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Forming a bloc to take down WOLF


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He has all the knowledge and intelligence he needs, The only ones who will mess it up are bumbling newbies

I don't believe he does:

However, that still doesn't disprove my point that you won't be able to carry out your plan. First of all, I'm not sure that you'll get people to sign up for that sort of thing; only a few alliances will be willing to trust you to coordinate the whole thing. Furthermore, I'm sure that they won't participate if you won't give them some kind of information (like how many alliances are participating, what is their ns...etc). Also, if we were to spy on you, we'll still know when you will be attacking and we can get prepared beforehand. So, meh. It doesn't seem like a viable plan. I mean, it'll be more fun for all of us if you use common sense.

The fact that he posted this in the first place is a testament of his intelligence (or lack of).

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[ooc] Hey Guys, can we stop discussing SE politics in the TE forums? The comparisons are baseless since the motivation for an alliances in SE and an alliance in TE are different. Also, can we get back on topic?[/ooc]

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Uhh, we do. In fact, we've stated that we hope to challenge others to form a bloc of their own and attack us. However, rtellez06 lacks the knowledge and intelligence to actually organize such a bloc. I hope someone else can do it before he messes everything up.

Really? I'm a senator of an alliance thats about 6X bigger then yours in SE, and you are really going to insult my intelligence. And no I'm not trying to mix, I'm stating the fact that if I can become Senator within 13 days of playing CN, what makes you think I'm not intelligent enough to create a bloc?

You guys can question my abilities all you want, maybe I will do something about it, maybe I won't.

Also, your spy failed again because you guys haven't realized that this thread was a joke. So to the alliances who are PMing me, stop, it was a joke like WOLF, and its failed leader tib.

Edited by rtellez06
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The difference between the NPO and RE is that the NPO always tried to make people like them, whereas I could care less if you love me or hate me. That and the fact that the NPO never really embraced their power whereas we have, but that's another matter. And the point I was making is that in your original statement, you implied that RE is the NPO's TE version. That is what I want retracted, because it is completely false.

The more you talk, the more I think you are a real newbie on BoB.

You think NPO never used there real power ?, ok tell that to GOONs, \M/, GOLD, GATO dam the list goes on, I am willing to bet 5 X $20 donations that CN is dam harder to control then TE will ever be and NPO control CN for years.

You need to think before you open your mouth and have half of CN fall in it.

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Really? I'm a senator of an alliance thats about 6X bigger then yours in SE, and you are really going to insult my intelligence. And no I'm not trying to mix, I'm stating the fact that if I can become Senator within 13 days of playing CN, what makes you think I'm not intelligent enough to create a bloc?

You guys can question my abilities all you want, maybe I will do something about it, maybe I won't.

Also, I your spy failed again because you guys haven't realized that this thread was a joke. So to the alliances who are PMing me, stop, it was a joke like WOLF, and its failed leader tib.

First of all, becoming a senator is not a measure of one's intelligence; you simply ask the members of your alliance to vote for you.

Becoming a senator and coordinating are two very different actions. To become a senator, you just get your whole alliance to vote for you. To coordinate a bloc, you need to fully understand how the game mechanics work, how to optimize them, how to keep information from leaking to your enemies, how to gain the trust of other alliances...etc.

Well, if this is a joke, then at least I can hope that someone else may someday successfully orchestrate an attack upon us; you simply won't do.

Also, WOLF isn't a joke and Tiberius isn't a failed leader; the fact that he made RE what it is today shows that he is a very successful leader, in fact. Shame that same can't be said for you.

Edited by kulomascovia
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Really? I'm a senator of an alliance thats about 6X bigger then yours in SE, and you are really going to insult my intelligence. And no I'm not trying to mix, I'm stating the fact that if I can become Senator within 13 days of playing CN, what makes you think I'm not intelligent enough to create a bloc?

You guys can question my abilities all you want, maybe I will do something about it, maybe I won't.

Also, your spy failed again because you guys haven't realized that this thread was a joke. So to the alliances who are PMing me, stop, it was a joke like WOLF, and its failed leader tib.

You really do make me laugh. First, you obviously can't do math: RE has 255 members. Multiply that by 6. That gets you to 1,310. There is not a single alliance in SE that size. If you're talking about LoSS, they have 135 members. That's roughly half of our size. You may be intelligent enough to make a bloc, you aren't intelligent enough to make a successful one. And that's the real measure isn't it? As for your quick rise to Senator, that's not an objective measure of your skill. If the elections were anything like those I remember in my time with alliances that had popular votes, it's possible for anyone to get elected regardless of skill. Show us an accomplishment, something you've done comparable to WOLF. I'm sure you'll come up blank.

