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Aperture Infantry Underground Recruitment Campaign


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One of the many Aperture Science Infantry Recruitment Campaign posters...

Feel like venting your anger and getting paid the big bucks for it? Ever saw a cool, new weapon on the Military Channel and shivered in glee upon its awesome glory? Ever wanted a thrilling experience laced with adventure?

Then join the Aperture Infantry!

-A boot camp with the best trained sargents that will make you a expert marksman in only a month!

-Huge pay, into the hundreds of thosands of dollars a year!

-We promise adventure into every corner of the earth!

-Free health care!

-And other AMAZING benefits!

Call 1-800-343-3278 for additional details and to apply; or go to www.apertureinfantry.com for more details.


These ad posters have been seen all over the world. Fancy planes have been picking up recruits from all over, then taking them to locations unknown. Countries near Diberia see cargo planes with bullet holes in them, but are barly ever reported because of their big wallets.

OOC: Open to all who wish to join and make a character. Note that this is the "bad" side, and the only way to get a "new" (or existing but not in Diberia) character onto the "Good" side (the one that Aperture Science is fighting) is by joining Aperture Infantry then leaving for the Rebellion.

One last thing: if you want to have a character in this, make &/or get your character to see a poster. Then I'll post a local "recruitment" building (probebly a hotel or something :P)

Edited by JerreyRough
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Harley Pole happened to be in Melbourne at the time he saw the poster. He wasn't sure what to make of it...but he'd always wanted to be part of a military. However, the recruitment offices had never given him anything more than a desk job, and he hated that. Reading the poster, he took careful note of the phone number, then went home to the apartment. he was paind up 'till the end of the week, but then his landlord would be kicking him out. He really didn't have anything to lose.

he reached for his phone and dialed the number...

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Mk'vdari flicked the ask from his cigaret as he slowly read a poster, a Aperture Infantry recruitment poster. As he read it he smiled, ever since he had moved to Louisiana his life was dull. He could use the money, and he could use something to occupy his time. He returned to his flat to lay down on a couch. His Louisianan flat-mate shouted at for failing to do some duty in the kitchen, but Mk'vdari just yelled at him in Tsnayutsnayari and the man just lowered his head in a cowed manner, only to go and do whatever he was shouting at him for.

Mk'vdari then reached for the phone to dial that number posted on that recruitment poster.

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OOC: In the public's view, this appears to be more of a "mercenary" group.

IC: After the collapse of GTI, Aruba isle once again became a 3rd world country, becoming a shadow of what it once was. However, a small group unrelated to Aperture Science remained; the 3rd Wing survived in a small area within North East Diberia.

Harley Pole happened to be in Melbourne at the time he saw the poster. He wasn't sure what to make of it...but he'd always wanted to be part of a military. However, the recruitment offices had never given him anything more than a desk job, and he hated that. Reading the poster, he took careful note of the phone number, then went home to the apartment. he was paind up 'till the end of the week, but then his landlord would be kicking him out. He really didn't have anything to lose.

he reached for his phone and dialed the number...

A short tune plays, akin to the very beginning of "Still Alive". "Welcome to the Promised Land Aperture Infantry Recruitment Line! If you have already seen the poster, press one. If you have not already seen it, press 2." Harley presses 1. "We hope to make your life 100% better from this phone call! The Aperture Infantry is currently on a mission to cleanse Diberia of a harmful rebellion that caused the country to decend into civil war. But we can't do it without your help! Come down to the Promised Land recruitment office, located on 84th Street in Melbourne. We promise the thrill of a lifetime! Oh, and on Wednesdays and Saturdays we ship out new recruits for training so be ready to pack your bags!" The tune plays again.

Aperture has been banned from advertising or doing business in Arctica.

OOC: You mean Aperture Infantry right? Aperture Science was never known by anyone except very few; the only way you could of found out would of been from spy operations.

Mk'vdari flicked the ask from his cigaret as he slowly read a poster, a Aperture Infantry recruitment poster. As he read it he smiled, ever since he had moved to Louisiana his life was dull. He could use the money, and he could use something to occupy his time. He returned to his flat to lay down on a couch. His Louisianan flat-mate shouted at for failing to do some duty in the kitchen, but Mk'vdari just yelled at him in Tsnayutsnayari and the man just lowered his head in a cowed manner, only to go and do whatever he was shouting at him for.

Mk'vdari then reached for the phone to dial that number posted on that recruitment poster.

A short tune plays, akin to the very beginning of "Still Alive". "Welcome to the Tsnayutsayari Aperture Infantry Recruitment Line! If you have already seen the poster, press one. If you have not already seen it, press 2." Mk'vdari presses 1. "We hope to make your life 100% better from this phone call! The Aperture Infantry is currently on a mission to cleanse Diberia of a harmful rebellion that caused the country to decend into civil war. But we can't do it without your help! Come on down to the recruitment office, located on 34th Avenue. We promise the thrill of a lifetime! Oh, and on Wednesdays and Saturdays we ship out new recruits for training so be ready to pack your bags!" The tune plays again.

