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TPF war on NOIR announcement


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You lemmings make me laugh. Even after DN proved himself a liar,and proved his complete disregard for everyone in NOIR, you still continue to attack me for trying to get him to do the right thing and step down. You want to follow him off a cliff because " he's a cool guy and we like him" That's the only pathetic part of this conflict, that you would follow a leader blindly even after he has so heinously betrayed you speaks volumes for your intelligence. Have Fun supporting your incompetent leadership I for one am very happy with my new alliance and am not sorry to have left the children of NOIR behind.

Where did I state my support for DN?

I thanked TPF for their mercy and understanding, and called your out for being a traitor.

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@Shadow Lurker, I completely Respect your feelings and Opinions, even if they differ from mine. Your sense of Honor is apparent in your words both here and in other posts I have read. I understand your desire to request leniency for your friend DN, in spite of the evidence that he decieved and betrayed the rest of you. That sort of loyalty is hard to come by. My experience says that he doesn't care about you as much as you care about him, however I could be wrong. For the sake of your loyal plea I hope I am wrong, despite my convictions. I regretfully must tell you that mercy for DN is not possible, for I have irrefutably fact that he intended to harm members of my alliance, my brothers and sisters in arms. I hope this little I tell you can ease the sting a bit, it is not for vengeance that I personally am destroying him, it's for precaution, If someone who plots against TPF is seen to have reaped utter destruction for their duplicity, then perhaps others will not be so quick to emulate his example, and another war which would lead to more destruction of the innocent, could be avoided. Let us say that between us we have a common thread, I am as loyal to my friends as you are to yours. I salute your honorable, well spoken attitude.

Nicely said Gabryal! I appreciate your dedication and loyality to TPF!


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Where did I state my support for DN?

I thanked TPF for their mercy and understanding, and called your out for being a traitor.

You can only call me a traitor if disagree that DN needs to step down, and if you think he should stay in power that is supporting him you can't claim both and not be a huge hipocrite. I'm sorry if in your twisted logic if trying to get him to leave NOIR so the rest of us could have peace after what he did makes me a traitor. Since my "pathetic megalomanic desires" consisted of me trying to get NOIR peace and nothing else I guess that means i wasn't trying to help NOIR at all only myself. I never said I was going to take over, had no intention of being leader I just wanted him out for what he had done. Someone like that certainly doesn't deserve to lead, and yet you still want to attack anyone who disagrees.

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TPF officially announces peace with NOIR.

Nations will begin peacing out as soon as we can get the news out.

*sighs* I do hate mass PMs.

Too many of NOIR are our friends, people who we've been on the same side of the battlefield with for too many times. Most of NOIR we didn't ever have any problems with. This makes the pursuing the peace process a bit easier.

It turns out that it was just the ones at the top, those who were trying to get other alliances to attack us, that we really had problems with. The same ones who keep their machinations quiet from the rest of their alliance, the ones who posted the RE hit list in the NOIR public areas of their forums, the same ones that - well you get the idea. All of that stuff would be rather annoying for anyone, and as it turns out, EVERYONE.


Peace is given to NOIR. With two exceptions.

Doornail and lkeller will remain at war until further notice.

Oh yes.

They will.

hey what about me? I make you all madder than the Backstreet Boys

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You can only call me a traitor if disagree that DN needs to step down, and if you think he should stay in power that is supporting him you can't claim both and not be a huge hipocrite. I'm sorry if in your twisted logic if trying to get him to leave NOIR so the rest of us could have peace after what he did makes me a traitor. Since my "pathetic megalomanic desires" consisted of me trying to get NOIR peace and nothing else I guess that means i wasn't trying to help NOIR at all only myself. I never said I was going to take over, had no intention of being leader I just wanted him out for what he had done. Someone like that certainly doesn't deserve to lead, and yet you still want to attack anyone who disagrees.

lol DN and LKeller wouldn't even have had an alliance to rule over if it wasn't for Zealot. All suggestions for Zealot to take some power went ignored. The two highest up only listened to themselves. They would not listen. So I went rouge and Zealot, being the smart cookie they are, left and led a coup. NOIR's government was idiotic and didn't think that there would be spies. Everyone spies but not even needing a nation to spy.....THATS crap! I mean at least RE made me use the name of one of their ghost nations to spy and than banned me a few hours ago.

