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An Open Letter to the NPO

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I like how your perverted sense of "justice" includes sanctuary and government positions for cowards and deserters.

NPO's cause is to prevent other alliances from spying on them. Glad to know you wouldn't have a problem with people spying on your alliance.

What NPO called 'spying' was something they themselves have done time and again. Moo himself has said it. "everyone accepts information".

Then of course there was the whole attacking during discussions...

But these points have been discussed to death elsewhere. Im not sure why you decided to bring them up here.

I guess you couldn't say LoD ran away crying because he was welcomed with open arms by MK and given the playbook on how to insult his former alliance and those he called his comrades for so long.

Why would we need to give him the playbook? NPO wrote it. When he first came to us he strove to be cordial and maintain relations with his friends. We have seen him shunned by all, we've seen his NPO forum account turned into a mockery.

Nobody endures that kind of treatment without developing some hard feelings. Had the NPO acted maturely there would be no contention. It is because of how he was treated that things have turned out as they have. And if nothing else it proves that the NPO has learned nothing from this war. They're still exactly the same as they've always been, just not in the prominent position they're used to.

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I like how your perverted sense of "justice" includes sanctuary and government positions for cowards and deserters.

NPO's cause is to prevent other alliances from spying on them. Glad to know you wouldn't have a problem with people spying on your alliance.

I guess you couldn't say LoD ran away crying because he was welcomed with open arms by MK and given the playbook on how to insult his former alliance and those he called his comrades for so long.

Cowards, lol. My god, did you forget the part where he already fought and threw away his nation, I am sure he was real scared of something.

Also, I have a feeling those who were sincerely just attempting to prevent spying would have handled their situation a little differently (can you imagine the Gremlins reacting as NPO did, for instance?). NPO treated it like, well, the NPO, and the result was that the situation was pushed. If they failed to foresee the possibility for this result and really thought their actions were the best to protect their alliance, then I feel sorry for the average grunt.

I find the playbook comment extremely cute. I can't seem to find it on the forums, but I will keep looking just for you. The accusation that LoD was given this "playbook" in order to come after the NPO is laugable at best. It really didn't take them long to switch his sig on the old boards to some petty "LOOK I AM A TRAITOR TO PACIFICA AND A COWARD" or similar message and to come here and make comments that intentionally drew him out.

Edited by mrcalkin
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So instead of just a deserter, I'm a coward as well? Wouldn't you think that a coward would have left at the first signs of danger instead of staying through until his nation was destroyed? Like I said - facts. As for my government position, I was chosen because of my experience, and my level of activity. Again - facts.

I ran away crying? Once again wrong. My resignation thread actually said I still liked the Order but wanted something different. After posting the resignation thread, I changed my AA to none, removed Custom 3, and the NPO part from my nation bio. I then waited for those who said they were going to leave to leave, but they did not. I chose to go to MK, the alliance that was going to be my new alliances protector, instead of quitting CN.

As for a playbook on how to insult the Order... I don't need it. I already know what I dislike about the Order. Along with wanting to create a new alliance, the reasons I disliked the Order also caused me to leave.

Sileath, stick to facts. Creating lies about those who will actively call you out on them is pointless.

I love that argument - that if you were a coward you would have left right away. The Pacificans who have not deserted each other, who continue to face attacks, are the ones who avoid that ugly title. You are able to rebuild in relative peace while they continue to fight.

Wow, I sympathize that you were unable to convince other people to desert with you to create your alliance. </sarcasm>

Like I said, you weren't crying because you had a government position waiting for you when you left.

So, you dislike the Order. These are the same people who would have and were gladly giving up their infra for you right up until the moment you left. These are the people who are still defending each other and their alliance almost 3 months later, and when they are at their most vulnerable, at the dawn of the breaking of their finest hour, that is the time when you sit up on your perch in Mushroom Kingdom and throw stones like you're big and bad.

You make me sick.

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I love that argument - that if you were a coward you would have left right away. The Pacificans who have not deserted each other, who continue to face attacks, are the ones who avoid that ugly title. You are able to rebuild in relative peace while they continue to fight.

Wow, I sympathize that you were unable to convince other people to desert with you to create your alliance. </sarcasm>

Like I said, you weren't crying because you had a government position waiting for you when you left.

