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The Khmer Ultimatum.

Maelstrom Vortex

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OOC: Hey you guys, don't leave me out on the Ace Combat Fun? Also, I'm not waiting, I'm posting now.

IC: Yuktobanian forces stationed on high alert (from the Pax Pacis crisis) has, on the request of the Dragon Empire, began invading the Khmer Empire. Using the Dune Squadron to jam enemy radars, other fighter squads used rocket strikes to damage port facilities and drydocks in the city


OOC: Hey Razgriz, Just a quick question, how are your forces making it from Yuktobania to the field of battle? (i.e. were they all transported by sea, and if they were transported by air, who's countries did they pass over?)

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**Private to Yukotobia**

Just hold your current positions for now. My navy will assist your forces in evacuating refugees that present themselves to you. We'll set up a temporary holding camp to house them for now. Once our Engineers arrive we'll build something a bit more comfortable and out of range of the fighting.

The plan is a very simple one designed to avoid extensive house to house fighting. By denying them access to the outside world they have the choice of either withering on the vine or coming to us. Your positions, while a bit of a surprise due to your sudden arrival, will be advantageous. Fortify your current locations and stand ready to be attacked. Sooner or later they'll come for us and when they do we'll be waiting.

Supplies of razor wire, concrete blocks, sandbags, mines, and other supplies are heading your way to assist you in this project.

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OOC: Hey you guys, don't leave me out on the Ace Combat Fun? Also, I'm not waiting, I'm posting now.

IC: Yuktobanian forces stationed on high alert (from the Pax Pacis crisis) has, on the request of the Dragon Empire, began invading the Khmer Empire. Using the Dune Squadron to jam enemy radars, other fighter squads used rocket strikes to damage port facilities and drydocks in the city of Haiphong. Due to the Jungle warfare type terrain, it is made impossible to bring heavy vehicles other than PT-76 Light Tanks and M113 APC's. So Yuktobanian troops were forced to be choppered in to the city, under threat from Khmer Triple A and SAM Batteries. Those that made it to the ground would face stiff resistance as the Khmer's were tenacious opponents.

OOC: A present for you Cochin, I hope you use it well.

Meanwhile, Mindripper Squadron, Yuktobania's recentyly formed elite squadron, was tasked for the tedious and life-threatening task of Wild Weasel, the Supression of Enemy Air Defenses. Using F-4G equipped with AS-14 LAGM's. Mindripper Team was tasked to defend Cochin's air forces, as well as the ground force at Hue.

OOC: Sorry but which one is a gift for me ? PT76s or air defense fighters, cos I have already Rped as having quite enough and more of both amphibious armor and fighter forces. I am actually withdrawing my higher tech forces because with the suppressio of air defenses by Wave 1 anad Wave 2 air attacks they are no longer needed in the country.

IC: News had arrived from the Central Front that the 2 Marine Division has control over the city of Hue. Royal Cochin Navy authorities have stated that the 5 Marine Division shall take over the garrisoning of Hue while 2 and 6 Marine Divisions shall be tasked to capture Danang.

Meanwhile 1 Corps lead units have reported severe fire fights on their approaches to Hanoi. One particular point of resistance was where an entire Battalion of Khmer tanks had stood to make a spirited defense. The Battalion which claimed the lives of crews of three BRDM scout cars were then engaged by the T100s of the VII Mechanized Division. While being distracted by the scoot and shoot tactics employed by RCA Tankers the location of these soldiers were pin pointed by the artillery tracking teams aboard a tasked Metac AAP. The coordinates were fired first with a salvo from 120MM MRLS battery and then by the MS155mm SPG. The remaining few units of resistance were cleared by the Metac.

The Hanoi approach is said to be progressing at a fast pace and the further southward push is expected to go on without much problems.

The RCDF units are hitherto keeping to the main arterial roads in their approaches to main population centers. Once the towns and cities are secured, the roads shall be secured and the rest of the country hence progressing outwards. A large fleet of 100 S-Recos are already in air mapping every contour of Khmer Empire.

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OOC: Hey Razgriz, Just a quick question, how are your forces making it from Yuktobania to the field of battle? (i.e. were they all transported by sea, and if they were transported by air, who's countries did they pass over?)

OOC: I sent in soldiers to help supress the Yellow Turban Revolution, shortly after the war was over, the DE requested soldiers to help in supressing a potential Pax Pacis invasion. Although the planned invasion did not come, Malestrom requested my troops stay in DE longer due to the situation in the neighboring Khmer Empire. In other words, he gave me an offer I couldn't refuse. (Btw, they were all transported by air, I didn't have a navy at the time.)

