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Rebellion in Yacrania

Markus Wilding

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Today an extremist Russian group declared themselves "the real owners" of Yacrania's territory, and ordered Director Wilding and Assistant Director Voronin to halt all military production. The Yacranian Heer has responded in force, patrolling the streets with armor and arresting suspected members. Director Wilding issued the following statement today:

"This rebellion will be swiftly dealt with. I will not stand for this madness inside my country. Effective immedietly, the press will be slightly censored to prevent these Russians from inputting propoganda into our press. Yacranian military is now at full readiness."

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Communique From the Desk of The God-Emperor Himself;

A situation of civil unrest in a nation on our very border is almost as dangerous for us as it is for them. Instability breeds instability, and so, in order to protect the Citizens of the Imperium, the Government and Cult PAX are in full and unanimous agreement on the following precautions that the Imperium will now undertake:

1) The Imperium of Poliz condemns the nameless Extremist Group, considers them a criminal entity, and will not recognise any Government or land claim made by them. Any confirmed members found inside Poliz, or found attempting to cross the border into Poliz will be mandatorily detained.

2) The Northern border with Yacrania is now closed. Checkpoints have been set up to stop any fleeing Russian extremists from entering and finding shelter in our nation; The Imperium of Poliz will not harbour terrorists or criminals.

3) The DEFCON level has been moved to 2; Small arms have been distributed to Citizens in the northern city of Narraweena

4) The Imperial Leigon VIII has been moved to the Northern border to assure the integrity of the Northern border checkpoints

[Deployment of 47,000 combat infantry, 3000 engineers and logistic personnel]

5) The Imperium of Poliz hereby offers full moral, military and material support to the Government of Yacrania, upon request we can deploy 100,000 personnel in your borders. Co-operation may be the most effective way to stamp out these extremists, and we are completely open to dialogue.

By The God-Emperor, Signed in His Hand, By His Seal;

KY (Jelly II) PAX


[OOC: Am I getting too excited over someone else's RP?

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OOC: I don't know; ARE you? :awesome:

IC: Heavy fighting lights up the evening as the rebels attempt to take Voronin Square, home to a statue of Assistant Director Vladimir Voronin and several large apartment blocks. Infantry in the Wehrmacht are being issued the STG-44 and MP40 as standard for the time being as heavy close-quarters fighting renders the Kar98k, standard weapon of the Wehrmacht, useless. The rebels seem intent to take spots nearby naval bases with FlaK 88's stationed for whatever reason, though they are no match for the Wehrmacht.

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As a Yacranian patrol rests near a destroyed street, two Russian snipers take up position in a nearby fountain, with a scoped Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle. As tanks roll by, the sniper takes his shot. Two Wehrmacht soldiers fall, both killed with a single bullet to the head. Two more victims are next, one smoking. They both are killed with a single shot slicing through them. The last of the two are tougher, as they are not together. The sniper waits until the two are next to each other...and fires, killing both. A Wehrmacht officer rushed out from the building, checks the dead, and immedietly spots the snipers. "Scharfschütze! Romeo, Angriff!" The sniper has to reload, and the second man's pistol doesn't stop the dog. The officer runs towards the fountain, kicking the man with the pistol and yelling at them in German, while at the same time radioing for reinforcements. The brigade stationed inside runs out, arming weapons and swiftly bring the two men up, then dragging them back inside.

*Public message*

From the desk of Markus Wilding, Director of Yacrania

It appears that our Russian "comrades" have resorted to covert operations to deal with us. Despicable. We request anybody who wishes to help us eliminate these madmen. Landing beaches for naval forces will be secured, and we ask the White Cross for a place to reloacate civillians while these terrorists are battled. Thank you for your co-operation.

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A major conflict ensues outside of Wildingrad, as thousands of Russian extremists attack unsuspecting Yacranian patrols with (somehow) imported Marscurian Pakistan RPGs, Molotovs and assortments of small arms.


As heavy street fighting ensues, it is clear: These Russians are willing to do anything to reclaim their motherland.

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OOC: They have somehow imported RPGs. I can change it if you want, but this makes the most sense, since Yacrania doesn't have an official anti-tank weapon like an RPG.

OOC: It's fine as long as it's clear that they're second-hand. Kind of a black market thing. Then again, this could be some good advertising. "Marscurian Pakistan RPG's! Good enough for Russian separatists, good enough for you!" Maybe I could do an internal corruption thing, can I join in with that?

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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OOC: Knock yourself out, but then you'll not only have to deal with the Wehrmacht, but Kevz's guy's as well. :P

OOC: No problem. It will mainly just be me hunting down a rogue pro-Russian general while he tries to get arms to the rebels. Now, let me just think of how to start.

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Aiden Rommel stood over his little realm in Transvaal. The former Kashlinkovian Bundeskanzler was a tired man, in his mid-30's, yet feeling much older. He tired of the usual day-to-day life. Some remnants of the Kashlinkov Großspekops still existed, and he knew this as they had permission inside United Corea and Transvaal to function as a semi-autocratic unit under these countries, but still indepedent. Aiden knew something, he needed to do something to relieve the boredom. After hearing about Yacrania and it's Russian rebellion he decided he should call up some of the remnants and start a counter-insurgency in Yacrania, under independent command, but helping Wilding's government.

"And so, nightfall for these Russians begins."