So, you dislike the Order. These are the same people who would have and were gladly giving up their infra for you right up until the moment you left. These are the people who are still defending each other and their alliance almost 3 months later, and when they are at their most vulnerable, at the dawn of the breaking of their finest hour, that is the time when you sit up on your perch in Mushroom Kingdom and throw stones like you're big and bad.

You make me sick.

Way to ignore the arguments and continue your asinine campaign about a subject you have no direct interest in.

Please Sileath, do yourself and everyone else a favor, stop posting.

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Like I said, you weren't crying because you had a government position waiting for you when you left.

So, you dislike the Order. These are the same people who would have and were gladly giving up their infra for you right up until the moment you left. These are the people who are still defending each other and their alliance almost 3 months later, and when they are at their most vulnerable, at the dawn of the breaking of their finest hour, that is the time when you sit up on your perch in Mushroom Kingdom and throw stones like you're big and bad.

You make me sick.

Sileath you have no idea what you're talking about. I did not have a government position in line for me at MK. The position of Baron of Culture was a spot you could apply to and it said alliance seniority didn't matter. I decided to apply and to tell of my experience and how active I am. It just so happens that I was chosen. Had I not applied, I would not be a Baron right now, and it's perfectly plausible that someone better could have applied for the position.

I didn't say I dislike the Order. I don't like certain parts, and certain policies. However, the Order is more than parts and policies. It's more than it's government. I still have friends in the Order, people I talk to. The Order is the Body Republic. I like them.

As for people giving their Infra for me, bull. I was never high gov so I didn't make decisions. If it had been up to me, the Order wouldn't be in this position, but hey - we can't all be as awesome as me, right? ;)

You know nothing of allegiance to an alliance, Sileath. You're an alliance hopper. Don't preach to me about it.

You make me laugh.

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Sileath you have no idea what you're talking about. I did not have a government position in line for me at MK. The position of Baron of Culture was a spot you could apply to and it said alliance seniority didn't matter. I decided to apply and to tell of my experience and how active I am. It just so happens that I was chosen. Had I not applied, I would not be a Baron right now, and it's perfectly plausible that someone better could have applied for the position.

I didn't say I dislike the Order. I don't like certain parts, and certain policies. However, the Order is more than parts and policies. It's more than it's government. I still have friends in the Order, people I talk to. The Order is the Body Republic. I like them.

As for people giving their Infra for me, bull. I was never high gov so I didn't make decisions. If it had been up to me, the Order wouldn't be in this position, but hey - we can't all be as awesome as me, right? ;)

You know nothing of allegiance to an alliance, Sileath. You're an alliance hopper. Don't preach to me about it.

You make me laugh.

What happened when you were nuked by Sev? Were your comrades there for you? I know I was - I wasn't in range so I couldn't DoW, but I stayed up with you while you waited to get nuked.

In my six alliances, I've fought wars on behalf of four of them. I have never deserted, and if Londo had not said my services were no longer needed in battle, I would not have left Athens.

I may have been in many alliances, but it is known that while I am a member I am fiercely loyal. I see your loyalty is relative, but I'm sure MK knows what they're getting into.

A dishonorable action perpetuated against what they perceive to be a dishonorable alliance makes a government offical for them. Never knew that two wrongs made a right.

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What happened when you were nuked by Sev? Were your comrades there for you? I know I was - I wasn't in range so I couldn't DoW, but I stayed up with you while you waited to get nuked.

Morale support ftw?

Not sure why this is relevant.

In my six alliances, I've fought wars on behalf of four of them. I have never deserted, and if Londo had not said my services were no longer needed in battle, I would not have left Athens.

You're also on bad terms with just about every alliance you've left despite your lack of desertion. And mostly disliked even in those alliances you've never been. Whereas LoD is hated by a select few and generally liked besides.

I think it's pretty easy to see who has the better model here.

I may have been in many alliances, but it is known that while I am a member I am fiercely loyal. I see your loyalty is relative, but I'm sure MK knows what they're getting into.

You're fiercely loyal up until the minute you decide you're not. That kind of loyalty means less than nothing so far as I'm concerned. LoD left trying to remain on good terms with the NPO, their treatment of him and resulting effects are their fault, not his.