[OOC: Sorry but which one is a gift for me ? PT76s or air defense fighters, cos I have already Rped as having quite enough and more of both amphibious armor and fighter forces. I am actually withdrawing my higher tech forces because with the suppressio of air defenses by Wave 1 anad Wave 2 air attacks they are no longer needed in the country.

OOC: I actually sent in SEAD fighters, but if you don't need them, I'll just move them back to our forces.

**Private to Yukotobia**

Just hold your current positions for now. My navy will assist your forces in evacuating refugees that present themselves to you. We'll set up a temporary holding camp to house them for now. Once our Engineers arrive we'll build something a bit more comfortable and out of range of the fighting.

The plan is a very simple one designed to avoid extensive house to house fighting. By denying them access to the outside world they have the choice of either withering on the vine or coming to us. Your positions, while a bit of a surprise due to your sudden arrival, will be advantageous. Fortify your current locations and stand ready to be attacked. Sooner or later they'll come for us and when they do we'll be waiting.

Supplies of razor wire, concrete blocks, sandbags, mines, and other supplies are heading your way to assist you in this project.

Supplies were being sent in by Somalian forces. The Yuktobanian Troops were ordered to hold the line and build a wall to blockade the city, and put it under a de facto siege. Construction of the wall would begin, with checkpoints being made for any civillians looking to escape. Soldiers were also put to work in digging trenches and building minefields. Others would pitch tents for civilians to live in during the siege.

OOC: Hopefully, by the time of my next post, you guys come to start up the wall on the east.

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OOC: I sent in soldiers to help supress the Yellow Turban Revolution, shortly after the war was over, the DE requested soldiers to help in supressing a potential Pax Pacis invasion. Although the planned invasion did not come, Malestrom requested my troops stay in DE longer due to the situation in the neighboring Khmer Empire. In other words, he gave me an offer I couldn't refuse. (Btw, they were all transported by air, I didn't have a navy at the time.)


OOC: Sorry again for the OOC, but perhaps I should be more specific. How did the troops who were transported by air get to the battlefield without passing through another nation's airspace (example. mine, Hanseatic Commonwealth, etc) since transporting military across another nation's airspace usually requires their permission?

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OOC: Sorry again for the OOC, but perhaps I should be more specific. How did the troops who were transported by air get to the battlefield without passing through another nation's airspace (example. mine, Hanseatic Commonwealth, etc) since transporting military across another nation's airspace usually requires their permission?

OOC: I think he's saying his troops were in DE to begin with.

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OOC: No problem, I had to transport my troops out of lutai back into Yuktobania, then fly to the DE via the Pacific and the South China Sea. (C-130's if I recall, has the range for such flights.) Also, put into consideration, that I don't think that you need to worry about jumping into another's airspace if flying through international waters airspace.

Though now that I think about it, It might be a bit difficult to say how I got fighter jets, which lack that kind of range, over there..... I'm gonna need a map.

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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*** Melvin Republic Infantry ***

Corporal Lu had never seen real combat before, just like any other Melvin Republic citizen born during the current regime. She and her comrades had trained very hard for the past 3 months, but she was by no means a professional soldier. Before her training began she worked as a programming technician, and her recruitment was identical to most Republican soldiers. She saw the advertisements on the internet claiming that one of the highest paying jobs was available to anyone in the nation over the age of 20. She went to her local recruitment office and was graded based on her abilities, both physical and mental. After vigorous examination by a doctor, she was lead to the shooting range and was tested on accuracy in the standing and prone position. Lu then ran a timed mile and did other exercises in which the results were recorded. She scored exceptionally well in physical endurance and did very well in marksmanship. She left the recruitment office and checked her email when she got home, and Lu had already received her calculated salary if she joined the Melvin Republic military. She fondly remembered calling her mother and excitedly informing her about a more than double increase in her wages. Lu already had her stock options planned for when she began receiving the government salary...


A mortar shell landed 60 meters from her squad and all ten soldiers flattened themselves to the ground. They were not trained for this type of combat, the hidden-in-the-bushes defense that the Khmer Empire has adopted. They had read about Dragonisia's successes against this guerilla warfare and envied their ability to fight in that capacity. The squad got back on its feet and the sergeant signalled to move forward along the ditch. They were escorting several M1A1 tanks on the road above them and had to keep up with them while they advanced into the jungle. Lu remarked to Private Strei, "Rumor is that we are heading toward Hanoi and the Empire is positioned to take Haiphong." She was met with silence, her fellow soldier was not as comfortable in the warzone as she was apparently.


