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Fascist Terror attacks and Rebellion in the Empire.

Colerich Krieg

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Bombs detonated all over the Empire. People were being shot down. Rebels rampaged through out the Streets. Who were these people?

The Imperial News Corespondent had this to say: "These attacks were made by an Extremist Fascist group, called the "Imperial Soldiers of Anarchy", (ISA) Being so, they wish to spread Anarchy and attempt to replace our current government with a more Fascist Hardliner government.."

Apparently, the group feels betrayed by the Emperor for his commitments to Centralist reforms for the Nation. The group is highly organized, funded, and incredibly angry. They wish to Anarch the current Centralist Government and replace it with a more hardcore Fascist Regime.

ISA anonymous talker had this to say:

"The Emperor has betrayed us all. He is weak and is growing humane in our eyes. Our terror attacks will continue until he has disbanded the government and ordered our leader to take his place as Dictator of Krieg."

General-Imperium Radec Klauss ordered Local troops stationed to be on top alert. The nation was placed under Martial Law, however it was very louse -- Only a Curfew of 8pm was effect at this time. However if anyone would like to be out longer they can contact a local Imperial Guard Unit and request a One Hour pass, and will be required to check in in 15 minute intervals.

The General had this to say:


"Im not going to lie. I don't 100% agree with the Emperor's decisions and approach to try to reform the nation. However he is our brave leader, and I will protect him, and above all, this nation and its innocent citizens from these cowardly acts of violence."

Imperial Guard Units are now Patrolling the streets in major settlements starting from 8pm to 6am, at which time the Curfew will be lifted.


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OOC: Sorry dude, but aren't fascism and anarchy polar opposites?

OOC: Yes but however inorder for them to gain power they first must cause Anarchy on the current government.. More less rioting and attacking. Also, I dont hate Fascists IC or OOC, they are welcomed in our country however such attacks will not be tolerated, by any political extremists, fascists or not.

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OOC: Sorry dude, but aren't fascism and anarchy polar opposites?

OOC: He beat me to it. Fascists are like, fully on the top of the Authoritarian part of the scale, and Anarchists at the very bottom of the Anarchy scale.

Fascists: Strong government

Anarchists: No government

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More bombings in the Empire..


A Local Party Office recruitment building in New Berlin, operated by the "Europeans for Centralist reform and equality" Was recently bombed by Fascists.

Surpisingly the "Fascist Party of Krieg" announced moments later, saying they denounce and deny any involvement or financing the terrorists.

Spokesman: "We seek peaceful means of gaining control in the Krieg Government by Senate and Presidential Elections. We have no ties to the extremists, and we hope this statement will help dispel and rumors."

The Communist party of Madrid also came on and for once in history took a stance next to their Fascist rivals in the Senate and said "These attacks are cowardly and uncalled for. We demand Justice for these attacks!"

All over the country, fire fights break out in the streets. Several Fascist Hardliners grabbed masks and misc. Tools and weapons and began rioting at Military Patrols. Reinforcements were deployed, and the 34th Imperial Guard and Armor Divison was sent to New Berlin to protect from attacks on the Capital building.


OOC: If anyone wants to RP ISA Riot attacks, PM me before hand :)

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OOC: He beat me to it. Fascists are like, fully on the top of the Authoritarian part of the scale, and Anarchists at the very bottom of the Anarchy scale.

Fascists: Strong government

Anarchists: No government

"but however inorder for them to gain power they first must cause Anarchy on the current government.."

In comparison Think back to the fall of the Tzardom in Russia, when the Communists took over. They caused technically an Anarchist rebellion, and then took power and took steps to secure their supreme power.

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The Aether Empire thinks that Krieg should build more youth centers for your youth that obviously are uneducated when they run around referring to "fascist anarchy" It is like saying that something is the color black-white without meaning grey. Youth centers should be built to inspire them to take on more productive hobbies, or they should be indoctrinated in the art of war and subverted into a national henchman army.

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The Aether Empire thinks that Krieg should build more youth centers for your youth that obviously are uneducated when they run around referring to "fascist anarchy" It is like saying that something is the color black-white without meaning grey. Youth centers should be built to inspire them to take on more productive hobbies, or they should be indoctrinated in the art of war and subverted into a national henchman army.

General-Imperium Klauss scribbled the statement on a piece of paper and yelled "BRILLIANT!!"

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"but however inorder for them to gain power they first must cause Anarchy on the current government.."

In comparison Think back to the fall of the Tzardom in Russia, when the Communists took over. They caused technically an Anarchist rebellion, and then took power and took steps to secure their supreme power.

OOC: I posted OOCly the first time, so I'll respond OOCly.

Then they're not anarchists. They're fascists. People start anarchies, and when the chaos gets out of control, people go to someone for help, usually the one that started it, and they create an oligarchy,

IC: "Krieg should have looked closer to home during the war instead of leveling Dutch housing and economic structures."

