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I do need:



-Growth economic and strength-wise.

Protection, friends, and growth are overrrated.

What Sssw18 can offer you instead is clean hookers, booze, and blow. Jipps can also juggle.

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Well ok, back on topic (well sorta)

Why would you take so much effort to recruit someone that has rerolled several times and posts a recruit me thread on OWF? If you are hurting for members that bad, you can merge into IS if you'd like to end it now.

I've expended the same amount of effort in the past to recruit members with old nations in good standing with CN. *shrug* It's actually a lot easier and potentially more worthwhile than sending out hundreds of recruitment 'leaflets' to new nations who might be fresh out of the gate.

Besides... I'm a MoFA. Talking friendly to folk is what I'm hired to do. :D

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I've expended the same amount of effort in the past to recruit members with old nations in good standing with CN. *shrug* It's actually a lot easier and potentially more worthwhile than sending out hundreds of recruitment 'leaflets' to new nations who might be fresh out of the gate.

Besides... I'm a MoFA. Talking friendly to folk is what I'm hired to do. :D

Mass recruitment messages are what cause rampant inactivity most alliances are plagued with.

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Mass recruitment messages are what cause rampant inactivity most alliances are plagued with.

Generally why it's something we've not been employing to a great extent. I'd rather spearfish a new recruit by replying to a thread like this where they actively WANT to find a new alliance than cast a wide net and hope I trawl in a few worthwhile morsels.

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Well I have found myself without an alliance. I would like an alliance with a semi-relaxed feeling that will still get the job done. I am on the black team in a trade circle atm but it's not complete yet and I can switch.

I do need:



-Growth economic and strength-wise.

I have been playing the game for about 2 years now (re-rolled a few times) and I have experience.

Wow me.

Hey EternalQ!

I am from Colonial Independence Association (CIA). We are a small multicolor alliance (30 members and rising) that have been on Planet Bob for a year. We have a protectorate treaty with the good people of MASH. We have a tech trade-program that works very well (this include a internal program with very good prices on tech).

We play CN because it is fun! and generally puts RL before CN. Our core values are Friendship > Infra, loyalty and loyalty!

Our community have 8 active members, 6 - 7 semiactive member and the rest we hardly see in the forum or on our irc (unless they are attacked by rougues or raiders). We ofcause hope to increase the number of active members.

But visit our forum (http://cia.ipbfree.com/) and/or our irc #cia on coldfront.




Need I say more?

Where did you get those pics of our gov.? ;)

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If you're still looking for an alliance, please come out the Cult of Justitia, located here. We're a new alliance and we're looking for members like yourself. We can meet your needs as quick as possible, and maybe you can impart some of your talent to us as well. We would definitely appreciate anything you could do for us and I'm positive we could return the favor.

So come, follow our path.

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Well I have found myself without an alliance. I would like an alliance with a semi-relaxed feeling that will still get the job done. I am on the black team in a trade circle atm but it's not complete yet and I can switch.

I do need:



-Growth economic and strength-wise.

I have been playing the game for about 2 years now (re-rolled a few times) and I have experience.

Wow me.

Greetings Sir,

I would like to grant you the opportunity of joining The Federation of Rhine. The Federation of Rhine is a German based alliance which is based on a constitutional monarchy; Citizens have the right to vote in a legislature and ministers which are approved by the legislature. We give substantial help in finding tech deals and trade circles, and will provide aid to members that need it. The Federation of Rhine is a friendly and enjoyable community with those who firmly believe in loyalty, order, dedication, duty and national pride of our Federation. The Federation of Rhine is protected by Zenith. So you know that you will be protected at all means. If you join The Federation of Rhine, we can promise you at least 3 technology deals and a chance at a trade circle. We also have openings in our Government. So why not join now? If you have questions, or wish to join The Federation of Rhine, register and apply here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/TFOR/index/

Best Regards,

President Orff

King of TFoR

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Did you know that The Russian Empire is the best alliance in CN? We have everything, a good community, we aren't as strict as those larger alliances that have lots of rules, regarding CyberNations AND member behavior?

We also have some aid and such, trades, tech deals, etc., etc. All make you money to improve your nation, anyway!


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Join TCI. We're a new, but solid, alliance with 50 members, many of which are fairly active. We protect our members, and we'll be able to hook you up with some epic growth.

Yes, I know that's not a recruitment message, but I prefer to wing it.

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You could join the World Task Force (worldtaskforce.com to join). We are very neutral and stay away from alliance politics of any sort; as such, we have just earned a sanction spot (really, we just wanted it for the flag xp). Our forum is very active, but our IRC not so.

The alliance boasts a tech farm for yourself and many active smaller members who would love to tech deal with you. There is no charter and all government bodies of the formal sort are minimal (council and senate no longer exist).

So... join us...

To wow you:


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