Corporal Lu was thrown to the ground from the force of the explosion. An RPG had soared over her head and slammed into the M1A1 tank on the road above her. With her ears still ringing, she climbed up onto the road to investigate the damage. Several Republican soldiers were already firing in the direction of the ambush and the tank suffered no structural damage. The situation was under control and sergeant sent a small group to investigate the area that the RPG was fired from. The radio call came through ... "all clear" ... and right at that moment hell broke loose. The jungle came alive as dozens well-armed Khmer Empire guerilla warriors laid fire into the squad. Lu ducked back into the ditch as three rounds richocheted off the tank.


Lu and Strei stood up next to each other and began firing into the jungle. At first was mostly blind firing, but Lu's keen eyes zeroed in on the movement and muzzle flashses as the battle continued. She placed her sights onto a small bush that spawned a muzzle flash every few seconds and squeezed the trigger rapidly. She watched as a Khmer soldier slumped down clutching his stomache, his hands unable to stem the red flow. She froze for a moment as she soaked in the reality of her action. A human life, she claimed a human life for a higher salary... and she did not regret it. Lu regained her composure and continued firing. Private Strei yelled into her helmet, "They're moving to our ri..." CRACK

Lu looked to her right and saw the remaining half of her comrades face. All of her elation and adrenaline turned into a cold perception of this reality she was in. She did not want to see any more comrades die, and she ran down the line to the sergeant. On the way there she stepped over two of her former squadmates. She began yelling but was immediately cut off by an M1A1 120mm gun. She yelled again, "Call in an anti-personell missile on the enemy location! We are getting cut up badly out here!"

The sergeant did not reply and instead began yelling into his communication officer's ear. He yelled loudly, "Pull back 500 meters! LET'S GO! LET'S GO!" Lu and the squad began running as fast as possible in the direction they came from. A few minutes later, the scream of a cruise missile cut through the air a few seconds before the impact. The explosion rocked the squad and nearby tanks but was a safe distance away. The jungle from which the intense gun and rocket fire erupted was silenced and slowly burning. The squad called in a medevac to remove their 3 dead and 2 wounded. Didn't look like Corporal Lu would see Hanoi anytime soon.

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The Royal Cochin Army's 1 Corps has now captured Hanoi and shall soon be able to support the siege of Haiphong on our southward thrust to Hue.

OOC: We can't move that fast... Let's take it slow for the sake of RP and Marquis Chris. I'm maybe halfway to Hanoi..

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ooc: I second Sir Jesus.. pause and be patient with Marquis. He's been a good fighter. Good rp demands slow wars that are appropriately played. I only post more than one post if they're regarding different regions and happening in tandem time. I only do one time frame/my enemy's post. So basically. Marquis does his stuff, I do mine.. back and forth.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC:Very well, then. RCA is still on its march towards Hanoi. Also, I want to point out that Chris may not be all that active. The whole incident was devised by him to support his inactivity. Anyway I shall play along.

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OOC:Very well, then. RCA is still on its march towards Hanoi. Also, I want to point out that Chris may not be all that active. The whole incident was devised by him to support his inactivity. Anyway I shall play along.

OOC: Doesn't matter if it was devised for that reason or not. In the UAS-Xairstan-Louisiana war, we waited a whole week for Arkantos to get back. Chris has to respond or he loses his territory, however, you cannot just go barging through his territory simply because he is not responding as fast as you like. You may have to come to grips with the fact that this war may take a long, long time.

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OOC: Doesn't matter if it was devised for that reason or not. In the UAS-Xairstan-Louisiana war, we waited a whole week for Arkantos to get back. Chris has to respond or he loses his territory, however, you cannot just go barging through his territory simply because he is not responding as fast as you like. You may have to come to grips with the fact that this war may take a long, long time.

OOC: I did say I am prepared to wait.

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Inspired by the Emperor's speech, the 2nd Banzai Army and 1st Armored begin crossing the border. The divisions see a border patrol and set themselves up to run a banzai charge. When the moment is right, they pop out from their hiding spots and yell "banzai", charging with bayonets up toward the Khmers.

