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A PPF declaration of war

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That sounds more like a plan he was trying to garner support for, which PPF saw as a threat to its sovereignty.

A threat, as stated in the same thread, that could not possibly be carried out.

You know, I miss the good old days. When people had respect for the PPF. Now a day's y'all just take yourselves way too seriously. Someone doesn't do things your way, you'll cry bloody murder and demand their heads. Ridiculous really.

Not all of us are sheep. Some of us judge others by their actions. Some of us lose respect for others based entirely on their actions, which is what has happened today.

Edited by RandomInterrupt
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Not all of us are sheep. Some of us judge others by their actions. Some of us lose respect for others based entirely on their actions, which is what has happened today.

Interestingly enough people tend only to care when it happens to them. Had PPF done this to another alliance many of you here would have apathetic to this, or even cheering him on. So please, forgive me for not having much sympathy to your plight.

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Interestingly enough people tend only to care when it happens to them. Had PPF done this to another alliance many of you here would have apathetic to this, or even cheering him on. So please, forgive me for not having much sympathy to your plight.

You can make all the baseless conjecture you want, but it means nothing. But to correct you, yes I would be unhappy if Opethian decided to declare war on the STA, or TOOL, or some other alliance that had previously assisted the PPF, or offered support to them.

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You can make all the baseless conjecture you want, but it means nothing. But to correct you, yes I would be unhappy if Opethian decided to declare war on the STA, or TOOL, or some other alliance that had previously assisted the PPF, or offered support to them.

I was not referring to you in particular, but rather the common mass. You must remember that I have a tendency to speak in generalities. Of course there will always be an exception or two to my sayings, but that doesn't make me any less true.

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what he actually said was.

That sounds more like a plan he was trying to garner support for, which PPF saw as a threat to its sovereignty.

I saw it as more of a lulz ridden statement, not actual intent.

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I, Rebel Virginia, as God Emperor of the Federated Allied Independence League, hereby declare the alliance's unconditional moral, financial, political, and military for the Prism Protection Front. Additionally, we also now recognize a state of war with the New Polar Order in general and the nation of Mesopotamia in particular. Thank you. That will be all.

Wonderful, you are early enough to grant yourself a wondrous title in the ACB alliance.

what he actually said was.

That sounds more like a plan he was trying to garner support for, which PPF saw as a threat to its sovereignty.

You do realize what you are doing right KS?

Do you have any idea who Opethian is? Believe me, he's no poser. He was doing it before me actually, back when I was in the NPO doing my thing there, Opethian was leading the sharks. Just because you don't hear much from him doesn't mean he's not there.

You know, I miss the good old days. When people had respect for the PPF. Now a day's y'all just take yourselves way too seriously. Someone doesn't do things your way, you'll cry bloody murder and demand their heads. Ridiculous really.

Oh come off it, you know you will be bashing heads left and right if you ever gain any semblance of power in this world.

Good luck with your symbolic actions.

[ooc] Well I for one am glad we've totally smashed down the walls between OOC and IC. BEWARE WHAT YOU POST IN THE 'The Water Cooler' people!! [/ooc]

OOC: If you were unable to answer my question SRQT the answer lies in this quote. I guess no matter what the rules state we can just ignore such as long as enough of us band together and support "jokes". Because as long as its symbolic and a joke, its not really happening, right?

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I do hope this doesn't prove to bring far more trouble to your doorstep than you intended.

What could happen? Might I be propelled into an inescapable cycle of bill lock?

ohhh, wait.....

And, again, I need to stress that I never declared war upon the NpO. I declared upon a terrorist that resides within their midst. I fully understand their obligations in such a scenario, and would expect no less of them than to fully defend their own.

However, I will not now, nor at any point, attack any person carrying the NpO AA with the exception of shahman.

I am not at war with the NpO, though they may be at war with me.


And to those so willfully accusing me of "breaking the ooc/ic line" I'd BEG you to do some research and get back to me on which parties within the realms of Bob have committed the most heinous grievances within that context. I can assure you that I am a very small fish in a very big pond in that regard.

Edited by Opethian
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And to those so willfully accusing me of "breaking the ooc/ic line" I'd BEG you to do some research and get back to me on which parties within the realms of Bob have committed the most heinous grievances within that context. I can assure you that I am a very small fish in a very big pond in that regard.

Its much easier to contain a cancer when it is small rather then letting that cancer expand and become a big problem. You may be but a small cancerous tumor in this regard but as similiar actions are performed at later dates that cancer becomes a much larger problem.

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Oh come off it, you know you will be bashing heads left and right if you ever gain any semblance of power in this world.

