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People's Republic of China

Sir Keshav IV

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PLAN becomes Operational

The Type 1 Destroyer was unveiled in the Shenyang Dry Dock earlier today along with the the Type 2(OOC: Kolkota Class Destroyer) Destroyer. Both were commissioned into watching over the Bohai. As well as two Type 1 Frigates(Type 23 of the Royal Navy). But the Jewel of the PLAN which was commissioned today as well was the Type 1- Nuclear Powered Submarine(INS Arihant). Commodore Nirmal Varma Chief of Naval Staff was proud of the commissioning of the first Chinese Submarine.

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Borneo growth programme tarted

With the new acquiring of Borneo, the Peoples government has decided to start a new growth programme to bring the Island to Chinese Infrastructure standards. The Government has decided to lay a rail network connecting the whole Island as well as construct new apartments for the people to stay. "The largely rural population will soon be living in world class standards"- commented a provincial administrator. The government has projected to spend 130 billion dollars for the face lift of Borneo in the new 5 year plan taking effect on January 1st(October 5th IRL). The government has also decided against talking with any foreign nation on the annexation and has decided its position from diplomatic meeting with Minilla to not having one as the government is spending to much on the Island to let go of the Island.

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War on the Horizon, stern warning from the PRC

This is to nations in this so-called war, Stay well away from the PRC Coastline, that is 20 NM from the Chinese Eastern Coast, 35 NM from Paracel Islands and 20 NM from the Island of Borneo, any ships found within these ranges will be warned thrice before being fired upon.

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Pacific Claims of the PRC

With the recent acquistion of Borneo, for its security the small coral reef islands around the northern tip of Borneo will be claimed by the PRC, and we shall maintain defenses around the regions. This includes Mischief Reef and rest of the minuscule Islands in the South China Sea.


The said islands coloured in black.

PRC Blocks out Military Ships from the South China Sea

With this war on the horizon, in the safety of our Islands, and waters, any Naval ship from Americas or the Dragon Empire or any other belligerent will not be allowed to pass within the said regions in the below map. Other peaceful nations will be allowed to pass, as long as it does not come within 20 Nautical Miles of the coasts in Borneo.


The said region is coloured in black.

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Pacific Claims of the PRC

With the recent acquistion of Borneo, for its security the small coral reef islands around the northern tip of Borneo will be claimed by the PRC, and we shall maintain defenses around the regions. This includes Mischief Reef and rest of the minuscule Islands in the South China Sea.


The said islands coloured in black.

Selenarctos protests this move, as Mischief Reef and the are labeled 'Occupied by Philippines' on your map are within our jurisdiction. We are willing to allow PRC military ships to patrol through the area, however it shall remain under our control.

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War on the Horizon, stern warning from the PRC

This is to nations in this so-called war, Stay well away from the PRC Coastline, that is 20 NM from the Chinese Eastern Coast, 35 NM from Paracel Islands and 20 NM from the Island of Borneo, any ships found within these ranges will be warned thrice before being fired upon.

Are you telling me that I cannot patrol on my own west coast, which is less than 20NM from your east coast? We will adhere to the 3 mile international limit, and that is all. Fire on us, and you will have a problem.
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OOC: Thats a RL Map, not a CN Map.

IC: "We haven't seen where you have claimed those regions, its well within our jurisdiction, but nonetheless, Mischief Reef will be a region where our ships shall not patrol, as a good will gift."

OOC: Yes, I could figure that out. But those still are still in my EEZ if we draw a line right along the midpoint where our two zones intersect (while not all of the 'occupied by philippines area' is, the majority is).

Edited by iKrolm
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++++Classified to the PRC++++

We have gotten a hold of the American plans for the Pacific invasion force. Our Naval Intelligence Unit STRONGLY believes that this is the case. You claim that you are for Asian-Pacific unity, We are willing to put our dispute to the side at this time for this cause.

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Suspension of relations with the Kingdom of Cochin

This last going to be war brought out a lot of light on nations. Nations such as the Kingdom of Cochin who chickened out of the war even before it started. Instead of fighting for an ally, it took the easy way out. We have decided that such a nation is not a nation we wish to ally with. It is because of this, we are suspending relations with their government, as well as stopping any relations with our people and people of Cochin. That means, visa's shall not be stamped to Cochin and any Cochin citizens in our country shall be sent back to Cochin. Any Cochin factories, Industries, whatever shall be shut down and all relations will be suspended. We will recognize them as a nation, but will have no relations what so ever with them.

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Recent support for diplomatic relations with Promised Land

A survey within the Communist Party of China which was about which nation to increase foreign relations with has turned out with over 83% of the 6000 people surveyed for support of relations with Promised Land. The government has received this information, and shall act on it later today.

*Private to Promised Land*

How about a meeting within our two nations? We do have some bad blood within our nations, but we are interested how to solve that and move past the Borneo issue?