The border patrol, consisting of 1 platoon from 2/34 Battalion of V Division was appalled at the Banzai troops. They hurridly took up defensive positions. 3 of the men were shot dead during the set up stages while 10 more were wounded. The platoon had no way of stoping the incursion entirely but their aim was to delay their advance.

Mad Dog Bob Denard's Advance Forward Command Team

Bob looks over at the Ripper as they examine a map laid out on the hood of the GAZzler. They hum, they haw, and finally Bob says, "To hell with it. Unleash the spear.

The Ripper, a man of few emotions, manages a feral looking grin as he nods and barks an order into his radio,"All units advance."

1st and 2nd Light Infantry Brigades

The 10,000 men of the two mounted infantry brigades pour across the border in their vehicles. They travel in convoys just large enough to defend themselves from a large attack, but small enough to avoid bombardment. Mad Dog Bob Denard and the 'Bad Ones' travel with the men of the 2nd Light Infantry Brigade. Bob watches the progress of the advance into Northern Khmer with no comment. The command of the brigade rests with the commander unless he were to be killed.

Small units of Khmer troops spotted the incoming Brigades. Working in conjunction with the peasents they scouted out a small ridge where the convoy could be ambushed quite easily. They waited for the 3rd convoy to pass, then when the 4th convoy came into view, armed with RPGs and an assortment of Light weaponary they attacked.

1st through 4th Armored Division Mechanized Regiments

8000 Mechanized Infantrymen in their Bionix 2 (S) APCs rumble to join the fray, but keep their distance. Their orders are to assume operations security of the Main Line of Advance and to pave the way for heavy armored divisions that would soon be coming. Security for the combat engineers and other logistical units is heavy.

Special Forces Teams 20 through 25

All along the route of advance Special Forces teams stop in small villages. They make quiet surveys of the damage, question the natives to ascertain their needs, and make a general sweep to confiscate all weapons.

Leaflets bearing the following message, in Khmer, are handed out:

"Remain in your homes, take no hostile actions against Somal soldiers, and keep us advised of your physical needs. We bring with us doctors, water, food, and engineers to repair your damage."

As they pass out these leaflets the special forces troopers guide in helicopters bearing food and water by radio. These supplies are distributed to the local population with further messages of reassurance. The same helicopters take out wounded members of the community and fly them directly to Somal Medical Stations that have been specifically established for this mission. The familes are reassured that their loved ones will be returned as soon as they are healthy enough to fly back.

Many Khmer soldiers where distributed through a few of the towns, acting like the local peasents. Rather then attacking the Somal troops they let them come and deliver food, as it was just more food for them to stockpile and eat when it was their turn to go out on the hunt.

1st through 4th Armored Divsions

The divisions rumble their way forward to the border, without crossing it, as they pay special attention to the rear echelon unit's security. Three Divisions are swept forward with one in the rear. Once at the border they wait for further directions as they know their job is to exploit weak points and to smash their way through fortified positions.

Republic of Free Somal Naval Battle Group

The Battleships of the Republic continue to hammer away at the areas surrounding Haiphong. Their job is to isolate the city with a wall of fire. Despite these orders they are careful to avoid shelling the city directly. Further, radio broadcasts are made that indicate free travel down a major coastal highway is allowed for civilians leaving the city between 12 o clock noon and 4 pm in the afternoon. A further message indicates that any traffic into the city will be considered military traffic in nature to reinforce any surviving garrisons.


In a last ditch effort the Khmer General did the only thing he knew to do when it came to boats. Send a speed boat filled with explosives at it and hope to god it got there. (OOC: Yes Baron, I am a shameless copy cat)

OOC: I think we ought to be considerate of the fact he's fending off five us at once. If he misses something don't worry about it. Just keep rolling with it and if he needs something adjusted then change it up. Most others would have rage quit by now.

:) I:Heart:chris...

OOC: Yeah Sorry If I miss anything guys. PM it to me if I do :) also I:Heart:Firestorm :wub: Oh and i dont intend on Rage quiting :awesome: Also thats all i had time for sorry

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The border patrol, consisting of 1 platoon from 2/34 Battalion of V Division was appalled at the Banzai troops. They hurridly took up defensive positions. 3 of the men were shot dead during the set up stages while 10 more were wounded. The platoon had no way of stoping the incursion entirely but their aim was to delay their advance.

