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New Official Booze Of The Green Team

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The Absinthe Initiative

A Joint Announcement from VE, OV, GPA and iFOK

After much late-night testing, uncounted trips to the can, and a bottle of

something that tasted vile but had enough kick to it to put a shuttle in orbit, we

the undersigned have come to an agreement.

Backed by the unrivaled might of our after party B.O., we have declared Absinthe to

be the official booze of the green team. Henceforth, any diplomats arriving not

carrying at least one case will only be given lodging at a 3 star hotel until their

criminal lack of booze is remedied.

For VE

Sloppy Joe; Regent of Suprise Butt$ecks

TypoNinja; Minister of IRC

For OV

DrHairyBallz; Minister of Unkept Ballz

Sethb; Official Spymaster of Green Team


OVERLORD; Overlord of Underlords

Kahlan Rahl; Minister of Hotness

For iFOK

Arrnea; Minister of Nothing in Particular

Colchesterking; Minister of Comedy

Edited by Sloppy Joe
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Not only do I denounce the vile choice of liquor, but I denounce the GPA's blatantly unneutral act of showing favoritism for one liquor over another. )):

EDIT: As the largest alchoholic of the GOP, I officially endorse the Incredible Hulk Shot as the one, true booze of green.


• 2 oz. HPNOTIQ

• 2 oz. Cognac

Edited by Rooman33
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EDIT: As the largest alchoholic of the GOP, I officially endorse the Incredible Hulk Shot as the one, true booze of green.


• 2 oz. HPNOTIQ

• 2 oz. Cognac

That's not a shot. That much alcohol is a small Rocks Glass. :huh:

Edited by Sloppy Joe
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Not only do I denounce the vile choice of liquor, but I denounce the GPA's blatantly unneutral act of showing favoritism for one liquor over another. )):

EDIT: As the largest alchoholic of the GOP, I officially endorse the Incredible Hulk Shot as the one, true booze of green.


• 2 oz. HPNOTIQ

• 2 oz. Cognac

HPNOTIQ is chick liquor. :P

o/ Neutral menace

o/ Tripping on Absinthe

Good luck to you folks. I wonder if alcohol-themed announcements are going to get more common now.

Edited by Kiss Goodbye
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This sounds a little too binding.

The Neutral Menace is not so neutral!!!!!

To arms!

Heh, I read that as "This sounds a little too blinding."

I have to admit that absinthe makes me afraid.

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Absinthe is strong enough that most countries have banned it at one point or another.

Theres also quite a bit of folklore about it having hallucinogenic properties, but it doesn't, at least not any more that any other type of booze. Though the ability to find this stuff as high as 180 proof (90% alcohol) means you can drink your self stupid with this a lot faster than with most other drinks.

Its picked up the nickname "The Green Fairy" (hence the flag) as well, so it actually being a naturally green drink is a bonus for us :D

Edited by TypoNinja
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Not only do I denounce the vile choice of liquor, but I denounce the GPA's blatantly unneutral act of showing favoritism for one liquor over another. )):

EDIT: As the largest alchoholic of the GOP, I officially endorse the Incredible Hulk Shot as the one, true booze of green.


• 2 oz. HPNOTIQ

• 2 oz. Cognac

We used to drink these from 20oz glasses. They're more brownish than green.

Also iSupport Absinthe.

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