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The Asiatic Unity Pact

Elrich von Richt

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OOC: I don't see anyone claiming that unity does not mean 100% cohesiveness in real life, because it's wrong. He said something wrong and I corrected him, if you get your knickers in a twist over it try saying things that are correct instead of lies.

As for the blacklist, why would Carthage care about a blacklist from other countries? None of their citizens are legally allowed to leave the country yet. :P

Anyway, that's all for now. This would be an IC post but I'm responding directly to an OOC post. See ya later.

OOC: Alright, that is understandable to your first and second sentence, w/e to your insult. But about your fourth sentence I was thinking of doing something like that for my nation, since it is a very smart move if you know people are starting to be hostile towards yourself.

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OOC: There edited for how OOC this 4th page got there seemed no point into putting OOC in front. Oh well, I am just trying to get Sargun out of here so he doesn't completely derail the thread to no end wasn't much of a rant I thought.

OOC: Sargun can be in here, he's making valid points, ICly and OOCly. He's done nothing wrong - and he's not even derailing the thread as it is/was.

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Annihilation is appauled by the actions of both Carthage and the Empire. Yes, we realise that the Empire is a part of the pact and they are our brethren. However, we find this argument to be petty and non-sensical. We joined this pact because it promoted peace and unity without giving up something we value so much.. Our sovereignty.

Now, what's interesting, and what concerns me, is that we have had intelligence reports suggesting that Nagato has tried to claim some land that was owned by Buryatia as a protectorate, which they did not consent to giving. Basically, Nagato stole some land, and is now trying to apply for AUP membership. I suggest we deny him membership until he can get some land the proper way.

OOC: Seriously Sargun, leave it alone man. You're not doing yourself any favours by complaining just because you're bored. Your OOC is annoying me.

Edited by Madame Unicorn
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A short message from the Buryatian Diplomatic Corps arrives at the AUP Congress:

“As the government of Transitional Chernorussia has not concluded any agreement with the government of Buryatia regarding territory, self government or independence, we do not recognize their decision to enter into unilateral foreign policy. We do not recognize them as a sovereign entity at this time, and we request that the representative from Transitional Chernorussia be expelled.

Should Transitional Chernorussia’s negotiations with Buryatia lead to a signed agreement regarding their independence, then we shall withdraw all objections. We sincerely hope that the AUP will co-operate with us on this matter.”

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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OOC: Sargun can be in here, he's making valid points, ICly and OOCly. He's done nothing wrong - and he's not even derailing the thread as it is/was.

OOC: Yes, he can be here, and he can say what he like. However, I dispute the proposition that his claims are valid.

A short message from the Buryatian Diplomatic Corps arrives at the AUP Congress:

“As the government of Transitional Chernorussia has not concluded any agreement with the government of Buryatia regarding territory, self government or independence, we do not recognize their decision to enter into unilateral foreign policy. We do not recognize them as a sovereign entity at this time, and we request that the representative from Transitional Chernorussia be expelled.

Should Transitional Chernorussia’s negotiations with Buryatia lead to a signed agreement regarding their independence, then we shall withdraw all objections. We sincerely hope that the AUP will co-operate with us on this matter.”

"This should not be a problem."

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