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Global Democratic Alliance Press Conference


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my nick is CyrusTheVirus,for someone reason they don't like my famous stories

It's probably because you look like the guy from the longest yard :P

Also why in the world would you choose to marry miley cyrus? She is like an ugly amanda bines imo.

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Who did compound signature?

What came first, egg or chiken?

Who will be the Fifa World Cup Champion in 2010?

What's your plans to the future?

What do you think about Blue Team, NpO and Frostbite?

And te main question: GDA loves me? I need love :P

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Who did compound signature?

What came first, egg or chiken?

Who will be the Fifa World Cup Champion in 2010?

What's your plans to the future?

What do you think about Blue Team, NpO and Frostbite?

And te main question: GDA loves me? I need love :P

1) SeimpherCaim from Valhalla o/ to him, he did mine as well.

2) India obviously, did you know we were ranked highier than El Salvador?

3) Our plans to the future include progressing in time, like any other viable plan.

4) We are glad to have some unity, we wish it wasn't made up of the people who seem to dislike our allies, MCXA, so much though.

5) Of course we love you, loved you more when you were GPA though :)

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I know you do Compound and Rajistani maybe you're right but I'll tell you guys a strory tommorow and one thing you don't ever do is talk about my wife.........I'm serious

Apologies mate, but aren't you over 18 :huh:

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Andre, are you alright? <_<

Also, you guys were the first alliance I ever joined back when I was 4 days old or something, anyone remember me? :awesome:

Your name rings a bell :D In fact I think it was rga1987 who recruited you. -_-

Interesting timing, lol ;)

Ominous post, lol ;)

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I heard rumours that GDA is going to be the new GGA should they ever gain some respectability; especially with that treaty BS you guys pulled at the beginning of the war: confirm/deny?

What do you think of the Dark Templar?

What do you think of the possibility of 'BLEU 2.0' being created?

What concerts (if any) are you planning on attending this summer?

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When a member is elected / appointed into a government position, do you feel that s|he is elected / appointed into a certain public mentality that s|he should be judged as a representative of the alliance or does that position just reflect his|her work inter / intra alliance affairs and nothing to do with public opinion / addresses?

I guess to clear it up

When someone gets into government, do you think he/she should represent the alliance, their selves, or be able to pick and choose based on the situation?

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I heard rumours that GDA is going to be the new GGA should they ever gain some respectability; especially with that treaty BS you guys pulled at the beginning of the war: confirm/deny?

What do you think of the Dark Templar?

What do you think of the possibility of 'BLEU 2.0' being created?

What concerts (if any) are you planning on attending this summer?

1) Denied. It was a PR debacle because our current president had no clue what was going on, also our MoD at the time was given his position 3 days prior to the war actually breaking out <_< . While we do admit we didn't make the best moves (or even a decent one for that matter), we do not plan on making a habit out of it.

2) I was vice president of SOLID when DT broke off just before the NoCB war, so I personally label you guys as a bunch of cowards, but GDA is indifferent.

3) Nothing can be what BLEU was, people like Magnet and Mr.White of OcUK made it what it was because they cared; they legitimately wanted something to happen with it. Nowadays theres no common enemy between blue alliances, nothing to bring them all together. While I will wait and truly hope I am proven wrong, at this time I don't see it happening.

4) Incubus in august (girls makin me <_< but i don't mind that much) , Slightly Stoopid in a week, and just went to WMZQ fest. I haven't really planned anything later on in the summer, because im a bum (other than the incubus thing, that i didn't plan). Yourself?

Am I your favorite diplomat or am I simply the coolest diplomat? :o

Both. :D the 21 page thread is amazing. (Minus A_T's posts)

More that people were asking us in our Q/A (started yesterday) if we made it because other people made it ;)

Lol well I just made it out of complete boredom.. i was gonna cancel a few treaties to make some drama, but i couldnt find anyone who had a mutual allie with us :unsure:

When a member is elected / appointed into a government position, do you feel that s|he is elected / appointed into a certain public mentality that s|he should be judged as a representative of the alliance or does that position just reflect his|her work inter / intra alliance affairs and nothing to do with public opinion / addresses?

