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A Chapter from the Book of FAN, Revelations 6.8 SPC

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Federation of Armed Nations

And as the land quieted, and the fallout settled, and the vanquished wailed, and the righteous buried their victorious dead, the sky turned as fire and the voice of the Trumpet spake. I turned and out of the dust and sand appeared the Last Tin Soldier, and he crossed to the seals of the Bunkers and said "fo forth and tell every living thing what thy eyes shall behold."

And I saw the Tin Soldier open the First Bunker, and I heard, as it were the sound of thunder, one of the four Congresscritters saying, Come and see.

And I beheld a Painted Mare, and She that sat on him wielded math, and her name was Manxia; and a seat in Congress was given unto her: and she went forth calculating, and to calculate.

And when he had opened the second Bunker, I heard the Second Congresscritter say, come and see.

And I beheld a Piper Cherokee, and He that flew on it wielded History, and his name was Jack Tarr; and a seat in Congress was given unto him: and he went forth reminding, and to remind.

And when he had opened the third Bunker, I heard the third Congresscritter say, Come and see.

And I beheld a Corsair, and He that sailed on it wielded Rum, and his name was 40pirate; and a seat in Congress was given unto him: and he went forth pillaging booty, and to pillage booty. And the Tin Soldier became puzzled, for the idea had been for this whole thing to be about horsemen, and now he was very confused.

And when he had hesitantly opened the fourth Bunker, I heard the fourth Congresscritter say, Come and see.

And I beheld an F250, and he that sat behind the Wheel led the Wind, and his name was MrSmyth; and a seat in Congress was given unto him: and he went forth over the land blowin', and in search of blow.

And the Tin Soldier stopped and stared, for there was a Fifth bunker, when the counting had been only of Four.

And the Fifth Bunker opened of its own will, and I beheld a Yellow Horse; and the one astride him had no name, and Defiance followed with him. And he said to the Tin Soldier, "we're changing the plan, folks, grab your socks."

And the Fifth Horseman beckoned to the wild winding roads, and then before me appeared Dtrain323i, and all who gazed upon him knew in their hearts he was one of the two Servers of the Poisoned Koolaid.

And the Tin Solider said "oh no. No no no. If HE is there, then where is the other one? It's not...?"

And the Fifth Horseman painted onto the dark Earth a portal to the Nine Circles of the Pit, and deep beyond the bottom of the pit I could see a desert. A great cry of anguish from many voices rose on the wind, and the dust filled the Nine Circles and the Pit and then the sky, and feasted upon the land.

And from beyond the bottom of the Pit emerged a pale horse. Across the saddle was draped the tattered bodies of Death and the Devil; astride it rode mpol, and Hell followed close behind him.

And the many horsemen and the Server said as one "hi, mpol."

And mpol grinned.


Edited by He Who Has No Name
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