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What in the world is wrong with Planet Bob?


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I had hopes that you guys would make changes like we did, and become a better alliance for it.

Changed, like permanently disown ES and his shenanigans making a clear discontinuation from that, and not actually be in a close block containing him and his entire clique that got Polaris stomped (and no, not by NPO)?

I have no problem with Polaris, do not take this as me being hostile, I just cant take you preaching to us about some ground shaking change, not you not in your current alignment. It is hallow and silly, so stop that, thank you.

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Changed, like permanently disown ES and his shenanigans making a clear discontinuation from that, and not actually be in a close block containing him and his entire clique that got Polaris stomped (and no, not by NPO)?

I have no problem with Polaris, do not take this as me being hostile, I just cant take you preaching to us about some ground shaking change, not you not in your current alignment. It is hallow and silly, so stop that, thank you.

permanently disown Electron Sponge? He is Imperator Emeriti of NpO.

I have no problem with Pacifica, do not take this as me being hostile, but, NpO changed during SPW, and although we might no longer be friends, we still wish to see a change for the better. At least, that's what I have generally understood from what I have heard. Not trying to start anything.

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Go do something about it - reroll and try to coup an alliance, or start being aggressive (a la NSO), or something else.

It's not the responsibility of others to make the game interesting for you.

I make my own fun. Go and read the Alliance Politics forum.

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Changed, like permanently disown ES and his shenanigans making a clear discontinuation from that, and not actually be in a close block containing him and his entire clique that got Polaris stomped (and no, not by NPO)?

The change in Polaris was not due to or dependent on the change in personnel, although it certainly helps not to have Sponge running things – their eyes were opened to how they'd been acting and why it wasn't a good idea by the war. From the posts of you and WC in this thread, it appears that the NPO has not opened its eyes. That is the difference, not whether the same people are involved.

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I have no problem with Pacifica, do not take this as me being hostile, but, NpO changed during SPW, and although we might no longer be friends, we still wish to see a change for the better. At least, that's what I have generally understood from what I have heard. Not trying to start anything.

No, I don't take you as being hostile and I appreciate your response, and I am also of a opinion that Polaris adapted well after your last big war. It is a powerhouse of the world and an example how to go through big hardship with excellence.

As such, while I have great respect for Polaris, I am just trying to say here though that big morally judgmental posts about, what really comes to our posting style here, and other moralist rubbish I will not stand for. Not even from Polaris. NPO is adapting as we currently speak, changing through action not mere empty words and rhetorics, hopefully we will be at least comparably successful as you were at it. Our attitudes already shifted fundamentally in many fields, like accepting a liberalized red sphere. Maybe some of you do not understand how big this is for us, but it is quite big. Some further changes in NPO actions are bound to happen. Real actual change, action, not words.

But for some that isn't enough, as we are not groveling enough. We still stand proud not bending knees to rubbish. We post not to their liking, so we arent changing, "didn't opened our eyes" and other rubbish? To such persons I laugh in their faces. I cant get bothered with such utter nonsense and waste of time reading, I have gazillion of reps to pay in this new and different world as well as hope and watch will my new red sphere partners survive tech raids from bigger alliances as I cant do anything about it as my hands are tied in this new and better world of morally just.

Edited by Branimir
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Before Karma War: Meh! The gaem boring!


After Karma War: Meh! The gaem boring!

But you know another war will crop up. So why not just collect your pixels during the peacetime interval? Now is a great time to hold grudges and not forgive anyone so you can get a good CB for the next war cooked up.

If I find which alliance is harboring the six-fingered man, I will not rest until it's destroyed! Something like that, please.

That usually has something to do with it..

People need to learn to make their own politics instead of being reactionary against one major power. As much as I disagree with them IC, NSO have got the right idea – they are making politics, it's just that Ivan is too close to reprising his 'evil overlord' role (imo at least) and doesn't have the power to actually be an evil superpower any more.

The basic point though is: if you're bored, do something. The world is in a much better state for doing something than it was before (which was kind of the point of the war, for a lot of people), but as Doitzel says, far too many people are still living in their cave even though the gate's been unlocked.

I believe this is well said. People complained when the NPO ruled, they're complaining now when the world is one big open playground, and they'll probably be doing the same after next big war and so on. This game is more than a war game (though I admit war is fun..). There are many other fun and interesting things you can do. The OP is leading an alliance, but is bored.. I find that hard to understand. You want a war, make your alliance someone worth fighting. We've already seen you don't need much more than that (if any of that at all) to start a war. Every year we have at least one "Great" war whether classified as such or not. The rest of the year is often the war's political prerequisite. By that I mean things that need to be done in order for that war to happen. I have no doubt more wars will come.. people always find something to fight over... from lets kill the commies, to lets kills the nationalists, to lets kill the evil overlord etc.

If you are truly bored, create some ideals and stand by them. Defend the ideals when they are attacked and learn how to keep yourself entertained. If you're bored you're just not trying hard enough to create a world that fits your description of entertaining. Heck, a week ago you were complaining about being attacked and now you're bored.

Oy vey

Honestly, some people will always be bored and complain. If war was always happening, people would complain that there wasn't enough time to build their nations.

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Strange though it may seem, the New Pacific Order in all its stagnation provided many with a reason to play Cyber Nations. I never knew a world which Pacifica did not rule, I'm not quite sure how to play in this strange new political situation. I'm now looking for a different reason to play this game, a new goal for which I might strive.

What are your thoughts?

Nordreich! It is that simple. Sheesh./

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