He went to war and paid his dues, he went ahead and got to the point where he was bill locked and needed aid to get back to playing. That's more than many members still in the NPO could say. And before leaving he was an active contributing member. Again, more than most could say.

A dishonorable action perpetuated against what they perceive to be a dishonorable alliance makes a government offical for them. Never knew that two wrongs made a right.

MK has a long history of not seeing eye to eye with the NPO on what constitutes a traitor. LoD has shown himself in my eyes to be a steadfast and loyal member who wanted something more than what NPO could give. What difference would it have made for him to stay in NPO until they received terms? He was bill locked and close to ZI. He was contributing nothing to the war effort anymore. Would it seem any better to you if he left the day after NPO got terms?

If this is the mentality that most of the NPO has these days, I expect a mass exodus once peace is reached. That might be why NPO is rejecting all these terms and keeping the war going. Quite an interesting thought there. ^_^

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What happened when you were nuked by Sev? Were your comrades there for you? I know I was - I wasn't in range so I couldn't DoW, but I stayed up with you while you waited to get nuked.

In my six alliances, I've fought wars on behalf of four of them. I have never deserted, and if Londo had not said my services were no longer needed in battle, I would not have left Athens.

I may have been in many alliances, but it is known that while I am a member I am fiercely loyal. I see your loyalty is relative, but I'm sure MK knows what they're getting into.

A dishonorable action perpetuated against what they perceive to be a dishonorable alliance makes a government offical for them. Never knew that two wrongs made a right.

Excuse me, but I saw Sev nuking me before he nuked me. And I didn't ask for anyone to help me after he nuked me either. And I didn't order him to be hit either, so I'm not responsible for them being damaged in war against him.

In my one alliance, I've fought... I believe something like 10 wars for them. And each time, I fought without complaining. As for my loyalty, I am indeed loyal, but I'm not foolish. I'm not going to stay in a place that [OOC]is no longer fun[/OOC] or where I disagree with so many things that I'm just going to be hated if I say what I really want to say.

As for being dishonorable, it all depends on your definition of honor. I was true to myself and others, and therefore it was not dishonorable for me to leave.

Like I said, you have no idea what you're talking about.

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Morale support ftw?

Not sure why this is relevant.

It's a reaction to an earlier statement by LoD saying that MK was an alliance that actually had a community, which was implying that NPO does not have a community.

You're also on bad terms with just about every alliance you've left despite your lack of desertion. And mostly disliked even in those alliances you've never been. Whereas LoD is hated by a select few and generally liked besides.

I think it's pretty easy to see who has the better model here.

I'm on improving terms with NPO, unknown terms with /A\/A\, decent (I think) terms with STA, good terms with NSO leadership, bad terms with Athens because I won't put up with their government insulting me, and very good terms with MHA.

You're fiercely loyal up until the minute you decide you're not. That kind of loyalty means less than nothing so far as I'm concerned. LoD left trying to remain on good terms with the NPO, their treatment of him and resulting effects are their fault, not his.

Yeah I'm loyal, which means I won't desert an alliance at the time of their greatest need. You've never heard of me spying on an alliance I was in, or trying to sabotage, etc, because while I wear the AA I am a loyal member.

He went to war and paid his dues, he went ahead and got to the point where he was bill locked and needed aid to get back to playing. That's more than many members still in the NPO could say. And before leaving he was an active contributing member. Again, more than most could say.

I sure am glad LoD can go back to building his nations while his comrades continue to fight while in bill lock and don't have the luxury of taking government positions in enemy alliances.

MK has a long history of not seeing eye to eye with the NPO on what constitutes a traitor. LoD has shown himself in my eyes to be a steadfast and loyal member who wanted something more than what NPO could give. What difference would it have made for him to stay in NPO until they received terms? He was bill locked and close to ZI. He was contributing nothing to the war effort anymore. Would it seem any better to you if he left the day after NPO got terms?

What about paying reps? I guess LoD is going to receive reps from TPF due to his current position in TPF. War profiteers for the loss.

If this is the mentality that most of the NPO has these days, I expect a mass exodus once peace is reached. That might be why NPO is rejecting all these terms and keeping the war going. Quite an interesting thought there. ^_^

They're rejected the terms because the terms are !@#$%^&*. Karma wants to destroy the NPO economic base because of their fear of NPO's ability to rebuild and their incredible resolve.

