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WOLF DoE: Round 2


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If 2/3rds of the alliances in WOLF vote to declare an offensive war on another -Coalition- ( which doesn't exist yet ) then war is declared, and all those who voted yes participate, anyone who votes no does not.

If someone attacks a WOLF alliance and they ask for help, they will get it, if they don't ask then it is assumed they can handle it.

If a WOLF nation attacks another alliance and get's curbstomped that's their own fault.

Does that help?

Yes, thanks for the clarification.

And @ Elbo- stop living in the past. If and when Murder Inc does something in the present, then you can puff your chest out. :P

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all i see in this thread is a bunch of posers trying to be cool and act all tough and !@#$.

I love this growing trend of alliances building super blocs to pretend they're cool. guess what? you're not. MI set that trend a long time ago with the Prometheus project. We did it better and with fewer alliances (3 to be exact). we had style. you aint got !@#$.

I love how the WOLFHATE grows with each round, but people love Murder Inc, who was much much more ruthless, you are certainly right El, you did it better, if by better you mean you crushed all opposition without a second thought. Though of course that would just increase the WOLFHATE, which I wouldn't mind really, it would just cause what sanity I have left snap reading the thoughts of others.

Perhaps that's what Murder Inc's true legacy is the ability to laugh at other's stupidity without trying to fight it directly, and then when they die in horrible accidents, to sell the videos to "Faces of Death" websites. You are right El, I'm not quite that hardcore, but then again I've been holding back too. Maybe if I had been around back in the day, I could have made it in MI, maybe not. It would have been fun to see though.

Welcome back, we look forward to the chaos!

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Yes. The WOLF Pack is still here, we're happy with the results and yes, you all still have to deal with us.

Membership, in case you forgot: Roman Empire, The Phoenix Federation, The Fellowship, Spartan Defense Force, Global Democratic Alliance, Republic of White Nations, The Red Guard, SOS Brigade, Box Vipers, Orbit Black, GATO, The Black Hand, Aeonic Imperium, and Sons of Anarchy.

If for some reason you would like to set up an embassy with us you can sign up here.

I know there is going to be a lot of whining and moaning, I have come to expect it. For those who have logical, ethical, and reasonable arguments. Thank you, you are part of the reason that WOLF exists.

For the rest of you let me go over a few things so we can avoid going over the same tired retread as last round

1) WOLF is ruining TE! - Answer: TE is a war game, if you want to change something in it, do something. Talking accomplishes nothing in war

2) WOLF is a "ebil super bloc"! - Answer: WOLF existed before it had a name, all the members were allies before WOLF existed

3) WOLF is going to control the world! ( aka the chicken little statement) - Answer: We never have controlled even half the nations or half the NS in the world

4) WOLF is gonna curbstomp every alliance! - Answer: No we aren't, we didn't last round we won't this round. Yes it's MDP, however help has to be requested before it's given.

5) WOLF makes me angry! ( or whatever word you use to express your opinion, I don't have to explain the difference between opinions and facts do I? ) - Answer: Do not reproduce.

If you say any of the above, I will assume you are incapable of learning and/or reading and treat you as such. I have little patience with idiocy, let's see if we can actually respond intelligently this round.

1. You guys curb stomped anyone who you even suspected of doing something about it last round.

2. Wolf was ebil before it declared its existence. The declaration didn't change your conduct at all.

3. you wish

4. You guys keep saying you didn't and yet you never declared an offensive war on anyone unless you had a 3:1 advantage or better and if that doesn't count as a curbstomp to you, you have more serious issues than I realized.

5. Yes this kind of behavior tends to irritate people.

Umm... what's a lie? The membership roster? That people have whined about it? Or the list of things most common that people have whined about?

Point it out to me please, and enlighten me with your brilliance please?

There ya go all pointed out nice and neat point by point. If you need me to make it simpler for you just ask. I love how every time someone pro wolf posts about wolf they are whining about how people don't like them or the way they do business and call everyone whiners for it. If you don't like that people don't like WOLF do something about it, like leave or disband, until then stop whining about people not liking superblocs ruining TE. People aren't going to suddenly change their minds and say "oh my I was totally wrong, I love how those guys from WOLF hand out curbstomps, spew blatant propaganda and whine constantly about how nobody likes them"

Edited by SativaZealot
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1. You guys curb stomped anyone who you even suspected of doing something about it last round.

2. Wolf was ebil before it declared its existence. The declaration didn't change your conduct at all.

3. you wish

4. You guys keep saying you didn't and yet you never declared an offensive war on anyone unless you had a 3:1 advantage or better and if that doesn't count as a curbstomp to you, you have more serious issues than I realized.

