We condemn Carthage in thier imperialistic war.

We will not hesitate to participate in this war if another party outside of Africa enters the conflict.

We would compromise to a peace, however, we do not seem to be in a position to do anything. We currently have troops on the outskirts of Al-Tyran waiting for contact while Carthage is crossing our lands razing our crops and killing our citizens.

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Thank you for your support. We wish that more nations see the difference between a peaceful nation trying to exist and a massive band of butchers attempting to raze that nation to the ground.

A Pro-Carthagian reporter was quoted saying the following: "The Tyranian government continues its lies. There have been no news reports of Carthagians committed any war crimes."

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OOC: you're the one mobilizing tens of thousands of troops

IC: The carrier battle groups are in place to ensure that the Empire of Krieg does not attempt to intervene. Intelligence shows that you have mobilized tens of thousands of troops and have shown a willingness to involve yourself in wars that are not yours.

OOC: Mind telling me how far you are? If your sitting on my shores then obviously Im going to do something.

IC: Krieg Radar and Sat Command are currently working to lock on the exact location of enemy vessels. If they cross from International waters in to Krieg Waters, we will deem that as an act of war, regardless of whatever Carthage says. (Especially after the whole Tahsir deception crap.)

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A Pro-Carthagian reporter was quoted saying the following: "The Tyranian government continues its lies. There have been no news reports of Carthagians committed any war crimes."

Of course, there is inherent and obvious bias in that reporting. We ask independent, neutral reporters to come and confirm any and all reports they wish. We have nothing to hide, and merely seek help from the international community in repelling these invaders.

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We would compromise to a peace, however, we do not seem to be in a position to do anything. We currently have troops on the outskirts of Al-Tyran waiting for contact while Carthage is crossing our lands razing our crops and killing our citizens.

"There have been no confirmed reports by unbiased sources of razed crops or dead civilians."

Most of the troops were dispersed throughout the country, swiftly bypassing civilian centers and racing to the sea. Troops, out of range of the city of Al-Tyran, started circling the city in an attempt to engage the troops from all sides.

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OOC: Mind telling me how far you are? If your sitting on my shores then obviously Im going to do something.

IC: Krieg Radar and Sat Command are currently working to lock on the exact location of enemy vessels. If they cross from International waters in to Krieg Waters, we will deem that as an act of war, regardless of whatever Carthage says. (Especially after the whole Tahsir deception crap.)

OOC: I have troops right on your border just south of you, and my navy is going to secure a perimeter around your entire coast.

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Of course, there is inherent and obvious bias in that reporting. We ask independent, neutral reporters to come and confirm any and all reports they wish. We have nothing to hide, and merely seek help from the international community in repelling these invaders.

OOC: Ill bang that then.

IC: A local tourist in Tyran, who happens to be a reporting Intern for New Berlin News simply reported Carthage forces marching towards Tyran borders. No confirmation on any war crimes or shootings, yet, however that could change at any time.

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Of course, there is inherent and obvious bias in that reporting. We ask independent, neutral reporters to come and confirm any and all reports they wish. We have nothing to hide, and merely seek help from the international community in repelling these invaders.

"My report is as biased as your reports. The only difference is that I am uninvolved, and you have everything to gain from spreading your lies." stated the reporter.

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OOC: I have troops right on your border just south of you, and my navy is going to secure a perimeter around your entire coast.

OOC: In that case when I get back from the store we can RP the conflict.

Also, where did you get a navy from if you just made a nation? Or do you not have to RP making a military if you reroll?

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"There have been no confirmed reports by unbiased sources of razed crops or dead civilians."

Most of the troops were dispersed throughout the country, swiftly bypassing civilian centers and racing to the sea. Troops, out of range of the city of Al-Tyran, started circling the city in an attempt to engage the troops from all sides.

