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Therapy – Who Needs It?


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Dr. Julius steps off his shoddy plane and surveys the....Airport. Rather, it is a small dirt airstrip and a drunk baggage man. Dr. J hops into the strangely old taxi and ask to be brought to the Generalissimo's office...

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Dr. Julius steps off his shoddy plane and surveys the....Airport. Rather, it is a small dirt airstrip and a drunk baggage man...
The dirt airfield was recently put in by white cross volunteers to support White Cross operations, the dirt had to imported from off the island (making it the only uncontaminated soil on the island) to construct an airstrip atop the rubble. The ‘drunk baggage man’ was actually a drunk White Cross volunteer charged with overseeing the airstrip.
Dr. J hops into the strangely old taxi and ask to be brought to the Generalissimo's office...
“This is my office doctor. . . If you haven’t guessed it I am Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia!!! Welcome to the Saint Paul City Wasteland!

I assumed we would be meeting in your office, but coming here is a treatment of dedication to your profession. We can start here if you don’t mind.”


Saint Paul City Wasteland, Saint Paul Island

Edited by Generalissimo
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"Mr. Gen', what in mols name h"appened here?" Dr J Ask, taking some notes. He tips the driver as he grabs his suitcase, following the Generalissimo into his...office?
Make yourself comfortable, as comfortable as you can in the back of a Taxi, this could take awhile. . . or for the abridged version this final consequence of the Second Republic-Procintia War. The Republic of War carpet-bombed Saint Paul Island with bombs, napalm, and even bunker busters and now very little remains.

Following conflict the Procintia has been underground, so to speak, leaving the international community (and our enemies) unaware of our plight. While everyone else was hiding the surface of the island had an effective population of one – Generalissimo, surviving by myself in the otherwise uninhabited wasteland of what was once Saint Paul Island.

Following Procintia’s reemergence reconstruction began this April and unlike other postwar reconstructions this is a difficult and time consuming undertaking, but surface habitation of the island might be possible by the end of the year. Which brings us to what you’re seeing today.”

Edited by Generalissimo
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Forty minutes into Generalissimo’s session with 'Dr. Richards

You appointed a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl as your new Minister of Foreign Affairs.
“Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, until we find Kiska.”
Right. . . but you posted a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl to what appears to be the only other active position in the Procintian government.
"Rebel Virginia appointed a schoolgirl in a public relations position. Ms Chidori proved to be the most effective, responsible, popular, and sane public official in the entirety of the Rebel Virginia government.”
You’re talking about Rebel Virginia, Rebel Virginia. Rebel Virginia is not a good example of anything really. I wouldn’t do therapy on anyone near the Rebel Virginia government *again* for any sum, without further diagnosis I can safely say the lot were insane. If you’re going to start using Rebel Virginia as the basis of anything other than doublethink it’s time to admit you have serious problems, the sort of problems I can’t help you with.
“Yeah, maybe that wasn’t a good place to start. I’m going to have to admit a lapse of judgment on my part.

I still, however, stand by my position. Schoolgirls have consistently proven popular with large segments of the male population, and the international diplomatic community is predominantly male. The aristocrats throw kids into positions of incredible responsibility all the time, assuming it doesn’t break them completely, by the end they’ll have disproportionate field experience.”

I can’t say I approve of unnecessary strain you’re putting on a young woman, but of everything you’ve said today. . .

that had to make the most amount of sense.

“She’ll be fine, Liska is Kiska’s sister after all.”
Wait, so this really is about Kiska after all?
Edited by Generalissimo
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"I could pull some strings with the Molakian goverment to assist in rebuilding your nation. This was our old homeland, you know." Dr. J says, writing some notes.

"So Mr Gen...is there another name i can call you by?" He ask, waving his hand infront of The slightly eccentric leader.

(OOC: DR. J is a master jedi O.o)

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"I could pull some strings with the Molakian goverment to assist in rebuilding your nation. This was our old homeland, you know." Dr. J says, writing some notes.

"So Mr Gen...is there another name i can call you by?" He ask, waving his hand infront of The slightly eccentric leader.

“I am Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procintia!!! My enemies might call me [expletive redacted], but I am otherwise known as Generalissimo. The world calls me Generalissimo, my people call me Generalissimo, even my friends call me Generalissimo. . . but by all means feel free to keep referring to me as Gen. Gen, I like it, it doesn’t lend to confusion of my identity while remaining informal; someone should have come up with something that that sooner.” Edited by Generalissimo
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In yet another nondescript office Generalissimo is well into his second therapy secession of the day.