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The guy who posted the anti RE thread lol. Fun times

The self proclaimed anti-semite, I gave you my two cents already, but no doubt you've found a new thread to troll until you get banned, again. I just wish they could have banned you permanently. In anycase, I'm not sure any TPF declared war on you due to the fact you were already annihilated when our war with NOIR began. So I think I'll ignore you, the same way I ignore the various invertebrates I come across in my expeditions out of doors. If any TPF are on you, no doubt they'll peace out just because you aren't worth the bombs that it would take to ZI you. At least DN is some form of human being.

*Edited to make it not sound like I was criticizing a Mod or Admin, which wasn't my intent.*

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The two highest up only listened to themselves. They would not listen. So I went rouge and Zealot, being the smart cookie they are, left and led a coup.

mmhmm,you fit right in with a coup and traitors alike.

It's no secret the three listed were allied together from the start of the round."stating the obvious" in a hypothetical reply on that one in particular, there was no doubt TPF and TF would defend RE.You basiclly rolled NOIR over spy information and Tiberius12 in your ear..I don't recall any attempts to make contact with me or NOIR before knocking NOIR out of sanction,if we "liked" eachother so much.

The main reason to gain allies,was to target RE/Tiberius12, made that clear to everyone and most replied in agreement.

I'm leaving NOIR on my own accord,due to my decision to not apologize to Tiberius12.Tiberius12 ran his mouth infront of strangers,not expecting someone to be able to do something about it.He and JonBoy16 came to IRC to push my and Lkeller's face in the mud,with thier "I'm bigger,I'm winning" mentality.Thier attempt to include us in a treaty,was only for thier benefit to solidify an RE win .After harsh words from both sides on our forums,Tiberius12 probably tried pretty hard to silence me,by helping to stir the pot to TPF against NOIR.Lkeller should get peace,he just posted some raid targets,I doubt if he knew they were RE nations.

Sorry goes to NOIR,they didn't know that I had attempted to talk to alliances and did make contact with several in two days.the support that came in for this was pretty fast and most were positive replies.at that time,there were close to 500 nations,most ready within a week, to show Tiberius12 that RE isn't invincable and havn't won the round 2 weeks into the round.

I made a bad decision to trust a spy.."spy" because he thought treaties carried over from round to round,thinking he was treatied to TPF,but we can call him a "friend" :) .this spy took a war slot from TPF when TPF declared.I refuse to give him peace for his spy activities.


*returns to his bunker*

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Let's cool everything down a bit. . this is not fun at all. In fact its reminding me of my 2nd marriage. moan and groan. . groan and moan.

What's done is done. . let's drop it and try to bring these wars to an end. Please guys?

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:) DN I would have liked to see you in NOIR still :(

you will be missed, but NOIR will be back :)

I hope Peace comes quickly to NOIR :)

@Gabryal thank you for your words, and I am glad to say we are both loyal to our friends :)

Much Like what another member of TPF said, Friends> Infra (paraphrased a bit)

but in the end it is true :) hope we can be friends Also :) and I welcome you to the NOIR forums for a chat and definetly for any advice to get us back on track. But only as long as you don't talk any trash or hurtful things ;) Im sure you wont but just a warning

and any advice from anyone would be nice :)

but nothing about DN being a bad leader or anything. I see that as kinda mean and well we are just trying to fix everything. No need for more conflict ;)

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He and JonBoy16 came to IRC to push my and Lkeller's face in the mud,with thier "I'm bigger,I'm winning" mentality.Thier attempt to include us in a treaty,was only for thier benefit to solidify an RE win

Push your faces in the mud? I give you credit- you certainly are bombastic. I invited you to that IRC channel to speak with Tiberius about a treaty. I behaved myself with dignity and respect the whole time, just as I always do in IRC. The one thing that could be considered as having false pretences is when I said that RE will win this round. Never, ever did I say it in a haughty manner and never did I attempt to ‘push your faces in the mud.’ I brought you into that IRC because you expressed interest in being protected by two of the largest alliances in the game while you already had a treaty with MHA. You accuse us of wanting to secure a win. Are you really so different?