We have reports of your murder of any person wishing to show those pictures. One brave news team lied about its bias, claiming to be pro carthage to avoid being murdered and has brought back some pictures


We shall not mention their names due to obvious reprisal by these murderous invaders once our nation falls given the lack of support from the nations of their world and their apathy towards murder and injustice.

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"My report is as biased as your reports. The only difference is that I am uninvolved, and you have everything to gain from spreading your lies." stated the reporter.

Yes, everything to gain. Our nation, our freedom, our lives. We wish to keep these, to live in peace without being invaded by power hungry warlords. We will expose the reality of their actions, but do not thing for one second we would stoop to their level and lie about it.

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OOC: No, Ampa. Just... no. That's complete and utter bull. All civilians are under guard, I have never RP'd burning crops and raping women, and even if it is propaganda there is no way for it to be out there with the capture of said news team. Thanks.

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IC: We will not enter unless we are attacked. However we have sited Naval forces nearing our shores. I am sure you understand our stance. If we are attacked, we will not sit idly by.

Sorry we should have been more specific. If an outside party contributes to the agressors war efforts we will not hesitate to participate in the war.

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Sorry we should have been more specific. If an outside party contributes to the agressors war efforts we will not hesitate to participate in the war.

Thank you for this affirmation of support towards the people that wish for peace. We welcome any and all aid and support you bring.

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OOC @ Sargun: I commented, I got plans tonight so ill post the follow up tommorow after my morning classes at the college

IC: The Krieg Empire requests to know if the Carthage ships are in INTERNATIONAL or KRIEG Waters. We do not want to mingle with this war, Several nations have already opted to help and send peacekeepers, so we have no intention on entering unless provoked or attacked.

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Dutch investigators, with this latest news reports, and having concluded their original investigation, have elected to stay another week at least in order to discern the entire tapestry of stories being reported by Tyranian news.

The Dutch investigation team has officially concluded its original purpose, to investigate the claims of genocide by Carthaginian forces, and have come to the conclusion displayed below.

From the report published by the team:

"... it is therefore our official opinion that the genocidal practices claimed by the Tyranian government and news sources did not occur. We have found no evidence of massive civilian massacre and thus cannot possibly believe that such a genocide occurred, especially if Tyranian news sources were to obtain pictures of the event. The Tryanian forces would have not had time to secure the area and execute a clean up project of the village to the extent that we would have found absolutely no evidence of genocidal practices."

It is from this report that the official Dutch stance is discerned.

Public Announcement by the Netherlands

It is the opinion of the Third Republic of the United Netherlands that the massacre of civilians claimed by the Tryanian government and denied by the government of the invading Carthaginians did not occur. Investigations which were permitted by the government of Tyran into the genocide have revealed absolutely no evidence of mass-scale slaying of civilians by the Carthaginian government, or by any government. It is therefore assumed that these pictures were forced by Tryan in an attempt to gain more international support.

While it remains the stance of the Netherlands that we are neutral in this affair, we feel it necessary to reveal to the world the truth regarding this incident. Currently, investigations are ongoing into Tyran's most recent claim of war crimes done by the Carthaginian forces, and we will make an official announcement regarding that story once we receive the intelligence.

Once again, the Netherlands voices its support for neither side in this conflict. We are neutral, and merely present in Tyran as a peacekeeping force.

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OOC: Ampasand if you focused on RPing your national guard actually fighting back against Sargun's forces instead of taking the easy way out of RPing Sarguns troops performing imaginary massacres, then maybe more nations would be willing to help you.... Also, i find it ironic that the world stage isnt taking actions against this clearly imperialistic move by Sarg... sometimes I wonder if only some people get rolled for doing this, while others can get away scot free.


News spread of the ongoing rebellion (OOC: I'm assuming the whole thread is about Sargun wanting Hannibal and Ampa's lands OOC'ly and IC'ly declaring it a war? I read the whole thread and am still not sure about that) in Northern Africa to the NoN.

With the NoN's previous history of having to beat back its own rebels and other destabilizers, the EM is most certainly biased against such an assault.