OOC: Mah characters are still there, right?

OOC: Yep! I'll get to that in the new couple days.

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A short tune plays, akin to the very beginning of "Still Alive". "Welcome to the Promised Land Aperture Infantry Recruitment Line! If you have already seen the poster, press one. If you have not already seen it, press 2." Harley presses 1. "We hope to make your life 100% better from this phone call! The Aperture Infantry is currently on a mission to cleanse Diberia of a harmful rebellion that caused the country to decend into civil war. But we can't do it without your help! Come down to the Promised Land recruitment office, located on 84th Street in Melbourne. We promise the thrill of a lifetime! Oh, and on Wednesdays and Saturdays we ship out new recruits for training so be ready to pack your bags!" The tune plays again.

Well, that wasn't so hard. He mentally assessed his possessions--the furniture belonged to the landlords. He had exactly three books, a cd-player, half-a-dozen assorted CD's, minimal tolety items (toothbrush, toothpaste, a couple hand towels, etc.), changes of clothing for five days...and approximately 100 Pounds Sterling in cash. Not hard to pack into the single suitcase he owned. He didn't bother letting the landlord know that he was leaving, and he had no job to quit, as he'd just been fired, so he paid a taxi to take him close to the recruitment office. He walked the remaining block to 84th street, and his destiny...

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Aperture Infantry is banned from recruiting in Louisiana.

OOC: Do the characters have to be expendable? :P I want to join but if they're gonna die..

OOC: No, not at all! The "regular" (i.e. not player characters) will die, but not yours (well, its optional as always :P)! Also, if you want to join the "good" side, then you must join the bad guys first.

IC: As a result of being banned in Louisiana, Aperture Infantry sent in new men; completly underground and under the appearence of bum's looking for work. They were to be sure to keep quiet and find good soilders.

Well, that wasn't so hard. He mentally assessed his possessions--the furniture belonged to the landlords. He had exactly three books, a cd-player, half-a-dozen assorted CD's, minimal tolety items (toothbrush, toothpaste, a couple hand towels, etc.), changes of clothing for five days...and approximately 100 Pounds Sterling in cash. Not hard to pack into the single suitcase he owned. He didn't bother letting the landlord know that he was leaving, and he had no job to quit, as he'd just been fired, so he paid a taxi to take him close to the recruitment office. He walked the remaining block to 84th street, and his destiny...

The "recruitment office" was a run down old factory, with some windows broken on the higher levels and evidence of a small fire on the second floor, most likely the reason why it was abandoned. There also were little signs of use, like it was bought yesterday. However, almost a dozen vehicles were parked in the parking lot, plus a bus. The entrence had a nailed in board with the Aperture Science logo on it, along with the text "Welcome, Recruits!" on it. People were talking inside, about two dozen.

OOC: Dang it! Ran out of time! I'll continue this tomorrow!

Alan Rickman was bored of the daily life in Osea. He read the flier and immediately dialed the number.

OOC: Reply coming tomorrow.

*I changed it to once every two weeks; much less in RP time though!

Edited by JerreyRough
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The "recruitment office" was a run down old factory, with some windows broken on the higher levels and evidence of a small fire on the second floor, most likely the reason why it was abandoned. There also were little signs of use, like it was bought yesterday. However, almost a dozen vehicles were parked in the parking lot, plus a bus. The entrence had a nailed in board with the Aperture Science logo on it, along with the text "Welcome, Recruits!" on it. People were talking inside, about two dozen.

OOC: Dang it! Ran out of time! I'll continue this tomorrow!


IC: Harley Pole took in the appearances at a glance, but shrugged. He walked in the entrance, his suitcase in hand, and took in the sight of the other recruits...

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Mk'vdari paced through the flat, deciding what to grab and bring to the recruitment office. He didn't have much to bring, but he decided to bring along a small brick of khat that he had recently gotten, and then a few spare shirts and other cloths that lay helter-skelter all over the flat, along with a hygiene kit and put it into a rucksack. Ready for the travel, he left the place for the recruitment building.

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OOC: Still open to anyone.

For all recruits, there was a standard procedure for recruitment. Once they got to the building, they would usually wait there for a few days untill the next test. The test mandatory, and was primarly to see if they are a spy or not; like where they worked, references, how fit they were, etc. The second part of the test was for testing their physical wellness and their smarts, showing the Aperture Infantry where they would excel most.