Telegram to Director Wilding:

Greetings Herr,

You may never have known or me, or my past. I am Aiden Rommel, Former Bundeskanzler von Kashlinkov, currently in exile within Transvaal. Long ago our nation had quite an elite special forces team. We were the best. Now, we have deteriorated. We have decided on something, after hearing of your problem. My former Kashlinkovian people shall stand aside, but the Großspekops has decided along with the exiled government that we shall help your nation. 3,000 of our troops can be on our way for counterinsurgency per you give the word.

Auf Wiedersehn, und Danke,

Aiden Rommel

Bundeskanzler von Kashlinkov

[This relates to the still existing matters of my much older nation, Kashlinkov]

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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With the signal flare given the transport ship steamed its way into harbour and quickly stopped alongside the dock side, the crew immediatly went to work to kift the Bradley APC's off the ship and onto the dock side whislt the soldiers checked their gear before disembarking. The men were formed into six man teams with their loudout consisting of M16 assault rifles with M203 grenade launcher attachments and with a couple of M67 fragmentation grenades each. One man per a squad was equipped with the M249 squad automatic weapons and one man per a squad was equipped with a M14 rifle. Squad leaders have a M4 carbine instead of a M16 rifle.

In total it took roughly fourty minutes to unload the entire load of equipment and soldiers and as the squads were directed to their Bradley's with the remainder of spare squads advancing on foot, the task force leader a Colonel Eos Molotov stood waiting for her counterpart from the Yacranian forces to appear.

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Telegram to: Aiden Rommel

Bundeskanzler von Kashlinkov

This can be done. All branches of the Heer will be advised to open fire on Russians only.

Director Wilding

With the signal flare given the transport ship steamed its way into harbour and quickly stopped alongside the dock side, the crew immediatly went to work to kift the Bradley APC's off the ship and onto the dock side whislt the soldiers checked their gear before disembarking. The men were formed into six man teams with their loudout consisting of M16 assault rifles with M203 grenade launcher attachments and with a couple of M67 fragmentation grenades each. One man per a squad was equipped with the M249 squad automatic weapons and one man per a squad was equipped with a M14 rifle. Squad leaders have a M4 carbine instead of a M16 rifle.

In total it took roughly fourty minutes to unload the entire load of equipment and soldiers and as the squads were directed to their Bradley's with the remainder of spare squads advancing on foot, the task force leader a Colonel Eos Molotov stood waiting for her counterpart from the Yacranian forces to appear.

General Fredrick would approach Colonel. "Hallo. I am General Fredrick. The Russians have just about decimated Wildingrad over there, and we are sure that they will attack these FlaK emplacements next. If they can control these, then they'll be able to control sea acess. We can't let that happen, now can we?" Wehrmacht troops stood in awe of the highly advanced equipment the Soldiers of Fourtune had brought with them.

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"Roger that. We will make sure that they don't cause too much damage to the FlaK emplacements" replied the Colonel as she saluted by bringing her right arm up parallel to her forehead before dropping it down into place. She quickly about turned and ran back to where her soldiers and APC's were just completing their disembarkation, "Ok listen up men we got incoming hostiles with the intent to either destroy or capture these weapon emplacements. It is our mission to ensure that this is not accomplished, secondary objectives will be the neutralisation of any enemy officers. Lets set up kill zones asap" she ordered and her men moved to obey.

Following her orders the small armed force moved out to set up defense positions with at least one Bradley APC over lapping fire with a squad of men where it was possible by the time ten minutes had passed their were numerous kill zones in place and any attacking enemy forces would have to run a gauntlet of weapons fire to reach the FlaK emplacements.

Now they just waited for the enemy to appear.

Edited by King Kevz
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Although we hope the originator of the so called rebellion, the unfunny and annoying Dmitri Anzovin meets his maker, we cannot condone Yacrania’s behavior. It appears to us that Yacrania is escalating the situation with their overly dramatic response to an opposition party. We hope the Yacranians will distinguish between Russian militants and civilians, because they are already flirting with disaster.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Although we hope the originator of the so called rebellion, the unfunny and annoying Dmitri Anzovin meets his maker, we cannot condone Yacrania’s behavior. It appears to us that Yacrania is escalating the situation with their overly dramatic response to an opposition party. We hope the Yacranians will distinguish between Russian militants and civilians, because they are already flirting with disaster.

Russians make up about 2% of the Heer in Yacrania, and so far they have shown the same aggresion and hate as their German colleagues. The Wehrmacht can certainly distinguish between Russian militants and civilians, though we do wonder where Slavorussia gets this idea. These Russians have shown litle to no respect for Germans, and actively attack patrols consisting of Germans only, rarely if never attacking ones with Russians. We don't know why they continue to fight, either because of our generous Communist regime or if they are simply out to eliminate Germans, we don't kow. For the Wehrmacht, all their duty is is to eliminate this rebellion.

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Official Statement on the War in Yacrania

It is Rheinmark's opinion that the rebellion in Yacrania has grown out of hand, in large part due to the seemingly growing focus on race as well as the hiring of mercenaries and other outside forces to exercise overkill on what could have been a small matter comparatively. We can see a point to the Russian rebellion, as we have seen in the past few decades numerous instances of Germanic wrongdoing towards the Slavs as well as the fact that Germans are not the native population of the region."

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