Firstly, I don't think you know me nearly as well as you think you do. Secondly, I love how your justification of all this that "we can." "Because we have power." I find it hard to believe that you are the same people who decried the NPO for their might makes right philosophy, yet here it is.

Truth be told I'm not really that shocked.

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Firstly, I don't think you know me nearly as well as you think you do. Secondly, I love how your justification of all this that "we can." "Because we have power." I find it hard to believe that you are the same people who decried the NPO for their might makes right philosophy, yet here it is.

Truth be told I'm not really that shocked.


You attempt to complete twist this around is very amusing RV. I shall take up the challenge to prove how disconnected your diatribe is with the actual situation.

Some supposed comment about destroying small alliances is made by some miscellaneous personality and some self righteous single nation goes and declares war over it. Unfortunately it is well within the rights of NpO to defend that nation and to strike hard at the offending nation that is attacking as who in their right mind would want to allow such to happen to their alliance? Oh, but they are the new NPO for not allowing an outside force to strike at a single nation of theirs whom has done nothing wrong?

Where were you when MA allowed and defended AJ and his threats against another single nation that was part of an alliance? Oh, that was ok with you wasn't it because you were at war with that same nation that AJ wanted to PZI right?

Please, stop proving that you are the very hypocrite you wish to call others while pointing your finger vigorously at them.

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You attempt to complete twist this around is very amusing RV. I shall take up the challenge to prove how disconnected your diatribe is with the actual situation.

Some supposed comment about destroying small alliances is made by some miscellaneous personality and some self righteous single nation goes and declares war over it. Unfortunately it is well within the rights of NpO to defend that nation and to strike hard at the offending nation that is attacking as who in their right mind would want to allow such to happen to their alliance? Oh, but they are the new NPO for not allowing an outside force to strike at a single nation of theirs whom has done nothing wrong?

Where were you when MA allowed and defended AJ and his threats against another single nation that was part of an alliance? Oh, that was ok with you wasn't it because you were at war with that same nation that AJ wanted to PZI right?

Please, stop proving that you are the very hypocrite you wish to call others while pointing your finger vigorously at them.

First, I don't see Opethian (who you simply dismiss as some "miscellaneous personality" because he isn't one of you) has not yet attacked anyone. Polaris is clearly overreacting in what is nothing more than a completely unnecessary flexing of their muscles in a display of might to show everyone their newfound power on the world stage.

As for Astronaut Jones. Thank you for telling me that we're quite tight. For a moment there I had deluded myself into thinking I couldn't stand the guy. Oh, what in the world would I do without you, HeinousOne? Anyway, that situation had nothing to do with me. That is why I did not comment. However, this one does have my attention considering that Opethian is a man I both respect and admire. The same can be said for the Prism Protection Front as a whole as well.

Also, nice use of the "you're a hypocrite" card, well attempted use a dare say. Unfortunately the burden is mine to inform you that it simply isn't quite that simple.

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First, I don't see Opethian (who you simply dismiss as some "miscellaneous personality" because he isn't one of you) has not yet attacked anyone. Polaris is clearly overreacting in what is nothing more than a completely unnecessary flexing of their muscles in a display of might to show everyone their newfound power on the world stage.

As for Astronaut Jones. Thank you for telling me that we're quite tight. For a moment there I had deluded myself into thinking I couldn't stand the guy. Oh, what in the world would I do without you, HeinousOne? Anyway, that situation had nothing to do with me. That is why I did not comment. However, this one does have my attention considering that Opethian is a man I both respect and admire. The same can be said for the Prism Protection Front as a whole as well.

Also, nice use of the "you're a hypocrite" card, well attempted use a dare say. Unfortunately the burden is mine to inform you that it simply isn't quite that simple.

Our power is not new found, nor are we flexing our muscles. RV, you are quite simply being antagonistic to everyone without a single identifiable purpose. Perhaps you need to actually get a cause and rally in its honor instead of randomly insulting all and sundry... even as a joke it is starting to wear thin.

Also given we will also acknowledge your declaration of war, I expect to see some symbolic tanks coming over the symbolic horizon some time soon or you can symbolically blow it out your fundamental orifice.

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It is not humorous to watch a nation's leader seemingly lose all sense of rational thought. Attacking without a Casus Belli? If that is your brand of humor then perhaps you should join with their little ACB movement.

It's mostly funny because he's not attacking.

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Our power is not new found, nor are we flexing our muscles. RV, you are quite simply being antagonistic to everyone without a single identifiable purpose. Perhaps you need to actually get a cause and rally in its honor instead of randomly insulting all and sundry... even as a joke it is starting to wear thin.

