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Crimson Guard Edict #5: Ultimatum to Internet Superheroes

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stop your crying it was a mass tech raid... we all offered peace but it seems to me that some of your guys want to take it to a full scale war and if thats the case so be it.. if you want peace and no further contact so be it.. im tired of all these BS post talking about you shouldn't do this and don't do that....

Maybe they do, or maybe we do ;)

Edited by The Reccesion
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You'd run from anything near a fair fight quicker than a 17 year old can get a prom dress off.

You really don't know me very well, do you? Seeing how you are almost twice my NS, how about this for a fair fight, a Duel between two nations. Same rules as the one I did with JBone (who also was bigger then me at the time), no rules, just no peace mode and first one the surrender pays up. Come find me in #poisonclan if you are interested. I build my pixels up for the sole purpose of destroying them :)

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WHAAAA! I'm gonna use extremely stupid, mindless, and completely overused methods of insults cause IS won't actually hit this guy cause they'd get their $@! kicked.

Why don't you prove it then? I mean, it's not like IS is going to fall for what RAD did, and IS doesn't have enough offensive slots to hit TJO.

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stop your crying it was a mass tech raid... we all offered peace but it seems to me that some of your guys want to take it to a full scale war and if thats the case so be it.. if you want peace and no further contact so be it.. im tired of all these BS post talking about you shouldn't do this and don't do that....

So it WAS a techraid..

And here I thought your leaders were saying it wasn't? If it weren't a raid, I think they'd have let their own members know that they were going to war, and even why they were going to war.

Yeah, not a raid? I think someone was just trying to save face and come up with a reason for the attack.

Pink, seriously, every damn alliance on that sphere is worthless now.

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In your first sentence you contradict yourself.

To answer your question, because you would run and hide behind your other pink friends like a little !@#$%*.

If you are going to post, at least post something that actually makes sense. Do you even know that I am not in IS? And please tell me the last time I, or an alliance I was in, ran and hid behind any of our allies?

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Did you even read the OP? Sakura said it wasn't a tech raid. Nobody said it was a tech raid. Only you said it was. You can express that you don't like us, but to take blatant and open proactive actions to discredit and isolate an entire sphere to have it "destroyed" as you put it? You can say it, but there are consequences and I am happy to see you guys attacked regardless if I think it should have been handled differently. Had you done the same against Orange, I think you would have found an alliance willing to do the exact same thing as IS is doing.

You sir, are the epitome of failure.

[23:40] <Sakura> Do you think I did this for tech?
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You really don't know me very well, do you? Seeing how you are almost twice my NS, how about this for a fair fight, a Duel between two nations. Same rules as the one I did with JBone (who also was bigger then me at the time), no rules, just no peace mode and first one the surrender pays up. Come find me in #poisonclan if you are interested. I build my pixels up for the sole purpose of destroying them :)

Sorry there hoss, I ain't looking to duel today. I may of mentioned it eariler, but got like a buck fifty in money on hand. Though, if you're game in say a week, send me a PM.

I'll tell you flat out what I'm doing and that is baiting IS to pick a real fight, a fun fight, a fight they're not guaranteed to win. Now why did I just come out and say that? Simple, because every second they spend not picking that fight is every second I get to call them spineless.

And they ain't gonna take me up on the offer.

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If you are going to post, at least post something that actually makes sense. Do you even know that I am not in IS? And please tell me the last time I, or an alliance I was in, ran and hid behind any of our allies?

Forgive me, I figured you to be another member of that disgusting alliance that likes to pick on alliances with no treaties because they talked bad about them.

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If you are going to post, at least post something that actually makes sense. Do you even know that I am not in IS? And please tell me the last time I, or an alliance I was in, ran and hid behind any of our allies?

You realize this is one of those rampaging moralists who doesn't care what you did - or why you did it, who you are, etc. - if it conflicts with his rulebook, it's wrong no matter what. Apparently being in PC is immoral :v:

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You realize this is one of those rampaging moralists who doesn't care what you did - or why you did it, who you are, etc. - if it conflicts with his rulebook, it's wrong no matter what. Apparently being in PC is immoral :v:

I'm a rampaging moralist? My rule book? If they world played by my rules, the world wouldn't exist. I am merely pointing out that IS basically committed political suicide and i hope they have committed statistical suicide as well seeing as they are like the biggest &#33;@#&#036;% bags on the planet for the moment. Are you going for second place? Because if you are, you'll have to do better then that.

