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Outrage Within Drakoria


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With the Pax Pacis tensions ended, the Drakorian people have begun protesting how soft the government is. Many Drakorians had been outraged by the movement of Pax Pacis troops into Drakorian residential areas, and were now outraged that their government had failed to reprimand Pax Pacis. In every major city across Drakoria, thousands of protesters swarmed the streets, bearing signs that tended to say something along the lines of 'We Don't Take Foreign Threats!" Flags that bore an adder and the words 'Don't Tread On Me' were also fairly common, but referring to foreign nations and not the government.

OOC: Now, since I expect someone to make a comment about it, no, I'm not doing this to resume a war with Kevz. He's learned his lesson for now. I'm just transitioning my government, and this happens to be an opening.

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**Drakorian Capital Building, Tbilisi, Georgia**

The protests had gone on for three days. They would soon erupt into riots.

President Jason Drake stood in his office and watched the protesters waving banners and flags outside of the capitol building. He signed and turned to his brother, James Drake, the CEO of Drakorian Arms Design and Manufacturing, with downcast eyes. "I can't believe it...one bad call and the entire population's opinion is swayed against me. I've done everything. I respected their rights, I respected their freedom...but one merciful foreign decision and I'm a failure." He rubbed his temples.

"C'mon, man," James said, "They'll get over it eventually."

"They'll get over it after a civil revolt fills the streets of Tbilisi with the blood of our government and supporters," Jason snapped.


"No. The people are right. Drakoria needs a strong stance. We can't let ourselves be pushed around by other nations simply because we don't want to intervene with something." Jason sighed again. "Only one thing to do." He walked behind his desk and reached into a drawer on teak furniture. He pulled out a small file and signed it. "The government of Drakoria is disbanded due to popular request by the people," he said, dropping the folder on his desk. "Drakoria is there for any who can take it." He looked at James. "Jimmy, you still have your guards shadowing you?"


"Put them to good use." Jason reached into the drawer again and pulled out a handgun and a bullet. He chambered the bullet and smiled at James. "I've failed my task. It's your turn."

"!@#$, NO!" James bellowed lunging for Jason over the desk. Jason moved backwards and put the gun to his head.

"Give the people what they want, Jimmy."


**Outside the Capitol Building*

The crowd heard a gunshot from within the building and fell silent. Nothing moved for a long moment. The only sounds were the protesters' breathing and the slight buzz from the speakers of the news crews.

James Drake walked out onto the balcony, eyes wide with shock and hands shaking slightly. The crowd stared silently at him. James swallowed and spoke;

"I know many of you are upset about the outcome of the short-lived Drakoria-Pacis dispute. I know many of you want us to appear stronger, not willing to stand down. And so it shall be. Only a few minutes ago, Jason Drake, my brother and our president, signed a statement disbanding the Drakorian government and committed suicide. I feel it is my obligation now to stand up to the task of guiding Drakoria. Today is the start of a new Drakoria. One that is fair to its people, but solid against our rivals. Loyal to our allies and fierce against our foes.

"Today, I decree the existence of the Kingdom of Drakoria! I will step up as it's figurehead, as King. You will be protected from threats both foreign and domestic. Today, Drakoria is reborn, and we will not be forced to do the bidding of others! Today, Drakoria is refreshed!"

The crowd erupted into cheers, but one man, against the idea of a monarchy, hurled a bottle at the new king. A single bullet flew through the air and shattered the glass over the lawns of the capitol. James's guards served him well.

The First King of Drakoria turned and entered the capitol, trying to ignore his brother's body next to the desk, and walked downstairs, wondering if he had done right.

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The Empire buys air time on commercial stations in Drakoria.

Maelstrom appears on the television and makes this address from behind his oaken desk in Dragonisia City.

People of Drakoria. Calm yourselves and support your government. The Empire has seen the actions of the people of Pax Pacis who are under surrender terms to the Empire. They have acted outside the bounds of their terms by ignoring their obligations to report executive action to our Imperial Observer. To many of us, this is the last straw. A motion of war has already been levied in the Imperial Congress.. Thus far there are 2 in favor, none opposed. If the war is renewed, we assure you the forces of Pax Pacis will be a threat to none of your people any longer. We thought they had changed hearts, but they had just changed clothes.
Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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All but the most patriotic Drakorians (read: a total of 55% of the population) had already accepted King Drake's speech as acceptable. Most of the patriots and jingoists were cheered at the thought of Pax Pacis being attacked.

King Drake sent the following to Dragonisia.

Dear Chairman,

I thank you for the kind words you have exerted to the people of Drakoria. They are very proud, and in their pride was wounded by the failure of my brother and the Senate to take action against Pax Pacis. Your broadcast has quieted the more...enthusiastic Drakorians. I'm glad to see that you realize that Pax Pacis is not what they try to seem.

James Drake

First King of Drakoria

(that title still seems weird to me...)

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"Zargathia offers its condolences to the King of Drakoria for his loss. Though the circumstances are regrettable, we hope this will restore stability in the region, and wish you all the best in leading Drakoria."

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Dear Chairman,

I thank you for the kind words you have exerted to the people of Drakoria. They are very proud, and in their pride was wounded by the failure of my brother and the Senate to take action against Pax Pacis. Your broadcast has quieted the more...enthusiastic Drakorians. I'm glad to see that you realize that Pax Pacis is not what they try to seem.

James Drake

First King of Drakoria

I appreciate the fond sentiment. However the battle is not won yet. The motion for war is at 2 for, 1 against in the legislature. It is likely to pass, but until war comes for certain it is still up i the air. More than likely it will happen. Pax Pacis seems a government more than willing to get involved in hornets nests at every opportunity. This is precisely the way fools govern. Tzun Tzu sums up where they have failed quite brilliantly...
No leader should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no leader should fight a battle simply out of pique. But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life. Hence the enlightened leader is heedful, and the good leader full of caution.

- Sun Tzu

I hope this message finds you well King Drake.


Maelstrom Vortex

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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