By all accounts the Dark Hand was defeated, what remnants might remain are no longer a threat.
“Unless that’s what the Dark Hand wants us to think, who's to say they’re not manipulating that information. They have been Europe’s shadow for a hundred years, who to say they’re not controlling the information coming out of Europe now?

How is someone supposed to know who in the world hasn’t been replaced by a Dark Hand infiltrator? It’s happened in the past, even with high-level government officials, sometimes operating years without compromise. Imagine someone being replaced without anyone around them realizing it, terrifying isn’t it.

It could be anyone, it could be you or it could even be me. . .

The threat is obvious. Let’s say someone like Sarah Tintagyl was replaced by a Dark Hand infiltrator, is there anyone other than Larsa who knows her intimately enough to really know the difference?”

Edited by Generalissimo
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I would like to inquire further into your years of relative isolation in what was Saint Paul City.
”You said years as in plural, I was in the Saint Paul City Wasteland for a year, one year; the second Republic-Procintia War took place in 2008, it’s 2009 today, right? Everyone’s acting like decades have passed but it’s only been a year.

This might sound a little off, but I’ve been having a serious problem with time recently.

I was talking with Nadine the other day and it seems she’s sixteen years old now, but I was at the christening of her birth only a few months ago, I haven’t aged a day but little Nadine is already a teenager? Either I’m losing it or they grew Nadine in a vat, but the scary thing is no one else has noticed and not a single other person is bothered by this oddity.

Unless time somehow passes differently for me, kind of like how Kaiser Martens is a. . . oh, that might be classified. Please disregard anything indicating the possibility of Marten's being immortal.

Botha and I likely share the same sense of time, but every time I talk to Sarah she talks like it’s been longer than it has actually been, and for her it actually might have been considering she seems to have lived most of her life in my year of isolation. It’s not just Sarah or Nadine, most of world. . . I just don't know anymore.”

Edited by Generalissimo
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Four hours into the secession with Dr. Julius in the Taxi office, and Generalissimo could almost feel the progress.

“. . .and that’s how I became Generalissimo. . . er. . . you’re sleeping. Were you even awake for any of that? You can’t be sleeping we’re in the middle of my therapy secession!!! Wait, you were drugged by Dark Hand agents hired by Kaiser Martens in an attempt to sabotage Generalissimo’s therapy. Damn you Martens, Marteeeeeeeeeens ~ ! ! !"

Edited by Generalissimo
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Four hours into the secession with Dr. Julius in the Taxi office, and Generalissimo could almost feel the progress.

“. . .and that’s how I became Generalissimo. . . er. . . you’re sleeping. Were you even awake for any of that? You can’t be sleeping we’re in the middle of my therapy secession!!! Wait, you were drugged by Dark Hand agents hired by Kaiser Martens in an attempt to sabotage Generalissimo’s therapy. Damn you Martens, Marteeeeeeeeeens ~ ! ! !"

OOC: Oh my.... *tries to stifle laughter* :lol1:

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OOC: I'll have to send more funds to pay for the treatments. Also, I could send a female therapist for you ;)
Yamato, worried about the mental stability of its cash cow (or rather, fish), decided to send its best therapist, Yuriko Omega.
Sitting alone in the Saint Paul City Wasteland Generalissimo decided to accept the offer.

A female therapist, why Generalissimo think of that earlier? Maybe she wouldn’t be compromised by the Dark Hand, Kaiser Martens, or the Republic of War – the would be refreshing. Generalissimo was considering asking for a personal photograph, for. . . for. . . for counter-intelligence purposes, yeah that’s the ticket.

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Sitting alone in the Saint Paul City Wasteland Generalissimo decided to accept the offer.

A female therapist, why Generalissimo think of that earlier? Maybe she wouldn't be compromised by the Dark Hand, Kaiser Martens, or the Republic of War – the would be refreshing. Generalissimo was considering asking for a personal photograph, for. . . for. . . for counter-intelligence purposes, yeah that's the ticket.

OOC: Of course, of course...

If Sumer doesn't get around to it, I could send a female therapist... ;)

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Four hours into the secession with Dr. Julius in the Taxi office, and Generalissimo could almost feel the progress.