5. Yes this kind of behavior tends to irritate people.

1. We only curbstomp those that we find "highly dishonorable", thank you.

2. Honrable nations need not be evil.

3. Yes we certainly do, and we have. It has been granted to us.

4. All fights are honorable fights.

5. Only if you tend to be dishonorable.

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10 bucks says you're rolled halfway through the round :o

Bring it on. We'll enjoy every moment of it.

I think a massive bloc is cool in a war game. Gives us something to fight against!

This is the kind of attitude we've been hoping for from the non-WOLF parts of TE.

If you want, you can see us as the villains. We don't really care.

What we want is for you to do something about it.

Edited by Arrnea
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1. We only curbstomp those that we find "highly dishonorable", thank you.

2. Honrable nations need not be evil.

3. Yes we certainly do, and we have. It has been granted to us.

4. All fights are honorable fights.

5. Only if you tend to be dishonorable.

So opposing WOLF in any way is dishonorable now?? Make up you minds you want someone to do something about it but you are going to curbstomp them for being dishonorable if they do?? There is NO honor in curbstomping people. ever. and if all your fights were honorable people wouldn't have anything to !@#$%* about they would be saying hey those WOLF guys are great guys even though they control a massive chunk of TE they don't use it to obliterate people on a whim. Don't sit there and try to ride that high horse it makes you look pathetic and insane. At least grow a pair like Arrnea and embrace your villain title, instead of insulting our intelligence trying to pretend like everyone is stupid and doesn't know better.

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So opposing WOLF in any way is dishonorable now?? Make up you minds you want someone to do something about it but you are going to curbstomp them for being dishonorable if they do?? There is NO honor in curbstomping people. ever. and if all your fights were honorable people wouldn't have anything to !@#$%* about they would be saying hey those WOLF guys are great guys even though they control a massive chunk of TE they don't use it to obliterate people on a whim. Don't sit there and try to ride that high horse it makes you look pathetic and insane. At least grow a pair like Arrnea and embrace your villain title, instead of insulting our intelligence trying to pretend like everyone is stupid and doesn't know better.

Well, this should be quite fun.

1. Where did I ever say that opposing WOLF was dishonorable? I only said we curbstomp those, and I quote, "find dishonorable". Dishonorable =/= Opposing us.

2. I do not know what you are talking about. I have not seen any complaints about WOLF that haven't come from you.

3. What high horse?

4. Where have I insulted your intelligence? Let's look back on my post:

1. We only curbstomp those that we find "highly dishonorable", thank you.

2. Honrable nations need not be evil.

3. Yes we certainly do, and we have. It has been granted to us.

4. All fights are honorable fights.

5. Only if you tend to be dishonorable.

Oh dear god, I called you dishonorable! Alert everybody, apparently calling somebody dishonorable means you just insulted their intelligence!

Nice try, except not.

Edited by N Reeki
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1. You guys curb stomped anyone who you even suspected of doing something about it last round.

2. Wolf was ebil before it declared its existence. The declaration didn't change your conduct at all.

3. you wish (RE: "We never have controlled even half the nations or half the NS in the world")

4. You guys keep saying you didn't and yet you never declared an offensive war on anyone unless you had a 3:1 advantage or better and if that doesn't count as a curbstomp to you, you have more serious issues than I realized.

5. Yes this kind of behavior tends to irritate people.

1. We hit NOIR when they were trying to get together a bloc of nations to attack us. We had plenty of evidence of this, including pms stupidly sent to our allies by NOIR's leadership, trying to get them to be part of the bloc. No apologies there.

2. How dare we be successful, eh? Sure if it makes you feel better. SO!?!

3. The statement was true, WOLF made up about 1/3 at best. It will probably be less this time out.

4. Lies and exaggerations. WOLF never declared war on any single alliance as a bloc. Each alliance in the bloc hit other alliances - because it's a war game. None were "at least 3-1," not even the NOIR war. RE and TPF were willing to fight LE, SWAT and MHA by themselves, until it started to look like other alliances were taking advantage of that to pile on, like Fark did. We fought when we felt the need or desire to fight, just like anyone and everyone else did.

5. Well it seems to irritate YOU. That's reason enough for me :)

You quit NOIR and joined TPF cause NOIR got stomped by TPF.

You quit TPF because you didn't like their friends and claimed to be quitting TE.

You really seem to have kind of a quitter attitude in general. The other members of NOIR spoke about what a hinderence you were to their alliance. You certainly didn't benefit TPF much either, we didn't even notice you left. It was no loss and probably a gain. Why just constantly keep complaining about things that aren't going to change just because YOU want them to? Are you ever going to contribute anything positive to anyone (much less these forums), ever?

