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Dragon Empire: The Imperial Congress and its daily actions.

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Ground Invasion Plans


Army group one will be headed up by Dragonisia, Hea Da Fung, and Andonian military command.

Army group two will be headed up by Kingom of Cochin military command.

Army group three will be headred up my Melvin Republic military command.

Dark red is Somalian forces.

It is imperative that Army group 1 and Somalian forces arrive at their destinations quickly to cut off forces in that area. Melvin Republic shall be sending 2,000 tanks with Army Group 1, and 2,000 with Somalian forces. I will send a transcript of this to Somal.

Edited by sir jesus
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Just for clarification, do not assault with any troops until the attack command is given.

How long before our air campaign begins? And how long after that shall the land campaign begin?

I suggest we carry out our air offensive now, and follow with ground forces in 24 hours.

Also, I'd like to announce that Dragonisia may have control over Republican air-forces, and that the Empire as a whole may control my military.

ooc: Going to be really busy soon.

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The Rep from Promised Land, seeing issues discussed that had nothing to do with his nation, fell into a light doze in his comfortable seat.

OOC: Sorry, couldn't resist. But I wanted to say something to the effect that he was removing himself from that discussion, and I figured a little humor never hurt.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Also, I'd like to announce that Dragonisia may have control over Republican air-forces, and that the Empire as a whole may control my military.

ooc: Going to be really busy soon.

OOC: I don't believe that this is legal, only the player can control their own country's military.

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Just for clarification, do not assault with any troops until the attack command is given.

How long before our air campaign begins? And how long after that shall the land campaign begin?

I suggest we carry out our air offensive now, and follow with ground forces in 24 hours.

Also, I'd like to announce that Dragonisia may have control over Republican air-forces, and that the Empire as a whole may control my military.

ooc: Going to be really busy soon.

"After our first strike proved our undisputed dominance of the region.. and that the jungle won't protect Khmer this time around as it had against.. 'previous empires'.. we have allowed our enemies a time to accept our ultimatum of complete surrender before we start targeting "flesh assets" of their armor. We've taken down the machine. The men behind it fall next if they do not surrender unconditionally." Anthony Davis stated grimly.. he removed the shades he had taken to wearing recently in these meetings. There was an unbelievable intensity in those slate blue-grey eyes of his. He was staring at the console on his desk. "I knew we were good, but sometimes even I shock myself." Images of burning targets.. destroyed structures.. crumpled bridges littered the screens of the conference center as the battle feeds came back from the missile strikes and satellite reconnaissance.

He sighed deeply. "The burdens on us are greater than that which I have ever seen."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Economic Co-operation

All members of the Asian Union shall be a part of either the Asian Economic Zone (AEZ) or the Asian Free Trade Zone (AFTZ). Whenever a member nation is able to provide goods and services of appropriate quality and quantity at a reasonable price, other member nations are encouraged, but by no means required, to purchase those goods within the Asian Union

1:Asian Economic Zone (AEZ)

Members of the Asian Union who choose to join the Asian Economic Zone (AEZ) shall make a meaningful reduction of tariffs levied on goods from other AEZ member nations. Goods transported through the AEZ from one member to another must be of a particular mutually agreed upon standard.

2:Asian Free Trade Zone (AFTZ)

Members of the Asian Union who choose to join the Asian Free Trade Zone (AFTZ) shall eliminate all tariffs on goods and services from other AFTZ member nations. Goods transported through the AFTZ from one member nation to another must be of a mutually agreed upon standard.

Should a nation who is a member of the AFTZ transfer any goods or services to a nation who is only a member of the AEZ, then the transaction will be treated as an exchange of goods between two AEZ nations.

Dragonisia votes to join both tiers, being in favor of free and open markets.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Major General Thomas Johns sends a message to the leaders of the Dragon Empire in regards to the war.

"The forces of the Republic of Free Somal have begun their invasion of Khmer. The current operational plans call for us taking the city of Haiphong. We ask at this time that the Dragon Empire make a strong and determined public stance against the aiding of the Khmer in the forms of weaponry and munitions. We believe that this war will wither on the vine once it becomes apparent to the Khmer that they are unable to rearm to continue the fight.

Has anyone ever had the chance to live in the Jungle?

It's not exactly the kind of place you really want to spend any great period of time. Even seasoned Jungle fighters in the Somal African Legion state they'd rather avoid it. Our attack will hopefully draw them out and provide the ground defeat that will be needed to crush the morale of the Khmer soldiers. Our Special Forces groups, Constabulary units, and soon to arrive Frontier Regiments will prove to the average Khmer soldier and citizen that we have no interest in crushing them under our heels.

