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Decleration of War

King Kevz

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"Friendship? You were merely intimidated by the protectors."

"If you contact the Lady Protector she will inform you about the discussion we have held lately between the two of us and that is what persuaded us to stop this futile act not some other nations warning us. Also I would like to arrange a meeting between myself and a represntative of the Nordic Confedracy if possible".

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Statement from the High General

"At many times people across the world find themselves at odds with each other and prepare to tear the throats from those who we once called friends. It is to the great credit of the Lady Protector that she reminded me that friendship should never be forgotten and that you must never act without thought. Thus I declare full peace with the Hansatic Commonwealth and ask for their forgiveness".

"No apology is necessary. We live in chaotic times and it is up to leaders to make decisions for their people. It is to the High General's credit that war of any sort was avoided and that we were able to sit down and talk it out like two women ought to be able to. I owe much to the High General, she had been my friend for a long time and even opposing her we were able to find peace. To the world, take a look at what we have done here. Two leaders were able to sit and talk out their differences without using weapons. I know this is not a female quality. I ask that this is repeated in all tension zones."

-Sarah Tintagyl

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"They declared war on the Hanseatic Republic?" Tom Clark laughed. "What the hell were they thinking? The Lady Protector has more friends I think than just about any other world leader on this planet. Charisma Queen that she is, I'm suprised half the world didn't simultaenously bomb the Helzan."

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"They declared war on the Hanseatic Republic?" Tom Clark laughed. "What the hell were they thinking? The Lady Protector has more friends I think than just about any other world leader on this planet. Charisma Queen that she is, I'm suprised half the world didn't simultaenously bomb the Helzan."

My generals informed me a nuclear first strike would not be a good PR move, so, despite my outrage the silos are still closed.


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"They declared war on the Hanseatic Republic?" Tom Clark laughed. "What the hell were they thinking? The Lady Protector has more friends I think than just about any other world leader on this planet. Charisma Queen that she is, I'm suprised half the world didn't simultaenously bomb the Helzan."

"Cooler heads prevailing, I'd reckon. There is no need to wreck the $%&@ out of anybody if that can be avoided - a nice verbal - and who knows, material schooling serves the same purpose, the difference being that there's no blood being spilled."

"Either way, we condemn Helzan for their aggressive acts, yadda yadda, but at least are relieved that peace has reigned, blah blah."

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And the only hope the Nords had for a peaceful period has been crushed. Norsvea was hoping for a period of diplomacy and internationalism under Lady Tintagyl. But no, racism has prevailed.

It has, and we wish to stop it. But we cannot until we convince the 'nordic' nations of the world to cease their cultural genocide.

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We the government of the CAF were under the impression that peace and diplomacy had prevailed. Sadly, as usual countries around the world continue beating on a dead horse.

Thank you, yes, Excellencies the war is over and no blood was split. The Helzan is a Hanseatic Ally even with this war. Please, look beyond paper declarations of war. Diplomacy prevailed here and if here then it can triumph around the globe. Please, desist from attack the Helzan, they have done no wrong.

-Sarah Tintagyl

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"They declared war on the Hanseatic Republic?" Tom Clark laughed. "What the hell were they thinking? The Lady Protector has more friends I think than just about any other world leader on this planet. Charisma Queen that she is, I'm suprised half the world didn't simultaenously bomb the Helzan."

If anyone did that on South American Territory, the strike would be returned with twice the ferocity.

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And the only hope the Nords had for a peaceful period has been crushed. Norsvea was hoping for a period of diplomacy and internationalism under Lady Tintagyl. But no, racism has prevailed.

You speak as if you have no self-control. Now if you want peace, you won't just be able to get someone else to get it for you, but rather get it yourself. And through some means other than force.

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