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RIA Elections Results

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I lol'd. :lol1:

C-zom being good at war management? Oh lawdy.

Congrats to everyone else though.

You can kiss my $@! you poop head.

Wow, Moth no longer gov? Shocking to me. He's been at the center of RIA activities as long as I can remember.

As an aside:

I've fought alongside C-zom and worked with him in RIA military ops in the past.

The man will kick your $@!. With him back in charge of RIA milops, they're a force to be reckoned with. RIA is many times stronger than their stats will tell you.

Very, very glad to see you back in charge of their mil, my friend. Good luck to ya.

Thanks for the compliment Kiss. Glad to see you still active and posting. RIA's military is indeed a badass place to be now that my second term has started. :awesome:

The lack of SWAT is indeed saddening. Oh well. At least I'm on that list.


Edited by ThePainkiller
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Thanks for the compliment Kiss. Glad to see you still active and posting. RIA's military is indeed a badass place to be now that my second term has started. :awesome:

The lack of SWAT is indeed saddening. Oh well. At least I'm on that list.


I'll always be here. And Nitemarebforcrismas will always be hilarious. It almost makes up for the smell. Almost.

We should talk sometime and catch up again. It's great to see you on the OWF. You can find me on IRC quite a bit these days.

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I'll always be here. And Nitemarebforcrismas will always be hilarious. It almost makes up for the smell. Almost.

We should talk sometime and catch up again. It's great to see you on the OWF. You can find me on IRC quite a bit these days.

I'm always on #RIA and idle in #paradox. We should schedule a date. :awesome:


I have no idea how SirCrimson though I was two different people. Must have confused him to death.

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Head of Foreign Affairs: crazyisraelie

Good luck with that.

#cn-radio 4/24/2009 (after not having spoken or seen crazy since April 2008)

[00:11] <crazyisraelie[RIA]> Schatt is a !@#$%^&.

[00:11] <Trilobyte_Man> HATE

[00:11] <Trilobyte_Man> SAUERKRAUT

[00:11] <Azaarious[FnKa|MoIA]> lol

[00:11] <crazyisraelie[RIA]> That should be taken out back and shot.

Quit Message:

[16:03] * crazyisraelie[RIA] has quit IRC (Quit: Just because you're the voice of the people, doesn't mean you have to spam the main forums and random CNers with your !@#$%^&*)

#vox_populi, 8/16/2008

[01:27] <crazyisraelie[RIA]> why does this channel have so many people in it?

#odk 4/29/2008

[23:34] <crazyisraelie[Obs-RA]> Schatten

[23:34] <crazyisraelie[Obs-RA]> pleas

[23:34] <crazyisraelie[Obs-RA]> [perform a sexual act on me] (edited to avoid the wrath of Mod)

[23:41] <crazyisraelie[Obs-RA]> Schatten I cant say this enough

[23:41] <crazyisraelie[Obs-RA]> You're internet scum...

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this thread was so random, it actually made sense!

good to see, guys; and schattenman, sry to see someone doesn't like you :-/

There's a difference between not liking someone and saying someone should be shot exactly one year after the last time either party ever heard from the other. Lots of people don't like me, only two ever said I should be killed--crazyisraelie is the second, and was there and applauding the first one 1 year ago (who was UacYuri).

And, to the credit of the RIA electorate, I'm sure they didn't know that he was saying people should be killed when they elected him. I'm just sayin', good luck with that.

Edited by Schattenmann
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There's a difference between not liking someone and saying someone should be shot exactly one year after the last time either party ever heard from the other. Lots of people don't like me, only two ever said I should be killed--crazyisraelie is the second, and was there and applauding the first one 1 year ago (who was UacYuri).

And, to the credit of the RIA electorate, I'm sure they didn't know that he was saying people should be killed when they elected him. I'm just sayin', good luck with that.

I can understand your sentiment, but that was months ago. I have matured a lot since then and I hope to wrong the rights in my previous CN career.

I'm sorry Schattenmann for that.

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