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An Announcement from the Royal Dominion of Sparta

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Sparta has some grave news to share with the people of Bob. Please read the incident report below for further explanation.


Yes, it happened several days ago, but we wanted to wait for Darklink to get out of critical condition [OOC]get back home from his trip getting drunk with his friends at a cabin up north[/OOC] prior to announcing his injury to the greater public.

Due to his incapacitation and the severe damage that his Hero of Timex Watch™ sustained, Darklink7748 has decided that it would be best for him to resign. He is going to travel to a distant land to learn the ancient art of Timex watch repair [OOC]He's going to college and doesn't have much time right now[/OOC] so that he may mend his time problem and return when he feels it is right.

This self-inflicted coup gets even worse. Darklink7748 has chosen some frickin' !@#$% as his successor. George the Great was crowned the twelfth King of Sparta on July 22, 2009. Taking over as Ephor of Foreign Affairs, moving up from the deputy position, is Sethly.

I'd like to personally thank Darklink for his long, and dedicated service to Sparta. He served as King from the beginning of the NoCB war to the end of the Karmic war. Darklink, Sparta salutes you.

o/ Doxa Darklink \o

o/ Doxa Karma \o

o/ Doxa Sparta \o


Tulak Hord, Basileus (King) of Sparta, Drunkard and Warmonger of Maroon, Dark Lord of the Sith and Drunkard of Khufu.

George the Great, Basileus (King) of Sparta, Frickin' !@#$%, Drunkard of Diplomacy, Sovereign of Teh Overlordz and King of Zing.

Darklink, Basileus (King) Emeritus of Sparta and Hero of Time

WandMDave, Regent and Basileus (King) Emeritus of Sparta

Wilhelm the Demented, Ephor of Internal Affairs

Timeline, Ephor of Economy

Sethly, Ephor of Foreign Affairs

Andrewbw, Ephor of Defence

Derka Derek, Deputy Ephor of Defence

A digital camera was found at the scene just a little bit ago. Here are some preliminary photos from that camera that are suitable for public viewing.


Athena when she first arrived at the party. It appears as though she's getting 'eyed' by people behind her.


From left to right: Darklink, Tulak Hord and George the Great. Picture taken at around 01.30. Spartataur and Leonidas can be seen looking for Athena in the background.


Derka Derek can be seen in this image. Picture was taken at roughly 01.50, right after Derek finished 'chugging' a Guinness in only 9 minutes! It was an extra special occasion for Derek, he finally had his training wheels removed from his bike the day prior.


Timeline is seen here celebrating in his own way. Spartataur never found out that Leonidas and Athena went to the beer coolers. Don't tell him. >_>


'Dem young kids were too much for Riffers. This picture was taken a little after 02.00.


Here we have Trinité exposing himself, as usual.


Wilhelm the Demented is pictured on the left with the pink speedo and feather boa doing what appears to be the splits and a handstand, simultaneously. The two "ladies" are apparently yoga masters, judging by their positioning in this photo, and came along with Wilhelm... We're still not quite sure where they came from.


Andrewbw got a little tired and decided to go to bed ridiculously early. In order to safeguard him from falling off the bed and further damaging his motor skills, we used a bit of saran wrap.


WandMDave can be seen in this picture. He looked a bit cold.


Magge was caught sleeping in this photo. It was a smart decision on his part, though, as he has an overactive bladder.


Sethly passed out and a mountain formed on top of him. An avalanche struck the kitchen a few hours later.


People got a little artistic when Hyperion321 decided to take a nap in the middle of the Spartay.

/end of images

Edited by George the Great
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It's been a blast guys, I'm happy to have lead an alliance such as Sparta through both the good and the bad. :)

George, from the first day you joined Sparta, I knew you were destined for greatness. Just remember not to party too hard and self-coup yourself like I did. :awesome:

o/ Doxa Sparta \o

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No words can express the epic times shared with you, Darklink. It's been nothing short of an honour.

The brewery is now open to all Spartans and allies while we celebrate your Kingship in style. Just a shame we now have to put up with George at all the parties, though )):

o/ Doxa Darklink \o

o/ Doxa GtG \o

o/ Doxa Sparta \o

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o7 Darklink for his dedication to put up with Georgethefrickin!@#$% for that long

Congratulations GtG and Sparta! (Especially that GtG guy for moving up from not Spartan top 3 to Spartan top 2 :P )

/me goes back to raiding Tulak's safe

Edited by Big Z
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Nah I kid , I kid ... congrats George you've got your work cut out for you.

DL I'm going to miss you ... if we never speak again remember the nights with the lima bean and the coconut cookies......

I'll never look at pudding the same.

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