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Re: MHA Threats

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Well, you aren't the leader of a 100 man plus alliance and your doing this just to try and get some bad PR for MHA.

I know I am not the leader of a large alliance, and I have never claimed to be such a thing. But tell me, friend, how is that at all relevant? Now, as for my motives? You say I am out simply to strike at the MHA, when in actuality I am simply looking out for the interests of my alliance by bring what could be interpreted as a threat to the public eye. I see nothing wrong in what I am have done.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I never even implied that. We all know your alliance is a joke alliance. Its the fact that you always post a stupid topic about who pissed you off today.

Would you care to tell me how FAIL is a joke? We have a charter, a government, headquarters, communications mediums, and everything else a functioning alliance possesses. Is this simply because FAIL is not as large as you, and because of that our words for some reason mean less? Well, if this is how you truly feel, I am sure every small alliance out there would love to know.

Now, as for this stupid topic, how is it stupid? I am merely conducting inter-alliance diplomacy. Foreign affairs if you will. Something your alliance places a great deal of emphasis on. Now, tell me, why is it stupid when I conduct diplomacy, yet okay when you do it? Why the double standards?

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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I know I am not the leader of a large alliance, and I have never claimed to be such a thing. But tell me, friend, how is that at all relevant? Now, as for my motives? You say I am out simply to strike at the MHA, when in actuality I am simply looking out for the interests of my alliance by bring what could be interpreted as a threat to the public eye. I see nothing wrong in what I am have done.

Would you care to tell me how FAIL is a joke? We have a charter, a government, headquarters, communications mediums, and everything else a functioning alliance possesses. Is this simply because FAIL is not as large as you, and because of that our words for some reason mean less? Well, if this is how you truly feel, I am sure every small alliance out there would love to know.

Now, as for this stupid topic, how is it stupid? I am merely conducting inter-alliance diplomacy. Foreign affairs if you will. Something your alliance places a great deal of emphasis on. Now, tell me, why is it stupid when I conduct diplomacy, yet okay when you do it? Why the double standards?

This is after you posted several joke topics on the forums about this said alliance. I value real alliances, not joke ones that only want to piss others off.

Also if you really wanted to solve this problem diplomatically, you would use private channels. All other alliances use private channels. If you are suppose to be a "real" alliance then you need to start acting like one.

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This is after you posted several joke topics on the forums about this said alliance. I value real alliances, not joke ones that only want to piss others off.
How are they "joke" topics? The first one was an attack on Sparta and he did. I don't see how these are jokes
Also if you really wanted to solve this problem diplomatically, you would use private channels. All other alliances use private channels. If you are suppose to be a "real" alliance then you need to start acting like one.

No that's the norm, the status quo as you will. I think RV is anything but, normal. Please don't tell him how to run an alliance and take your ideals else where please

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Also if you really wanted to solve this problem diplomatically, you would use private channels. All other alliances use private channels. If you are suppose to be a "real" alliance then you need to start acting like one.

What is so great about private channels? They are only important if you have something to hide.

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This is after you posted several joke topics on the forums about this said alliance. I value real alliances, not joke ones that only want to piss others off.

Also if you really wanted to solve this problem diplomatically, you would use private channels. All other alliances use private channels. If you are suppose to be a "real" alliance then you need to start acting like one.

Wait, all of FAIL's other announcements are now jokes? That's news to be, because I was pretty sure I was being serious when I made those. And what's this you say about "private channels?" Why do I have to use them. Quite frankly I prefer open diplomacy, as the world could use more honest dialogue.

But wait, I forgot, you're still voluntarily living under the NPO's rules. You wouldn't dare even contemplate going outside "private channels" because then, God forbid, you might be doing something differently. Oh the humanity!

Well, anyway, I got news for you, Sparky. This isn't the RIA, or the MHA, or Sparta. This is FAIL, my alliance, and we do things my way here. Not your way. And if you don't like it, too bad.

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What is so great about private channels? They are only important if you have something to hide.

They keep the forums from becoming cluttered with countless topics about: "One of your members attacked mine." "This guy stole aid money from us." etc etc etc

They are there for a reason. RV isn't any more special than any other alliance.

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They keep the forums from becoming cluttered with countless topics about: "One of your members attacked mine." "This guy stole aid money from us." etc etc etc

I do not think they are clutter and would like to see more of those discussions. It would be a refreshing change from mundane treaty announcement #467233.

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I'd like to see what MHA has to say. My recollection might be off, but I thought Sileath was only ghosting MHA, and told he'd never be allowed back there.

(James Wilson @ Jul 24 2009, 04:26 PM) *

Well, you aren't the leader of a 100 man plus alliance and your doing this just to try and get some bad PR for MHA.

So what if his alliance is tiny? You were awful vocal about bullying alliances before. What changed?

Yeah, it's RV. He's having fun, and he pokes fun at our mistakes here on Planet Bob. That doesn't make the issues any less serious. Many times blown out of proportion maybe. But if there's nothing to blow out of proportion, then you won't be reading about your alliance in his thread of the week :P

edit: ew, nothing like double quotes, ick :P

Edited by Kryievla
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If Sileath was in my alliance and attacked, I'd still give him up to foreign rogues.