Edit: I forgot to mock you on your ridiculously pathetic attempt to make it seem like people thought you would lead an anti-WOLF bloc by saying "stop PMing me". I have no doubt that no one of actual consequence messaged you.

Edited by Tiberius12
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The more you talk, the more I think you are a real newbie on BoB.

You think NPO never used there real power ?, ok tell that to GOONs, \M/, GOLD, GATO dam the list goes on, I am willing to bet 5 X $20 donations that CN is dam harder to control then TE will ever be and NPO control CN for years.

You need to think before you open your mouth and have half of CN fall in it.

[ooc] This forum is not a place to discuss SE topics. Also, you're going off topic. If you dispute Tiberius's argument, then send him a PM. [/ooc]

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The more you talk, the more I think you are a real newbie on BoB.

You think NPO never used there real power ?, ok tell that to GOONs, \M/, GOLD, GATO dam the list goes on, I am willing to bet 5 X $20 donations that CN is dam harder to control then TE will ever be and NPO control CN for years.

You need to think before you open your mouth and have half of CN fall in it.

Great, a list of alliances that the NPO destroyed/tried to destroy. That's something anyone would do if they wanted to defend themselves. This debate doesn't belong here so I won't respond to it anymore, except to say: the NPO was never truly ruthless, they never did what really needed doing. We will.

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You really do make me laugh. First, you obviously can't do math: RE has 255 members. Multiply that by 6. That gets you to 1,310. There is not a single alliance in SE that size. If you're talking about LoSS, they have 135 members. That's roughly half of our size. You may be intelligent enough to make a bloc, you aren't intelligent enough to make a successful one. And that's the real measure isn't it? As for your quick rise to Senator, that's not an objective measure of your skill. If the elections were anything like those I remember in my time with alliances that had popular votes, it's possible for anyone to get elected regardless of skill. Show us an accomplishment, something you've done comparable to WOLF. I'm sure you'll come up blank.

Edit: I forgot to mock you on your ridiculously pathetic attempt to make it seem like people thought you would lead an anti-WOLF bloc by saying "stop PMing me". I have no doubt that no one of actual consequence messaged you.

Awww how cute, someone can't read yet.

I stated this clearly, in SE (see the SE part?) LoSS is 135 members, in SE Roman Empire (which that guy is in) is uhm 6x smaller.

Math FTW.

Something accomplished in my life.


Youngest supervisor?

Youngest manager?

List goes on.

And a popularity contest never went on. I'm sorry but I am very convincing, thats how I won. Its ok though, again you'll learn when your older.

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You really do make me laugh. First, you obviously can't do math: RE has 255 members. Multiply that by 6. That gets you to 1,310. There is not a single alliance in SE that size. If you're talking about LoSS, they have 135 members. That's roughly half of our size. You may be intelligent enough to make a bloc, you aren't intelligent enough to make a successful one. And that's the real measure isn't it? As for your quick rise to Senator, that's not an objective measure of your skill. If the elections were anything like those I remember in my time with alliances that had popular votes, it's possible for anyone to get elected regardless of skill. Show us an accomplishment, something you've done comparable to WOLF. I'm sure you'll come up blank.

Edit: I forgot to mock you on your ridiculously pathetic attempt to make it seem like people thought you would lead an anti-WOLF bloc by saying "stop PMing me". I have no doubt that no one of actual consequence messaged you.

you sure about that ?


So that states you have 23 members now unless you are admitting to having 232 nations in other alliances, you should check you maths.

You fail, above all else you are the new image for the word fail.

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Great, a list of alliances that the NPO destroyed/tried to destroy. That's something anyone would do if they wanted to defend themselves. This debate doesn't belong here so I won't respond to it anymore, except to say: the NPO was never truly ruthless, they never did what really needed doing. We will.

Trying to use NPO as an example to further your point and telling other people that the debate doesn't belong here when people call you out on it is hilarious to say the least.

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you sure about that ?


So that states you have 23 members now unless you are admitting to having 232 nations in other alliances, you should check you maths.

You fail, above all else you are the new image for the word fail.

He made an honest mistake. And rtellez06's wording had a misplaced prepositional phrase so I'm not surprised that Tiberius got confused.

Also, Tiberius does not fail. Again, I wonder why people call the leader of the largest alliances in TE a failure when it is obvious that he is successful in his endeavors.

Edited by kulomascovia
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Trying to use NPO as an example to further your point and telling other people that the debate doesn't belong here when people call you out on it is hilarious to say the least.

Except that I didn't bring the NPO into this. Find the first person who used the words "NPO" in this thread. It wasn't me. Nice try though.

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you sure about that ?


So that states you have 23 members now unless you are admitting to having 232 nations in other alliances, you should check you maths.

