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From the Office of Mad Dog Bob Denard


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The Republic of Free Somal will be officially closing all foreign held fast food restaurants. This gastronomic exploitation of the Somal peoples will not be tolerated any longer. In the future, native foods will be encouraged to promote the growth of the indigenous Somal culture. It is expected that these closures will also promote the general improvement of the health of the Somal people.

These fast food chains can re-open providing they offer a menu that consists of traditionally prepared Somal dishes. Foreign dishes that meet the Republic of Somal dietary guidelines for healthy foods will be approved on a case by case basis.

In other news...

The international branch of Pizza Hut puts a contract out on Mad Dog Bob Denard's head.

In M'bossa

The M'bossa Telecommunications Company opened earlier today with great fanfare. They seek foreign investment and technical expertise to provide a nation wide wireless service for the citizens of the Republic of Free Somal. The owner of the MTC, former Warlord Adib Azii, commented, "It is a wonderful day for the citizens of Free Somal. I'm grateful for the opportunity given to me by Mad Dog Bob Denard when he granted me clemency and offered me a conditional stay of execution."

Mad Dog Bob Denard responded, "Abid Azii is one of the premier minds in the field of telecommunications. A few small massacres on his part shouldn't be reason enough to hold him back from bringing a cellular service to the entire Republic at affordable rates."

(ooc: The MTC will be using the portable cell phone tower system to create a cellular service as the costs of laying land lines for the entire country will prove prohibitive at this time.)

Edited by Firestorm
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I have noticed your new formed nation could use some development help. The Dragonisian Treasury still has some funds left over from the recovery charity after the last nuclear war. Join the Dragon Bloc, we'll help you develop economically and in your defense. If you have an interest, the documentation for the Bloc can be found and reviewed in the package sent with this letter.

Maelstrom Vortex,

The Chairman

Info Pack

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This offer certainly intrigues me, but I'd have to get to know the people of the Dragon Bloc a bit more before committing the people of the Republic of Free Somal to such a treaty bloc. While funds are certainly appreciated the people of Somal could use much in the way of construction and medical equipment.

The Republic of Free Somal does have oil and aluminum that can be exchanged for the equipment we need. Perhaps the foundation for a long term relationship can be started with the establishment of a trade agreement?

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This sounds ideal. Please send our state department a list of your needs and we will see them fulfilled at a fair exchange rate to the global market prices of oil weighted by our respective currencies. We thank you for the consideration and look forward to helping your people strive to move out of poverty.

Maelstrom Vortex,

The Chairman

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We urge you to consider membership into the Dragon Bloc with extreme caution. The leader of the Dragon Bloc, Dragonisia, is a member of the ComIntern, a global communist organization. Being a member of the Dragon Bloc is essentially becoming a pawn of the ComIntern.

Edited by Californian
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Delivered in person to the State Department of the Dragon Bloc:

*36 An-28 Cargo Aircraft for the creation of our government ran cargo service.

These planes should be in good repair. While we have the pilots needed to fly them we appreciate the opportunity to train our men in the proper repair of these aircraft. Spare parts should be plentiful as well.

- The equivalent of the AN-28 may be provided. They just need to be easy to fly, easy to fix, and able to land on short run ways.

* 72 Medium Cargo Helicopters for troop and material transport. With these will require the training and spare parts needed to keep these aircraft flying.

*The Republic requires the following for the equipping of our medical clinics:

- X-ray machines

- (insert medical device name here)

- (insert medical doo hickey name here)

- (insert medical thinga majigger name here)

[OOC: The clinics and hospitals of the Republic aren't going to be lavishly equipped with super modern gizmos. I don't want MRI machines and other sophisticated devices because once it breaks down my Somal technicians won't be able to figure out how to fix it.]

*The Republic wishes to acquire a supply of construction equipment. We will require the following:

- Bulldozers

- Backhoes

- Trenchers

- Dump Trucks

These vehicles will be used in the construction of our national road system. Much of the work will be done by hand, but with this equipment the total construction time will be drastically reduced.

* The Republic needs in the worst way the equipment needed to set up and maintain a nation wide cellular network. We wish to purchase prefabricated Cellular towers and we need an extensive training program for our future technicians.

* The Republic likewise needs the services of an Agricultural specialist. We have a solid tradition of agriculture in the Somal culture, but we wish to improve upon it with modern techniques. Specifically, we hope to acquire the technology and skills needed for the mass preservation of food for times of droughts.