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OOC: I posted OOCly the first time, so I'll respond OOCly.

Then they're not anarchists. They're fascists. People start anarchies, and when the chaos gets out of control, people go to someone for help, usually the one that started it, and they create an oligarchy,

IC: "Krieg should have looked closer to home during the war instead of leveling Dutch housing and economic structures."

OOC: I didnt mention the Fascist Party for nothing hint hint :awesome:

IC: The Empire has no time to deal with international slander while our nation is being corrupted. We'll take a rain check.

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OOC: I posted OOCly the first time, so I'll respond OOCly.

Then they're not anarchists. They're fascists. People start anarchies, and when the chaos gets out of control, people go to someone for help, usually the one that started it, and they create an oligarchy,

IC: "Krieg should have looked closer to home during the war instead of leveling Dutch housing and economic structures."

OOC: I think what he's trying to say is in order to establish a more hardline Fascist government, they have to break down the current one so they can build up their own in its place.

IC: Promised Land condemns these attacks, and sends our wishes that Krieg swiftly crushes this rebellion.

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OOC: Have fun with the old anti-fascist nations then.

OOC: At least watch the story before assuming anything >:l


5 Imperial Guardsmen. Gunned down in the streets. 3 of them were Husbands with Children. One was a young teen looking for a way to get his College education funded. One was a newlywed women, a Mother of 2..

The Emperor sat at his desk. Johann had betrayed him. How could he do this to him? He trusted him. He gave him his word.. and now.. he dared do this to him..

The Aid who had brought the news to the Emperor was still standing at attention while the Emperor sat, silently.

Emperor Colerich Krieg, said quietly, "Consider it war, Brother.."

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OOC: Have fun with the old anti-fascist nations then.

IC: In that case, we'll go ahead and call both the government and fascists incompetent. We'll get you more details on that later.

So a government is incompetent just because it cannot anticipate every possible future?

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Johannes Krieg sat queitly in München, Österreich, sipping wine in his luxury condo. He laughed when he saw news on the TV from New Berlin. He saw his old friend, Radec Klauss, whom he met in the Nordreich army, giving a statement.

"HA! Hes more of a Fascist then Ill EVER be.. fool.. soon, power will be mine.."

Johannes picked up his phone, dialed a number. On the other line, a simple "What?" Was said.

Johannes: "Good work, 3 Million Austrian Marks will be wired to your account. Also, Nice statement, and the Communists backing you up made it look more convincing.. How much did you pay them? Or perhaps a gun to the head?"

Phone: "Oh, yes sir, Indeed.. We have our ways.. Plans will continue as usual..." *Click*

Johannes stood up, slowly. He walked over to a Map of the Planet.. He grinned, and said, "Soon, soon.."

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Due to the political instability of the Krieg Empire, the Scottish military has begun construction of nuclear missile silos to be placed in Lisbon.

*Private call from an unknown source.*

"Our leader is offering you a great sum of money and land for your cooperation in the overthrowing of the Krieg Government.. "

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So a government is incompetent just because it cannot anticipate every possible future?

"No, because they didn't pay attention at home. While their artillery bombed Utrecht, there were doubtlessly murmurs of instability. Revolts don't just POOF into existence. There's dissent beforehand."

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"No, because they didn't pay attention at home. While their artillery bombed Utrecht, there were doubtlessly murmurs of instability. Revolts don't just POOF into existence. There's dissent beforehand."

"Yes, murmurs. You know how often citizens complain abbout something without actually doing anything about it? Unless they had a monitering device in every home, we doubt very much they would have had foreknowledge of this sort of uprising."

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"Yes, murmurs. You know how often citizens complain abbout something without actually doing anything about it? Unless they had a monitering device in every home, we doubt very much they would have had foreknowledge of this sort of uprising."

"There are stages of rebellion. Thoughts of rebellion, then small protests, which grow, one bursts into a riot, and, of course, the inevitable increase in arms and ammo sales, and finally, this."

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The Emperor stood in his Office. With him, stood President Visari Straußberg, General Radec Klauss, and Head Councilman Lente Chavez.

President Visari: "It is obviously him. No doubt."

Gen. Klauss: "How could we be sure? Last time I was told he was killed in the Nordreich army during the war."

Head of Senate Lente: (In his usual heavy Spanish accent): "Do not be certain, Klauss. Thousands of POW's and Casualties were reported in the war. The Majority Martens didnt follow up on getting back."

Emperor Colerich Krieg: "Who else then? The people seemed so happy about the Centralist Reforms. We didnt recieve any oppostion during the reforms. Why would they strike just now? Its obvious these Rioters are organized and trained -- It hints that preperation was made for these actions. Normally we would have been threatened during and before the reforms took place."

President Visari: "If it is true Johann is behind all this, we face an evil mastermind the likes of which none of us can predict."

Emperor Krieg: "That is my worst fear.."

The 4 continued to talk in his office.

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