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World Map Z


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In terms of Conti, I have ruled using my awesome powers of authority as the mapmaker that he was inactive for 22 days. Thus, he stays.

Thank you for the update but I had asked for Wallonia to be handed over to Chimaira. But I think that it would perhaps be equally sensible since that I am still sitting there that Wallonia and Luxembourg will become Dutch protectorates.

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Yeah, my population is getting stupidly large now and ide rather not go into a hostile takeover of some poor soul.

so its just space expanstion for my people.. and that size land would keep me sorted for a long long time.. not to mention it makes it easier to maintain an alliance with Kitex because we would be neighors then.

The falklands islands combined wouldnt house almost 15000 people., and ive only got the eastern island which geographicly is a big problem to build with cos its all cliffs etc.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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Thanks for the update, but the Rheinmark's way off. Let me see if I can fix it.

This should have most of the pertinent changes;


Nice update Cody, but you just gave a big piece of my lands to Franz........... Sverige never changed its border in its existence, so no need to change my border at all.

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Yeah, make a claim on less than that, ZZ. Maybe just that spur that hang out to the left. That should be good enough to hold all your people. And I dont see how that would be a big deal as far as land/SoI goes. Not like anyone really wants that god forsaken chunk of ice... lol

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Speaking of Antartica... I claim zeh following:


Pretty much everything surrounded by the terrible black marker from MS Paint, then promptly filled with the green tipped paintbrush.

RP will be following shortly.

RP is here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1782733

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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