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Statement from the Greater Nordlandic Reich

Mergerberger II

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It amuses me to see that these so called enlightened Europeans will only defend those of their own blood by their words alone. This will be remembered in our future dealings with Europe in general.

"The Nords are not Europe. They are a tumor that will be removed when the right time comes. The people of Europe will be liberated from this oppressive fascism that holds Europe with an iron fist." -Uberstein.

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Given the imperialist history of Europe the people of Africa and most of the rest of the world tend to consider all of Europe a blight. Please destroy yourselves in a prompt manner to save us having to deal with your greed.

Last I checked you did not speak for the world.

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…It is for these reasons that the Greater Nordlandic Reich does hereby officially condemn the War in Antarctica, the first ever conflict to grace the continent with its hatred...
…The Nords must really read a few history books on Antarctica before they start calling this the first war to "grace" the land.
That’s the sort of lazy research typical of the Euro-centrists. Greater Norlanders tend to view the world from a Norland lens, a perspective that rarely gives our Antartic friends any real consideration. Despite their overwhelming ignorance I believe Greater Norland actually meant well.

As much as I loath to admit it, the spirit (if not facts) of the Greater Norland statement are mostly correct, we should work together to resolve the matter without further bloodshed.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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I speak for myself, but don't worry those who have died under the yoke of European aggression and imperialism have notified me of their expressed wish that you all to jump off the nearest cliff like a pack of lemmings.

I am fighting against imperialism and cultural genocide. I am fighting for a free, democratic Europa, not a Europe of dictators and fascists who know nothing but war.

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I am fighting against imperialism and cultural genocide. I am fighting for a free, democratic Europa, not a Europe of dictators and fascists who know nothing but war.

Ah yes, we know nothing but war; yet, you are the one who declared on us. Yes, we nothing of war; yet, despite the declaration of war from you, over 50% of troops from the Nordlandic Greater German Lander were demobilized. Yes, we know nothing but war. Believe me when I say this, if we were so intent on destroying you...we would have done so along time ago. Yet, we have no need. Not to mention, we love the ignorant rhetoric you spout once in a blue moon. Continue on with your fight Comrade Erwin von Uberstein, we just like you are fighting for a united Europa


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Hypocrites? You constantly bash us over our invasion of SlavoRussian, a country which had committed dozens of sins and helped the rebel United Francoist Empire take over Europa. It was proven that SlavoRussia was, indeed, a hostile state to the very well being of Europe. We didn't want to stand idly by and be another victim. We decided to act first.

Crimes and sins? Are you a government official or a commedian? When will you realize the world recognizes the lies you spew at us, and brush them aside. None of your accusations are supported by facts or any shread of evidence.

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Ah yes, we know nothing but war; yet, you are the one who declared on us. Yes, we nothing of war; yet, despite the declaration of war from you, over 50% of troops from the Nordlandic Greater German Lander were demobilized. Yes, we know nothing but war. Believe me when I say this, if we were so intent on destroying you...we would have done so along time ago. Yet, we have no need. Not to mention, we love the ignorant rhetoric you spout once in a blue moon. Continue on with your fight Comrade Erwin von Uberstein, we just like you are fighting for a united Europa


You invaded his nation.

Your economy could not support them.

And you do know nothing but war.

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You invaded his nation.

Your economy could not support them.

And you do know nothing but war.

We invaded the Republic of Mariehamm? That is, indeed, news to the Greater Nordland Reich. Perhaps, we were sleeping when this occurred.

Correction, our economy could support those mobilizations. However, we didn't deem the Republic of Mariehamm to be much of a threat.

And yes, we know so much about war, that we tried to launch 3 peace conferences with ComIntern to advert the last World War.

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Crimes and sins? Are you a government official or a commedian? When will you realize the world recognizes the lies you spew at us, and brush them aside. None of your accusations are supported by facts or any shread of evidence.

Look at your support of the criminal organization known as the United Francoist Empire. You supported them in their goal to liquidate Europa and subjugate it under their control, through the Grand Army of Europe. If you were the saint that you claim to be, you would have spoke up like a true European leader if you saw your fellow people being treated under the harsh conditions the United Francoist Empire. Need I remind you how they bombed Berlin into the ground? razed warsaw? and looted millions? Indeed, you do know, but I'm sure you got your fair share of the loot as well.

To each his own.

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We invaded the Republic of Mariehamm? That is, indeed, news to the Greater Nordland Reich. Perhaps, we were sleeping when this occurred.