Although the chargers took several casualties, they still managed to get close enough to knock a number of Khmers down and prepared to stab. Although a few were shot as they began to stab, nonetheless they continued in their maniacal charge as the Type 89's rolled out from behindthem, opening fire with their machineguns and turrets, hoping to knock out the hastily set-up Khmer defenses.

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Yuke forces continued to build up the wall and cut off the city. Since the Khmers in the Red River Delta are currently focused on the Somalian Navy near the Delta, the plan could work without a hitch. At this point around 20-25% of the city has been sealed. But in order to speed up the construction, Somalian forces will have to make haste and head to Haiphong.

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Small units of Khmer troops spotted the incoming Brigades. Working in conjunction with the peasents they scouted out a small ridge where the convoy could be ambushed quite easily. They waited for the 3rd convoy to pass, then when the 4th convoy came into view, armed with RPGs and an assortment of Light weaponary they attacked.

Mad Dog Bob Denard ducks his head instinctively as the first of the Khmer rockets and automatic weapons open fire on the convoy he is travelling with. Looking over to his foward air controller he gives him the nod and prepares to watch the show. Up and down the convoy the occasional GAZzler Armored Vehicle explodes or is crippled by incoming fire.

A quick message to thirty thousand feet brings in the first of a wave of SOAD precision munitions delivered by a flight of high flying HALOB Bombers. Behind them comes several salvos of 155mm High Explosive rounds designed to rip apart enemy fortifications. Just as those munitions begin to fall Bob smiles with a feral grin as the Cruisers of the Somal Navy unload their 8 inch gunnes on the ridge as well. As the fire begins to scream overhead Bob dismounts the GAZzler Armored Vehicle he is riding in.

Up and down the convoy he is followed by highly trained teams of light infantrymen armed with their assortment of rifles, light machine guns, laser guided man portable rocket lauchers, and multi-shot gernade launchers. With a flick of his finger Bob switches the safety of his 12 guage shotgun to the off position. With an annoyed grunt he racks a round in the chamber as he looks over to the FAC and says, "Have the MIGs work the rear slopes with Napalm and cluster bombs to kill anyone who tries to escape."

With that being said Bob, the 'Bad Ones', and another four hundred dismounted light infantrymen advance up the burning and torn hill. Behind them the 12.72 heavy machine guns mounted on the vehicles hammer away at the Khmer positions. With those heavy machine guns rockets mounted on the Somal Vehicles blaze their way up the slope to add to the destruction. The real danger, the men on foot, begin their advance using standard tactics involving 2 squads firing and 2 squads advancing.

Hallf of the men are laying down a hammer of fire at all times, the heavy machine guns and rocket launchers slamming their way up the mountain, and the sudden arrival of a flight of Pirahna helicopters who come in at tree top with their rockets and machine guns blazing the blitz of fire can only be described as intense. As the advancing men make their way half way up the ridge they are given a gift.

The gift of napalm and clusterbombs that are dropped from the MIG-35 fighters that scream towards the scene with the sun to their backs. These munitions plaster the rear slopes with the intention of cutting off the retreat of the men at the top of the ridge and to prevent them from being reinforced. Bob watches, smiles, stands up and shouts, "Keep moving you lazy buggers," as he leads the way.

Many Khmer soldiers where distributed through a few of the towns, acting like the local peasents. Rather then attacking the Somal troops they let them come and deliver food, as it was just more food for them to stockpile and eat when it was their turn to go out on the hunt.

The second wave of helicopters brings back those taken to the Somal hospitals with stories of good treatment, food, and friendly Somal doctors and nurses. More supplies are delivered with instructions to the government officials of the villages to keep the Somal Military advised of their needs. Every third case of rations is tagged with a special RDIC tag that is very difficult to locate.


In a last ditch effort the Khmer General did the only thing he knew to do when it came to boats. Send a speed boat filled with explosives at it and hope to god it got there. (OOC: Yes Baron, I am a shameless copy cat)

A corvette from the Republic of Somal spots the speed boat on radar and obliterates it with long range cannon fire.


The 1st through 4th Armored Divisions have arrived and they have arrived in style. Each turret is wearing the flag of Free Somal as it dances in the wind. Speakers mounted on the tanks are blaring a variety of different rock songs as well. The hard looking men of the Somal armored corp aren't here to put on a fashion show, they are here to conquer a city. After making contact with the Yukotubian Military authorities the Engineers of the Free Somal military put their CEVs to work.