"Trouble in North Africa sirs, and guess which one of our friends now has a sword dangling above their heads?" Intelligence Minister Iago said.

"Krieg?" General Michaelson and the Executive Minister answered almost exactly in synch.

"Krieg, sirs." With that confirmation, the three men simultaneously facepalmed, the sharp crack echoing throughout the busy Operations Centre, startling some and causing others to look back from their consoles in irritation, before realizing the source of the sound and quickly going back to work.

Placing both fingers to each of his temples, Michaelson slowly started to rub. It seemed that Krieg was becoming a growing pain for the man (OOC: lol, Cole please don't take that to heart).

"What the hell happened now?" The General asked in an exasperated voice.

"A rebellion of sorts has engulfed the Northern Nations of Tyran and Carthage. The thing is..." Iago held the last word for a slight pause, "...that these rebels have access to highly advanced weaponry and aircraft that the NoN can only dream of fielding before the Great Divide..."

"Therefore," the cunning man continued, "I am hard pressed to recomend whether we take action against the rebels who call themselves the True Carthage,

or against the legitimate, but woefully out gunned governments of the target nations."

"!@#$%^&*!" General Michaelson hated rebels more than the democrats, but was wise enough to know when he was outmatched. Flipping through some reports on the World Community's stance on the crisis, he could see that they were swayed towards the rebels! "It seems that the World Police choose to sit on their hands against these guys!"

"The rebels even have access to Naval forces... following a rather brash announcement from Krieg, a fleet has been stationned outside their waters!"

The Executive Minister was quiet. Although he did not readily like Iago's machinations and manipulative ways, he recognized the man's desire to see his nation come out on top, regardless of honour or glory. The same honour and glory that Michaelson always strived to follow and obey in his own regards to the NoN.

"This is unprecedented... We have a situation on the ground," The Executive Minister paused as he skimmed over Tyran's reports of an ongoing genocide in the war torn regions, "that is revolving very quickly. I hate to say it, but until we see action from the UMS on this case, which I predict will favour these Rebels, we cannot pledge troops to the Tyrannians and Incumbent Carthagians. We are to remain at DEFCON 1 and mobilize our forces to defend the NoN lest the rebels choose us as their next target. I will send a message to the UMS myself."


While the NoN hates rebel scum more than it hates the hypocritical Democrats and other bleeding hearts, we shall not intervene in this attack on two Sovereign Governments as of yet, but will wait to see if our Allies the Krieg require our assistance in protecting its Sovereignity.

It is in times like these where we call out to those that would call themselves the Champions of Peace and Humanity... here we have a rampant group of Rebels who, massacres or no massacres aside, decided to attack two sovereign nations with weaponry their victims could only dream of using. So far, we have seen a disturbing amount of support for the rebels... this war, regardless of outcome, will be a monumental tribute to the failure of these grandstanders and the hypocrisy of those who would call themselves good and Democratic.

Edited by Executive Minister
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ooc: I’d drop a bomb or two on Sargun just for lulz, but no planned wars for me.

ic: Slavorussians are tired of seeing their youths being sent off to fight and die for nations of people who we have no connection to. They’re tired of fearing the reprisals of the allies of tyrants. There’s very little we can do to end the war, but we will keep our borders open for refugees seeking a free and democratic home.

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OOC: He did post a map claim, and did RP out an IC DoE. Just because the stig didn't have time to update the map/missed the claim when he was editing it (human error), it doesn't mean you should ignore someone completely. This is pointless.

IC: Annihilation has nothing to say on this 'war' except on how utterly pointless it is. We will pledge support to Tyran, as we know it is a Sovereign nation-state. However we are too far away to send soldiers, and it would not be in our best interests to do so.

France also pledges support of the legitimate government of Tyran over its internationally recognised territories. We hope that the two sides can peacefully reach an agreement.

OOC: What MU says

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