You can ask anyone here who has been around me for these last several rounds. I have NEVER been the guy to push anyone’s face in the mud. Your out of character attacks are getting old.

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You can ask anyone here who has been around me for these last several rounds. I have NEVER been the guy to push anyone’s face in the mud. Your out of character attacks are getting old.

I can confirm this B)

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The one thing that could be considered as having false pretences is when I said that RE will win this round.

care to post the log?

12 of this,3 of that.without proof it's,kinda hard to believe

you expressed interest in being protected by two of the largest alliances in the game while you already had a treaty with MHA

now this is new to me,you don't really think any alliance would want to stay in the shadow of another alliance in TE,do ya?

y'all have shown your hand and you were in sync with Tiberius12.why set up a meeting in the first place,if you didn't want to actually have peace(peace in TE.lol)..or roll us at the first sign of a refusal on the treaty.

run this by your members at the start of every round "we are getting second place to RE every round,cause they are our friends and the best alliance wins" :)

This isn't about taking out the biggest,it's responding to inapropriate boasting and arrogance.I do believe I warned about dragging TPF into this,but you helped keep it going by responding to ghosts,spies or traitors on these forums.Nobody was really jumping at the chance to defend us on here,except one..but he got turned in a coup attempt.so you are partly to blame aswell. wouldn't it be funny if you were forced out of TPF for your involvement in this?

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12 of this,3 of that.without proof it's,kinda hard to believe

......DoorNail is beginning to make sense, but only as a name.

why set up a meeting in the first place,if you didn't want to actually have peace(peace in TE.lol)..or roll us at the first sign of a refusal on the treaty.

Again...you are the one who expressed interest in the treaty with RE. I simply set up the meeting place for you guys. No, I don't have logs. Do you?

but he got turned in a coup attempt.so you are partly to blame aswell.

I'm to blame for your members wanting to coup you? Judging by the posts between you and SativaZealot, that has more to do with you.

wouldn't it be funny if you were forced out of TPF for your involvement in this?

If, by my involvement, you mean passing around intel, then walking in on a meeting where TPF gov was already talking about hitting NOIR, then I think it would be more sad than anything. You're obviously not experienced with TE and don't have an understanding of the friendships that we in TPF have with eachother.

Anyway, sir. I'm done biting at your baiting attempts. This is a topic about TPF giving peace to (most of) NOIR. If you wish to discuss that, then I would be more than happy to discuss with you. I'm finished with your off-topic tom-foolery though.

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mmhmm,you fit right in with a coup and traitors alike.

It gives me pleasure in ways that are probably a sin when two members who have self destructed on the forums bite at each other.

You basiclly rolled NOIR over spy information and Tiberius12 in your ear..

How hard is it for you to understand that TPF made the decision to attack NOIR, and to peace out NOIR ( with a few exceptions ) on our own? That Tiberius doesn't run TPF? That aside from Mutual Respect as Allies, RE and TPF take care of our own affairs independently? For the millionth time, Tiberius had nothing to do with our decision to attack NOIR, up until less than a few days before the attack we trying to protect NOIR from RE, and smooth out the wrinkles between the two of you, a situation that you personally exacerbated. Don't give me this "Holier than though" crap. We ended up having to deal with NOIR because of you, not because of Tibs.

I don't recall any attempts to make contact with me or NOIR before knocking NOIR out of sanction

Tell me again why it would make sense to inform someone who had double crossed us what we were planning? We had no idea who in NOIR we could trust, and certainly not their government. Even the former TPF nations in NOIR would have been a tricky to contact, and even then if we had tried to plea with them for some sort of assistance in stopping your insanity, what could they have done? They were as trapped by your underhandedness as much as we were.