It will take time, but the race to construct a nine foot earth berm around the entire city of Haiphong is on. To fill in the gaps teams of mechanized infantry and tanks are deployed behind temporary coils of razor wire. The city is deafened by the sounds of prerecorded messages for Khmer soldiers to surrender and how to go about it. Civilians are advised they can leave their homes to seek refuge in camps guarded by the Somal Military. One would think that such a large perimeter would be difficult to guard, but as the Armored Corp arrives so does help from the sea.

3rd through 7th Light Infantry Brigades

Using the landing capacity of the Kingdom of Cochin Navy the brigades swarm ashore and take up their positions. They dig foxholes, string wire, emplace mines, preregister artillery targets, set up listening posts, lay out trip flares, and a variety of other tasks needed to defend themselves. With these four brigades comes an additional regiment of towed 155mm Howitzers that are emplaced in 12 gun firebases that are quickly prepared around the perimter of the city.

Firebases that can fire towards the city and away from it as well.

8th through 12th Light Infantry Brigades, Central Zone of Military Occupation

The territory between Haiphong and the border is by no means under control. A brisk and deadly battle is currently underway between the column headed by Mad Dog Bob Denard himself and the insurgents. The four light infantry brigades are tasked with establishing a cordon of security from the DE border to halfway to Haiphong. They know their jobs as they are fresh from extensive anti-insurgent excercises in Somal. Likewise, they are well blooded from the fighting against NoN and Aether. As they land they carefully fan out to assume positions in the following locations:

Critical transportation junctures

Cities over 5000 in population




Small cities and large villages become the new homes of these brigades as they set up company sized bases near or in them. Already having their orders to remain respectful the Somal soldiers attempt to practice their awful Khmer on the locals with mostly absurd results. In one particular occasion a low ranking Somal officers offers to sexually satisfy the entire water buffalo herd of the village. Behind his back he is mockingly referred to as buffalo humper by his entire company.

With them the Republic of Free Somal Constabulary begins to set up shop. These well trained police officers spread out under the protection of the Light Infantry Brigades and begin contacting city officials. Police officers are asked to return to duty to help keep the peace, doctors are encouraged to keep open hospitals, and other critical services are examined. The first round of surveys finds that the damage to the water, sewer, and power facilities are extensive.

These damaged sites are the problem of the Republic of Free Somal Engineers who follow closely behind. They begin the hard work of getting this damaged repaired as quickly as possible. To speed up the process fliers are handed out offering good paying jobs to those who wish to sign up as laborers. The intial response seems promising but it is too early to tell. Bulldozers, trenchers, and other heavy vehicles are heard snorting to life as they go about the hard work needed get the Khmer out of the stone age they were bombed into.

21st through 31st Special Forces Groups

While the cities are getting sorted out the rural villages aren't being ignored. Strong patrols of Special Forces teams are fanning out as they slip in and out of the shadows. At each village they stop at they check on the local government officals and emphasize with them that the government needs to keep running. They strongly encourage that government services be kept open and to notify the Somal military if they need technical assistance to help keep those services running. On several occasions they hand out more rations, water, and have those who need medical care flown out by helicopter.

As before these new ration cases are selectively fitted with an RDIC tag that is well concealed.

13th through 16th Light Infantry Brigades

These poor chaps are dumped at the former Somal bases in DE and are told to stay on standby for orders. They do so grudgingly and make numerous references to their commanders being short of brain cells.

Edited by Firestorm
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The fighter bombers of Royal Cochin Air Forces are unleashed to finish the job the cruise missiles started and was carried on so helpfully by Khmer Empire itself. The SHARM teams were just riding herd as the Jadayus raced in first to establish Air supremacy. Soon after that the Halob bombers came in waves upon waves to carpet bomb suspected enemy army locations. The locations were well located for their remoteness from civilian population. The Metac Aerial Artillery Platforms then followed in to provide additional support for the Wave 3.

The three armored cavalry regiments rode herd as the 2 mechanized divisions moved in securing the ground. Isolated pockets of resistance were crumbling to sheer firepower belched out by the T100 main battle tanks.

Piranha attack helicopters led the way before the armored juggernauts. Whenever a bridge or river crossing was reported ahead teams of combat engineers raced forward in the Axe jeeps to check for booby traps or to call for BLTs to span them. While the Corps moved forward groups of 4 were assigned per crossing to build and maintain bridges.