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Difference is, IS is the one basically saying "they made fun of us/said they were going to do something so we attacked them preemptively," these guys are saying, "so it wasn't just that they aren't protected? ok, well then, show us the same amount of courage and attack me."

Which you have yet to do. They don't have to prove anything, I know a lot of the people who are asking you too, and they have jumped into the fire before, the question is, will you?

If you are so eager to attack them why don't you?

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My Good Sir, It is obvious that Sakura was actually more interested in the land than the tech. However, that still doesn't make this anything else than a massive tech raid. Sakura just cares more for Land than for tech.

I must admit, that is a clever way to hide what he really meant when he made that statement. I'll give you an A for that one :lol1: .

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I'm a rampaging moralist? My rule book? If they world played by my rules, the world wouldn't exist. I am merely pointing out that IS basically committed political suicide and i hope they have committed statistical suicide as well seeing as they are like the biggest &#33;@#&#036;% bags on the planet for the moment. Are you going for second place? Because if you are, you'll have to do better then that.

Protip: Moralists don't like being called out.

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I only wish I could be there to meet you all on the front...unfortunately, I have my own to deal with at the moment...

...should Solitude maintain any strength if or when the Viridian wars end, it shall honor its Blood Pact. In the meantime, fight well, my friends. Fight well.

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You realize this is one of those rampaging moralists who doesn't care what you did - or why you did it, who you are, etc. - if it conflicts with his rulebook, it's wrong no matter what. Apparently being in PC is immoral :v:

My Good Sir, It is obvious that If you are on the Pink Team your are Immoral.

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You sir, are the epitome of failure.

Um, "Do you think I did this for tech?" is admission of it being a tech raid? Where did you learn your reading comprehension? I think it was a raid, but a military one. I don't think it was a tech raid. If CG wants to make it a full scale war, that is their choice. As far as I am concerned this is an alliance government member working actively an publicly for the destruction of another alliance. If that isn't an act of overt hostilities and in turn war, I don't know what is. IS just acknowledged the war and offered a white peace.

Edited by Kroknia
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I must admit, that is a clever way to hide what he really meant when he made that statement. I'll give you an A for that one :lol1: .

Pretty sure someone from IS better knows the IS mindset. Yes, Sakura loves to raid. Yes, she uses all attacks when she raids.

By all means, call me out, I'll just wait for you to make the first move ;).

How about do what we've all been saying: Attack IS or shut up.

Edited by Rey the Great
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So it WAS a techraid..

And here I thought your leaders were saying it wasn't? If it weren't a raid, I think they'd have let their own members know that they were going to war, and even why they were going to war.

Yeah, not a raid? I think someone was just trying to save face and come up with a reason for the attack.

Pink, seriously, every damn alliance on that sphere is worthless now.

I believe the fine chaps at ICON to be a decent alliance, what have they ever done to you?

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If you are so eager to attack them why don't you?

I have never said I want to attack IS. I was saying others are, and it's fun watching IS basically dodge the fight.

If I wanted to fight IS, I would. I stayed in "NAAC" for 6 months (before karma war, but after IV-GATO war) and fought NPO because I wanted to (stupid? yes, but you can't say that I didn't fight against insurmountable odds, like, you know... 950 to 1). Yeah, I was basically a rogue, but everyone I fought and I had a good time, few PMs shared here and there, a little bit of jokes, some songs, etc. It was jolly-good fun. Now though? I have other plans right now, and it doesn't really involve attacking anyone, I am instead just commenting on how, in my personal opinion, this is a bad showing by IS, and that it is funny that they are dodging people who are asking them to come out and fight them.

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Um, "Do you think I did this for tech?" is admission of it being a tech raid? Where did you learn your reading comprehension? I think it was a raid, but a military one. I don't think it was a tech raid. If CG wants to make it a full scale war, that is their choice. As far as I am concerned this is an alliance government member working actively an publicly for the destruction of another alliance. If that isn't an act of overt hostilities and in turn war, I don't know what is. IS just acknowledged the war and offered a white peace.


This was already covered and I do believe that a member of IS stated that this was a tech raid...

Pretty sure someone from IS better knows the IS mindset. Yes, Sakura loves to raid. Yes, she uses all attacks when she raids.

Then its not a raid, its war.

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