The estate was part of that country, you invaded it. You may not recognise it, but you are the aggressors, as always.

Correction, our economy could support those mobilizations. However, we didn't deem the Republic of Mariehamm to be much of a threat.

I severely doubt it given the massive level of defense infratructucre expansion you have accumulated. Recent defense spending estimates put you at over 3 trillion (units of currency) output recently.

And yes, we know so much about war, that we tried to launch 3 peace conferences with ComIntern to advert the last World War.
No you did not. The collective nations which formed GNR did. And the war still occurred, signaling you were disrupting the talks so you could get to the battlefield where half you economy goes, then wave around your mighty cannons to show the world. Yes, what men of peace you are!
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Look at your support of the criminal organization known as the United Francoist Empire. You supported them in their goal to liquidate Europa and subjugate it under their control, through the Grand Army of Europe. If you were the saint that you claim to be, you would have spoke up like a true European leader if you saw your fellow people being treated under the harsh conditions the United Francoist Empire. Need I remind you how they bombed Berlin into the ground? razed warsaw? and looted millions? Indeed, you do know, but I'm sure you got your fair share of the loot as well.

To each his own.

Our support was simply vocal and political, does the ReichKanzler forget the alliance that existed between Germany the Seven Netherlands and the UFE? The alliance that existed ultimately pulled the UFE into a nuclear war that devastated Europe and Asia just so Germany and the Netherlands could steal Gebiv's land. We only offered our support because of misleading Intel given to us by you and your allies in the UFE, and after you committed the atrocities against your non nuclear neighbors we withdrew our support and denounced your actions.

Furthermore Our displeasure with the Grand Army of Europe was expressed a number of occasions by the Kolesnikov government. Initially we protested because we were not invited to the negotiating table, then after reading the treaty we protested because nations like Germany, the Netherlands, Prussia, All NC nations, willingly gave up their sovereignty to an Asian nation. Just before the decline and collapse of the UFE and the GAE Slavorussia was nearing a direct confrontation with the UFE. Slavorussia on several occasions voiced our extreme displeasure with the persistent nuclear attacks in Europe by both sides. We received no "loot" as you so colorfully put it, because we refused to help with the nuclear genocide.

Additionally Slavorussia was never at the negotiating table at the end of the wars which the UFE attempted to assert control over Europe. If we had been given a location, and time we would not have allowed the UFE to do what they did, Let us not forget who was in bed with the UFE in their conquests of Europe, Y - O - U.

Good day to you sir.

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The estate was part of that country, you invaded it. You may not recognise it, but you are the aggressors, as always.

I severely doubt it given the massive level of defense infratructucre expansion you have accumulated. Recent defense spending estimates put you at over 3 trillion (units of currency) output recently.

No you did not. The collective nations which formed GNR did. And the war still occurred, signaling you were disrupting the talks so you could get to the battlefield where half you economy goes, then wave around your mighty cannons to show the world. Yes, what men of peace you are!

Correction, the collective nations who formed the GNR and the Nordic Confederacy. Surely, if I were to march to war against ComIntern, they would have as well. So please stop trying to pin this as as an act of German aggression alone. It was ComIntern who was mobilizing on our borders. It was Uberstein's cousin spreading lies and propaganda in our nation from his mansion.

And I can assure you, the GNR economic situation is quite well. You should visit sometime.

Edited by Malatose
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Drakoria's government agrees with the statement made by the GNR. ComIntern should have negotiated with Helzan instead of invading. (OOC: AKA resolved IC without war instead of screaming at the other side in an OOC discussion) In our opinion, Antarctican politics should be handled by Antarctican politicians and rulers, not by European and Asian nations. What happens in Antarctica is only our business if it directly threatens us or our allies.

OOC: On another note, I won't look forward to a GNR-ComIntern War. I'm right between the two, sort of, and it won't be fun for me. :P

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Furthermore Our displeasure with the Grand Army of Europe was expressed a number of occasions by the Kolesnikov government. Initially we protested because we were not invited to the negotiating table, then after reading the treaty we protested because nations like Germany, the Netherlands, Prussia, All NC nations, willingly gave up their sovereignty to an Asian nation. Just before the decline and collapse of the UFE and the GAE Slavorussia was nearing a direct confrontation with the UFE. Slavorussia on several occasions voiced our extreme displeasure with the persistent nuclear attacks in Europe by both sides. We received no "loot" as you so colorfully put it, because we refused to help with the nuclear genocide.