The main reason to gain allies,was to target RE/Tiberius12, made that clear to everyone and most replied in agreement.

I wonder why then you included TPF in all your messages to other alliances? Must have been a typo you ment to write Tiberius instead of TPF... man that's a helluva typo you not only got the second two letters wrong you forgot to add five more.

I'm leaving NOIR on my own accord,due to my decision to not apologize to Tiberius12.

Hmmm where to start, you changed your Alliance here, but not in the game. So does that mean you have more than one nation, or are you just lying... again? And apologizing to Tiberius was never part of the conditions of the ceasefire, don't make it sound like it was, in fact we imposed exactly zero terms on NOIR, or you for that matter, in our peace agreement. Edit: As of this quote, he's changed his AA to "none" so he's not lying about leaving NOIR

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Tiberius12 ran his mouth infront of strangers,not expecting someone to be able to do something about it.He and JonBoy16 came to IRC to push my and Lkeller's face in the mud,with thier "I'm bigger,I'm winning" mentality.Thier attempt to include us in a treaty,was only for thier benefit to solidify an RE win.

You need to learn a new song and dance, this one's getting pretty stale. Oh and JonBoy16, happens to be one of the better people I've met in this game. He's about 100 times more patient than I am, helpful, and tolerant in ways that I can't dream of. If I had to put up with the crap he does I think I'd start shooting people from a water tower. He was the number one mover behind the scenes to try to avoid war in the first place. Stop trying to rub his face in the mud.

After harsh words from both sides on our forums,Tiberius12 probably tried pretty hard to silence me,by helping to stir the pot to TPF against NOIR. Lkeller should get peace,he just posted some raid targets,I doubt if he knew they were RE nations.

You're rehashing alot of the same crap here, blah blah blah RE fooled TPF into doing it. Again RE had nothing to do with our decision. Close the book on your conspiracy theories. Let me see if I can hammer this through your skull. We like RE as an Alliance, we don't need RE as an alliance. Can you get the difference? Oh and I peaced out with LKeller last night, I concur, his sins don't warrant utter ruin as yours do.

Sorry goes to NOIR,they didn't know that I had attempted to talk to alliances and did make contact with several in two days.the support that came in for this was pretty fast and most were positive replies.at that time,there were close to 500 nations,most ready within a week, to show Tiberius12 that RE isn't invincable and havn't won the round 2 weeks into the round.

Sorry to NOIR? I thought you said in another post you don't care about anyone in NOIR? In fact you bragged about it? From a list of symptoms I had noticed about you personally in this thread.

7) Lack of consideration for others, even your Alliance mates

and your response

@Gabryal...so what?

And personally I find it hard to believe that you got 1/5th of the entire nation list of TE to follow you off a cliff. If you did you missed your calling in life, you should have started one of those suicide cults. Either way, since I have no evidence to the contrary, I'll bet that those 500 nations are very glad they didn't listen to you. They'd be in smoking ruins right now as well, and looking at the war screen.. perhaps some of them are.

I made a bad decision to trust a spy.."spy" because he thought treaties carried over from round to round,thinking he was treatied to TPF,but we can call him a "friend" :) .this spy took a war slot from TPF when TPF declared.I refuse to give him peace for his spy activities.

Since I'm at war with you and have been since this thing started, I know who you're referring to. I have no clue who that guy is, and assumed that he had attacked you well before we declared war. If he jumped in to share the spoils of your defeat, then he's simply taking advantage of the opportunity, not that I expect you to believe I haven't a clue who he is. You're too paranoid to believe anything I say anyway.

*returns to his bunker*

Have fun with Ava Brown before the Russians get there.