* Our final request is the creation of a currency account to support the value of our own currency which is horridly devalued at this time. We wish to have a portion of the proceeds from our oil and aluminum diverted to this account for the time being. Once the value of our native currency has improved the currency account will be utilized for other transactions.

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Extensive list, well thought out, we'll begin shipping the supplies immediately on the very cargo aircraft you need for your delivery system. A tanker aircraft will also be sent. You pay in oil for each shipment and when it fills, it will fly home and a new one will come. The Sovereign Wealth Fund will gladly host your Forex account for you and begin helping you leverage your treasury to raise your currency values. I've forwarded the orders to our factories also so they can replace what is expended. Thanks you just employed a lot of our people in exchange for this oil. A very useful exchange.

Maelstrom Vortex,

The Chairman

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Likewise sir,

You've just put many young Somals to work reclaiming their heritage and country. We look forward to working with the people of the Dragon Bloc in the future. As time allows I will make it a point to pay a visit to show my appreciation in person.

Many Thanks,

Mad Dog Bob Denard

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We urge you to consider membership into the Dragon Bloc with extreme caution. The leader of the Dragon Bloc, Dragonisia, is a member of the ComIntern, a global communist organization. Being a member of the Dragon Bloc is essentially becoming a pawn of the ComIntern.


We urge the Republic to make a visit Westward to "The Republic" to set up diplomatic relations. We would hold the meeting in Porto Nova and bring up issues such as: What to do with the land between us, trade, transportation, and more direct relations. You will be meeting with the Archon himself, Mykep.


Sloven Tboud

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For a long time I have prevented war with the Nordic Confederacy by taking a neutral position. Am I to understand that this is the official position of the Nordic society? That I am a puppet? That I do not have my own free will because I have chosen my allies? Do you want a war? Because you sure are starting to sway the one force that has stood in the way of war for a very long time with your deceit and your conceited attempts at knowing our motivations and place in this world. You will now shut your mouth, or by God, I will invoke my alliances and have the world shut it for you.

Maelstrom Vortex,

The Chairman

PS. I know you son. Your allies. Do you know me? Do you know my allies? I don't believe you know yourself or your enemy in this situation.. and by Sun Tzu, you lose every single time on that footing.
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We urge you to consider membership into the Dragon Bloc with extreme caution. The leader of the Dragon Bloc, Dragonisia, is a member of the ComIntern, a global communist organization. Being a member of the Dragon Bloc is essentially becoming a pawn of the ComIntern.

"Is this what you think? Then I urge you not to treaty with Grøenlandia as they are mere pawn for the Nordic Confedaracy. "

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If you require immediate support from the world stage as I have seen many of the foreign nations lending you support I would say no to all blocs and large alliance treaties. On the other had, I would be honored to discuss the possibility of treaties with the friendly nations of the Pacific Rim. For most of our history we have stayed out of the fire of the world, only to come back and help the people when needed. Africa has been a stable continent for a long time, providing a bulwark against the two world blocs. I will not try and dictate your foreign affairs, but I warn you that involving yourself in either the ComIntern or somehow allying yourself with the Nordic Confederacy will involve you in the next world war on perhaps the side of the aggression. Neutrally its blessing and a gift and I would hope you would be able to meet with me in the future for perhaps another time.


Sarah Tintagyl

Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

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(OOC: Ok dudes.. this sort of has taken my announcement thread and has turned it into an argument over the merits or lack of regarding comintern. Let's keep the haggling off this thread please?)

To Sarah Tintagyl:

The eyes of the Republic of Free Somal are as of now focused inwards. We seek only to provide for the security and prosperity of our own. We have no real interest at this time in joining a multi-national bloc. To be blunt, just last week I was the leader of a mercenary army and this week I'm the leader of a nation. I believe that the Republic of Free Somal, and myself for that matter, can only handle so much change before events prove counter-productive. I will entertain talks with your government if only to come to understand the workings of this complex international scene.

However, while I served as the leader of the African Legion I stood by the idea that I only left the field until my men had departed. The same holds true for my nation. My country is in the midst of a struggle for its identity and survival at this time. For me to depart, for more than a day or so, would be improper and demonstrating that I put myself before the people. It is for this reason why any diplomatic exchange will have to be conducted at a distance for the time being.