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I love how the WOLFHATE grows with each round, but people love Murder Inc, who was much much more ruthless, you are certainly right El, you did it better, if by better you mean you crushed all opposition without a second thought. Though of course that would just increase the WOLFHATE, which I wouldn't mind really, it would just cause what sanity I have left snap reading the thoughts of others.

Perhaps that's what Murder Inc's true legacy is the ability to laugh at other's stupidity without trying to fight it directly, and then when they die in horrible accidents, to sell the videos to "Faces of Death" websites. You are right El, I'm not quite that hardcore, but then again I've been holding back too. Maybe if I had been around back in the day, I could have made it in MI, maybe not. It would have been fun to see though.

Welcome back, we look forward to the chaos!

you should do your history lessons, it really would make you look a little less idiotic. Murder Inc. didn't crush all opposition w/o a second thought. We attacked who we wanted, when we wanted to attack them. When the world lined up against our ally in IDIOT we stood by them and together, we crushed that pathetic coalition. When MHA became number 2 we didn't crush them. When the world lined up against us b/c we were "ruining TE" we fought back hard alongside our allies against insurmountable odds.

The simple fact is we only attacked those who we wanted to attack and it took our closest ally stabbing us in the back and lining the world against us to bring us down. Had it not been for the incredibly handsome and cunning folks are Warlordz Murder Inc. would still be #1. (thats not a "poor us" line either, i've congratulated those fellows on their awesome work, it is afterall a game)

the difference b/t MI and this so called wolf coalition is that MI had balls. We made things interesting. We didn't "vote" or get "consensus" we didn't need. We rolled to the beat of our own drums. Which is far more than i can say about any of the cowards in Wolf (save maybe TPF, i don't know if they're still as cool as they once were)

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Oh dear god, I called you dishonorable! Alert everybody, apparently calling somebody dishonorable means you just insulted their intelligence!

Nice try, except not.

if you want honor, go play SE. This is TE, put on your big boy pants and grow a pair nancy.

Edited by elborrador
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Fascinating. Being insulted by somebody I used to trust.

So tell me, are you going to stalk me around the TE forums and insult me or are you going to leave me alone?

it was actually a coincidence that i insulted you twice in 2 different topics. I didn't realize it until i re-read the other topic.

I generally don't look at who the poster is.

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1. We only curbstomp those that we find "highly dishonorable", thank you.

2. Honrable nations need not be evil.

3. Yes we certainly do, and we have. It has been granted to us.

4. All fights are honorable fights.

5. Only if you tend to be dishonorable.

Your logic really cracks me up. No wonder El Bo likes following you around. Seems like an easy target.

Considering that the TPF/LE war basically started the great war of last round, your calling LE dishonorable. Dont get me wrong, we all had a great time. I love the "We attack LE because we want a good fight" arguement as much as the next, but when the alliance your attacking has 1/3 of your NS, less than 1/2 of your members, and more importantly 1/100 of your nukes..... Even the mighty LE were doomed from the get-go.

Now, that being said, any revisions on your previous post?


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Your logic really cracks me up. No wonder El Bo likes following you around. Seems like an easy target.

Considering that the TPF/LE war basically started the great war of last round, your calling LE dishonorable. Dont get me wrong, we all had a great time. I love the "We attack LE because we want a good fight" arguement as much as the next, but when the alliance your attacking has 1/3 of your NS, less than 1/2 of your members, and more importantly 1/100 of your nukes..... Even the mighty LE were doomed from the get-go.

Now, that being said, any revisions on your previous post?


Do note that I've just now rejoined TE, so I have literally no idea what you are talking about. Please, enlighten me.

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all i see in this thread is a bunch of posers trying to be cool and act all tough and !@#$.

I love this growing trend of alliances building super blocs to pretend they're cool. guess what? you're not. MI set that trend a long time ago with the Prometheus project. We did it better and with fewer alliances (3 to be exact). we had style. you aint got !@#$.

I hope you excluded me out of that <_<

Yes, thanks for the clarification.

And @ Elbo- stop living in the past. If and when Murder Inc does something in the present, then you can puff your chest out. :P

Have you actually ever done anything? Ever?

I love how the WOLFHATE grows with each round, but people love Murder Inc, who was much much more ruthless, you are certainly right El, you did it better, if by better you mean you crushed all opposition without a second thought. Though of course that would just increase the WOLFHATE, which I wouldn't mind really, it would just cause what sanity I have left snap reading the thoughts of others.