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:) DN I would have liked to see you in NOIR still :(

you will be missed, but NOIR will be back :)

I hope Peace comes quickly to NOIR :)

@Gabryal thank you for your words, and I am glad to say we are both loyal to our friends :)

Much Like what another member of TPF said, Friends> Infra (paraphrased a bit)

but in the end it is true :) hope we can be friends Also :) and I welcome you to the NOIR forums for a chat and definetly for any advice to get us back on track. But only as long as you don't talk any trash or hurtful things ;) Im sure you wont but just a warning

and any advice from anyone would be nice :)

but nothing about DN being a bad leader or anything. I see that as kinda mean and well we are just trying to fix everything. No need for more conflict ;)

Sorry I didn't see this before I made my long long response to DN above. I'll will give my word of honor on the following, if he stops, I'll stop. I dislike him impugning the honor of my friends, or attempting to "spin" things. He bears the lion's share of the responsibility for an unnecessary war, I don't even ask that he admit that, I just don't want him to say it's otherwise either. Anyway, I'll say it again. If he stops and let's it lay, then I won't respond to him anymore.

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Gabryal you getting mad at me solves nothing. Read my new thread. Than you will probably see why I did what I did. Did I betray NOIR? No. Did I betray DoorNail? Yes. Its all in the thread. Funny stuff.

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Gabryal you getting mad at me solves nothing. Read my new thread. Than you will probably see why I did what I did. Did I betray NOIR? No. Did I betray DoorNail? Yes. Its all in the thread. Funny stuff.

Your intentional drama causing I care much less about than your racist remarks. I don't like what you had to say, but I respect your right to say it. Doesn't mean I respect you. Doornail at least had the ambition to try to do something remarkable, even if I don't approve of his methods. You lack his convictions ( no matter how much I disapprove of his convictions ), his ambition, and his vision. All things I'll say are positive traits, if they are moved by moral behavior in any case. What I disapprove of about Doornail is his moral beliefs, as a veteran I have a personal code of honor, Doornail's code and mine conflict. Thus the source of our entire dislike for one another ( I can assume he dislikes me, he has never come out and said it. If he doesn't then it's on me for my assumption ), you lack even a moral code. You're a collection of random, abhorrent, juvenile words and actions that serve no purpose, stand for nothing, and at the end of the day are utterly meaningless. However I take solace that the only universal capital crime in the world is stupidity, it's not instant but it is inevitable. No court on earth can condemn you to it, you simply are doomed in life. Fortunately your idiocy greatly lowers your chances of reproducing, thus avoiding polluting the generation after you with your warped values, and perhaps inferior genetics ( I'm still undecided on the nature vs. nurture debate, it's somewhat irrelevant in any case, warped values are transferred to children as easily as genetic material ).

As for Doornail, I'll take a different approach on this, the faults I find in him are already well documented. So I'm going to list the values he has that I find positive.

1) Courage: You don't make a move like he did without realizing the possible consequences to yourself

2) Ambition: The task he attempted to undertake was ENORMOUS, you don't try something of that magnitude without Ambition

3) Fortitude: He stayed the course despite setbacks

4) Endurance: When it fell apart, he took a beating

5) Self-Confidence: He has never apologized for his actions, he believes what he did was right. I despise the Wishy-washy.

6) Self-Respect: Despite the things said about him, he has not allowed others to beat him down or make him resort to believing he's less for it

7) Maturity: He's never resorted to name calling, racial epithets, or other low brow insults

I'm sure if I thought about it longer, I could come up with more. As a retired Army SFC ( E-7 ) I can tell you that those are some of the many qualities that make a good soldier. If I find other things he does lacking, it does not take away from these positive qualities.

You however have no positive traits that I have witnessed. You're a societal null, a waste of resources, and if we lived anywhere other than free democratic countries, your fate would have been sealed by now, even if you are as young as thirteen ( which even if you are, you should show a higher degree of maturity ).

Man I can't believe I just wrote a post in defense of Doornail, however I suppose it's only fair that I do not condemn him as a person, even if I condemn his actions. Even if I fail at times, I do try to be fair handed.

