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DoE of The Huns Alliance

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The Golden Horde started pretty recently.

Thanks for the correction, I hadn't seen their DoE or anything similar to one, so, thanks.

Still though, the point of the post remains that his was basically based on history that simply isn't there OOC: It's ooc history/ooc

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Hope to see you on the battlefield some day! :gun:

On another note, welcome to planet bob! May your stay here be bloody and destructive.

OOC: Also, if you really plan to live the legacy of the huns, you might want to persuade Wampler to join your alliance; he'll give you a guide on how to raid, ;)

Edited by kulomascovia
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OOC: One problem with your "history" mate. This is Cybernations politics and history, not RL politics and history, so your attempt at tearing this alliance apart has only resulted in you going severely OOC like I have just now. There has yet to be a Hunnic or Mongol alliance in CyberNations until this one IIRC. As such, the history you are referring to does not actually exist in the politics and history that you should be referring to in this section of these forums. In the future, I suggest either making your post one with OOC tags or refraining from posting things like that at all because, as I said earlier, they do not exist in an IC sense. /OOC

To all those that are tearing this alliance apart, I must say, you are sad indeed. Why not welcome this alliance with open arms and see what it grows into before judging and tearing it apart?

OOC: I'm not necessarily judging the quality of the people, or the potential of this alliance, by my desire to facepalm at a leader adopting the more famous name and title of Temüjin, "Genghis Khan," and subsequently styling himself "Khan" of the Huns.

There isn't much historical evidence either way for which linguistic group the Huns are from, but it can be reasonably garnered that the people that arrived in Europe around the 4th century CE, who may have even been Turkic, did not share a common name for Divine Lord with an ethno-linguistic group that had not only been reasonably separated from the rest of the Central Turkic languages because they traditionally inhabited more Eastern lands, but also emerged on the world stage millennium afterward.

IC: I wish you guys all the luck in the world with your new alliance.

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