I do hope from this exchange I'll come to know you better. It is the relationships that leaders have between each other that matter more to me than the dollars and cents.

Mad Dog Bob Denard

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We urge you to consider membership into the Dragon Bloc with extreme caution. The leader of the Dragon Bloc, Dragonisia, is a member of the ComIntern, a global communist organization. Being a member of the Dragon Bloc is essentially becoming a pawn of the ComIntern.

Even if it were turue...better thaan being a puppet of the Nordlandic confederacy.

(OOC: Ok dudes.. this sort of has taken my announcement thread and has turned it into an argument over the merits or lack of regarding comintern. Let's keep the haggling off this thread please?)

OOC: Apologies. This tends to happen, as despite a NAP between the ComIntern and the Nordlandic confederacy, there is still a lot of tension between them, both IC and OOC.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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From the Office of Mad Dog Bob Denard;

The first of several shipments of equipment has arrived earlier today. It was a pleasure to watch as vehicles, weapons, and other critical supplies rolled off the planes at M'bossa International Airport. The time line to rebuild Somal that I created before eliminating my opposition last week never anticipated such a rapid response from the international community. Even more so is the looks of pride as I watched my fellow country men offloading the supplies knowing that they have paid for them with their own national resources.

Pride just doesn't have a price tag.

The small teams of advisers from the Kingdom of Cochin also arrived and have already begun work. We expect the Naval Task force to arrive shortly to commence the training of our new Navy. The Republic of Free Somal will grow slowly at first, but I expect us to explode in growth as time goes on. We are a proud people with a long history and rich cultural tradition. What people's can claim 37 flavors of goat cheese?

We can and much more..

My gratitude goes out the Kingdom of Cochin and the Dragon Bloc. Without their willingness to trade equipment and supplies for oil none of this would have been possible. However, progress doesn't come without its problems. The international team of accounts has already turned up evidence of corruption in my week old government. To set the proper example I've asked them to investigate further before filing charges against the accused.

The only question now; shoot them or throw them into a labor camp for three years?

Edited by Firestorm
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My gratitude goes out the Kingdom of Cochin and the Dragon Bloc. Without their willingness to trade equipment and supplies for oil none of this would have been possible. However, progress doesn't come without its problems. The international team of accounts has already turned up evidence of corruption in my week old government. To set the proper example I've asked them to investigate further before filing charges against the accused.

The only question now; shoot them or throw them into a labor camp for three years?

The best way to deal with corruption is to put the corrupt to hard, honest work. You kill two birds with one stone that way; you get the corrupt workers out of your government, and you get useful labor in the process.

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From the Office of Mad Dog Bob Denard:

The newly ordered equipment has begun pouring into the country at a high pace. The first deliveries of vehicles and other supplies have already arrived and have been followed by the second and third orders. The priority has been placed on the delivery of construction equipment for the upgrading of the Republic's roads and public works. Several local improvement projects have been started in M'bossa and several hundred young Somal men have benefited by being put to work.

In M'Bossa

A work party of young men are busy laying heavy duty plastic pipes into a trench prepared by a large trencher. They are working hard and struggling to keep up the pace. Here and there older men and women come out of their homes and begin to help. It isn't long before the scene takes on a carnival atmosphere as young children, men, and women of all ages are hard at work. Others take the time to bring water and food to feed the hungry crowd as they work. From the distance they are watched by a few hard looking men.

These serious types have AK-47 rifles slung across their backs and are dressed in full uniform. They are a small group of African Legionnaire members. They know their orders and they keep their distance and maintain a low profile. After awhile one of the older sargeants notices an older lady struggling as she carries a bucket of water. He turns to one of his soldiers and says, "Stay here and I'll be back in a moment." He doesn't return anytime soon as he spends the rest of the day holding the bucket for the old lady as she dispenses water to the thirsty crowd.

M'Bossa International Airport

A long line of AXE Military Vehicles are off to the side of the airport. Somal technicians, drivers, and other men swarm over them under the guidance of their Kingdom of Cochin trainers. They are learning quickly that the vehicles are different from the Willy Jeeps they are familiar with, but not that much different. They find this reassuring and exciting all at the same time and are genuinely appreciating the patient tutoring of their Cochin trainers.