I guess to clear it up

When someone gets into government, do you think he/she should represent the alliance, their selves, or be able to pick and choose based on the situation?

1) I believe not only do all govt. members, but all members of an alliance represent their government.

1b) Well while they always do represent their alliance, they should have the option to represent themselves, i use the AP and WAs section when doing things publically. The World Affairs for when I am representing myself, and the alliance politics when representing my alliance.

Similarly, on IRC, I use Rajistani|GDA when doing alliance stuff, and just Rajistani while doing other things.

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) Incubus mon enemy between blue alliances, nothing to bring them all together. While I will wait and truly hope I am proven wrong, at this time I don't see it happening.

in august (girls makin me <_< but i don't mind that much) , Slightly Stoopid in a week, and just went to WMZQ fest. I haven't really planned anything later on in the summer, because im a bum (other than the incubus thing, that i didn't plan). Yourself?

Slighty Stupid is raw as hell; wish i was going.

DMB was last weekend; going to warped tour and the blink/tbs reuinion tour and a bunch of country concerts to pregame but not go inside.

2) I was vice president of SOLID when DT broke off just before the NoCB war, so I personally label you guys as a bunch of cowards, but GDA is indifferent.

You might want to check out what weve been doing in the karma war; highest wars/ nation at one point in time (before tool surrendered).

Edited by willirica
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Do you guys feel that sitting the big one out was a positive or a negative for your alliance?

Overall right now it appears you have been able to grow quite a bit by being a home for those who maybe did not wish to be a part of the war. Do you foresee that growth being sustained and continued as the war continues its current course past the peak of the war?

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Slighty Stupid is raw as hell; wish i was going.

DMB was last weekend; going to warped tour and the blink/tbs reuinion tour and a bunch of country concerts to pregame but not go inside.

Ahh man that sounds intense, why couldn't you go?

Do you guys feel that sitting the big one out was a positive or a negative for your alliance?

Overall right now it appears you have been able to grow quite a bit by being a home for those who maybe did not wish to be a part of the war. Do you foresee that growth being sustained and continued as the war continues its current course past the peak of the war?

1) We did not sit the last war out... we activated our MADPs with NPO/GGA and MCXA... we were 5 mill tNS and 300 members before the war, we are 180 members and 2.4ish tNS now. I don't understand your question.

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Ahh man that sounds intense, why couldn't you go?

1) We did not sit the last war out... we activated our MADPs with NPO/GGA and MCXA... we were 5 mill tNS and 300 members before the war, we are 180 members and 2.4ish tNS now. I don't understand your question.

Holy !@#$ what the hell am I talking about then? :lol1:

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3) Nothing can be what BLEU was, people like Magnet and Mr.White of OcUK made it what it was because they cared; they legitimately wanted something to happen with it. Nowadays theres no common enemy between blue alliances, nothing to bring them all together. While I will wait and truly hope I am proven wrong, at this time I don't see it happening.

If this is the case then why do you guys still cosy up to MCXA when they sold BLEU down the river for 30 pieces of silver?

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If this is the case then why do you guys still cosy up to MCXA when they sold BLEU down the river for 30 pieces of silver?

I was not in GDA at that time, nor was any of our government. I was the vice prez of SOLID during the noCB war (WotC).

But, while i do hold the utmost respect for those in BLEU, I do not think having a treaty with MCXA should make you hate us.

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I was not in GDA at that time, nor was any of our government. I was the vice prez of SOLID during the noCB war (WotC).

As VP of SOLID you would have seen exactly how the betrayal panned out and the logs that were posted on Blunity, I am not sure what point you are trying to make here.

But, while i do hold the utmost respect for those in BLEU, I do not think having a treaty with MCXA should make you hate us.

Hate is very strong word and it is your word not mine. I do find it difficult however to rationalise your current position of maintaining a treaty with an alliance that has proved itself capable of such duplicitous and untrustworthy behaviour.

Neither of the points you have made above in any way address the question that I asked, if this is truly a Q&A session would you please address that question rather than avoid it.

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Rajistani, why does your signature no longer state that you want IS dead? It depresses me.

I guess his hatred had to be set on the back burner for a little bit pending the success of whatever else it is that GDA does besides fumble with FA.

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