"Engines are warmed up, prepare for take-off." said the pilot into the speakers of his plane. Kalmerg got confortable in his seat, looking somewhat bored. It was his turn for recruitment security, and ever since the Refounded Atlantis mission failed, he was always put on the jobs were there was no action; even though he was the best of the best in the Aperture Infantry. "Must be worried I'll run way or something," he thought. His contract would be over in a few days though, and once he got his money he planned on joining an actual military force, not some ghostly organization. Although he did wonder why so many recruits were going into and not out of Diberia. He shrugged off the thought, knowing that he would never know.

He looked at his HTC Pro, one of the last phones off the GTI factory lines before destruction. First stop: Promised Land. Several other countries were there as well...


IC: Harley Pole took in the appearances at a glance, but shrugged. He walked in the entrance, his suitcase in hand, and took in the sight of the other recruits...

OOC: Look up, and just provide some of the details that would be revield from the tests.

IC: "Ah, just in time!" Said a recruiter. "Welcome to the Aperture Infantry Recruitment Office in... Promised Land! If you would mind staying for a hour, we'll be having the test." He

Mk'vdari paced through the flat, deciding what to grab and bring to the recruitment office. He didn't have much to bring, but he decided to bring along a small brick of khat that he had recently gotten, and then a few spare shirts and other cloths that lay helter-skelter all over the flat, along with a hygiene kit and put it into a rucksack. Ready for the travel, he left the place for the recruitment building.

OOC: Same as Subtle.

IC: The building was almost the same as the Promised Land one; only a run down office building instead. There were also fewer recruits there as well.

Edited by JerreyRough
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OOC: Still open to anyone.

For all recruits, there was a standard procedure for recruitment. Once they got to the building, they would usually wait there for a few days untill the next test. The test mandatory, and was primarly to see if they are a spy or not; like where they worked, references, how fit they were, etc. The second part of the test was for testing their physical wellness and their smarts, showing the Aperture Infantry where they would excel most.


"Engines are warmed up, prepare for take-off." said the pilot into the speakers of his plane. Kalmerg got confortable in his seat, looking somewhat bored. It was his turn for recruitment security, and ever since the Refounded Atlantis mission failed, he was always put on the jobs were there was no action; even though he was the best of the best in the Aperture Infantry. "Must be worried I'll run way or something," he thought. His contract would be over in a few days though, and once he got his money he planned on joining an actual military force, not some ghostly organization. Although he did wonder why so many recruits were going into and not out of Diberia. He shrugged off the thought, knowing that he would never know.

He looked at his HTC Pro, one of the last phones off the GTI factory lines before destruction. First stop: Promised Land. Several other countries were there as well...

OOC: Look up, and just provide some of the details that would be revield from the tests.

IC: "Ah, just in time!" Said a recruiter. "Welcome to the Aperture Infantry Recruitment Office in... Promised Land! If you would mind staying for a hour, we'll be having the test." He


IC: Background checks would reveal a perfectly boring history. He'd been born in Melbourne, had never travelled outside the city, was 29 years old, and had worked steadily at one job or another within the city limits since he was 14 years old. He'd worked an average of three years at each. All, except for his stint in the military, were jobs requiring physical labor, so he was in fairly good shape--although he occasionally needed to wear contacts to see beyond distances of a hundred yards.

The time in the military had been almost exactly two years, and in all that time, he had only been promoted to Corporal, and had been in charge of keeping track of supplies for the city garrison. he'd actually done rather well, as he had a good head for numbers.

His good health meant he was fairly strong, and nimble as well. He often would react instinctively to a crisis, showing he had the ability to imrpovise to a degree. He'd once shown an interest in martial arts, but he'd only stayed in the program for three weeks before quitting, mainly because of time constraints due to his job.

He was probably a little below par on the ability to handle weapons, but he was eager to learn.

OOC: How's that? :D

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The past of the Mk'vdari broke the daily grind of the recruiting office, it confirmed the story of him being a 23 year old immigrant from Tsnayutsnayar. The school records and work records from before he moved to Louisiana were sketchy, but sense then he had become an active member in the service goods work force, ending up working in many fast food franchises for limited amount of time. But without proper records, the man had claims of being a holyman before civil unrest started to pervade his nation.

His health seemed normal, but the urine test seemed to be as negative as his mood once told that he needed to take a urine test -- which he did not like at all, showing some disregard to authority. It may prove to be necessary to search his luggage for illicit materials, but we are certain that no ''hard drugs'' ever graced his system.

His marksmenship skills were a great deal higher than the others that have taken the test, an ability he credits to some service in the Tsnayutsnayari National Defence force, and his athletic skills did not lag behind the average. His leadership skills were above the average, but his math skills were lacking.

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IC: Background checks would reveal a perfectly boring history. He'd been born in Melbourne, had never travelled outside the city, was 29 years old, and had worked steadily at one job or another within the city limits since he was 14 years old. He'd worked an average of three years at each. All, except for his stint in the military, were jobs requiring physical labor, so he was in fairly good shape--although he occasionally needed to wear contacts to see beyond distances of a hundred yards.