Meanwhile the III Air Cavalry Division was engaged in operations of their own. They were tasked to intercept roving bands of Khmer Empire military heading for the jungles to prepare for the guerrilla warfare. The Air Cav troopers in their Blackhawk and MH53 carriers and supported by Piranha gunships brought attenuation to several small groups of soldiers.

The Metac Artillery Platforms were also quite busy demolishing the remaining defense industries of Khmer Empire.

The Cochin planes certanily unloaded a devistating payload onto the Khmer Empire. Much forest was destroyed. Many civilians were killed along with many Army personell. The orders for all soldiers were still the same "Hide, fight, survive". Much of the Cochin Advance had been mapped out by local peasents who had inturn passed the information onto the Khmer forces that were planning in platoon (30 men) and section sized ( 10 men) attacks on various bridges and convoys.

Operation Leviathan

Offshore, Mekong Delta region:

Ten 55,000 DWT (Metric tons) cargo capacity submarines settle onto the ocean floors the soft slopes of the delta region. A division of amphibious armor exits each sub. If there are any surface naval concerns, the Cochin navy protects the subs. Each division of amphibious armor is spearheaded by a pair of tanks with side-turret mounts of anti-mine torpedos. Each tanks is also running a slight electrical current through its hull to reduce the possible contact with magnetic mines. (ww2 tech)

The tanks churn towards shore and slowly make their way up the Mekong river.. the goal: Take the cities of Can Tho and Phnom Penh by complete suprise. They rumbled up the delta, using the sonar readings from the offshore subs to take out any mines in their way.. and then entered the mouth of the narrower river. They began to bubble quietly up into the enemy state with a very strong possibility the enemy doesn't even know they're there.


Organization of the divisions going up the Mekong.

South Vietnam

The Khmer High command was shocked when they heard that forces were heading up the mekong Delta. It was unheard of. Nothing could make it through the swampland or the river itself. However be that as it may they had to act quick. The CoChinChina HQ was at risk of being over run before they even new the enemy was coming, there was only one course of Action, block the river, burn the swamps and flush the troops out. There was no way of telling where the location of the troops were as peasent sightings are usually 2-3 days old before reported to someone who can report it to the government. With that a large fire was started to burn much of the southern Swamps and deny them any coverage.

Operation River Vipers

North Khmer.

The Chairman barked out to Tian Long Flight and the Dragonisian air forces in the area, "Wave 2 and 3 are go. We are on the attack. Begin advance."

The tank platoons below crossed into Khmer border for the first time.. many of them driving in river beds or on roads, keeping to river valleys and low-lands which are their strong points. Each tank's treads had been sharpened so as not to simply trample weeds, but to cut them.. clearing a path for the infantry behind. The front of the tanks had been equipped with terrain clearing tools to permit a rapid transit through the thickly forested region. Some tanks had anti-mine outfits to allow for the save removal of identified munitions in high threat areas. Mine clearing missile mounts were also being put on some of the MRLS systems to clear mine fields.

Overhead the air force pierced Khmer airspace. Tian Long flight flew low and spearheaded the mission. Their goal was to avoid detection by air forces and to engage SAM missile and radar installations.

The Chairman's target came up quickly. His advanced micro missile (ADMM) system locked 12 distinct asset targets at the SAM installation location including 6 missile batteries, a central radar, and 2 buildings and 3 vehicles. Once the lock was firmly acquired he released the weapons load out, "Talisman, ADMM Missiles away. Cyclops verify impact and threat negation."

As soon as the load was dropped the Chairman had already gone into a high-g turn even as he verbally responded and began to drop chafe/flares as his launch would have undoubtedly flashed him to radars nearby.

He notified the rest of his flight, "Ground ordinance expended, moving to escort role. Thunder, I think your target is up next, you have the point, begin your run."

Thunder, the pilot of the B2, began their approach on what was designated by Intel to be a hardened communications bunker. The B2 carried a package of small-diameter bombs perfect for bunker killing.

The khmer forces in the area were watching the Dragonosian Advance. Choosing not to attack just yet, they attempted to guess where the enemy was going and set up a series of booby traps, mainly aiming for troops, along with the odd anti armour trap, using a variety of weapons from the most advance mines available to spikes in the ground and other nasty items hanging from trees. these would hopefully take them out. After setting the traps the troops faded back into the jungle and went back to their respective bases.

OOC: As i told Mael, there are only a few places in North Vietnam, where you can take tanks across the border due to the terrain. Just a heads up so you guys dont end up running over each other.

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