Outside of M'Bossa

A small part of Bulldozers are towing and pushing wrecked cars off the nearly destroyed freeway that runs up the coast of Somal. These vehicles are being transported to a salvage yard outside of M'Bossa. The steel will be used in the production of grain silos to begin the development of a food storage system for times of drought. The freeway itself is in terrible shape and several engineers are busy studying the shattered surface. It isn't long before they decide to take the dual approach of temporarily patching the surfaces as best as they can while having a follow on party lay a completely new freeway that is wider and better made.

Up and Down the Coast of the Republic of Free Somal

Newly arrived UH-1 Helicopters and AN-28 aircraft, though not more than 10 of them in total numbers, begin paying visits to the isolated villages and smaller cities. From the bowels of the aerial monsters leap the deadly looking men of the African Legion who leave supplies, radios, and medicine at the villages after ensuring that the villages are free of Warlords and other dangers. On occasion a local thug or tyrant is encouraged to give up his evil ways and of course other situations require a bit more deadly persuasion. For the most part the Somal villages are quiet coastal affairs that are to busy scrambling to provide for themselves to bother with things like taking the time to set indulge in raiding and looting.

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(OOC: Time scale of 1 day for 1 week)

From the office of Mad Dog Bob Denard:,

The reconstruction of the Republic of Free Somal is chugging along at a steady pace. Last week saw the first arrival of medical equipment, vehicles, and airplanes. This week we have seen this trickle turn into a flood. Well over 300 of our new AXE vehicles have been delivered along with a variety of other items. The people of M'Bossa have taken to the streets in spontaneous celebration to participate in the rebuilding of their city. Their hard work has reconnected water and electricity to several parts of our battered capital. For the first time in months this city of thirty thousand feels a small semblance of normalcy.


Citizens watch as building after building are smashed under the blades of bulldozers. The old dangerous buildings are being razed to make way for new government supported farming plots. As the bulldozers level mounds of ruined buildings in their wake the citizens of M'Bossa swarm over them pulling away usable materials. Bricks, wire, lumber, and even nails that can be reused are salvaged. Here and there government workers have set up small stations to collect large metal items for recycling. They hand out small cash bonuses for these items and they are doing brisk business.

M'Bossa International Airport

Hundreds of men are swarming over the vehicles, supplies, and weapons as they are being unloaded. The accounts of the international firm Barney, Smith, and Wesson watch and keep track of the items. The occasional pilferage has occurred, but for the most part the unloading has been free of any of the typical thefts associated with these sorts of efforts. Truck loads of supplies and equipment are loaded and driven away at a frantic pace as workers struggle to keep up with the demand. The southern half of the airfield is a haze of clattering machines as the newly arrived UH-1 helicopters land and take off.

Remote Village

"I'm the boss of this village, not you," snarls a rough looking gentleman of dubious lineage.

"We are only asking for your cooperation," requests Mad Dog Bob Denard.

"I decide who lives and dies," the man shouts.

"I'm sure of this, but under the new government we are giving out generous amnesty settlements. You'll no longer decide who lives or dies, but you won't be charged with murder either," returns the Mad Dog.

"LOOK at those heads," the chief shouts as he points to several severed heads hanging from the branches of a withered tree before asking,"Who are you to come to my village and tell me anything?"

Mad Dog Bob Denard nods, smiles, draws his pistol and shoots the man in the head.

The Somal Coastal Freeway

The work is continuing at a brisk pace. Teams of men have cleared the freeway for nearly one hundred miles and have made temporary repairs. Many of these repairs include filling in deep holes with gravel, but the road is beginning to look passable. Though at a much reduced pace, but none the less the road is still open to travel. Already the small signs of rebirth can be seen with the passing of a decrepit looking Somal bus or truck. Occasionally an AXE Constabulary vehicle loaded with men and weapons can be seen traveling north on their appointed rounds. Back near the outskirts of M'Bossa dozens of men are busy hammer away at the road with sledge hammers to place small charges.

These charges are detonated in a long rippling burst that shatters the concrete surface of the freeway. Large equipment quickly moves in and the shattered blocks of concreted are smashed into rubble that is in turn laid to be the foundation of the new freeway. The work has just started, but the men are quickly getting into a rhythm. They work hard and steadily under the watchful eyes of Somal construction Engineers. Not half as hard as the sweating men who are nearby drilling away under the equally watchful eyes of their foreign trainers.