It was inevitable that this point would come up.

I have but one thing to say on this matter, and that is that Wästerdyskreich is not in any way, shape, or form the Empire of the Netherlands nor are we the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. We do not claim to be a successor state to them. I led the coup against my brother Maarten Tromp when it was clear that his mind had gone, and I have never supported the war against Gebiv, ever. It is not the policy of Wästerdyskreich that the Gebivian war was a success to either side. I did not support the Grand Army of Europe, it was merely a control mechanism for the United Francoist Empire to exert influence in Europe. Before you lump Wästerdyskreich into the same group as the old Netherlands, please consider that I am the one who couped Maarten Tromp due to his despicable actions when he led the Empire, and as soon as I took power I declared outright that we would never engage in another war like the Gebivian war, and we would never use Nuclear Arms like Tromp did in that war. Soon thereafter, the Grand Army of Europe disbanded, and the old Union of Western Europe was free to prosper.

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The alliance that existed ultimately pulled the UFE into a nuclear war that devastated Europe and Asia just so Germany and the Netherlands could steal Gebiv's land.

Actually, the war that devastated Asia was started by the Germans themselves (not the alliance as a whole), by invading an RA Protectorate under the false pretense that the land was an anarchy and had no sort of stability.

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"Firstly allow me to say thank you to the Greater Nordlandic Reich for their words of support follwoing the military conflict that occured against us and we appreciate it very highly. Secondly whilst I am by no means the best person to say this I feel that we should stop pointing fingers for past mistakes and actions undertaken by a nation or group of nations. Instead we should place the past behind us and work towards a better future".

Valerie, High General of the Helzan.

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Correction, the collective nations who formed the GNR and the Nordic Confederacy. Surely, if I were to march to war against ComIntern, they would have as well. So please stop trying to pin this as as an act of German aggression alone. It was ComIntern who was mobilizing on our borders. It was Uberstein's cousin spreading lies and propaganda in our nation from his mansion.

And I can assure you, the GNR economic situation is quite well. You should visit sometime.

We demand evidence that Fredrick von Uberstein was spreading propaganda. He did no such thing.

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For once, we must agree with the Nordlandic nations, however much it pains us to do so. the invasion of helzan was an unwarranted, warmongering action, either that or the action of a an overly paranoid nation.

While I do sympathize to some extent I do have to point out that Helza wouldn't be in this situation had they properly controlled their own military forces. Their rash attack brought this unfortunate set of circumstances upon themselves and they ought to be the ones to sort it out.

No. The attack on them had nothing to do with the rash action taken by that rogue, Colonel Radec. (OOC: SP?)

We have a mutual defense pact with the Dragon Empire; we feel that Dranagg is also worthy of our respect and attention. If they are endangered as a people then we are so inclined to assist them. The Imperium does not apologize for its' actions considering that it claimed no territory and asked for nothing in terms of concessions aside from housing 1,000 troops in the capital for a short period; likely lasting a bit longer than the reconstruction.

A mutual DEFENSE pact does not require you to go tio war in an aggressive conflict. The war in Helzan was an aggressive conflict.

GNR fails to realise that the Helzian military moved into an area which it was not meant to (OOC: broke game rules) and would not back down until Manchuko had declared war. They would not have done this if Helza had wiped their previous Antarctic claims, but no, they chose to stay.

Please read both sides of the story before making a statement about some war which you had no part in.

Actually, it is you who need to read both sides of the story. The Helzan DID withdraw from all extra territory they attempted to claim, BEFORE they were attacked. They withdrew to their previous, more reasonable claims.

Due to the highly questionable military history of the Helza, and their sudden deployment, of what was meant to be a defensive force, is cause enough for the alarm generated. Especially when it includes a massive segment of land almost the size of Greater Nordland. Include a history of social unrest, terrorist acts, rebellion, and pre-emptive military strikes against nations the reaction against the Helzan nation should have been expected.

Had prior diplomatic channels been first opened by the Helzan leaders then perhaps much would have been avoided. Instead they did not, and we responded with an ultimatum for them to withdraw, and terms to see that such a sudden military movement does not happen again. The terms were ignored.

Does one need to open diplomatic channels t excpand into unoccupied, uninhabited territory now? That is what Antarctica is, by and large. The Helzan, when confronted, retreated back to their original claims. But no, that wasn't good enough for you, was it?