Also given we will also acknowledge your declaration of war, I expect to see some symbolic tanks coming over the symbolic horizon some time soon or you can symbolically blow it out your fundamental orifice.

Oh, but I do have a cause, and a most noble one at that. I, Rebel Virginia, God Emperor of the Federated Allied Independence League stand alone against injustice, tyranny, hypocrisy, abuse of the weak and innocent by the powerful, world hunger, terrorism, polluting our environment, war, corruption of our society's traditional social values, the very fiber of civilization as we know it, by the liberal elite, and bad language on television. Tell me, can you think of a more glorious crusade than this? I didn't think so.

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First, I don't see Opethian (who you simply dismiss as some "miscellaneous personality" because he isn't one of you) has not yet attacked anyone. Polaris is clearly overreacting in what is nothing more than a completely unnecessary flexing of their muscles in a display of might to show everyone their newfound power on the world stage.

As for Astronaut Jones. Thank you for telling me that we're quite tight. For a moment there I had deluded myself into thinking I couldn't stand the guy. Oh, what in the world would I do without you, HeinousOne? Anyway, that situation had nothing to do with me. That is why I did not comment. However, this one does have my attention considering that Opethian is a man I both respect and admire. The same can be said for the Prism Protection Front as a whole as well.

Also, nice use of the "you're a hypocrite" card, well attempted use a dare say. Unfortunately the burden is mine to inform you that it simply isn't quite that simple.

Opethian was not the personality I was alluding to. The one he declared upon was. Kind of hard to continue responding to the rest when your entire basis of argument is wrong from the beginning. I dont see it as an unnecessary flexing of muscles to stand by an alliance mate. I suppose it would look that way though to someone with only a two man alliance.

So kudo's on a very obvious attempt to gain power for small alliances. "Oh no, you cant attack us at all for anything because we are small and you are big so you have to let us attack your members without responding otherwise I shall pummel you verbally until you wither before me".

As far as the situation with whom AJ made the threat upon, how can you say it had nothing to do with you when you were in a declared war with his target yet in this situation it has something to do with you simply because you respect the person declaring war? Seriously, that argument does not hold water at all.

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Opethian was not the personality I was alluding to. The one he declared upon was. Kind of hard to continue responding to the rest when your entire basis of argument is wrong from the beginning. I dont see it as an unnecessary flexing of muscles to stand by an alliance mate. I suppose it would look that way though to someone with only a two man alliance.

So kudo's on a very obvious attempt to gain power for small alliances. "Oh no, you cant attack us at all for anything because we are small and you are big so you have to let us attack your members without responding otherwise I shall pummel you verbally until you wither before me".

As far as the situation with whom AJ made the threat upon, how can you say it had nothing to do with you when you were in a declared war with his target yet in this situation it has something to do with you simply because you respect the person declaring war? Seriously, that argument does not hold water at all.

So, you do admit that a member of the New Polar Order planned to destroy small alliances for no reason at all, other than for his own amusement. Thank you for validating Opethian's cause. I can't say I wouldn't be with him were I in his position, but how I do sympathize with him.

Now, as for Mr. Jones, we shared a mutual target. I gave Sileath peace, but with respect to the sovereignty of Mr. Jones and his alliance I did not intrude on their dealings. Is that so difficult to understand?

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So, you do admit that a member of the New Polar Order planned to destroy small alliances for no reason at all, other than for his own amusement. Thank you for validating Opethian's cause. I can't say I wouldn't be with him were I in his position, but how I do sympathize with him.

Now, as for Mr. Jones, we shared a mutual target. I gave Sileath peace, but with respect to the sovereignty of Mr. Jones and his alliance I did not intrude on their dealings. Is that so difficult to understand?

He planned? He made a thread stating his beliefs that small alliances were a scourge and asked who thought the same. If NpO was in agreement would he have even needed bother ask in public? He would have one of the most powerful alliances with him on such. Obviously that wasn't the case. I validated no cause with my words and you continue to stretch in order to try and prove such.

Continue to do your cause a disservice by doing such if you like. I honestly don't mind.

Funny how you care not to intrude on MA with their dealings when it coincides with your personal hatred for a particular nation but you dont mind inserting yourself against NpO by intruding on their dealings with a nation that actually declared war on them.

OOC: For the record again, that thread was made in an OOC area and thus was simply conversation between individuals and is not necessarily a part of the actual game. For it to be brought into such is a shame and basically means no one can bring up a conversation in that OOC area in a safe manner without such being pulled and used against them. Is that your intention? To turn what is supposed to be an OOC area into a full blown IC area?

Edited by HeinousOne
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