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In the months since the end of the last war in Europe, Slavorussia’s government had been working diligently around the clock, to reunite their country. They had made sure to stress that part of the aggressor’s surrender terms was the return of all Slavorussian territory taken during their unjust conquests. The government was very proud that, unlike Germany, the CSSR and their allies, Slavorussia was able to use diplomacy, not war to revive the empire.

Unfortunately negotiations with the CSSR were failing, and by now most of the world knew that Slavorussia’s patients with the CSSR was wearing thin. Premier Medvedev had tried and tried to negotiate with the Crimean government, but they panned him off or wasted his time. A few days ago, after the last meeting with CSSR diplomats, Slavorussia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered the army begin preparing to move in and take back the CSSR’s occupation zone. They hoped the CSSR wouldn’t struggle, instead realizing the error of their ways, but just incase they chose to hold on to their ill-gotten land Slavorussia’s military was ready to take action.

“Treat your enemies better than they treated you. Do that and you will always be the better man, and the better man always wins.” a phrase Dmitry had been told by his father and grandfather his whole life. It was a phrase that he remembered when he first became a politician, but enough was enough. Dmitry handed a statement he and the cabinet had drafted earlier that morning concerning the situation to the Kremlin Chief of Staff.

To: CSSR and national governments of the world
From: Slavorussian Office of the Prime Minister, Imperial Cabinet and His Most Imperial Majesty

The CSSR’s has gone silent in the past few days. All attempts to contact any official in the CSSR have failed. This means that as of midnight tonight the Slavorussian Empire will be occupying the CSSR occupation zone in southwestern Russia, regardless of  their communication status. Additionally if intelligence shows the CSSR has fallen into anarchy Slavorussian soldiers are prepared to move in and restore order, and defend the citizens if necessary.

The Chief of Staff immediately has the note faxed to major news stations in Slavorussia, as well as every foreign embassy in Moscow, and every Slavorussian embassy abroad. The note is also e-mailed directly to CSSR’s government.

ooc: Triyun is 20 days inactive today, The CSSR goes back to being just Ukraine (and Moldova I think.) and if he stays inactive that becomes a Slavorussian protectorate. Just so everyone knows there will be cake at the Kremlin tomorrow, please stop by for a slice.

<3 imperialism

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OOC: Before you or Voodoo complain/argue about who gets the CSSR/posted first, the truth is you're both moving into the CSSR and as such you'll have to fight it out, talk it over, etc. Neither of you have total control of the place yet as you just started moving in troops. This is the preemptive but likely going to be necessary GM post.

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OOC: Before you or Voodoo complain/argue about who gets the CSSR/posted first, the truth is you're both moving into the CSSR and as such you'll have to fight it out, talk it over, etc. Neither of you have total control of the place yet as you just started moving in troops. This is the preemptive but likely going to be necessary GM post.

ooc: We could do that, I'll just have to cut off Russia from Ukraine before polish troops get too far east.

There had been a change of plans for the Slavorussian military. It seems that the Polish had saved Slavorussian commanders from having to send troops into the actual CSSR. Let them protect Ukraine, it was a hellhole ripe with communist and fascist revolutionaries anyway. If the Poles want the responsibility then why should they be denied?

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Several alerts went off when the message about Slavorussian moves within CSSR land came in while no longer Allied the Croatian and Crimean people still shared a bond as such a meeting on the highest levels of Government was declared.

"General what you are suggesting could lead to a new war"the Minister of Foreign Affairs said the meeting has included plans from ignoring the situation to even move in themselves at both the Slavorussian parts as Crimean parts. Eventually the Empress came with a final decision to silence all parties.

"We will be moving Soldiers through the Romanian Protectorate at the Ukrainian Border in addition to moving to Defcon 2 due to the land being theirs we will let Slavorussia to retake the land lost in their war however Ukraine and Moldova will remain independent if needed by force. To show our dedication a General mobilization and move of 2 Carrier Battlegroups to the Black Sea will be ordered.