"Uneeded invasion? Lübeck had always been one of our Heartlands, former Lübeck, as well as former denmark and formern southern sweden are the place where Nordlandic culture are originated from. Besides, look at the new "Lübeck" today, with its outrageous announcements, if Lübeck was in Europe, Europe would be at war right now because of them. Plus, the population didn't even resist us. You Sir know nothing about history. You may be able to complain if you hate us so much about Slavorussia, but Lübeck? That is simply an idea derived from insanity."

Lübeck would not be the way it is today if you had not forced it from Europe in the first place. Your logic here fails on that alone.

-=Official Announcement from the Offices of the Northeast People's Republic=-

The Northeast People's Republic responded to an activation of a MDP and acted accordingly. That is all.

Activated an MDP for an AGGRESSIVE war. Yeah, we can see where that makes sense.

Correction, the collective nations who formed the GNR and the Nordic Confederacy. Surely, if I were to march to war against ComIntern, they would have as well. So please stop trying to pin this as as an act of German aggression alone. It was ComIntern who was mobilizing on our borders. It was Uberstein's cousin spreading lies and propaganda in our nation from his mansion.

Please explain how an old man who doesn;t get out much, if at all, can spread lies and propaganda.

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It was inevitable that this point would come up.

I have but one thing to say on this matter, and that is that Wästerdyskreich is not in any way, shape, or form the Empire of the Netherlands nor are we the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. We do not claim to be a successor state to them. I led the coup against my brother Maarten Tromp when it was clear that his mind had gone, and I have never supported the war against Gebiv, ever. It is not the policy of Wästerdyskreich that the Gebivian war was a success to either side. I did not support the Grand Army of Europe, it was merely a control mechanism for the United Francoist Empire to exert influence in Europe. Before you lump Wästerdyskreich into the same group as the old Netherlands, please consider that I am the one who couped Maarten Tromp due to his despicable actions when he led the Empire, and as soon as I took power I declared outright that we would never engage in another war like the Gebivian war, and we would never use Nuclear Arms like Tromp did in that war. Soon thereafter, the Grand Army of Europe disbanded, and the old Union of Western Europe was free to prosper.

You may not claim to be the successor of the old Netherlands, but by our definition you are. You deposed the old government, and took over all it's assets and territory. We are not completely blind to the good deeds that the so-called Nordic countries have accomplished it, just that they are few and far between.

Actually, the war that devastated Asia was started by the Germans themselves (not the alliance as a whole), by invading an RA Protectorate under the false pretense that the land was an anarchy and had no sort of stability.

What we mean is Slavorussia was far less responsible for the UFE's involvement in European affairs. The only agreement Slavorussia had with the UFE was a joint announcement declaring Gebiv to be a threat to the continent. We later learned we were deceived by the UFE and their European puppets.

"Firstly allow me to say thank you to the Greater Nordlandic Reich for their words of support follwoing the military conflict that occured against us and we appreciate it very highly. Secondly whilst I am by no means the best person to say this I feel that we should stop pointing fingers for past mistakes and actions undertaken by a nation or group of nations. Instead we should place the past behind us and work towards a better future".

Valerie, High General of the Helzan.

We tried to put the past where it belongs, in the past. Sadly the NC is not willing to end their vendetta against Slavorussia, and other nations who refuse to sit by while the continent is held by the white knuckle grip of the Nords. Until they change their attitudes we will continue to point the finger where it belongs.

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What we mean is Slavorussia was far less responsible for the UFE's involvement in European affairs. The only agreement Slavorussia had with the UFE was a joint announcement declaring Gebiv to be a threat to the continent. We later learned we were deceived by the UFE and their European puppets.

That statement was meant to clarify the actual historical events, not to accuse you of any wrong doing (as you had done none of the sort willingly), we apologize for the confusion.

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The UFE was famous for deception and misinformation. A good example of this was when they told us RA was planning premptive strikes on Tahoe out of Equador with nuclear weapons and convinced us that we needed to participate in a horrific nuclear attack on RA before they could attack us. Unfortunately, we later found out that is not true and have expressed regret in the past and continue to do so.

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A good example of this was when they told us RA was planning premptive strikes on Tahoe out of Equador with nuclear weapons and convinced us that we needed to participate in a horrific nuclear attack on RA before they could attack us.

Although the UFE was indeed good with lies, with all due respect, this seems like a way just to try and save face. Why would we attack a nation with no reason at all, in the middle of a war which would likely (and did) escalate, and with nuclear weapons when we had always sported a non-first strike policy? That makes utterly no sense.

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