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Excuse me, but I saw Sev nuking me before he nuked me. And I didn't ask for anyone to help me after he nuked me either. And I didn't order him to be hit either, so I'm not responsible for them being damaged in war against him.

In my one alliance, I've fought... I believe something like 10 wars for them. And each time, I fought without complaining. As for my loyalty, I am indeed loyal, but I'm not foolish. I'm not going to stay in a place that [OOC]is no longer fun[/OOC] or where I disagree with so many things that I'm just going to be hated if I say what I really want to say.

As for being dishonorable, it all depends on your definition of honor. I was true to myself and others, and therefore it was not dishonorable for me to leave.

Like I said, you have no idea what you're talking about.

10 wars, eh?

If I know my Pacifican history...

You fought and were "loyal" in 9 victories.

You decided you had enough of your alliance and all of a sudden they were evil, etc, during their 1 defeat.


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It's a reaction to an earlier statement by LoD saying that MK was an alliance that actually had a community, which was implying that NPO does not have a community.

NPO has a community. He's even stated that he likes the Body Republic (you know NPO's actual community). I'm not sure where this came from.

MKs community is however better all around because almost all members are a part of it, rather than just a fraction.

Yeah I'm loyal, which means I won't desert an alliance at the time of their greatest need. You've never heard of me spying on an alliance I was in, or trying to sabotage, etc, because while I wear the AA I am a loyal member.

Are you now accusing LoD of these crimes then?

I sure am glad LoD can go back to building his nations while his comrades continue to fight while in bill lock and don't have the luxury of taking government positions in enemy alliances.

I'm pretty sure he left a vacuum in the NPO for someone else to step up and take a new position, so somewhere out there someone is thanking him for leaving. (I know Umbrae Noctem was very happy when Anthony was expelled, followed by the military command walkout afterward which led directly to him getting his position as an IO).

Also, I fail to see how rebuilding rather than sitting at ZI indefinitely while your government continues to reject terms is disloyal. Should a Pacifican in peace mode be considered disloyal because he is continuing to prosper relatively rather than be kept in the dust like his comrades who are actually fighting?

They're rejected the terms because the terms are !@#$%^&*. Karma wants to destroy the NPO economic base because of their fear of NPO's ability to rebuild and their incredible resolve.

NPO still had the option to accept, if they had the two weeks of war would have been over some time ago and we'd all be contemplating what comes next. *shrug*

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It's a reaction to an earlier statement by LoD saying that MK was an alliance that actually had a community, which was implying that NPO does not have a community.

I'm on improving terms with NPO, unknown terms with /A\/A\, decent (I think) terms with STA, good terms with NSO leadership, bad terms with Athens because I won't put up with their government insulting me, and very good terms with MHA.

Yeah I'm loyal, which means I won't desert an alliance at the time of their greatest need. You've never heard of me spying on an alliance I was in, or trying to sabotage, etc, because while I wear the AA I am a loyal member.

I sure am glad LoD can go back to building his nations while his comrades continue to fight while in bill lock and don't have the luxury of taking government positions in enemy alliances.

What about paying reps? I guess LoD is going to receive reps from TPF due to his current position in TPF. War profiteers for the loss.

They're rejected the terms because the terms are !@#$%^&*. Karma wants to destroy the NPO economic base because of their fear of NPO's ability to rebuild and their incredible resolve.

Pacifica really doesn't have much of a community. The only thing keeping them together is this war, really. Even during this war their at each others throats on their forums. Don't believe me? Well, I don't really care. I know I'm telling the truth.

You can try as hard as you want to improve Pacifica's thoughts of you, but you won't succeed. They have a very long memory for those they dislike, and they tend to not change their opinion.

You've never heard of me spying on anyone - period. And you never will. And you've never heard of me using someone else's stuff just because I wasn't properly demasked. I don't take advantage of people, unlike you. Loyal? No you're not.

They're not my Comrades. Many of them never were. Comrades are friends. They're synonymous words. I only ever really had about 10 Comrades in the Order, and disliked whenever someone who wasn't them called me Comrade.

And no, I'm not going to receive reps from TPF. And if I am somehow on the list, I'll ask Azaghul to give the reps to someone else. I'm not going to take reps I haven't earned.

