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A PPF declaration of war

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I'm flattered to be compared to Rebel Virginia, but I can assure the peanut gallery that I have been doing what it is that I do for quite some time now.

And I must say, you seem to do a good job.

I find that hard to believe considering when he joined the (ooc: Forum).

OOC: That doesn't really mean that much. I know I had a forum account for a while before I started reading anything here on a regular basis.

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And I must say, you seem to do a good job.

OOC: That doesn't really mean that much. I know I had a forum account for a while before I started reading anything here on a regular basis.

yes i have have paid attention to him in the past

mostly that of the issue with defcon, i was not amused

but anything past this point will just degrade the topic

so i will take my leave

Edited by agnews
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The PPF has been alive in world affairs since I joined before GWIII. Opethian has always been the leader. He's the original.

I am aware of that, even though I wasn't here for that. I was merely saying that (OOC: just because someones forum account is dated to a certain point doesn't mean they were reading many or any of the topics that appeared from then on. People take breaks, don't visit the forums or only stick to one area and may not have seen Opethian post something similar before.)

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Fear not, for the stalwart organization that we are, Shahman has already been placed in a "re-education" camp where he is learning the concept of "goodthink" and to respect alliances of all shapes and sizes. Violent acts during such an impressionable mental state as the one our members are reduced to during the re-education process will only serve to undo any progress we have made. While I clearly cannot deter you from your mission, I must remain close by Shahman at this time if only to make certain that his goodthink cassette is flipped over to side B once an hour.

The harsh reality when those venture off into Eurasia, Hopefully his stay in room 101 is productive.

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And I suppose if I stand by and say "I wish to punch every person whose name contains the consecutive letters c-o-a-x-l in the face at some time in the indeterminate future" you'd be likely to just wait around and allow me the first blow?

If your answer is yes, then I suppose you deserve to be sucker punched.

No, but threatening to punch someone in the face [OOC?]IRL[/OOC?] and going on the OWF to threaten with roguery is not the same. I didn't read it all through, it might have been a joke. As long as he doesn't do anything about it, there is no need to take it so far as to publicly declare war on him.

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No, but threatening to punch someone in the face [OOC?]IRL[/OOC?] and going on the OWF to threaten with roguery is not the same. I didn't read it all through, it might have been a joke. As long as he doesn't do anything about it, there is no need to take it so far as to publicly declare war on him.

Let me share with you a lesson that my dear mother once told me: Never try to reason with a predator, for all they will see is a talkative meal. Of course, she was later eaten during a shark attack so maybe I shouldn't be following her advice. :(

Edited by Penguin
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I am sorry, but where is this evidence behind such ludicrous charges? One cannot bandy around such grand threats without any proof!

OOC: That thread was in an ooc forum, it is hardly evidence unless you care not for the difference. /ooc

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The Emperor of Polaris recognizes the state of war which now exists between the New Polar Order and the PPF (awfully like pffft) for if you declare on one of us, you declare on all of us. Unlike you, I have several hundred nations not in bill lock, so be careful with your symbolic gestures. Also hello.

For the record symbolic gestures are pretty cool when there is actually a point. I am struggling to find one here other than self promotion. I hope I have sufficiently contributed to said self promotion and that having drawn sufficient attention to yourself yet again, you can slink back to the shadows whence you came. One man does not an alliance make, for it always takes two to tango. But you have always struggled with that concept haven't you.

As my flightless friend has offered, we are more than happy to assist you with your bill-lock issues, maybe Penguin has a different plan in mind, I can rid your nation of all its costly burdens rather quickly.


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The Emperor of Polaris recognizes the state of war which now exists between the New Polar Order and the PPF (awfully like pffft) for if you declare on one of us, you declare on all of us. Unlike you, I have several hundred nations not in bill lock, so be careful with your symbolic gestures. Also hello.

For the record symbolic gestures are pretty cool when there is actually a point. I am struggling to find one here other than self promotion. I hope I have sufficiently contributed to said self promotion and that having drawn sufficient attention to yourself yet again, you can slink back to the shadows whence you came. One man does not an alliance make, for it always takes two to tango. But you have always struggled with that concept haven't you.

As my flightless friend has offered, we are more than happy to assist you with your bill-lock issues, maybe Penguin has a different plan in mind, I can rid your nation of all its costly burdens rather quickly.


Does this mean your allies will have to come in? :P

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The Emperor of Polaris recognizes the state of war which now exists between the New Polar Order and the PPF (awfully like pffft) for if you declare on one of us, you declare on all of us. Unlike you, I have several hundred nations not in bill lock, so be careful with your symbolic gestures. Also hello.

Dont worry grub if they get to tough for yah we got your back!!!!


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