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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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If we decide to surrender right now, right this second, 90% of our peace mode nations come out and fight for a solid two weeks, we'll lose oodles of strength. Oodles, I tell ya. Much more than we might lose by continuing to fight.

Except that one day you will have to surrender, and then you'll lose 'oodles' plus whatever you lose by keeping fighting. As the Echelon terms show, you don't get easier terms by fighting on, and proportionally they become tougher because you lose strength.

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Firstly, if you call my post an argument, then you have no understanding of the term, thus please don't attempt to use it. Secondly, this war is about revenge. There's a lot of people that want to do to the NPO as the NPO did to them. This war is best described as poetic justice, albeit NpO attempts to relieve it's brethren of their misery, which is ultimately an attempt to undo the purpose of the war and remove the reason for so many alliances to fight.

kar⋅ma  /ˈkɑrmə/

Use karma in a Sentence


1.Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman. Compare bhakti (def. 1), jnana.

2.Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.

3.fate; destiny.

4.the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something.

So, which definition were we using?

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I don't want the moral high ground, and I don't want to lead by example. I just want revenge and for them to see how it feels to be kicked around. I am already better than them though, as I won't wish over 2 years of EZI on them. I just want them to be crushed, and crippled, and unable to continue their past tactics.

They've learned nothing and haven't said sorry - why should I show any mercy or help them? They don't deserve it, they deserve destruction.

Don't you know holding this opinion is wrong and that you are bad?

You should be ashamed Starfox. ASHAMED.

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Sorry, Grub, but I want to see all of NPO sent back to the beginning: $100,000 and 1 infra. Or is it $1,000,000? I dunno, but I think they should hit the "reset" button (except for the wonders, they can keep those)

Not that I don't think it's funny that everyone is all "NPO started this!" OV spied, NPO was poked and provoked and lured into a trap, and it's long-standing "allies" abandoned them.

But no worries: The fun thing about this world is that everyone gets burned eventually.

Edited by Lord GVChamp
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Look, aside from a deliberate wall of text that constitutes BAWWING I fail to see... oh, wait.. that's right.. thanks for giving us another opportunity to rub this in your faces. :)

How are you rubbing anything in our face? Grub's post is made with all of Planet Bob in mind, as he is asking for a break in the vicious cycle that has been the norm for years. This is something that not only helps Polaris, but all alliances as a whole.

If anything, you're rubbing it in your own face.

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How are you rubbing anything in our face? Grub's post is made with all of Planet Bob in mind, as he is asking for a break in the vicious cycle that has been the norm for years. This is something that not only helps Polaris, but all alliances as a whole.

If anything, you're rubbing it in your own face.

It's a good thing some of us are ok with reps and consider the alliances that issued them in the past to be the "vicious cycle" you refer to.

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This is a huge lie. NPO had nothing to do with that war.

Campbell88 was not removed as part of the surrender terms because of the mudkip, but because there was concerns tdsm8 was part of a goons cell and campbells many posts and pictures making racial slurs against blacks and aids tended to blend him into that category.

Thanks for reminding me why I hate your alliance.

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Well that is inappropriate. Well played. <_<

Don't insult my intelligence by questioning if I understood what I typed. If you disagree with my opinion, tell me why instead of being passive/aggressive.

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It's a good thing some of us are ok with reps and consider the alliances that issued them in the past to be the "vicious cycle" you refer to.

You are ok with reps.

Alliances in the past issued reps.

They were the vicious cycle.

You are.....?

Seriously man.

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You are ok with reps.

Alliances in the past issued reps.

They were the vicious cycle.

You are.....?

Seriously man.

There is a difference in issuing reps when needed and issuing reps at every given opportunity. Go ask some gov in R&R how many times I suggested no reps for a rogue or whatnot because it wasn't needed and get back to me.

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There is a difference in issuing reps when needed and issuing reps at every given opportunity. Go ask some gov in R&R how many times I suggested no reps for a rogue or whatnot because it wasn't needed and get back to me.

So when an alliance enter a war to honor his treaties they deserve pay reps harsh reps? Very fair.

Edited by D34th
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There is a difference in issuing reps when needed and issuing reps at every given opportunity. Go ask some gov in R&R how many times I suggested no reps for a rogue or whatnot because it wasn't needed and get back to me.

But that has nothing to do with what you said.

You know...I'm just going to say "Good day" and let you ramble by yourself :D

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I agree that the terms presented to the NPO are unjust. Why must we slaughter Pacifica? She has already been brought to her knees. Her members left in droves and her NS has been strewn across the battlefield. Enough is enough Karma, you have had your revenge, now leave Pacifica alone to lick her wounds.

A post by a member of a rather small alliance that I am not familiar with actually putting up a post saying that enough is enough when it comes to beating down NPO? Grand job you guys are doing of maintaining that the NPO are the only Beast present.