50,000 Soldiers and 500 tanks have moved to the Southern Border of the CSSR so far stopping there. 2 Carrier Battlegroups have moved to the Ukrainian Coastline and Croatian fighters are patrolling Ukrainian and Moldovan airspace.

Re: Move of Forces in CSSR

Greater Croatia will ensure the independence of Ukraine and Moldova at this point we will not allow any party to place forces in it, retaking of lost Slacorussian land in the war will be allowed. Violating this independence will be considered an Act of War.

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OOC: Three nations moving into one region at around the same time? War, methinks. ;o

IC: New England applauds Slavorussia for its efforts to curb lawlessness and anarchy in the now-former CSSR. We have done similiar things on the North American continent.

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OOC: Three nations moving into one region at around the same time? War, methinks. ;o

IC: New England applauds Slavorussia for its efforts to curb lawlessness and anarchy in the now-former CSSR. We have done similiar things on the North American continent.

OOC: Not really I'm just going to enforce a CEU protectorate

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Private--Operation: Course of Freedom

In response to mounting military movements throughout the former CSSR by Polish and Russian forces, the Prussian Bundeswehr has issued a full alert to the following units:

Fallschirmjäger 26th Air Assault Kampfgruppe

Fallschirmjäger Battalion 261

Fallschirmjäger Battalion 263

Kampfschwimmer gruppe 1

Kommando Spezialkräfte Gruppe 8

GROM Team 9

Königsberg Fernspähkompanie

The units are to be dispersed immediately from the air at or near the former CSSR's border. Their mission is to establish a secure staging arena for peacekeeping operations within the former CSSR. Pending CEU sanction of full scale peacekeeping operations, they will be limited to controlling the areas surrounding the spearhead groupings.

A diplomatic envoy has also been dispatched to the Crimean studies center in Berlin to seek out a legitimate government to replace the collapsed CSSR.


A Fallschirmjäger recon soldier preparing for jumps into Croatian established speerheads or into the CSSR's border regions in the north.

Edited by The Confederation
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In response to Prussian and Croatian military movements, which we do find rather unnecessary, the Kingdom does hereby go into DEFCON 3.


Army Group 1 and Group 2 have been moved to the Polish border, Groups 3 & 4 have been moved into Northern Bohemia, and Group 5 has been moved to Southern Bohemia near the Croatian border. Army Group 6 remains in Silesia

Royal Air Force Groups 1, 2, and 3 have been put on high alert level. RAF 1 Fighter Divisions 1, 2, and 3 have been put into the air to enforce sovereign Czech air territory. RAF Group 4 has been moved into Poland.

*Highly Classified*

SPECTRE Division 2 has been moved to the CSSR border and is working ahead of Polish troops to secure CSSR lands for Poland.


We will still support our allies in Poland with whatever course of action that they may take. We do not intend to cause or become involved in any conflict unless Poland requests our assistance. Until they require us, we will remain neutral and shall stay out of the growing conflict.

Edited by Mergerberger II
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Drakoria's First Regiments of Krasnodar Kray and Stravropol Kray, both Army, and the Drakorian Marine Corps's First Brigade of Chechnya, have been moved in to secure the Trans-Caucasus Canal in the former CSSR. The numbers total 30,000. They will make no move to got more than five miles north of the Canal, but will respond to any attempts to forcibly take the Canal from the authority of Drakoria and Groenlandia.


The First Regiment of Ingushetia and First Regiment of Balkaria have been positioned at the border in case of military action against Drakoria. The Caucasus Guard has been placed on high alert and begun storing supplies in the mountains in case of war. Drakoria is now at DefCon 4.

OOC: Rawr. Built by Drakorians and Groenlandians, protected and owned by Drakoria and the FRG.

