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Crimson Guard Edict #5: Ultimatum to Internet Superheroes

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From what I've seen of Francesca, she is a character that whines about morals all day long no matter how illogical they are. The action she is trying to take against IS is no more or less moral then what IS did to her alliance, she should realize this and do the moral thing and accept white peace from IS.

To me, if she continues this course of action she is immoral.

If Francesca is going to continue her moral crusade though planet bob then yes, or she can attack IS and tell the world she is no longer the bastion for morality.

To me though, if IS attacked Athens, I would be first in a long line of Athenians grinding their nations into absolute nothingness.

Don't see what is so immoral about warning someone that if they don't pay reps for an unprovoked attack, they will get what they deserve. That is all the OP is doing.

I think you just have a very unsavoury bias in this matter, personally. One could even say you are being very immoral in your posts.

They aren't attacking in defense, CG can have peace if they want it, Fran said in her OP that IS offered her peace, she turned it down and instead she is going to start a war of vengeance in order to obtain money from IS. This, is the same as IS did to CG, attacking for money and tech in their tech raid.

Fran is immoral.

EDIT: fran is immoral

Jack is immoral.

As best I can figure out, it has something to do with Hell Scream saying mean things about Pink.

Doesn't everyone who isn't on Pink say mean things about Pink though? ;)

Trying to equivocate IS attacking CG for no discernable reason with CG demanding reparations is, umm, I'm not really sure. Completely irrational and illogical and mind-melting. Sure, CG doesn't have to push for reps, but they are perfectly within their rights to do so.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

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Are you really going to play the "poor pitiful us" victim card? The reason it's getting attention is because Internet Superheroes launched an unprovoked war on another alliance and is trying to pass it off as a raid. Alliances do not subject themselves to attack simply because they lack contractual defensive obligations. Not in my world. In attacking another alliance without a legitimate grievance they've created a legitimate grievance against themselves -- they pose a threat to the safety and security of all who hold peace dear.

Elyat sums it up pretty well IMO.

But barring that, another way to look at is IS does indeed have every right to break their own raiding policies and declare war for whatever reason. Conversely, the whole goddamn world has every sovereign right to declare war on IS and RAD if they want for being dicks. I don't think anyone is really that surprised by this action from IS, they went full retard a long time ago. You never go full retard man. Someone also pointed out the fact that CG seems to have been targeted because of not having defense treaties. I have spoke out against IS plenty of times for their petty asinine behavior and yet no attacks on Vires Noctu yet. I mean we are only 22 nations with a low AVG strength, IS would probably kick our teeth in. Oh, but then Pegasus and possibly the whole of Purple would be at your door.

It's really quite simple when you look at it. IS are nothing more than playground bullies who are most likely about to get kicked in the nuts by the kid who studied kung fu with Chuck Norris. They will cry foul, say it was for the lulz and retreat back to their corner.

Personally, if I didn't have to go through Pegasus to get clearance, I would have declared on IS a long time ago, you know, for the lulz. And to be quite honest, I would love to kick some of their teeth in. I and the whole of Vires Noctu wish CG and whoever joins them tonight luck in ridding the world of a garbage pile that should have been thrown out long ago.

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Now sounds good.

Treaties are not the only thing that matters. I think IS should smarten up and realize that sooner rather than later.

As usual i must agree with the above statements

Elyat sums it up pretty well IMO.

But barring that, another way to look at is IS does indeed have every right to break their own raiding policies and declare war for whatever reason. Conversely, the whole goddamn world has every sovereign right to declare war on IS and RAD if they want for being dicks. I don't think anyone is really that surprised by this action from IS, they went full retard a long time ago. You never go full retard man. Someone also pointed out the fact that CG seems to have been targeted because of not having defense treaties. I have spoke out against IS plenty of times for their petty asinine behavior and yet no attacks on Vires Noctu yet. I mean we are only 22 nations with a low AVG strength, IS would probably kick our teeth in. Oh, but then Pegasus and possibly the whole of Purple would be at your door.

It's really quite simple when you look at it. IS are nothing more than playground bullies who are most likely about to get kicked in the nuts by the kid who studied kung fu with Chuck Norris. They will cry foul, say it was for the lulz and retreat back to their corner.

Personally, if I didn't have to go through Pegasus to get clearance, I would have declared on IS a long time ago, you know, for the lulz. And to be quite honest, I would love to kick some of their teeth in. I and the whole of Vires Noctu wish CG and whoever joins them tonight luck in ridding the world of a garbage pile that should have been thrown out long ago.

Your not alone purple brother

No what you are hearing is someone saying "pay us for the !@#$ you wrecked or you are going to get a foot up your $@!"

This as well

IS smarten up pay the reps and live to fight another day tonight the LULZ is on you or dont and then I might like you for the entertainment of watching some CMs fly over my nation LOL

Edited by Buds The Man
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I actually took the time to read this thread since I last voiced anything and, for what it's worth, have a few thoughts. Take them or leave them as you will.

Tech Raid Conduct

It seems that there is a difference of opinion on what is a tech raid, what isn't a tech raid and about everything else in between. At the end of the day it really is up to the alliance that allows raids to define the terms if they allow raids. Some permit multiple nations to hit the same target, some specify the allowed attacks and number of them, etc. Everyone else can shout and condemn but, unfortunately, it doesn't appear to have any real effect. Force or threat of force seems to be the one real method to sometimes get an effect.

If You Don't Have a Treaty then You Asked For It

I seem to recall one of the big points of the last war being the desire to see alliances move away from the need for protective treaties and such. CG seems to have done this and now they're being ridiculed for it. I find this deeply amusing.

Alliance Sovereignty

Another big point of the last war as I recall was about alliances having the right to be sovereign without the fear of punishment. IS has exercised their sovereignty to make a (questionable) choice and now they're being ridiculed for it. This is also amusing.

Sure, things were safer during the Bad Old Days when you had a nice big web of treaties that was scary and that you could draw comfort from. Now they're scary and the rules aren't what they used to be. Sad to say, but thems the breaks. Its harder to predict how the "sides" will fall which in turn means you need to think through what your choice of actions is a little more closely.

Good luck to both alliances in sorting this out.

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^did you just say you will attack Is if they dont pay reps to CG

EDIT: at buds post

CG said that someone will I don't think CG is lying.

But I never know what I am talking about so don't worry about anything im saying and all will be fine :)

Edited by KingSrqt
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