Perhaps that's what Murder Inc's true legacy is the ability to laugh at other's stupidity without trying to fight it directly, and then when they die in horrible accidents, to sell the videos to "Faces of Death" websites. You are right El, I'm not quite that hardcore, but then again I've been holding back too. Maybe if I had been around back in the day, I could have made it in MI, maybe not. It would have been fun to see though.

Welcome back, we look forward to the chaos!

MI will never be able to be like it was in previous rounds. Also Everyone hated MI's guts. Just ask Tibs how he was like when we nailed his $@!
Fascinating. Being insulted by somebody I used to trust.

So tell me, are you going to stalk me around the TE forums and insult me or are you going to leave me alone?

Please no one cares who you are. And no one cares who you trusted. Names don't mean %*($ here if you say stupid things

Edited by Believland
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all i see in this thread is a bunch of posers trying to be cool and act all tough and !@#$.

I love this growing trend of alliances building super blocs to pretend they're cool. guess what? you're not. MI set that trend a long time ago with the Prometheus project. We did it better and with fewer alliances (3 to be exact). we had style. you aint got !@#$.

Two rounds in a row where we've seen nothing from you.

I think you're a loud-mouthed coward - no wonder BEazy was once MI.

Did any of that confuse you?

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Well, this should be quite fun.

1. Where did I ever say that opposing WOLF was dishonorable? I only said we curbstomp those, and I quote, "find dishonorable". Dishonorable =/= Opposing us.

2. I do not know what you are talking about. I have not seen any complaints about WOLF that haven't come from you.

3. What high horse?

4. Where have I insulted your intelligence? Let's look back on my post:

Oh dear god, I called you dishonorable! Alert everybody, apparently calling somebody dishonorable means you just insulted their intelligence!

Nice try, except not.

Seriously if you only just joined TE as you stated then you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and should stop posting like you do.

1. We hit NOIR when they were trying to get together a bloc of nations to attack us. We had plenty of evidence of this, including pms stupidly sent to our allies by NOIR's leadership, trying to get them to be part of the bloc. No apologies there.

2. How dare we be successful, eh? Sure if it makes you feel better. SO!?!

3. The statement was true, WOLF made up about 1/3 at best. It will probably be less this time out.

4. Lies and exaggerations. WOLF never declared war on any single alliance as a bloc. Each alliance in the bloc hit other alliances - because it's a war game. None were "at least 3-1," not even the NOIR war. RE and TPF were willing to fight LE, SWAT and MHA by themselves, until it started to look like other alliances were taking advantage of that to pile on, like Fark did. We fought when we felt the need or desire to fight, just like anyone and everyone else did.

5. Well it seems to irritate YOU. That's reason enough for me :)

You quit NOIR and joined TPF cause NOIR got stomped by TPF.

You quit TPF because you didn't like their friends and claimed to be quitting TE.

You really seem to have kind of a quitter attitude in general. The other members of NOIR spoke about what a hinderence you were to their alliance. You certainly didn't benefit TPF much either, we didn't even notice you left. It was no loss and probably a gain. Why just constantly keep complaining about things that aren't going to change just because YOU want them to? Are you ever going to contribute anything positive to anyone (much less these forums), ever?

I joined Noir as cover because of a scatter order after a typical your not doing what we told you to do RE curbstomp of an alliance 1/10th their size and I joined TPF because one should know their enemy. The couple people in NOIR who had anything negative to say about me were the same idiots who though doornail and lkeller were great leaders despite their bungled attempts to form a bloc that got NOIR rolled so their opinion is really worthless. Why do you keep constantly complaining because people don't like they way you guys handle yourselves and actually speak up about it? Why just constantly keep complaining about things that aren't going to change just because YOU want them to? Are YOU ever going to contribute anything worthwhile of are you just going to keep whining and complaining about how people don't like you guys?

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I joined Noir as cover because of a scatter order after a typical your not doing what we told you to do RE curbstomp of an alliance 1/10th their size and I joined TPF because one should know their enemy. The couple people in NOIR who had anything negative to say about me were the same idiots who though doornail and lkeller were great leaders despite their bungled attempts to form a bloc that got NOIR rolled so their opinion is really worthless.

So, basically, you have NOT ever done anything to make an alliance better.

Thanks for that admission.

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Seriously if you only just joined TE as you stated then you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and should stop posting like you do.

I've been in TE before, I'm not a complete noob to this game. I never said I didn't know what I was talking about, I said that I don't know my alliance's previous actions. Quit putting words in my mouth, lest you find yourself suffering for it.

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