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As Minister of Foreign Affairs for the German Empire, I am happy to announce a PIAT between us and The Confederation of Canada, may our alliances continue to grow in prosperity and glory!

The Ottawa - Berlin Pact


Whereas Canada was founded on the principles that recognize the supremacy of equality and the rule of law and whereas Canada recognizes the communal relationship of herself and The German Empire through the former Mitteleuropa bloc, the offer of a PIAT is extended to The German Empire on behalf of The Confederation of Canada.

The purpose of this treaty is for mutual prosperity between both of the signatories after the fall of Mitteleuropa bloc.

Article I. Of Peace,

No attack against either signatory by the other shall be condoned. Should deliberated and premeditated hostilities arise between the two signatoriesthis treaty is therefore null and void. Herein, deliberated and premeditated hostilities will be defined as; espionage of a nation or a signatory's forum or other channel of communication, declarations of war - alliance-wide or individual and distributing foreign aid to an enemy of a signatory. Any hostility must be resolved peacefully through proper diplomatic channels, and if this proves impossible the treaty is null and void.

Article III. Of Intelligence,

Should one signatory gain knowledge of any sort from a third party outside of this binding treaty - regarding the other signatory, proper measures of communication are to be taken effective immediately between both signatories. If this does not occur the treaty will be rendered null and void.

Article IV. Of Aid,

If one signatory asks the other for any monetary aid, and it is found to be not too much of a burden or will endanger them, then they shall provide it to them. It is recommended that after alliance-wide warfare - aid requests should be granted to help rebuild the nations whom were effected. Should both signatories be in a state of alliance-wide warfare, monetary aid shall be postponed until the latter of the request is free from conflict, therein the case will be reviewed further.

Article V. Of Free Trade,

Both signatories must agree to openly trade with one another for the betterment of the economies of both alliances. To do this both signatories shall be required to allow at least the Minister of Finance or equivalent to view each other's public trade forum as well as being in regular contact through any channel of communication.

Article VI. Of Cancellations,

If one signatory feels that this treaty is no longer beneficial, then they shall notify the other through private channels of communication, and, after a 48 hour grace period in which the treaty is still valid, then this treaty is considered null and void.

Herein do the respective realms of The Confederation of Canada and The German Empire vow to uphold this treaty in the name of peace, prosperity and good government.

Signed by and for The Confederation of Canada,

* The Right Honourable, Prime Minister, John A MacDonald

* The Honourable, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Barron Chandler

Signed by and for The German Empire,

* Her Imperial and Royal Majesty, The Empress Regent, KARLa

* His Excellency, the Imperial Chancellor, President Chris

* His Excellency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gavin Jones

Edited by Gavin Jones
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Congratulations to The German Empire and their friends with the acronym I cannot say out loud lest I giggle.

Normally I would be upset that people are signing treaties in my Empire without my knowledge, but I'll let it go this once. ;)

Also, did I read that correctly? "Empress Karl"? The German Empire certainly is open-minded these days.

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o/ Jammy McJamJam! You know I love you, my little Gooseberry JAM!

But wait... wasn't you all dropped as a protectorate after we all left? I'm confused. Sorry, you know I'm not too bright.

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But wait... wasn't you all dropped as a protectorate after we all left? I'm confused. Sorry, you know I'm not too bright.

The protectorate bloc called Mitteleuropa was dismantled and the remaining two colonies were offered a PIAT instead - it just took us a while to announce it, what with the confusion and mass resignations and all. Thanks for your words of support.

Also, did I read that correctly? "Empress Karl"? The German Empire certainly is open-minded these days.

Or Karla as she is better know on IRC. I think our beleaguered MoFA left out that key letter. Thank you for your words of support.

Also, wtf Empress? When did you guys give the flawed Kaiser the boot?

Out of character perhaps but the erstwhile Kaiser will be away for a swathe of the summer engaged in the rather more immediate and pressing task of saving up for University. A slight divergence of agreement with the previous incumbent necessitated something of a radical adjustment for the Empire, where it was decided that the Emperor's sister should hold the role of Regent or Empress Regent until his return. Thank you for your kind words of support.

I swear to God this is the third time I've seen this treaty being announced.

The first time actually but the confusion stems from the fact that there is also a TRE-TGE PIAT and now a TRE-tCoC PIAT which complicated matters somewhat but we just like to get everything out in the open and declare our fraternal support for our Canadian brethren. Danke.

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Mitteleuropa has pretty much been downgraded to several PIATs between the forum signatories. Thanks for writing a book Scheer.

I'm just trying to be thorough Mr Gooseberry... er, Mr MacDonald. If in doubt: obfuscate.

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....it was decided that the Emperor's sister should hold the role of Regent or Empress Regent until his return.

This is all very illuminating for me.

Am I to understand that The German Empire is a family affair?

This may not be the first time this has ever happened, but it's certainly the first time I've ever heard of it.

Part of me says, "Interesting." Another part of me says, "Ew."

To each his own, though.

And again, congratulations on the agreement.

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This is all very illuminating for me.

Am I to understand that The German Empire is a family affair?

This may not be the first time this has ever happened, but it's certainly the first time I've ever heard of it.

Part of me says, "Interesting." Another part of me says, "Ew."

To each his own, though.

The Emperor let it be know that he would be preoccupied for the summer for reasons mentioned above. The previous Chancellor assumed his duties and he was supported by his vice-Chancellor. With the resignation of both, along with other key members of Government, it left a vacuum. The decision about installing a temporary Regent was an unanimous one, taken by the surviving Ministers and then endorsed by the Emperor himself. All rather democratic and the decision was based upon a number of key factors with stability being a foremost concern as you can imagine. I hope this clarifies matters.

Thank you again for your words of support.

Edited by Reinhard Scheer
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