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Public Notice from Karma

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White peace has no stipulations. This is most definitely NOT white peace. Stop trying to make out as if you guys have the moral high ground.

Also, you're beginning to you sound like the NPO. "Just because alliance wide terms may not be *this* lenient does not mean they will be harsh or unreasonable". Now your side alone gets to define leniency, and what constitutes harsh or unreasonable.

Considering our form of reasonable is less harsh than what NPO's side has repeatedly claimed to be reasonable I am thinking we will all be able to agree that we we put forward for terms will be reasonable.

You're right this is not white peace, it is as close to white peace as we could get while not leaving ourselves open to get bit in the $@!.

The community will decide who here has the moral high ground and I am pretty confident that they will see it is us.

Edit: really thought you were an NPOer for some reason, I changed "your side" to "NPO's side" to clarify.

Edited by KingSrqt
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The part that needs clarifying is what constitutes "this conflict" Is it when NPO surrenders. Is it when everyone supporting NPO surrenders? Is it after one month?

The way it is currently written, the anti-NPO sode could stretch this conflict for as long as they want to hound individual nations, whether that was their intent or not.

Are you part of this conflict? Why does this concern you.

This coalition is Karma, as such, I would not expect or demand anything more than our enemies have done in the past, we may be more generous out of good humor... but we owe nothing. The individual terms themselves are extremely lenient and just shows how merciful our leaders are.

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For all the omg hardcore Hegemony nations: Congratulations on not surrendering. I'm sure this has been noted and will terrify every member of the Karma Coalition from the top down.

I assume these terms were written with the intent that every nation with any connection with NPO would immediately surrender. They will be humbled by the tenacity of your resistance.

OR: Get over your individual selves. A lot of people play CN to build a nice little country for 10 minutes a day then go outside, others will've been destroyed to the extent that they can no longer be any more use on the AA than off it. Alliances like GGA do nothing to screen against this and as such have weak NS, alliances like MK hate stat-collectors and ghosts, and so have strong NS. There is a lot of weak NS on your side, so these terms are needed.

The 12 PoWs, including 5 on the green team, act as irrefutably strong testament to this.

This is very honorable, and something I thought karma was all for. If there is anything other than white peace at the end of "this conflict" for everyone involved (that wants it of course, can't account for those that would rather keep fighting), then karma will be no better than their enemies.
I don't think that's true at all. Should GWI be re-enacted word for word, but with a stronger coalition advantage? Naive.
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Anybody who aids a nation at war with us will have to answer to us. I think that's pretty clear. Alliances that have surrendered as a whole could receive aid without bother unless there's something specifying to the contrary (which I doubt will occur).

And you really think that anything other than white peace makes us no better than our enemies? Remember that we're fighting a defensive war here. Go look at some of the terms offered recently by the winners of aggressive wars and then try to tell me that something like, say, reparations for the damages done to the unjustly-attacked Ordo Verde would make us as bad as those who have practiced the obscene extortion of recent times.

So attacking an alliance of spies in unjustified now? Glad to see Karma has honor. :rolleyes:

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So attacking an alliance of spies in unjustified now? Glad to see Karma has honor. :rolleyes:

You realize that the Emperor of the NPO admitted to engaging in the same behavior he attacked OV for right? SO yes attacking alliances for things that you do is unjustified.

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So attacking an alliance of spies in unjustified now? Glad to see Karma has honor. :rolleyes:

Haha what?

Where do you get your facts from?

OV is as much an alliance of spies as the NPO is an alliance of small chubby truck drivers from Mars.

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Please forgive any perceived hostile tone, but what precisely has the Initiative sown that they shall now reap? Was it our honoring our commitment to defend our protector? Perhaps is the respectful tone that I have worked to maintain throughout this conflict? If the terms offered to an alliance will be commesurate with the behavior they have displayed then what is there to fear in regards to a timeline? If the "Karma" movement is sincerely commited to fairness then I would hazard there is nothing to fear in the end.

You have done nothing Tokugawa Mitsukuni beyond honor your treay agreements. I have the upmost of respect for TSI and you personally and if you face any trouble, do not hesist to give me a ring.

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Don't confuse getting stuck with the NPO via the treaty web with being on the NPO's side. <_<

Both sides (OV and the NPO) are scum in my personal opinion.

That's your personal opinion which of course I can respect.

However, questioning Karma's honor by saying they support "an alliance of spies" is something that was too ridiculous not to comment on.



You sir, aren't doing NPO's image any favors. I think you'd help them more by refraining from further comments.

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Surrender terms already? :(

My point exactly. I'm almost finished anarchying all of my 6 opponents, got 5 so far. The rest of my division's also doing pretty damn good! We're having such fun :(

Also - white peace? WTF?! When was white peace given in a Great War? That's like asking the Soviets to be gentle with the Nazis. If no alliances are destroyed in this war, and I hope none are, then Karma will give much better terms than NPO and Co. ever has!

Edit/clarity: I'm not saying that Hegemony are Nazis or that Soviets are Karma. What I am saying is that it would be extremely foolish to talk about white peace alliance-wide terms in a Great War.

Edited by Ilya Murometz
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