“. . .and that’s how I became Generalissimo. . . er. . . you’re sleeping. Were you even awake for any of that? You can’t be sleeping we’re in the middle of my therapy secession!!! Wait, you were drugged by Dark Hand agents hired by Kaiser Martens in an attempt to sabotage Generalissimo’s therapy. Damn you Martens, Marteeeeeeeeeens ~ ! ! !"

LOL! :lol1:

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Four hours into the secession with Dr. Julius in the Taxi office, and Generalissimo could almost feel the progress.

“. . .and that’s how I became Generalissimo. . . er. . . you’re sleeping. Were you even awake for any of that? You can’t be sleeping we’re in the middle of my therapy secession!!! Wait, you were drugged by Dark Hand agents hired by Kaiser Martens in an attempt to sabotage Generalissimo’s therapy. Damn you Martens, Marteeeeeeeeeens ~ ! ! !"

With Dr. Julius MIA (Sleeping) Generalissimo left the Taxi/office to find Marten’s agent and extract his revenge. Looking across the dirt airfield Generalissimo could only find the White Cross volunteer who supposed to watching the airfield unconscious (drunk), “My god, I’m the only one left. . . Marten’s gone too far this time.” But where were the assailants? They were obviously part of the elite Dark Hand team hired by Kaiser Martens in an attempt to sabotage Generalissimo’s therapy, an elite team wouldn’t be so easy to find. In this sort of operation speed, stealth, and mobility was key; either on the way to their extraction point or finding a place to lay low until their next move. . . realizing he needed to act fast Generalissimo set forth into the Saint Paul City Wasteland.

Now to find Marten’s agents - pile of rubble, a landmine, pile of rubble, a derelict destroyed car, pile of rubble, an interesting piece of rubble that was beginning to resemble Anthony Harlem. . .

About two hours later Generalissimo found himself approaching the eastern seashore, and upon reaching the beach noticed something shimmering in the sunlight. Pulling his sidearm from his holster Generalissimo ran towards. . .

A piece of ice washes around on the shore of St. Paul island. On it is a bottle and a glass, but no note.


And frozen vodka bottle? Wait, this was it. . . the answer was it front of him, the frozen vodka bottle was key to everything. Edited by Generalissimo
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Now to find Marten's agents - pile of rubble, a landmine, pile of rubble, a derelict destroyed car, pile of rubble, an interesting piece of rubble that was beginning to resemble Anthony Harlem. . .

About two hours later Generalissimo found himself approaching the eastern seashore, and upon reaching the beach noticed something shimmering in the sunlight. Pulling his sidearm from his holster Generalissimo ran towards. . .

And frozen vodka bottle? Wait, this was it. . . the answer was it front of him, the frozen vodka bottle was key to everything.

OOC: Oh really...? :lol1:

Generalissimo is always receptive another therapist, but not all therapists are as receptive to Generalissimo.

That being said, a therapist was dispatched. A small, almost unnoticeable thing, she was, nevertheless, attractive if one could see past the glasses on her eyes and the braces in her teeth.

She looked around at the devastation as she set her suitcase down.

"Heloo? Is anyone here?"

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That being said, a therapist was dispatched. A small, almost unnoticeable thing, she was, nevertheless, attractive if one could see past the glasses on her eyes and the braces in her teeth.

She looked around at the devastation as she set her suitcase down.

"Heloo? Is anyone here?"

“Over here,” Generalissimo waved the new arrival to an official looking mahogany desk on the opposite side of the dirt airfield.

“Welcome to Saint Paul Island, as the only government official on the island I am responsible for processing all new arrivals.

[Generalissimo makes an excessively dramatic gesture towards the surrounding devastation] This is my new open air office, no pesky walls or doors, we’ll be conducting our business here. Fell free to take a seat. [points to an unfolded lawn chair]

With the authority of the Procintia Aviation, Customs, Excise, Fiscal, Revenue, Maritime, Port, Service, Tariff, Tax, Trade Services Administration I would like to ask you a few questions.

Are you an agent of Kaiser Martens, a Dark Hand cell, or the Republic of War infiltrating Procintia?

Are you here on a business, tourist, or immigration visa?

What is you current marital status, if you’re not married do you consider yourself single, for. . . er . . . for census purposes?

How long to you plan to stay in Procintia?

I just need to check your suitcase, stamp your passport, and see two forms of identification - then we can get started.”

Edited by Generalissimo
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