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Dragon Empire: The Imperial Congress and its daily actions.

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"It appears to us that Pax Pacis is once again interacting aggressively in world affairs. Normally this is not a problem, but as part of the spirit of our terms they were to tone down belligerent action.. and these actions were not run by our Imperial Counsult, Clarence... who has been recalled to the Empire for his own safety. To me, ladies and gentlemen, it appears that the change of the government in Pax Pacis was not in fact a change of governments at all, but a mere change in clothes. Dragonisia is going to rescind its offering of harbor to Pax Pacis's fleet and I prepopse we move to resume the war against them.. rescinding the surrender terms as we have noted that we may do at any time per the last clause of the terms. These people need Imperial Governance as their last 2 sets of governments have failed utterly in the eyes of the world community to achieve the fundamental objective each government is required to do.. which is defending its own people first and foremost.. before engaging in external activities. In doing so it has annoyed the general global population."

"I propose we rescind the land changes we have offered and re-open the state of war with them until we can appoint our own new government, establish a protectorate, or find another solution."

"We vote yes to the Bosaso accords. With 3 aye votes it is approved."

"We disagree with Drakoria's Ultimatum, but we should police our own back yards and it appears they need policing."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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With our newly trained men, we can commit the 1st Armored and the 3rd Imperial Army to the war against Pax Pacis. They tried our patience and now they will see what happens when you awaken the Dragon.

EDIT: OOC: Can I make the ultimatum? :awesome: It's been a while since I've made a good post like that.

Edited by N Reeki
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ooc: There is no need for an ultimatum. Our terms were the Ultimatum and they are breaching the spirit of our agreement. The question is war or no war?

ic: We have two in favor of renewing the conflict with Pax Pacis for acting out of bounds with treaty obligations to report executive action and undo belligerent activity.

Aye: Hae Da Fung, Dragonisia

No: 0

Abstain: 0

Undeclared: 4

With our troops already in theater all we need to do is pivot our forces to the west.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: Could someone link me to the right threads plese? I want to vote, but i want it to be an informed decision.

IC: "Until more information is provided, I cannot in good faith support this proposal. Nay."

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"Reports where she failed to inform Clarence of of Pacis' actions:


Instability resulting from her actions covered by:

these news services.

The excessive interventionism which as resulted in

global political fallout against their people.. again and which puts them at grave risks.

The events leading up to the catastrophe as reported by

international diplomatic press."

Davis threw wave after wave of condemning reports on the tables showing how Pax Pacis was completely outside the spirit of their surrender terms. "They claim they want peace, but they just can't seem to keep their noses in their own business even for a short time."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"While they were a little more hostile in tone than they should have been, most of Drakoria's points were invalid. And the others...It's obvious that while they did make mistakes, they meant well. If you didn't want them acting as a peacekeeping force, then you should have protested when they first made the announcement."

OOC: Can't for the life of me remember where he posted it, but he did make an announcement to that effect somewhere.

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"We cannot protest an announcement we are not informed of. Or protest a decision of which we are not made aware by their government. The Imperial Observer assigned to Pax Pacis had a purpose and was disregarded. He was not informed of these executive actions and in the fulfillment of these instructions by the state without our knowing they have proven themselves in violation of terms. Had they consulted us on this situation in the slightest we would have advised them to keep their hands out of this matter." - Anthony Davis

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OOC: I'm not there, but I should point out that at no point did they ever cause instability, that they were requested to help Slavorussia, and they had full responsibility to their people to put a small fleet between them and an unstable country. That your people are too retarded to use common sense astounds me.

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OOC: The main problem was that I thought I was fighting Communists that justinian was making up not Drakoria forces. But hell go ahead and blow my nation away what do I care.

Also thanks for defending me Sargun.

Edited by King Kevz
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ooc: If you're not a member of the bloc/Empire or you're not posting something IC, please keep out of this thread and stop insulting people in an out of character fashion. What is contested here is the fact that they did not inform the Imperial Observer of an executive action which is a blatant breach of treaty. Whether or not it was for peacekeeping or not is irrelevant really.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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ooc: If you're not a member of the bloc/Empire or you're not posting something IC, please keep out of this thread and stop insulting people in an out of character fashion. What is contested here is the fact that they did not inform the Imperial Observer of an executive action which is a blatant breach of treaty. Whether or not it was for peacekeeping or not is irrelevant really.

OOC: Yes I forgot to do that so sue me oh wait your not you are killing me instead my bad.

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ooc: If you're not a member of the bloc/Empire or you're not posting something IC, please keep out of this thread and stop insulting people in an out of character fashion. What is contested here is the fact that they did not inform the Imperial Observer of an executive action which is a blatant breach of treaty. Whether or not it was for peacekeeping or not is irrelevant really.

OOC: I can't post anything IC because I'm not a member. But in pretty much every developed country with a congress, both sides of an issue are addressed. hurr

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OOC: Kevz, consider yourself invited to say something IC-wise. My people won;t want yours to be needlessly destroyed.

OOC: No. If I am going to be destroyed then so be it, if I am just going to be left alone then so be it. The only reason Mr Clarence was not told was because OOC I forgot to put it IC not to mention I don't see how responding to a plea for help is aggressive but I guess it is.

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ooc: Unfortunately, that's exactly how terms work. And in a world of Anarchy there is only one law...

OOC: Can we just hold on a minute? Please. I'm still trying to catch up, and a war would just make things worse for me. :(

Plus, I don't want Kevz to be rolled again.

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OOC: I'll do my best.

IC: "I suggest the following theory. Yes, Pax Pacis is supposed to inform you of major executive decisions. But leaders are aften busy, as you should all know, and occasionally, things are missed. Occasionally, they forget and make mistakes they did not intend to make. I ask that this vote be at least put on hold until we can persuade a Pax Pacis rperesentative to come here and explain their case."

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"Lady Valerie Kingswell, it is your responsibility under the Terms of Surrender signed by you on the behalf of the new government of your state to inform the Imperial Observer of all actions. The other evening he asked if you had any concerns you wished to address. You told him no and that you would notify him of any need for him. You then proceeded to send a peacekeeping force into the Slavorussian/Drakorian conflict zone without informing him or the Empire? Is this correct?" Anthony Davis inquired.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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