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Your intentional drama causing I care much less about than your racist remarks. I don't like what you had to say, but I respect your right to say it. Doesn't mean I respect you. Doornail at least had the ambition to try to do something remarkable, even if I don't approve of his methods. You lack his convictions ( no matter how much I disapprove of his convictions ), his ambition, and his vision. All things I'll say are positive traits, if they are moved by moral behavior in any case. What I disapprove of about Doornail is his moral beliefs, as a veteran I have a personal code of honor, Doornail's code and mine conflict. Thus the source of our entire dislike for one another ( I can assume he dislikes me, he has never come out and said it. If he doesn't then it's on me for my assumption ), you lack even a moral code. You're a collection of random, abhorrent, juvenile words and actions that serve no purpose, stand for nothing, and at the end of the day are utterly meaningless. However I take solace that the only universal capital crime in the world is stupidity, it's not instant but it is inevitable. No court on earth can condemn you to it, you simply are doomed in life. Fortunately your idiocy greatly lowers your chances of reproducing, thus avoiding polluting the generation after you with your warped values, and perhaps inferior genetics ( I'm still undecided on the nature vs. nurture debate, it's somewhat irrelevant in any case, warped values are transferred to children as easily as genetic material ).

As for Doornail, I'll take a different approach on this, the faults I find in him are already well documented. So I'm going to list the values he has that I find positive.

1) Courage: You don't make a move like he did without realizing the possible consequences to yourself

2) Ambition: The task he attempted to undertake was ENORMOUS, you don't try something of that magnitude without Ambition

3) Fortitude: He stayed the course despite setbacks

4) Endurance: When it fell apart, he took a beating

5) Self-Confidence: He has never apologized for his actions, he believes what he did was right. I despise the Wishy-washy.

6) Self-Respect: Despite the things said about him, he has not allowed others to beat him down or make him resort to believing he's less for it

7) Maturity: He's never resorted to name calling, racial epithets, or other low brow insults

I'm sure if I thought about it longer, I could come up with more. As a retired Army SFC ( E-7 ) I can tell you that those are some of the many qualities that make a good soldier. If I find other things he does lacking, it does not take away from these positive qualities.

You however have no positive traits that I have witnessed. You're a societal null, a waste of resources, and if we lived anywhere other than free democratic countries, your fate would have been sealed by now, even if you are as young as thirteen ( which even if you are, you should show a higher degree of maturity ).

Man I can't believe I just wrote a post in defense of Doornail, however I suppose it's only fair that I do not condemn him as a person, even if I condemn his actions. Even if I fail at times, I do try to be fair handed.

prolly the only good post in this thread. Good stuff

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As for Doornail, I'll take a different approach on this, the faults I find in him are already well documented. So I'm going to list the values he has that I find positive.

1) Courage: You don't make a move like he did without realizing the possible consequences to yourself

2) Ambition: The task he attempted to undertake was ENORMOUS, you don't try something of that magnitude without Ambition

3) Fortitude: He stayed the course despite setbacks

4) Endurance: When it fell apart, he took a beating

5) Self-Confidence: He has never apologized for his actions, he believes what he did was right. I despise the Wishy-washy.

6) Self-Respect: Despite the things said about him, he has not allowed others to beat him down or make him resort to believing he's less for it

7) Maturity: He's never resorted to name calling, racial epithets, or other low brow insults

Well one this is a game so the traits of Courage, Self-Confidence and Respect, cannot QUITE be proven, he may or may not have those traits, you can't know those unless you see them in action.

As for the maturity, if you are trying to anger people thats the easiest way to do it. And for one Jews are not a race, they are a religious group. If I ripped HEBREWS it would be racist. Get it right.

