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"Revisionism? If this is what the new age of politics has come to, then I'm glad that this is happening in the madness of Europe."

We had forgotten that truth had been slandered to such a degree that lies are often spoken in the place of plain fact. Rakata sees no point in continuing this conversation, and we wish the best to our esteemed colleagues.

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"Revisionism? If this is what the new age of politics has come to, then I'm glad that this is happening in the madness of Europe."

You are correct. It is In Europe, and we shall treat it as so. Im sure the Emperor is not stupid enough to try and take over 1/3rd of the Continent without retaliation. Once again, we remain supportive, and highly doubt any Hostility shall arise.

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The Dominion is wary of this new nation; it seems to us this is just another militarist German empire seeking cultural, and military dominance in Europe. None the less we will keep an open mind on the matter. That being said we will stand by our allies in the EU should they be threatened.

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The Dominion is wary of this new nation; it seems to us this is just another militarist German empire seeking cultural, and military dominance in Europe.

"The same was said about us, but so far the only territory we have "Acquired" was from the Liberation of France, and we have plans to release the land gained into its own Procterate" (For a new player to make his own nation with.)

None the less we will keep an open mind on the matter.

"As shall we. The Habsburg line is wise beyond their times, and understands an Offensive will end up crippling their nation."

That being said we will stand by our allies in the EU should they be threatened.

"Once again we agree with this statement. We shall stand by our peaceful European brethren, and will fight for their sovereignty as they did for us. Hail peace in Europe."

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"Zargathia is happy it is located in Asia. Here, if a nation expresses their dreams for a united Asia, the Dragon Empire checks for an interest in joining. In Europe, the common approach is to have the offender drawn and quartered for even remotely daring to insinuate the leaders might just possibly have the slightest chance to lose some degree of authority over their territories, going as far as to threaten with open warfare to protect their status quo. And you accuse the Holy Roman Empire of imperialism?"

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"Zargathia is happy it is located in Asia. Here, if a nation expresses their dreams for a united Asia, the Dragon Empire checks for an interest in joining. In Europe, the common approach is to have the offender drawn and quartered for even remotely daring to insinuate the leaders might just possibly have the slightest chance to lose some degree of authority over their territories, going as far as to threaten with open warfare to protect their status quo. And you accuse the Holy Roman Empire of imperialism?"

"The Empire said no such thing, if you were pointing that statement towards us. We are supportive. However we will not let the very nations who were willing to die for our saftey and soviergnty go without our Help. Repaying the favor, per say."

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"Zargathia is happy it is located in Asia. Here, if a nation expresses their dreams for a united Asia, the Dragon Empire checks for an interest in joining. In Europe, the common approach is to have the offender drawn and quartered for even remotely daring to insinuate the leaders might just possibly have the slightest chance to lose some degree of authority over their territories, going as far as to threaten with open warfare to protect their status quo. And you accuse the Holy Roman Empire of imperialism?"

We remind Zargathia that Europe is not Asia, and that because other leaders value their sovereignty high, and somtimes too high, that is no a fault in and of itself. We have no qualms with the people of Austria, but we merely remain wary of them, as we were of Krieg during the Scotland crisis.

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We know the Empire has made no such statements and neither did we. Our comment was aimed at those who were calling for a force to remove the Emperor-elect based on absolutely nothing, just as nations had against the Krieg when you declared your existance. It just sounds so... xenophobic."

Edited by Amyante
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but we merely remain wary of them, as we were of Krieg during the Scotland crisis.

"Haha good friend, The only weapon of war the Empire possess so far is the Sheer will of our soldiers and pride of our people and nation, although a powerful tool in any situation, I fear scotland has and will always have the upper hand in military technology."

We know the Empire has made no such statements and neither did we. Our comment was aimed at those who were calling for a force to remove the Emperor-elect based on absolutely nothing, just as nations had against the Krieg when you declared your existance. It just sounds so... xenophobic."

"We fully support this statement. Once again I am sure the Elect will not seek violence. At least, I hope. Or else my name and word will be tarnished more then it is, if possible."

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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If Europe wishes to shopw it does not set a double-standared, they will force the Dutch into their own borders.

That's exactly why we are fighting. To exist as a nation. We have no need for inland expansion- we have the sea as the last frontier to be conquered.

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That's exactly why we are fighting. To exist as a nation. We have no need for inland expansion- we have the sea as the last frontier to be conquered.

You're fighting against a nation who has already stated their intent to leave you alone. You are not fighting to exist as a nation. Spin elsewhere, please.

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That's exactly why we are fighting. To exist as a nation. We have no need for inland expansion- we have the sea as the last frontier to be conquered.

If the HRE activated our MDP we will have to come to their aid. We don't want to have to fight a war, so we hope the Dutch will rethink this decision to go to war against the HRE

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That's exactly why we are fighting. To exist as a nation. We have no need for inland expansion- we have the sea as the last frontier to be conquered.

You are aggressively attacking an ation that has publicly declared its peaceful intent. You are the attacker, not the defender. You should be pushed back to your own lands.

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