This post is merely symbolic of the many others I have begun to see pop up. I suppose I shall have to quote each and everyone of them so folks like WC do not ask me for examples later when I say they are growing.

Actually the ball is in your court to end this. We have nothing to lose by waiting. Only you do.

Till you guys accept the terms as they are, Then this shall continue. Its obvious that we are not going to budge, Why the Wait NPO?

Actually you do and the post I quoted before yours is just one reason out of many why you actually do have something to lose by waiting.

Might wanna check your source there high speed, You guys are losing members and your AS Score still dropping, Even if you do gain some, it will not be as much as you would if this War would have ended.

If you guys want a Perma war then thats what you will end up getting. Stop spinning the tables and making it look like were the bad guys in this situation. We offered you reasonable terms, nothing more worse than what you've done before. And just in spite of your cultural social decree that nothing can touch NPO, you guys will deny these terms if it means you take everyone else down with you? Who's more selfish you or us?

I'm thankful i have nothing to do with NPO your arrogance even in defeat amazes me. You don't get the right to dictate terms, Only the winning side does. So please enough with the whining, the ridiculous propaganda you seem to enjoy, however fruitless that maybe and just accept the terms.

Then again you guys seem to enjoy the Hippy stance.

Perhaps you should check your source. Why not check the Sanction Race instead? You would see that the NPO drop definately halted and that some days they actually post in the Green.

You begin to show what appears to be desperation as you attempt to insult them into signing the terms. Your insults are not that good.


How will we fight this war differently? Should we have painted our cruise missiles neon red and decorated our ICBMs with puke green ornaments?

A war is a war.

You (and I, along with others) are arguing about winning the peace. In regards to NPO, they have their tough, doable terms. Just because certain entities in Frostbite and NPOs verbal meatshields continue to bang their heads and arms against the walls for NPO, actually has the opposite effect.

Oh...hey look, one of our allies possibly making an indirect insult and insinuation that we are pro-NPO. One of those allies of ours that is fighting NPO. Do not let your desperation cost you anymore then it already will. Some of us are merely courting our own personal opinions. Check your words before saying it is all of Frostbite. Your leaders might not appreciate that....or maybe they would. We have not seen them post for quite some time.

Oh lordy this post is ironic.

Do explain please, I would offer such respect for another former NPO member such as myself. Please, do not be so ambiguous with your statements. Someone might think that is the best you have as far as an attempt goes to try and belittle me.

We wouldn't want that, would we?

I don't want the moral high ground, and I don't want to lead by example. I just want revenge and for them to see how it feels to be kicked around. I am already better than them though, as I won't wish over 2 years of EZI on them. I just want them to be crushed, and crippled, and unable to continue their past tactics.

They've learned nothing and haven't said sorry - why should I show any mercy or help them? They don't deserve it, they deserve destruction.

You make a wonderful spokesperson for those who want this war to continue. Thank you Starfox.

Except that one day you will have to surrender, and then you'll lose 'oodles' plus whatever you lose by keeping fighting. As the Echelon terms show, you don't get easier terms by fighting on, and proportionally they become tougher because you lose strength.

Sorry Bob, but the terms would actually weaken them much more then the current war will. The other side has to face the fact that they messed up maintaining staggars and now it is just an annoyance all around for everyone. Especially those on the outside whom just want to see the GRL drop back down since this war is going no where anymore. Those people like the member of VE whom seem to think that it really doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks about a perpetual war that will continuously keep the GRL up are definately harming their own alliance's PR because it shows that very same lack of respect to everyone else that they claim NPO always showed.

The tide of PR has turned and I really do not care if folks want to call me an NPO sympathizer as any whom will rationally think about that would realize how absurd it is. For the most part, they hate me and I hate them but what I hate even more is to see those fighting NPO allowing NPO to turn the tables like they are beginning to do. It isn't really even the NPO doing it, it is the lack of action or even a reaction from those pressing NPO. Do something, or end this.

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It was when I was in R&R and we had to. So yes.

So you admit R&R had to do such yet with Echelon we saw R&R ask for a whopping......1 tech.

Learn to use better examples.

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So you admit R&R had to do such yet with Echelon we saw R&R ask for a whopping......1 tech.

Learn to use better examples.

I'm not in R&R government and had no pull this time. If I was, I would have suggested that reps were appropriate.

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I'm not in R&R government and had no pull this time. If I was, I would have suggested that reps were appropriate.

The point was, there are some folks who understand that continuing the cycle does not stop it. Seems pretty straight forward and easy enough to comprehend. In fact as I typed it I almost felt it was too simple to be true. Maybe that is where some of you got off track. Perhaps you should go back and pay a visit to your old friends and ask them why they feel differently from you.

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A very pleasent read Grub. While I think it is a much appreciated effort, I'm afraid people have chosen their stand. I may just be very cynical, but in the end nothing really changes from essays and heart felt speeches.

Hopefully you can use a little more than elegent lines to back up what you want Grub, because there are many counting on people like you.

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