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Declaration of Protectorate


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President Alex Crane has issued this statement:

"Until the Yamato government acts in a civilised manner and attempts to curb its imperialistic tendencies, i refuse the Socialist Federation Of Curristan to have any diplomatic relations with Yamato. This is in effect immediately and will go on for an indefinate period of time. I wish this hadn't come to this, but somebody had to make a moral decision on this matter."

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ooc: Slavorussia claims the area in question and we declare war on the HC and Yamato. May our silly imperialistic actions bring new unity to Asia, while they fight off the silly European invaders.

... I don't know, I was just bored.

ic: Perhaps both countries could share in the protection of the region. It seems like the most peaceful solution.

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The government of Palintine is not interested in offering up its own territory as a multi-national protectorate. It is being incorporated into our government just fine, thank you.

Edited by hawk_11
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To: The Prime Minister of the Elective Dictatorship of Palintine

From: Sarah Tintagyl, Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth


My sincerest apologies for acting rashly during this time period. When the terms of anarchy were shuffled into my office I had believed that this land was part of the failed Japanese Empire that would be returned to Neo-Japan status. I gravely made the mistake of not delving further into the documents of land transfer. As such I apologize for any infringement of sovereignty that I may have given to your land and I am sure that Yamato will feel the same way. If there is anything I can do to apply reparations to your honor I will do so as I believed that Yamato and the Hansa's goals were only to re-establish stability. Nevertheless, I sincerely apologize and all troops that were en route to Shanghai have been rerouted.


Sarah Tintagyl

Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

To: Sarah Tintagyl, Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

From: [unsigned] The Prime Minister of Palintine

Lady Sarah Tintagyl

We appreciate your swift response after we made the situation clear. There is no bad blood between our nations. We should do lunch sometime and discuss world events.


[The name is smudged and illegible.]

Prime Minister of the Elective Dictatorship of Palintine

(The Prime Minister has prepared a response to the rest of the world. It was emailed out to civilized nations who then played it in Windows Media Player. The Prime Minister appeared on the screen in the form of his favorite artwork: "Our Minister, the Menacing.")


Ladies and gentlemen of the world stage, I'd like to inform you of the situation here. I was awoken today not a minute after 2pm to the call that someone was trying to annex Palintine territory and pass it off as an "anarchic, lawless region after the collapse of Neo Japan." Well, unfortunately for the squatters (which is what I've decided to call them), the land was transferred to us before the Neo Japanese government ceased to exist. A copy of the paper work has been submitted to you, along with a proof-of-transaction. Just to clarify what Palintine looks like for those of you who may have forgotten, here is a map.


Glorious Nation of the Elective Dictatorship of Palintine in Blue, all others in not-blue.

And for those of you who may not know where the disputed territory is, we have prepared a visual aid.


It's in the circle. Seriously, it's right there. Stop reading this caption.

As you can see, this map that we have presented to you is not a Palintinian map, but an international map. That means that this land transfer was known to have occurred before the squatters decided to move in. I think the nations of the world agree that the Elective Dictatorship of Palintine is well within its right to be slightly annoyed that people are trying to position troops on our land to "ensure stability" of an already stable region. Granted the region is new to our nation and is still continuing its process of governmental paperwork, I assure you local law enforcement and military forces have the region well under control. However, we are now deploying 5,000 troops to the borders. They will be escorting out anyone who is not able to identify themselves with the proper Palintinian paper-work (local driver's license, passport, gym membership, debit card, etc).

We have spoken.

*Tape goes to static*

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"We are happy with this to be sorted out without bloodshed. We made a mistake in supporting Yamato too quickly and we apologize. It doesn't mean we are removing diplomatic recognition from them just because of one silly action. We call those nations who are doing it jumping the gun for one badly handled situation."

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*Message to the World*

It seems we had been misinformed concerning the existence of the Japanese Emppire. We therefore humbly remove ourselves from this situation for the time being.

OOC: Seems like the map needed more updating when I last checked it 2 days ago :P

Edited by Sumeragi
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