Quite the opposite in fact as the Republic of Free Somal has set into motion the chain of events that will lead to the rebuilding of Khmer and the establishment of a government that is a bit more sane. It is then we believe the Khmer will come to their senses and depose their current government. If not it hardly matters as they are exposed on all flanks to repeated attacks until they do snap to their wits. "

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We agree that we do not go into the jungle against Khmer Empire forces however if we go in on the ground we are laying ourselves as targets for guerrilla warfare.

We should indeed present a united front to prevent any resupply of arms and ammunition to Khmer Empire but we wonder how much cooperative the government of Pax Pacis will be regarding this.

The RCDF shall assist RoFS in all its efforts for rebuilding. A string contingent from Corps of Engineers are ready for deployment to Khmer.

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"The Representative from the Nation of Promised Land is to be temporarily removed from the floor. A matter of discussion is coming up that pertains directly to our relations with their state." The security quietly and gently escorts the representative off the floor for the moment and into the lobby.

"Dragonisia hereby proposes an escalation timetable be set in place that will gradually escalate tensions with Promised Land until such time as they have delivered for trial their rogue agents and allows for an inspection of their laboratories and intelligence centers to verify the destruction of all biological weapons stock. Dragonisia has already begun to cut our ties with Promised Land as a show we are not pleased with the progress thus far achieved in their investigations. The goal is to ensure the processing of the demands and to put in place solid consequence if the demands are not met."

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We agree that we do not go into the jungle against Khmer Empire forces however if we go in on the ground we are laying ourselves as targets for guerrilla warfare.

We should indeed present a united front to prevent any resupply of arms and ammunition to Khmer Empire but we wonder how much cooperative the government of Pax Pacis will be regarding this.

The RCDF shall assist RoFS in all its efforts for rebuilding. A string contingent from Corps of Engineers are ready for deployment to Khmer.

I say we go in regardless, for two reasons. The first reason being that the citizens of this nation will suffer greatly if we do not engage and restore order! Their infrastructure has been destroyed, their supplies rerouted to their guerrilla forces and not their citizens. These men and women have endured through a lot, I say that we go in and make their lives much safer and happier. Reason two: if we do not forcefully remove those at the top, they will regain their strength and subsequently we will have a hostile neighbor for eternity.

If there is a proposal on the floor that rescinds our land invasion than I vote no, and I would veto the proposal. Your reasoning is sound on a short timescale, but in the long-run is not in our best interests.

"The Representative from the Nation of Promised Land is to be temporarily removed from the floor. A matter of discussion is coming up that pertains directly to our relations with their state." The security quietly and gently escorts the representative off the floor for the moment and into the lobby.

"Dragonisia hereby proposes an escalation timetable be set in place that will gradually escalate tensions with Promised Land until such time as they have delivered for trial their rogue agents and allows for an inspection of their laboratories and intelligence centers to verify the destruction of all biological weapons stock. Dragonisia has already begun to cut our ties with Promised Land as a show we are not pleased with the progress thus far achieved in their investigations. The goal is to ensure the processing of the demands and to put in place solid consequence if the demands are not met."

I support this statement. The use of non-conventional weapons must be answered for.

ooc: Also guys, as you make your battle movements it would be a huge help if you could visualize it with a map. I have no idea where our forces are at the moment.

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"The Representative from the Nation of Promised Land is to be temporarily removed from the floor. A matter of discussion is coming up that pertains directly to our relations with their state." The security quietly and gently escorts the representative off the floor for the moment and into the lobby.

"Dragonisia hereby proposes an escalation timetable be set in place that will gradually escalate tensions with Promised Land until such time as they have delivered for trial their rogue agents and allows for an inspection of their laboratories and intelligence centers to verify the destruction of all biological weapons stock. Dragonisia has already begun to cut our ties with Promised Land as a show we are not pleased with the progress thus far achieved in their investigations. The goal is to ensure the processing of the demands and to put in place solid consequence if the demands are not met."

OOC: You know, MV, all you have to do is ask. Your state is one of the few we would trust... :rolleyes:

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These are the ground plans for the Royal Cochin Army.

Lines in Red indicate the advance of 1 Corps comprised of VII and VIII Mechanized Divisions and III Air Cavalry Division.

Lines in Blue indicate the advance of the 2,6 and 7 Marine Divisions from their bridgehead at Hue.


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