And I wish you knew my efforts in regards to NPOs reps. If you did, your song would change entirely. But I don't care if it does. Your current actions amuse me greatly.

10 wars, eh?

If I know my Pacifican history...

You fought and were "loyal" in 9 victories.

You decided you had enough of your alliance and all of a sudden they were evil, etc, during their 1 defeat.


First off, I've wanted to leave the Order since mid-february, if I remember correctly.

Secondly, I've never said the Order is evil "etc.". Please find where I did. Wait, you can't.


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I think it might be good to remember that Sileath isn't a member of NPO, and doesn't speak for them. (Thankfully.)

That's true. He's probably doing more to hurt his 'healing' reputation with the NPO by posting than he is helping it.

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So, I am now very distraught.

I consider myself a man of my word. I hate having to bite my tongue and go back on it. However, sometimes something happens that you are unaware of and you have to do so regardless of what you'd prefer.

You may recall I just posted recently that NPO wrote the playbook on hating former alliance members. I was wrong. I have been made aware that LoD wrote it for MK upon taking his position as Baron of Culture.

Crossposted from the culture forums:


I apologize for the mistake on my part. I hope that by posting the truth that the shame is lessened and all know exactly how terrible of a person LoD is in truth.

Edit: [ooc]in case anyone questions the authenticity of the picture based on the spraypaint, that was a hasty coverup of LoDs avatar which may be considered inappropriate in this forum.[/ooc]

Edited by Seerow
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So, I am now very distraught.

I consider myself a man of my word. I hate having to bite my tongue and go back on it. However, sometimes something happens that you are unaware of and you have to do so regardless of what you'd prefer.

You may recall I just posted recently that NPO wrote the playbook on hating former alliance members. I was wrong. I have been made aware that LoD wrote it for MK upon taking his position as Baron of Culture.

Crossposted from the culture forums:

-image cut-

I apologize for the mistake on my part. I hope that by posting the truth that the shame is lessened and all know exactly how terrible of a person LoD is in truth.

Edit: [ooc]in case anyone questions the authenticity of the picture based on the spraypaint, that was a hasty coverup of LoDs avatar which may be considered inappropriate in this forum.[/ooc]



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But... but... camaraderie! I am your comrade! You're supposed to cover for me!

You... you're like all traitors! I can never trust you again!

Once a traitor always a traitor. You're one of us now. And if you can't trust traitors, then you can't trust yourself.

And only madmen trust no one.

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Once a traitor always a traitor. You're one of us now. And if you can't trust traitors, then you can't trust yourself.

And only madmen trust no one.

I guess I'm quite mad then, aren't I. Yes... yes... mad. Mad with power, that is!

Anywho, you betrayed Pacifica in a way worse than I. You left in a mass-exodus, and you were responsible for it all. Why else would there be an F-Seerow thread?

'cause Seerow is a terrible man that should never be trusted... except he's like me and I trust myself so I must trust him.


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I guess I'm quite mad then, aren't I. Yes... yes... mad. Mad with power, that is!

Anywho, you betrayed Pacifica in a way worse than I. You left in a mass-exodus, and you were responsible for it all. Why else would there be an F-Seerow thread?

'cause Seerow is a terrible man that should never be trusted... except he's like me and I trust myself so I must trust him.


Good, good. This line of thought has brought clarity to your purpose. You now realize you are truly one of us. This is the part where I take you in as my apprentice, and we walk off dramatically into the shadows discussing how you're going to cause a mass exodus of your own.

*insert the imperial march playing in the background*

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How can I too become a traitor?

LoD would have to kill me and take you on as his apprentice. There can only be two, no more, no less.

The other way is to go join the NPO, become semi-important, and leave at the tail end of a war. But who would want to go through that hassle?

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Good, good. This line of thought has brought clarity to your purpose. You now realize you are truly one of us. This is the part where I take you in as my apprentice, and we walk off dramatically into the shadows discussing how you're going to cause a mass exodus of your own.

*insert the imperial march playing in the background*

Well, I already tried to do that whole "mass exodus" thing, remember? I kinda failed at that. Please teach me, oh great Sith Lord.

Wait, you're not in NSO anymore...

Also, I already did that Imperial March thing last February against GPA.

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