Edited by Drakedeath
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In response to the Military movements by the northern neighbors all forces in the area have started to move to the border in total around 100,000 Infantry and 10,000 tanks. The Soldiers at the CSSR Borders have started to enter Moldova and Ukraine they will march on to the Russian Borders.

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In response to the Military movements by the northern neighbors all forces in the area have started to move to the border in total around 100,000 Infantry and 10,000 tanks. The Soldiers at the CSSR Borders have started to enter Moldova and Ukraine they will march on to the Russian Borders.

OOC: That doesn't include me does it? >_>

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OOC: That doesn't include me does it? >_>

OOC: No I just cant be bothered to spell the name of Merger's nation right :P

Edit: However those Soldiers will be considered hostile and asked to leave

Edited by Centurius
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OOC: I believe they are moving in military forces to ensure you don't get Moldova and Ukraine as well as other parts of the CSSR.

OOC: I'm just stopping at Ukraine and Moldova he wont meet resistance beyond pre-war borders from my Soldiers

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Drakoria's First Regiments of Krasnodar Kray and Stravropol Kray, both Army, and the Drakorian Marine Corps's First Brigade of Chechnya, have been moved in to secure the Trans-Caucasus Canal in the former CSSR. The numbers total 30,000. They will make no move to got more than five miles north of the Canal, but will respond to any attempts to forcibly take the Canal from the authority of Drakoria and Groenlandia.


The First Regiment of Ingushetia and First Regiment of Balkaria have been positioned at the border in case of military action against Drakoria. The Caucasus Guard has been placed on high alert and begun storing supplies in the mountains in case of war. Drakoria is now at DefCon 4.

OOC: Rawr. Built by Drakorians and Groenlandians, protected and owned by Drakoria and the FRG.

Slavorussian troops are already approaching the canal. We realize you had an agreement with the CSSR, but the state as it once was is dead. Treaties with dead states are not recognized by the Slavorussian government. If you like we could look over the agreement you had with the CSSR and if possible take over their roll, we could pay to have it diverted, or we could buy out your shares, and discuss the possiblity of a free trade and transport agreement. However we will not allow foreign troops in Slavorussia.

As for the rest of the CSSR we have no interest there, Poland and the CEU saved us from a long and costly peacekeeping engagement.

ooc: Pleast read my last ic comment. All I want is my land back. That's a well known IC and OOC fact. I'm don't feel like being made the CEU's No.1 enemy.

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Slavorussian troops are already approaching the canal. We realize you had an agreement with the CSSR, but the state as it once was is dead. Treaties with dead states are not recognized by the Slavorussian government. If you like we could look over the agreement you had with the CSSR and if possible take over their roll, we could pay to have it diverted, or we could buy out your shares, and discuss the possiblity of a free trade and transport agreement. However we will not allow foreign troops in Slavorussia.

As for the rest of the CSSR we have no interest there, Poland and the CEU saved us from a long and costly peacekeeping engagement.

ooc: Pleast read my last ic comment. All I want is my land back. That's a well known IC and OOC fact. I'm don't feel like being made the CEU's No.1 enemy.

The land around the canal was jointly owned by the CSSR, Drakoria, and FGR. With CSSR dead, the area around the canal is under our jurisdiction. We are on our own territory. Our funds and our sweat built this canal. Our blood will defend it. But, here is the pertinent part of the agreement.

Article VII. Trans-Caucasus Canal

The signatories of this treaty and the CSSR will have joint control of the canal. Should one of the three aforementioned nations cease to exist, control reverts to the remaining nations. All revenue and debt, policing, and administration of the canal must be split equally among the controlling nations, preferably through the creation of a Trans-Caucasus Canal Authority.

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The land around the canal was jointly owned by the CSSR, Drakoria, and FGR. With CSSR dead, the area around the canal is under our jurisdiction. We are on our own territory. Our funds and our sweat built this canal. Our blood will defend it. But, here is the pertinent part of the agreement.

ooc: show me where the canal is, otherwise this is an invasion of Slavorussia.

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