The M'Bossa Constabulary Base

Nearly four hundred men are moving through their appointed training excercises. The training officers sent by the Kingdom of Cochin are being assisted by translators to ease the task. The men are from the African Legion and are deadly competent in the art of light infantry warfare, but not so competent at assuming the role of the police. Already some look frustrated, a few have even requested transfer back to the infantry arm, but for the most part the majority persevere. Their training is proceeding smoothly, but not nearly as smoothly as the training of the men down in the harbor.

M'Bossa Harbor

Dozens of Somal fishermen run across the decks of their new gunboats. They are able seamen who have spent the majority of their lives plying the Red Sea. They know the temperament of the ocean, they know how to survive on it, and they have been tempered by the wisdom of knowing that the ocean shows no mercy when it takes one of their own. They have all lost someone to the dark waters, but undettered they kept venturing out to sea day after day for year after year seeking out their livelihood.

Most are fishermen.

Some are smugglers.

A few are pirates.

All of them are loyal Somal. They have taken up the standard of creating a navy to protect the coastline of new Somal with a deep almost visceral determination as all of them have seen the predations visited on their coast by foreigners. They are determined to not let this ever happen again.

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From the office of Mad Dog Bob Denard

We have completed our third week of reconstruction. Our recently purchased equipment has arrived, our training programs are underway, and hundreds of young men and women are hard at work. Projects ranging from tearing down unsafe buildings, reconnecting power, water, and sewage to resurfacing roads are underway in M'Bossa. The work is going smoothly and several small community based schools have been opened or reopened. Those living outside our fair little capital city have not been forgotten either.

The Somal Coastal Freeway is now open for nearly two hundred miles, supplies have been delivered by air, threats to the community have been eliminated, and security has been restored. For the most part the majority of the 170,000 citizens of the Republic of Free Somal have welcomed a unified government and stability. The occasional hard case has been either persuaded to see the errors of his ways, sent to a labor camp, or shot. Along with the supplies that have been delivered to the countryside and the reopening of the roads the first of hundreds of new silos have rolled off the lines.

Not missile silos, but of all things grain silos. In order to ensure that the Republic never suffers the fate of another tragic famine an extensive series of community based grain silos are being built. These silos will have the holding capacity to ensure an entire year of grain and other staples can be stored for times of needs. These silos will be monitored by the central government based in M'Bossa, our contracted firm of international accountants, and the Republic of Free Somal Constabulary.

The Constabulary is hard at work training its first class of four hundred officers. These offices upon graduation will be assigned to their units with orders to begin training their men in police tactics. Their new equipment of pistols, shotguns, and vehicles are being put to use as we speak to help provide the needed security services that promotes growth in any nation young or old. By training a first class of offices we are allowed the luxury of keeping the majority of the African Legion in the field.

The men of the African Legion, coming from hundreds of different tribes and nations, are hard at work maintaining the security of our newly formed nation. They are hard men used to the strenuous nature of warfare in Africa. The majority of them the prefer not to take on this new role as police, but for now they are following orders. Once the transition is fully made they'll be assigned to the task of serving as the Republic's standing core of professional soldiers and other intelligence duties. Until then they are patrolling, training new recruits, and absorbing new supplies to increase their effectiveness.

Mad Dog Bob Denard's Office

"Look, I don't give a damn what you have to do today. Every single last one of you will vacate this office and report to your assigned community farming plot for the rest of the day. The people will see their government getting their hands dirty," orders Mad Dog.

"Sir, we are civil accountants, not farmers."

"You are about to be out of a job."

The accountants glumly make their way to the door to report to their community farming plots. This new program has taken the reclaimed lands from the destroyed buildings and turned them into small garden plots. These plots are provided with seed, tools, and water to anyone or any group who wants them. Mad Dog Bob Denard had passed the orders earlier that the government offices will take an active role in this project by adopting their own plots and spending the last five hours of every Friday's working day on gardening. Most had responded enthusiastically, but the good accountants of the Barney, Smith, and Wesson had not taken kindly to it.

Bob didn't care when they first complained and he still doesn't. The foreigners of Barney, Smith, and Wesson will be seen getting their hands dirty and the people will know that these foreign workers are viewed in exactly the same manner they are by their government. Bob smiles to himself and walks out the door to go spend a few hours under the supervision of his mother who has taken responsibility for their adopted garden. His mother might be a demanding overbearing woman at times, but she does know her away around a garden. Unlike Bob, who tried to plant pumpkins with a backhoe.

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