I set the stage for a coup. I stayed the course of one war, but would not stand to see my comrades torn apart for a war with no proof. I had ambition to take control of the alliance, but no one would listen. I respect myself as well. You cannot really tell much about someone online. Ever heard the song "So Much Cooler Online"? That really IS some peoples lives. I am currently 17 and I have talked to recruiters for the past year. I am in JROTC. I plan to join the Marines. I know that war is harsh, but you cannot win a war with just force, you need psychological warfare and such as well, well now you do WWII you sure didn't lol. I used that to turn everyone AGAINST NOIR. CN is a game much like RL, but not quite, no good men die in CN.

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Jew: (n) Hebrew, Israelite (a person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties)

Oxford English Dictionary

Jew is synonymous with Hebrew or Israelite. I have my facts straight. And irregardless don't argue semantics with me, you'll lose. If you prefer bigot instead of racist that's fine, there are subtle differences, but they are both equally abhorrent to me

Do me a favor, don't talk about war with someone who has a degree in military history and is also a veteran who has been awarded three purple hearts, has seen his best friend blown apart less than 2 meters in front of him, who has had to kill and seen his brothers in arms killed. I have. I doubt you'll be able to pass the psychological screening test to join the armed forces, I've seen your type to many times, and you get good men killed. I enlisted on the 20th of September, 2001 a date when you were 9 or 10 years old, I served until January the 2nd 2005, when due to the severity of the wounds I had sustained in battle, I was honorably discharged.

I followed the example of my uncle who served with th 1/7 AirCav in Vietnam, and my Grandfather who served in the 88th Infantry in WW2, and if you don't think they used psychological warfare in WW2, I suggest you look up either "Axis Sally" or "Lord Haw-Haw" or "Operation Quicksilver" or "SOE" or "The White Rose", just to name a few. I won't mention the endless speeches of Adolf Hitler, no doubt you keep a movie gallery in your home.

As unlikely as I think it is you'll ever serve in the Armed Forces of the United States, I will tell you something I learned in training, something even more prevalent amongst Marines. Honor is not something that applies to a "certain situation" it's a lifestyle you live everyday, knowing you will fail from time to time, and not being in the least concerned by your lack of perfection.

If somehow you make it through basic, which will be the hardest three months of your life, I wish you luck. I just hope you shape up, because I wouldn't trust you to latrine duty, much less as the guy on any soldiers left. You have no idea what war is like, certainly don't talk to me about it. I promise you, that if you bust out with one of your prejudiced remarks within earshot of any NCO or Officer, you'll wish they had shot you instead of what actually will happen to you. You don't have a clue what being a soldier entails, otherwise you'd shape up now.

Don't know what I'm bothering with anyway, unless you learn very quickly you'll wash out of basic anyway. I worked often with Marines and Navy CSAR's, I'd hate to have to depend on someone like you to get me out of the *expletive*, and I hope you'll never be in any position where the life of other's depends on you. Unless you are prepared, this second, to accept that your friends may die, you may die, and you may screw up so bad that it get's your friends killed. Don't even bother going to basic, as far as I can tell you aren't soldier material in any way. You're just an overgrown child, looking to be "cool". War isn't cool son, it's a bloody nasty business that will leave you, even if you come out of it without a scratch, with images you will never shake in your head. If you don't have the strength to keep yourself from being an $@! on a computer forum, you don't have the strength to endure war.

And yea I've heard the song, Dirks Brinkley I believe, I thought it was pretty funny, though what relevance it has here I have no idea.

PS: A good friend of mine, who served in my troop, was killed after his left wrist was nearly severed by shrapnel. He fired his M4A1 at enemy forces until he ran out of ammunition, reloading by holding the clip under his left armpit, until he was finally overrun and stabbed to death by bayonets. His actions, combined with the platoon of marines from the Sea King II that had arrived at our Exfil point allowed those of us still alive ( 8 out of 12, each of us with wounds of different flavors ), to escape almost certain death. He was a Jew, an American, and a Hero ( I'll tell you right now, I'm not a Hero, Hero's are the one's that don't come home ).

If you don't like that fact, fine. but he was a finer soldier than you could ever be, than I am, or than anyone could ever be, even if that's just my opinion.

Edited by Gabryal
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