Also, who has nothing better to do than crap like this? Honestly RV, you really get a kick out of annoying people with these topics? Yea, you're definitely cool :rolleyes:

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They keep the forums from becoming cluttered with countless topics about: "One of your members attacked mine." "This guy stole aid money from us." etc etc etc

They are there for a reason. RV isn't any more special than any other alliance.

So, are you telling me that instead people having open discussions you'd rather everyone sit around and congratulate everyone else on their latest treaty, and then maybe have a pseudo-intellectual discussion on absolutely nothing? Well then, tell me oh wise one, how is this announcement any less valuable than UPN and Invicta signing their thirteen millionth PIAT, or some small alliance nobody has ever heard of reaching 250k strength? Or have you just set arbitrary standards as to what is worth talking about. And sense that appears to be what has been done, tell me, doesn't that seem awfully silly to you?

Anyway, enough of this tirade. I don't care if you don't think I'm special, and therefore unable to speak my mind. Guess what, I'm going to continue doing things my way. If you don't like it, then put your money where your mouth is and stop me, because I'm not stopping anytime soon.

Now, where is the MHA? I really would love for them to answer these charges.

So what if his alliance is tiny? You were awful vocal about bullying alliances before. What changed?

They got power and I'm not playing by their rules. Therefore they have to act like tough guys. NPO precedents you see. These people are still clinging to them. Can you believe this? They claim victory over the NPO but the NPO's legacy still lives on through those who crushed it. Guess we all know who the real victors are now.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Honestly RV, you really get a kick out of annoying people with these topics? Yea, you're definitely cool :rolleyes:

Who died and made you voice of OWF? I enjoy the topics. If you don't like them, here's an idea straight out of left field: don't read them!

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The hegemony era is over. It's time you start acting like it.

Didn't you hear? NSO brought it back with their coolness. :lol1:

Oh that's low. Even we wouldn't re-accept Sileath.

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I know I am not the leader of a large alliance, and I have never claimed to be such a thing. But tell me, friend, how is that at all relevant? Now, as for my motives? You say I am out simply to strike at the MHA, when in actuality I am simply looking out for the interests of my alliance by bring what could be interpreted as a threat to the public eye. I see nothing wrong in what I am have done.

My dear Rebel Virginia, I never claimed it had anything to do with the problem, I just responded to your statement. Now, if you were really looking out for their interests, you wouldn't have made this thread which you knew would portray MHA in a bad light.

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My dear Rebel Virginia, I never claimed it had anything to do with the problem, I just responded to your statement. Now, if you were really looking out for their interests, you wouldn't have made this thread which you knew would portray MHA in a bad light.

Since a good leader is always open to input, regardless of where it comes from, please, do tell me how this is not in the best interests of my alliance. Because I have yet to find any fault in a policy of complete openness, so I really do want to know how this is a bad thing.

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After doing some research on this, like any genius of my strength and stature would, I have found this quote in a topic of Sileath's.

Sileath is not protected by the MHA, nor will he be allowed to rejoin the MHA. What he incurs, and what his actions cause, are in no way related to the MHA, nor do we agree with his actions.

Good to see MHA lies to get foreign powers off of it's back.

MHA, prepare to be RAGED into oblivion. RAGE I SAY!

Edited by ShakeZula
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What's the deal MHA? Is Sileath, a person who has jumped on and off your AA, someone who opportunistically raided alliances in tough spots, still a member of your alliance? He wasn't on the MHA AA when he was attacked so how can you claim to protect him when he forfeits that protection?

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He was on the MHA AA when he was attacked.

Sileath is not a member of the MHA. This misunderstanding we appear to have come to is simply a matter of our commander seeing a nation with our AA being attacked. Sileath is not a member, and majorddf's statement was in error.

I would appreciate it if matters such as this could be brought to us in private next time.

God day, gentlemen.

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Sileath is not a member of the MHA. This misunderstanding we appear to have come to is simply a matter of our commander seeing a nation with our AA being attacked. Sileath is not a member, and majorddf's statement was in error.

I would appreciate it if matters such as this could be brought to us in private next time.

God day, gentlemen.

So, it did not occur to your commander that Sileath could have been a ghost? A simple search of your forum, and a check of Sileath's nation, would have easily resolved this situation as your member would have never made this mistake. Tell me, what are the requirements for a position in the military leadership of the MHA, because I think it may be high time you raise them. A level of professionalism certainly is a must.

As for contacting you in private next time, no. As I said before, I do things my way.

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RV: Look at MEEEEEE.

MHA: Someone in MHA unaware of the situation saw a war declared on our alliance. Coming to us would have cleared this up in 5 seconds

RV: This needed to come to the OWF because me and Sileath are so RELEVANT!!!!

I tried really hard not to open this thread, but I couldn't resist the temptation. Every single time I regret it, but every single time I do it. You and Sileath's threads are like reading a trash fantasy novel, RV. It's total crap, but it just sucks you in. Every time.

o7 to the next totally necessary thread

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