The time in the military had been almost exactly two years, and in all that time, he had only been promoted to Corporal, and had been in charge of keeping track of supplies for the city garrison. he'd actually done rather well, as he had a good head for numbers.

His good health meant he was fairly strong, and nimble as well. He often would react instinctively to a crisis, showing he had the ability to imrpovise to a degree. He'd once shown an interest in martial arts, but he'd only stayed in the program for three weeks before quitting, mainly because of time constraints due to his job.

He was probably a little below par on the ability to handle weapons, but he was eager to learn.

OOC: How's that? :D

Two recruitment officers were going over the latest batch of recruits on Aruba isle.

"...and that one's a grunt." Beckoned the smaller one at one profile.

"Okay." Replied the leaner one. He taped some keys. "Next. This one seems very physical, his sight is good for up to a hundred yards, and he was in the military for a while. You think tank commander or a gunner?"

"Naw. With his sight, he won't be as good as our other recruits. I'm thinking heavy machine gun support. Hes strong, willing to learn, will to learn close range combat, and he doesn't need to see excellent for long range anyway."

"Right-o. I'll plop him down the Heavy Weapons Program. Next." They continue with the list of the dozens of recruits...

The past of the Mk'vdari broke the daily grind of the recruiting office, it confirmed the story of him being a 23 year old immigrant from Tsnayutsnayar. The school records and work records from before he moved to Louisiana were sketchy, but sense then he had become an active member in the service goods work force, ending up working in many fast food franchises for limited amount of time. But without proper records, the man had claims of being a holyman before civil unrest started to pervade his nation.

His health seemed normal, but the urine test seemed to be as negative as his mood once told that he needed to take a urine test -- which he did not like at all, showing some disregard to authority. It may prove to be necessary to search his luggage for illicit materials, but we are certain that no ''hard drugs'' ever graced his system.

His marksmenship skills were a great deal higher than the others that have taken the test, an ability he credits to some service in the Tsnayutsnayari National Defence force, and his athletic skills did not lag behind the average. His leadership skills were above the average, but his math skills were lacking.

"Next." The lean man taps some more keys. "Well, this bugger appears to be very good at marksmanship, leading, and likes...working in the fast food industry? His urine test showed some drugs, but not the type that will make him worse. We'll leave him with them, incase hes got a addiction. Crazy bunch of skills, I'd say to put him down for Sniper Training. You?"

"Hes a good leader it seems, so Squad Command training would be even more so better."

"But he once was a bloody holy man! You know how they get too bloody sentimental over there!"

"Fine then. Let's put him in both." He looks at the clock. "Damn it! We gotta hurry up! Its almost time to be off! Quick, we gotta finish the last ones. Hell, just pack them into the Grunt Program. They'll just die anyway."

The lean man tacks his keyboard faster...


Kalmerg's plane lands in Promised Land at a private air field. At the recruitment office, a bus drives in.

"Get your bags and get MOVING!" Yells a sargent. The recruits gather their things to move out. "That includes you, ya little punk!" He kicks one young recruit in the ribs that is fast asleep. Another recruit comes to help get the young one, but the sargent scares the recruit away. Two soilders come over and take the young recruit to the bus, including his bags. "You boyscouts ain't seen anything yet!" The sargent chuckles.

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Aperture science's research methods are frowned upon by Neo Olympia and we will not grant them any sort of presence in Neo Olympia or its academic establishments.

OOC: Ug. Once more, as I have said many times, Aperture Science is still unknown IC. The Aperture Infantry (in the public's view) is just a military force not belonging to any nation. Its still unknown that Aperture Science was controlling GTI.

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Kalmerg's plane lands in Promised Land at a private air field. At the recruitment office, a bus drives in.

"Get your bags and get MOVING!" Yells a sargent. The recruits gather their things to move out. "That includes you, ya little punk!" He kicks one young recruit in the ribs that is fast asleep. Another recruit comes to help get the young one, but the sargent scares the recruit away. Two soilders come over and take the young recruit to the bus, including his bags. "You boyscouts ain't seen anything yet!" The sargent chuckles.

Now this...was par for the course. He knew how people like this operated. He complied without complaint, picking up his suitcase and walks out the door and into the bus, like he was told.

Alan Rickman paces in his room, taking thinks important to him, his CD player, his three AC/DC discs, some clothes and bread. He locked his front door and headed over to the AI HQ, he left a note to his mom, hoping for her blessings.

OOC: He meant stuff like what the background check and tests would reveal. :D

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OOC: You mean Aperture Infantry right? Aperture Science was never known by anyone except very few; the only way you could of found out would of been from spy operations.

OOC: Yes. My post basically carries the effect that whoever is found putting up these flyers in Arctica is told "no" by the authorities.

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