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Beijing University Unveiled

Earlier today, Deputy Premier Megan Fox cut the ribbons for Beijing University. It will be one of the biggest universities in the world. The building is one of the largest glass structures in the world and was made for a cost of about 321 Million Chinese Rupee.


Picture of the front of the university.

Chinese Strategic Missile Intervention and Defense Initiative Unveiled

Earlier today, the Commissar for Defense unveiled the ground control for the new Strategic Missile Intervention and Defense Initiative or S.M.I.D.I was unveiled. Three satelites were launched and the system was tested succesful, one of our own missiles were shot and tested and the system was a success. As such we are happy to announce this as part of the PLA. The 6th Wing of the PLA and by far one of the best.

OOC: Great University and SDI Wonders!

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Inauguration of the Amphibious Assault Vehicle

Earlier today the Ministry of Defense announced the success of project M-2, Amphibious Assault Vehicle and the SAAV-1 has been introduced to the PLA. "It is the future of warfare" quoted a Lt.General. Deputy Premier announced 2500 of these shall be introduced into the army immediately.

Chinese Defense and Aggressive Wars Codex

The Chinese Defense and Aggressive Wars Codex has been introduced and has taken effect immediately. The C.D.A.W.C has set up a committee to make sure the rules governing this codex is followed by the military and the PRC executive.

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Closure of Oil Fields

As of now the People's Republic of China shall stop exporting any oil and shall be closing the Daqing Oil Fields, and reduce the production output from Shengli by almost 90%. This is done to save the oil left in these fields and cut down the usage of fossil fuels in the PRC. We do not use private vehicles, as it is not allowed and most of the public transport are electrical trains. We hope to save the oil for the future generations.

Cancelation of Treaties

As of now the Oil Treaty with Zargathia will be canceled because of our recent moves in closing down Daqing Oil Fields. Also the NAP with Southern Tang is canceled, mostly because of lack of interest by both parties to keep a healthy relationship.

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Cancellation of Axioms of War

The Axioms of War, was a treaty signed by few nations during the Sydney Convention, to discuss and place a suitable framework to ban Biological Warfare and Crimes Against Humanity against Prisoners of War(PoW). The Government of the PRC has evaluated this said treaty and have seen it to be a failure, or will never be used, as such we have decided to withdraw our signature from the said treaty. This is our notice. It has been in effect for almost 3 years in our country, but now we shall cancel our membership. Good luck to the other signatories.

Link to the Axioms of War: Axioms of War

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Closure of Oil Fields

As of now the People's Republic of China shall stop exporting any oil and shall be closing the Daqing Oil Fields, and reduce the production output from Shengli by almost 90%. This is done to save the oil left in these fields and cut down the usage of fossil fuels in the PRC. We do not use private vehicles, as it is not allowed and most of the public transport are electrical trains. We hope to save the oil for the future generations.

Cancelation of Treaties

As of now the Oil Treaty with Zargathia will be canceled because of our recent moves in closing down Daqing Oil Fields. Also the NAP with Southern Tang is canceled, mostly because of lack of interest by both parties to keep a healthy relationship.

"Zargathia regrets to hear of the closure of the Daqing Oil Fields and subsequent cancellation of the Oil Treaty our nations shared. We do however understand your reasoning, and will respect your decision. On the topic of railways however, we have recently sent you a proposal to enhance the rail connections between our countries in several provinces, and wish to inquire if the PRC government has decided on this matter yet."

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"Zargathia regrets to hear of the closure of the Daqing Oil Fields and subsequent cancellation of the Oil Treaty our nations shared. We do however understand your reasoning, and will respect your decision. On the topic of railways however, we have recently sent you a proposal to enhance the rail connections between our countries in several provinces, and wish to inquire if the PRC government has decided on this matter yet."

"The Government has thought about it, and wonders if these extension of lines will meet up with that Inter-Asian Railway lines. If so the government isn't to interested, if its for PRC-Zargathia use only we see no problem."

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Treaties reviewed

Recently the PRC has dropped a lot of treaties, some it had to such as the Oil Treaty some because both sides did not have any contact with each other. The treaties which will still be in effect are-

1) Furon MADP

2) Zargathia MDP

3) Austria Beer Treaty (ODP)

4) UMS Eternal NAP

We feel these are suitable treaties to keep as contact with these nations have been good, and our government is happy to be treatied with such nations still. To those canceled, we hope to improve relations in the future.

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"The Government has thought about it, and wonders if these extension of lines will meet up with that Inter-Asian Railway lines. If so the government isn't to interested, if its for PRC-Zargathia use only we see no problem."

"The extensions would indeed link up with the Inter-Asian Railway Lines as they are incorporated into the Zargathian National Railway, but with a little planning it should be possible to avoid stations where the IARL would stop if PRC wishes."


"The IARL stops in Inner Mongolia are Xilinhot, Eren Hot, Hohhot and Wuhai, but there are stations at Tongliao, Chifeng, Ulanqab and Baotou that would serve this purpose just as well. For the Gansu province there should be even less of a problem, as the IARL ends at Wuhai."

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