You fail, above all else you are the new image for the word fail.

The inconsistencies in the argument you two are making make it hard for me to follow what you're saying. First, yes we have 23 members in Standard; in Tournament we have 254. Does LoSS have 254 members in TE? No, they don't. LoSS has no one in TE, and the versions of them that did exist were destroyed by my alliance. When I count our members in a debate on the TE forums, I tend to assume we're talking about the TE version of the Empire. That doesn't seem crazy to me. And please, let's not stoop to the "you fail" statements. Leave that crap in Standard, because it's really annoying.

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Awww how cute, someone can't read yet.

You made an ambiguous statement.

Youngest supervisor?

Youngest manager?

List goes on.

And a popularity contest never went on. I'm sorry but I am very convincing, thats how I won. Its ok though, again you'll learn when your older.

[ooc] Your skill in RL is not a measure of your skill in TE. That much is evident. And also, posting foolish statements in the OWF won't make WOLF disappear. If you really want us gone, then go do something intelligent, please. [/ooc]

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Awww how cute, someone can't read yet.

I stated this clearly, in SE (see the SE part?) LoSS is 135 members, in SE Roman Empire (which that guy is in) is uhm 6x smaller.

Math FTW.

Something accomplished in my life.


Youngest supervisor?

Youngest manager?

List goes on.

And a popularity contest never went on. I'm sorry but I am very convincing, thats how I won. Its ok though, again you'll learn when your older.

Haha oh man you're just so cool! I really wish I had your "convincing" skills, they seem to be serving you so well in CN! (Sarcasm for the stupid).

You really don't want to play the "who is more intelligent" game with me. It wouldn't end well for you.

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Except that I didn't bring the NPO into this. Find the first person who used the words "NPO" in this thread. It wasn't me. Nice try though.

I never said you were the first bring it up. Try to read/comprehend the entirety of my post next time, it's not long. I said you used NPO to try and further your reasoning, which you did. If you actually wanted to keep this completely within TE, you wouldn't have responded to the NPO reference by using it as an example to boost your own alliance's image. In other words, try to not keep double standards. If you're going to elaborate on the NPO mention then I don't know why you wouldn't want others to respond in like.

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inspiring? Are you stupid? I think so :awesome:

Your post is stupid, that's for sure. You can look at the number of WOLF-related threads in the last couple of days and the resulting posting numbers to see that I am absolutely right about the increase in forums activity. Thusly, WOLF has been a huge success in increasing forums activity. Which part is so confusing? Non-stupid people could see such a thing - which appears to be beyond your meager capabilities.

Thusly again: If WOLF is as successful in inspiring in-game activity as much as it has been at inspiring forums activity it'll be a raging success.

So far all you've done is whine and snivel. Try not doing that.

Go grow a pair. Be constructive.

Make the world a better place :)

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I have no intention of getting into this e-peen stroking contest -- In fact, there is too much e-peening and not enough war in TE for my liking. Our friends asked us if we wanted assistance and we declined. Granted, it doesn't take much skill to number roll an alliance one tenth your size but then again I suppose NPO:TE has to "show TE who's boss" because NPO:SE can't do squat.

Lets not bring NPO into SE, they have no place here and i see no alliance named after them. Regaurdless of your feelings for them, it has no bearing on our

plans nor is it warranted here in TE.

The more you talk, the more I think you are a real newbie on BoB.

You think NPO never used there real power ?, ok tell that to GOONs, \M/, GOLD, GATO dam the list goes on, I am willing to bet 5 X $20 donations that CN is dam harder to control then TE will ever be and NPO control CN for years.

You need to think before you open your mouth and have half of CN fall in it.

I for one agree with you TL, NPO has had its days and done some wrong in SE. But looking back other AA's in SE have also done wrong, i don't thing any AA is guilt free.

Some of my favorite AA's were GOONs and \M/...I wish they were still around, GOOD TIMES!

However this is TE, SE polotics and workings don't belong here and your way of pointing out things would be better if it were more polite.


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Your post is stupid, that's for sure. You can look at the number of WOLF-related threads in the last couple of days and the resulting posting numbers to see that I am absolutely right about the increase in forums activity. Thusly, WOLF has been a huge success in increasing forums activity. Which part is so confusing? Non-stupid people could see such a thing - which appears to be beyond your meager capabilities.

Thusly again: If WOLF is as successful in inspiring in-game activity as much as it has been at inspiring forums activity it'll be a raging success.

So far all you've done is whine and snivel. Try not doing that.

Go grow a pair. Be constructive.

Make the world a better place :)

6 topics doesn't equal forum activity. Saying 3-5 were started by WOLF members. Also the irony of your post is delicious

Hey BG, want to go grab some coffee?

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